Willowtip Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address 250 Mercer Street 2nd Floor, Harmony, Pennsylvania, 16037
Country United States
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal, Grindcore
Founding Date 2000
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/willowtip
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/WillowtipRecords
Myspace https://myspace.com/willowtiprecords
Twitter https://twitter.com/willowtip
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/nmuntgu1kihw9nn1ch3aavjlx?si=I8QtzG39RfaZanUDL1XEWA
Bandcamp http://willowtip.bandcamp.com/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/willowtiprecords
Willowtip Records http://www.willowtip.com/store/


Name Country Genre Status
7 H.Target Russia brutal, death, experimental, technical Current
Abhorrent United States death, technical Current
Abysmal Torment Malta brutal, death Current
Afterbirth United States progressive, brutal, death Current
An Abstract Illusion Sweden atmospheric, death, progressive Current
Aodon France atmospheric, black Current
Behold the Arctopus United States progressive, technical Current
Brutus Netherlands brutal, death Current
Bufihimat Russia black, grind, hardcore, technical, death Current
Capharnaum United States death, technical Current
Carnosus Sweden thrash, melodic, technical, death Current
Cathexis United States death, technical Current
Ceremony of Silence Slovakia black, death Current
Cognizance United Kingdom death, hardcore, melodic, technical Current
Cognos Unknown death, progressive Current
Contrarian United States death, progressive Current
Countless Skies United Kingdom death, melodic Current
Creation Is Crucifixion United States hardcore, noise, technical Current
Crotchduster United States avant-garde, death Current
Daemusinem Italy black, melodic, death Current
Desecravity Japan brutal, death, technical Current
Devangelic Italy brutal, death Current
Dim Mak United States death Current
Dormant Ordeal Poland death Current
Electro Quarterstaff Canada progressive, technical Current
Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum Belarus brutal, death, technical Current
Extreme Noise Terror United Kingdom crust, death, punk, grind, hardcore Current
Ghost on Mars Italy progressive Current
Gigan United States death, progressive, technical Current
Gloria Morti Finland black, death, melodic Current
Gomorrah Canada death, groove, technical Current
Harakiri United States brutal, death, technical Current
Hath United States black, death, progressive Current
Iapetus United States death, melodic, progressive Current
Illogicist Italy death, technical Current
Impaled United States death, grind, hardcore Current
Infanticide Sweden death, grind, hardcore Current
Ingurgitating Oblivion Germany death, technical Current
Iniquitous Savagery United Kingdom brutal, death Current
Intonate Canada death, progressive, technical Current
Katharos Sweden black, symphonic Current
Kostnatění United States black Current
Krigsgrav United States melodic, post-metal, shoegaze, death, doom, black Current
Lamentations Singapore death, progressive Current
Lecherous Nocturne United States brutal, death, technical Current
Liminal Shroud Canada black Current
Malignancy United States brutal, death, technical Current
Mephistopheles Australia death, technical Current
Mithridatum International black, death, technical Current
Nausea United States death, grind, hardcore Current
No One Knows What the Dead Think United States grind, hardcore, technical Current
Noctambulist United States black, death Current
Nug Ukraine post-metal, progressive Current
Odious Mortem United States brutal, death, technical Current
Ominous Ruin United States brutal, death, technical Current
Parius United States death, melodic, rock, progressive Current
Phobia United States grind, hardcore Current
Plague Widow United States black, death, grind, hardcore Current
Putridity Italy brutal, death Current
Pyrrhon United States death, experimental Current
Relics of Humanity Belarus brutal, death Current
Sarpanitum United Kingdom death Current
Schizogen Ukraine brutal, death Current
Seputus United States black, death, technical Current
Seven Nines and Tens Canada post-metal, progressive Current
Severed Savior United States brutal, death, technical Current
Slugdge United Kingdom black, death, sludge Current
Sophicide Germany death, technical Current
Sunless United States death, progressive Current
Terminal Function Sweden death, djent, technical Current
The Anchoret Canada progressive Current
The Mosaic Window United States black, melodic Current
The Year of Our Lord United States death, melodic Current
Unfathomable Ruination United Kingdom brutal, death, technical Current
Unmerciful United States brutal, death Current
Vale of Pnath United States death, technical Current
Vile United States brutal, melodic, death Current
Afgrund Sweden death, grind, hardcore, punk Past
Alarum Australia fusion, progressive, thrash Past
Arsis United States death, melodic, technical Past
As Eden Burns United States death, melodic Past
Baring Teeth United States death, progressive, technical Past
Beyond Terror Beyond Grace Australia grind, hardcore, atmospheric, black, death Past
Blood Freak United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Cephalic Carnage United States death, grind, hardcore, technical Past
Circle of Dead Children United States brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Commit Suicide United States brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Corpus Mortale Denmark brutal, death Past
Crowpath Sweden grind, hardcore, math, progressive Past
Defeated Sanity Germany brutal, death, technical Past
Defeatist United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Disavowed Netherlands brutal, death Past
Discordance Axis United States grind, hardcore Past
Dismember Sweden death Past
Fate of Icarus United States brutal, death, hardcore, technical Past
Fleshgod Apocalypse Italy death, symphonic, technical Past
Goatsblood Canada doom, grind, hardcore, sludge Past
Gorod France death, progressive, technical Past
Gridlink United States grind, hardcore, technical Past
Grief United States doom, sludge Past
Kalibas United States brutal, black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Kill the Client United States grind, hardcore Past
Leng Tch'e Belgium grind, hardcore Past
Looking for an Answer Spain death, grind, hardcore Past
Macabre United States death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Maruta United States brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Misery Index United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Mithras United Kingdom death, experimental Past
Necrophagist Germany death, technical Past
Neuraxis Canada death, technical Past
Noisear United States grind, hardcore Past
Ominous Scriptures Belarus brutal, death Past
Prostitute Disfigurement Netherlands brutal, death Past
Psycroptic Australia death, technical Past
Rannoch United Kingdom death, progressive Past
Rotten Sound Finland grind, hardcore Past
Rune United States death, technical Past
Sadis Euphoria United States brutal, death Past
Saprogenic United States brutal, death Past
Severe Torture Netherlands death Past
Sickening Horror Greece death, technical Past
Spawn of Possession Sweden death, technical Past
Squash Bowels Poland death, grind, hardcore Past
Sulaco United States death, grind, hardcore Past
The Dying Light United States black, death, thrash Past
Ulcerate New Zealand avant-garde, death, technical Past
Unruh United States grind, hardcore Past
Upheaval United States hardcore, brutal, death Past
Vimana United States death, technical Past
Visceral Bleeding Sweden brutal, death, technical Past
Vulgar Pigeons United States grind, hardcore Past
Watchmaker United States black, grind, hardcore Past
Wormed Spain brutal, death, technical Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
7 H.Target Yantra Creating Full-length CD 2023
Abhorrent Intransigence Full-length CD 2015
Abhorrent Intransigence Full-length Digital 2015
Abysmal Torment Cultivate the Apostate Full-length CD 2014
Abysmal Torment Cultivate the Apostate Full-length Digital 2014
Abysmal Torment The Misanthrope Full-length CD 2018
Abysmal Torment The Misanthrope Full-length Digital 2018
Afgrund Vid helvetets grindar Full-length CD 2009
Afgrund The Age of Dumb Full-length CD 2012
Afterbirth In But Not Of Full-length Digital 2023
Afterbirth In But Not Of Full-length CD 2023
Afterbirth In But Not Of Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Afterbirth In But Not Of Full-length Cassette 2023
Afterbirth In But Not Of Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Alarum Natural Causes Full-length CD 2011
Alarum Eventuality Full-length CD 2004
Alarum Natural Causes Full-length Digital 2011
Alarum Eventuality Full-length Digital 2012
An Abstract Illusion Woe Full-length Digital 2022
An Abstract Illusion Woe Full-length CD 2022
An Abstract Illusion Woe Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
An Abstract Illusion Woe Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Aodon 11069 Full-length CD 2020
Aodon 11069 Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Aodon 11069 Full-length Digital 2020
Aodon Portraits Full-length CD 2023
Aodon Portraits Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Arsis A Celebration of Guilt Full-length CD 2004
Arsis A Diamond for Disease EP CD 2005
Arsis United in Regret Full-length CD 2006
Arsis A Celebration of Guilt Full-length CD 2011
Arsis A Celebration of Guilt Full-length 2 vinyls 2004
Arsis United in Regret Full-length CD 2014
Arsis A Diamond for Disease EP CD 2014
Arsis A Celebration of Guilt Full-length Digital 2011
As Eden Burns The Great Celestial Delusion Full-length CD 2008
Baring Teeth Atrophy Full-length CD 2011
Baring Teeth Ghost Chorus Among Old Ruins Full-length CD 2014
Baring Teeth Atrophy Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Behold the Arctopus Hapeleptic Overtrove Full-length Digital 2020
Behold the Arctopus Hapeleptic Overtrove Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Beyond Terror Beyond Grace Nadir Full-length CD 2012
Blood Freak Mindscraper Full-length CD 2011
Blood Freak Squalor Full-length CD 2014
Blood Freak Mindscraper Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Blood Freak Mindscraper Full-length Digital 2011
Brutus Murwgebeukt Full-length CD 2016
Brutus Murwgebeukt Full-length Digital 2016
Bufihimat I Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Bufihimat I Full-length CD 2018
Capharnaum Fractured Full-length CD 2004
Carnosus Visions of Infinihility Full-length CD 2024
Carnosus Visions of Infinihility Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Cathexis Untethered Abyss Full-length Digital 2021
Cathexis Untethered Abyss Full-length CD 2021
Cathexis Untethered Abyss Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Cephalic Carnage Halls of Amenti EP CD 2002
Ceremony of Silence Oútis Full-length CD 2019
Ceremony of Silence Oútis Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Ceremony of Silence Oútis Full-length Digital 2019
Ceremony of Silence Hálios Full-length CD 2024
Ceremony of Silence Hálios Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Ceremony of Silence Hálios Full-length Cassette 2024
Ceremony of Silence Hálios Full-length Digital 2024
Circle of Dead Children Starving the Vultures Full-length CD 1999
Circle of Dead Children Zero Comfort Margin Full-length CD 2005
Circle of Dead Children Psalm of the Grand Destroyer Full-length CD 2010
Circle of Dead Children The Genocide Machine Full-length 12" vinyl 2001
Circle of Dead Children Exotic Sense Decay EP CD 1999
Circle of Dead Children Psalm of the Grand Destroyer Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Circle of Dead Children Starving the Vultures Full-length Digital 1999
Circle of Dead Children Exotic Sense Decay EP Digital 2000
Circle of Dead Children Zero Comfort Margin Full-length Digital 2005
Circle of Dead Children Psalm of the Grand Destroyer Full-length Digital 2010
Cognizance Phantazein Full-length CD 2024
Cognizance Phantazein Full-length Digital 2024
Cognizance Phantazein Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Cognos Cognos Full-length Digital 2021
Cognos Cognos Full-length CD 2021
Commit Suicide Human Larvae [Earthly Cleansing] Full-length CD 2002
Commit Suicide Misery Index / Commit Suicide Split CD 2002
Misery Index Misery Index / Commit Suicide Split CD 2002
Commit Suicide Synthetics Full-length CD 2004
Commit Suicide Synthetics Full-length Digital 2009
Commit Suicide Human Larvae [Earthly Cleansing] Full-length Digital 2009
Contrarian Polemic Full-length CD 2015
Contrarian Polemic Full-length Digital 2015
Contrarian To Perceive Is to Suffer Full-length CD 2017
Contrarian To Perceive Is to Suffer Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Contrarian Their Worm Never Dies Full-length CD 2019
Contrarian Their Worm Never Dies Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Contrarian Their Worm Never Dies Full-length Digital 2019
Contrarian Only Time Will Tell Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Contrarian Only Time Will Tell Full-length CD 2020
Contrarian Only Time Will Tell Full-length Digital 2020
Contrarian Polemic Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Contrarian Sage of Shekhinah Full-length CD 2023
Contrarian Sage of Shekhinah Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Contrarian Sage of Shekhinah Full-length Digital 2023
Corpus Mortale A New Species of Deviant Full-length CD 2007
Countless Skies Glow Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Countless Skies Glow Full-length CD 2020
Countless Skies Glow Full-length Digital 2020
Countless Skies Glow Full-length Cassette 2020
Countless Skies Resonance Live album Digital 2023
Countless Skies Resonance Live album 12" vinyl 2023
Countless Skies Resonance Live album CD 2023
Creation Is Crucifixion Euro Tour EP EP CD 2000
Creation Is Crucifixion Splits Collection EP CD 2000
Creation Is Crucifixion Battle to the Death Split 7" vinyl 1999
Unruh Battle to the Death Split 7" vinyl 1999
Creation Is Crucifixion Automata Full-length 12" vinyl 2000
Creation Is Crucifixion Automata Full-length 12" vinyl 2000
Creation Is Crucifixion Automata Full-length 12" vinyl 2000
Crotchduster Big Fat Box of Shit Full-length CD 2004
Crotchduster Big Fat Box of Shit Full-length Digital 2009
Crowpath Son of Sulphur Full-length CD 2005
Crowpath Red on Chrome Full-length CD 2004
Crowpath One with Filth Full-length CD 2008
Crowpath Red on Chrome Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Daemusinem Thy Ungodly Defiance Full-length CD 2017
Daemusinem Thy Ungodly Defiance Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Daemusinem Thy Ungodly Defiance Full-length Digital 2017
Defeated Sanity Chapters of Repugnance Full-length CD 2010
Defeated Sanity Passages into Deformity Full-length CD + DVD 2013
Defeated Sanity Chapters of Repugnance Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Defeated Sanity Passages into Deformity Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Defeated Sanity Disposal of the Dead // Dharmata Full-length Digital 2016
Defeated Sanity Disposal of the Dead // Dharmata Full-length CD 2016
Defeated Sanity Disposal of the Dead // Dharmata Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Defeated Sanity Chapters of Repugnance Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Defeated Sanity Chapters of Repugnance Full-length CD 2018
Defeated Sanity Chapters of Repugnance Full-length Digital 2018
Defeated Sanity Chapters of Repugnance Full-length Digital 2010
Defeated Sanity Propelled into Sacrilege Single Digital 2020
Defeated Sanity The Sanguinary Impetus Full-length CD 2020
Defeated Sanity The Sanguinary Impetus Full-length Digital 2020
Defeated Sanity The Sanguinary Impetus Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Defeated Sanity The Complete Collection Boxed set Cassette 2022
Defeated Sanity Chapters of Repugnance Full-length CD 2010
Defeated Sanity Disposal of the Dead // Dharmata Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2024
Defeatist Sixth Extinction Full-length CD 2010
Defeatist Sharp Blade Sinks Deep into Dull Minds Compilation CD 2009
Desecravity Implicit Obedience Full-length CD 2012
Desecravity Orphic Signs Full-length CD 2014
Desecravity Orphic Signs Full-length Digital 2014
Desecravity Implicit Obedience Full-length Digital 2012
Desecravity Anathema Full-length Digital 2019
Desecravity Anathema Full-length CD 2019
Devangelic Ersetu Full-length CD 2020
Devangelic Ersetu Full-length Digital 2020
Devangelic Ersetu Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Devangelic Ersetu Full-length Cassette 2020
Devangelic Xul Full-length CD 2023
Devangelic Xul Full-length Digital 2023
Devangelic Xul Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Dim Mak Knives of Ice Full-length CD 2006
Dim Mak The Emergence of Reptilian Altars Full-length CD 2011
Disavowed Stagnated Existence Full-length CD 2007
Discordance Axis The Inalienable Dreamless Full-length CD 2022
Discordance Axis The Inalienable Dreamless Full-length Digital 2021
Discordance Axis The Inalienable Dreamless Full-length 2 vinyls 2022
Discordance Axis Jouhou Full-length CD 2022
Discordance Axis Jouhou Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Dismember Like an Everflowing Stream Full-length CD 2012
Electro Quarterstaff Gretzky Full-length CD 2006
Electro Quarterstaff Aykroyd Full-length CD 2011
Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum Šahrartu Full-length CD 2021
Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum Šahrartu Full-length Digital 2021
Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum Šahrartu Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum Utpāda Single Digital 2020
Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum Opium Single Digital 2021
Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum Šahrartu Full-length Cassette 2021
Extreme Noise Terror Extreme Noise Terror Full-length CD 2015
Extreme Noise Terror Extreme Noise Terror Full-length Digital 2015
Fate of Icarus Cut Your Throat Before They Do Full-length CD 2001
Fate of Icarus Suffocate the Angels Compilation CD 1999
Fate of Icarus Creation Is Crucifixion / Fate of Icarus Split 7" vinyl 1999
Creation Is Crucifixion Creation Is Crucifixion / Fate of Icarus Split 7" vinyl 1999
Fleshgod Apocalypse Mafia EP CD 2010
Fleshgod Apocalypse Oracles Full-length CD 2009
Fleshgod Apocalypse Mafia EP Digital 2010
Fleshgod Apocalypse Oracles Full-length Digital 2009
Ghost on Mars Out of Time and Space Full-length Digital 2024
Ghost on Mars Out of Time and Space Full-length CD 2024
Gigan Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes Full-length CD 2011
Gigan Multi-Dimensional Fractal-Sorcery and Super Science Full-length CD 2013
Gigan Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Gigan Undulating Waves of Rainbiotic Iridescence Full-length CD 2017
Gigan Undulating Waves of Rainbiotic Iridescence Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Gigan Multi-Dimensional Fractal-Sorcery and Super Science Full-length Digital 2013
Gigan Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes Full-length Digital 2011
Gloria Morti Kuebiko Full-length CD 2016
Gloria Morti Kuebiko Full-length Digital 2016
Goatsblood Drull Full-length CD 2003
Gomorrah Gomorrah Full-length Digital 2019
Gomorrah Gomorrah Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Gomorrah Gomorrah Full-length CD 2019
Gorod Leading Vision Full-length CD 2006
Gorod Process of a New Decline Full-length CD 2009
Gorod Neurotripsicks Full-length CD 2005
Gorod Process of a New Decline Full-length Digital 2009
Gorod Leading Vision Full-length Digital 2009
Gorod Neurotripsicks Full-length Digital 2009
Gridlink Coronet Juniper Full-length Digital 2023
Gridlink Coronet Juniper Full-length CD 2023
Gridlink Coronet Juniper Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Grief Come to Grief Full-length CD 2010
Harakiri Twilight of the Idols Full-length CD 2002
Hath Of Rot and Ruin Full-length Digital 2019
Hath Of Rot and Ruin Full-length CD 2019
Hath Of Rot and Ruin Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Hath Hive EP CD 2020
Hath Hive EP Digital 2020
Hath All That Was Promised Full-length CD 2022
Hath All That Was Promised Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Hath All That Was Promised Full-length Digital 2022
Hath Hive EP 12" vinyl 2020
Hath Of Rot and Ruin Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Illogicist The Insight Eye Full-length CD 2007
Illogicist The Unconsciousness of Living Full-length CD 2011
Impaled The Last Gasp Full-length CD 2007
Impaled The Dead Still Dead Remain Full-length CD 2013
Impaled The Dead Still Dead Remain Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Impaled The Last Gasp Full-length Digital 2013
Impaled The Dead Still Dead Remain Full-length Digital 2013
Infanticide From Our Cold, Dead Hands Full-length CD 2010
Infanticide Misconception of Hope Full-length CD 2013
Ingurgitating Oblivion Continuum of Absence Full-length CD 2014
Ingurgitating Oblivion Vision Wallows in Symphonies of Light Full-length CD 2017
Ingurgitating Oblivion Vision Wallows in Symphonies of Light Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Ingurgitating Oblivion Continuum of Absence Full-length Digital 2014
Iniquitous Savagery Antinatalist Single Digital 2020
Intonate Severed Within Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Intonate Severed Within Full-length CD 2021
Intonate Severed Within Full-length Digital 2021
Kalibas Product of Hard Living Full-length CD 2002
Kalibas Enthusiastic Corruption of the Common Good EP CD 2003
Katharos Of Lineages Long Forgotten Full-length CD 2022
Katharos Of Lineages Long Forgotten Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Katharos Of Lineages Long Forgotten Full-length Digital 2022
Kill the Client Escalation of Hostility Full-length CD 2005
Kill the Client Cleptocracy Full-length CD 2008
Kostnatění Úpal Full-length Digital 2023
Kostnatění Úpal Full-length CD 2023
Kostnatění Úpal Full-length Cassette 2023
Kostnatění Úpal Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Lamentations Passion of Depression Full-length Digital 2022
Lamentations Passion of Depression Full-length CD 2022
Lamentations Passion of Depression Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Lamentations Passion of Depression Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Lecherous Nocturne Occultaclysmic Full-length Digital 2018
Lecherous Nocturne Occultaclysmic Full-length CD 2018
Lecherous Nocturne Occultaclysmic Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Leng Tch'e ManMadePredator Full-length CD 2003
Liminal Shroud All Virtues Ablaze Full-length CD 2022
Liminal Shroud All Virtues Ablaze Full-length Digital 2022
Liminal Shroud All Virtues Ablaze Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Liminal Shroud Visions of Collapse Full-length CD 2024
Liminal Shroud Visions of Collapse Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Liminal Shroud Visions of Collapse Full-length Digital 2024
Looking for an Answer Dios carne Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Looking for an Answer Dios carne Full-length CD 2017
Looking for an Answer Dios carne Full-length Digital 2017
Macabre Grim Scary Tales Full-length CD 2011
Malignancy Inhuman Grotesqueries Full-length CD 2007
Malignancy Eugenics Full-length CD 2012
Malignancy Eugenics Full-length CD 2012
Malignancy Inhuman Grotesqueries Full-length Digital 2007
Malignancy ...Discontinued Full-length Digital 2024
Malignancy ...Discontinued Full-length CD 2024
Malignancy ...Discontinued Full-length Cassette 2024
Malignancy ...Discontinued Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Maruta In Narcosis Full-length CD 2008
Maruta Forward into Regression Full-length CD 2011
Mephistopheles Sounds of the End Full-length CD 2013
Mephistopheles In Reverence of Forever EP CD 2016
Mephistopheles In Reverence of Forever EP Digital 2016
Mithras On Strange Loops Full-length CD 2016
Mithras On Strange Loops Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Mithridatum Sojourn Single Digital 2022
Mithridatum Harrowing Full-length Digital 2023
Mithridatum Harrowing Full-length CD 2023
Mithridatum Harrowing Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Nausea Condemned to the System Full-length CD 2014
Nausea Condemned to the System Full-length Digital 2014
Necrophagist Onset of Putrefaction Full-length CD 2004
Neuraxis Trilateral Progression Full-length CD 2005
Neuraxis Truth | Imagery | Passage Compilation 2CD 2004
No One Knows What the Dead Think No One Knows What the Dead Think Full-length Digital 2019
No One Knows What the Dead Think No One Knows What the Dead Think Full-length CD 2019
No One Knows What the Dead Think No One Knows What the Dead Think Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
No One Knows What the Dead Think No One Knows What the Dead Think Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Noctambulist The Barren Form Full-length Digital 2021
Noctambulist The Barren Form Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Noctambulist The Barren Form Full-length Cassette 2021
Noctambulist The Barren Form Full-length CD 2021
Noisear Turbulent Resurgence Full-length CD 2012
Nug Alter Ego Full-length CD 2020
Nug Alter Ego Full-length Digital 2020
Odious Mortem Cryptic Implosion Full-length CD 2007
Odious Mortem Synesthesia Full-length CD 2020
Odious Mortem Synesthesia Full-length Digital 2020
Odious Mortem Synesthesia Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Ominous Ruin Amidst Voices That Echo in Stone Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Ominous Ruin Amidst Voices That Echo in Stone Full-length CD 2021
Ominous Ruin Amidst Voices That Echo in Stone Full-length Digital 2021
Ominous Scriptures The Fall of the Celestial Throne Full-length CD 2020
Ominous Scriptures The Fall of the Celestial Throne Full-length Digital 2020
Ominous Scriptures Rituals of Mass Self​-​Ignition Full-length Digital 2023
Ominous Scriptures Rituals of Mass Self​-​Ignition Full-length CD 2023
Ominous Scriptures Rituals of Mass Self​-​Ignition Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Parius The Signal Heard Throughout Space Full-length Digital 2022
Parius The Signal Heard Throughout Space Full-length CD 2022
Parius The Eldritch Realm Full-length CD 2022
Parius The Signal Heard Throughout Space Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Parius The Eldritch Realm Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Phobia Cruel Full-length CD 2006
Phobia 22 Random Acts of Violence Full-length CD 2008
Phobia Remnants of Filth Full-length CD 2012
Phobia Remnants of Filth Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Phobia Grind Core Compilation CD 2014
Phobia Lifeless God Full-length CD 2017
Phobia Lifeless God Full-length Digital 2017
Phobia Grind Core Compilation Digital 2014
Phobia Generation Coward EP CD 2019
Phobia Generation Coward EP 12" vinyl 2019
Phobia Generation Coward EP Digital 2019
Phobia Death to Leeches Single Digital 2023
Prostitute Disfigurement From Crotch to Crown Full-length CD 2014
Prostitute Disfigurement From Crotch to Crown Full-length Digital 2014
Prostitute Disfigurement Descendants of Depravity Full-length CD + DVD 2009
Prostitute Disfigurement Left in Grisly Fashion Full-length CD 2005
Prostitute Disfigurement Descendants of Depravity Full-length Digital 2009
Prostitute Disfigurement Left in Grisly Fashion Full-length Digital 2009
Psycroptic Symbols of Failure Full-length CD 2006
Putridity Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria Full-length CD 2011
Putridity Ignominious Atonement Full-length CD 2015
Putridity Ignominious Atonement Full-length Digital 2015
Putridity Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria Full-length Digital 2011
Putridity Mental Prolapse Induced Necrophilism Full-length CD 2018
Putridity Mental Prolapse Induced Necrophilism Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Putridity Mental Prolapse Induced Necrophilism Full-length Digital 2018
Putridity Greedy Gory Gluttony EP CD 2023
Putridity Greedy Gory Gluttony EP 7" vinyl 2023
Putridity Ignominious Atonement Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Putridity Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Pyrrhon What Passes for Survival Full-length CD 2017
Pyrrhon What Passes for Survival Full-length Digital 2017
Pyrrhon Abscess Time Full-length Digital 2020
Pyrrhon Abscess Time Full-length CD 2020
Pyrrhon Abscess Time Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Pyrrhon Abscess Time Full-length Cassette 2021
Pyrrhon Abscess Time Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Pyrrhon What Passes for Survival Full-length Cassette 2021
Rannoch Conflagrations Full-length Digital 2023
Rannoch Conflagrations Full-length CD 2023
Rannoch Conflagrations Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Relics of Humanity Obscuration EP Digital 2019
Relics of Humanity Obscuration EP CD 2019
Relics of Humanity Obscuration EP 12" vinyl 2019
Relics of Humanity Mentally Deprived Single Digital 2021
Rotten Sound Exit Full-length CD 2005
Rotten Sound Exit Full-length 12" vinyl 2005
Rune The End of Nothing Full-length CD 2003
Rune The End of Nothing Full-length CD 2004
Sadis Euphoria Frigid Silence Spilling EP CD 2001
Sadis Euphoria Instinct | Obsession Full-length CD 2003
Saprogenic Expanding Toward Collapsed Lungs Full-length CD 2013
Sarpanitum Blessed Be My Brothers... Full-length CD 2015
Schizogen Spawn of Almighty Essence Full-length CD 2020
Schizogen Spawn of Almighty Essence Full-length Digital 2020
Schizogen Out of the Light Single Digital 2024
Seputus Phantom Indigo Full-length CD 2021
Seputus Phantom Indigo Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Seputus Phantom Indigo Full-length Digital 2021
Seven Nines and Tens Over Opiated in a Forest of Whispering Speakers Full-length CD 2022
Seven Nines and Tens Over Opiated in a Forest of Whispering Speakers Full-length Digital 2022
Severe Torture Feasting on Blood Full-length CD 2011
Severe Torture Misanthropic Carnage Full-length CD 2011
Severed Savior Servile Insurrection Full-length CD 2008
Severed Savior Servile Insurrection Full-length Digital 2009
Sickening Horror When Landscapes Bled Backwards Full-length CD 2007
Sickening Horror When Landscapes Bled Backwards Full-length Digital 2007
Slugdge Dim & Slimeridden Kingdoms Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Slugdge The Cosmic Cornucopia Compilation 3CD 2017
Slugdge Esoteric Malacology Full-length Digital 2018
Slugdge Esoteric Malacology Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2018
Slugdge Esoteric Malacology Full-length CD 2018
Slugdge Gastronomicon Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2018
Slugdge The Cosmic Cornucopia Compilation Digital 2017
Slugdge Born of Slime Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Slugdge Esoteric Malacology Full-length Cassette 2018
Slugdge The Cosmic Cornucopia Compilation 3 cassettes 2021
Slugdge Esoteric Malacology Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2018
Slugdge The Cosmic Cornucopia Compilation 6 12" vinyls 2024
Slugdge Dim & Slimeridden Kingdoms Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2024
Slugdge Gastronomicon Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2024
Sophicide Perdition of the Sublime Full-length CD 2012
Sophicide Perdition of the Sublime Full-length Digital 2012
Spawn of Possession Noctambulant Full-length CD 2006
Squash Bowels Grindvirus Full-length CD 2009
Sulaco Tearing Through the Roots Full-length CD 2006
Sulaco Tearing Through the Roots Full-length Digital None
Sunless Ylem Full-length CD 2021
Sunless Ylem Full-length Cassette 2021
Sunless Ylem Full-length Digital 2021
Sunless Ylem Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Terminal Function Measuring the Abstract Full-length CD 2008
Terminal Function Clockwork Sky Full-length CD 2015
Terminal Function Measuring the Abstract Full-length Digital 2008
Terminal Function Clockwork Sky Full-length Digital 2015
The Anchoret It All Began with Loneliness Full-length Digital 2023
The Anchoret It All Began with Loneliness Full-length CD 2023
The Anchoret It All Began with Loneliness Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
The Anchoret It All Began with Loneliness Full-length Digital 2023
The Anchoret It All Began with Loneliness Full-length Digital 2023
The Dying Light The Killing Plan Full-length CD 2005
The Mosaic Window Plight of Acceptance Full-length CD 2023
The Mosaic Window Plight of Acceptance Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
The Year of Our Lord The Year of Our Lord Full-length CD 2002
The Year of Our Lord Dead to You Compilation 2CD 2009
Ulcerate Everything Is Fire Full-length CD 2009
Ulcerate The Destroyers of All Full-length CD 2011
Ulcerate Of Fracture and Failure Full-length CD 2007
Ulcerate The Destroyers of All Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Ulcerate Everything Is Fire Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Ulcerate The Destroyers of All Full-length CD 2011
Ulcerate The Destroyers of All Full-length CD 2011
Ulcerate The Destroyers of All Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Unfathomable Ruination Enraged & Unbound Full-length CD 2019
Unfathomable Ruination Enraged & Unbound Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Unfathomable Ruination Enraged & Unbound Full-length Digital 2019
Unfathomable Ruination Decennium Ruinae EP Digital 2021
Unfathomable Ruination Decennium Ruinae EP CD 2021
Unfathomable Ruination Decennium Ruinae EP 12" vinyl 2021
Unmerciful Wrath Encompassed Full-length CD 2020
Unmerciful Wrath Encompassed Full-length Digital 2020
Unmerciful Wrath Encompassed Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Upheaval Testimony to the Atrocities Full-length CD 2001
Vale of Pnath The Prodigal Empire Full-length CD 2011
Vale of Pnath The Prodigal Empire Full-length CD 2012
Vale of Pnath II Full-length CD 2016
Vale of Pnath The Prodigal Empire Full-length Digital 2016
Vale of Pnath II Full-length Digital 2016
Vale of Pnath Accursed EP 12" vinyl 2019
Vale of Pnath Accursed EP CD 2019
Vale of Pnath Accursed EP Digital 2019
Vale of Pnath II Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Vale of Pnath Between the Worlds of Life and Death Full-length CD 2024
Vale of Pnath Between the Worlds of Life and Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Vale of Pnath The Prodigal Empire Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Vale of Pnath Between the Worlds of Life and Death Full-length Digital 2024
Vile Metamorphosis Full-length CD 2011
Vile Metamorphosis Full-length Digital 2011
Vimana The Collapse EP CD 2018
Visceral Bleeding Remnants Revived Compilation CD 2009
Visceral Bleeding Absorbing the Disarray Full-length CD 2007
Visceral Bleeding Transcend into Ferocity Full-length CD 2009
Vulgar Pigeons Imperialism Full-length CD 2004
Vulgar Pigeons Imperialism Full-length Digital 2013
Watchmaker Kill.Fucking.Everyone. Full-length CD 2003
Watchmaker Erased from the Memory of Man Full-length CD 2005
Watchmaker Kill.Fucking.Everyone. Full-length Digital 2003
Wormed Exodromos Full-length CD 2013
Wormed Planisphærium Full-length CD 2012
Wormed Quasineutrality V.2 EP CD 2012
Wormed Exodromos Full-length 12" vinyl 2015