Weird Truth Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address 2-3-11-101 Hayashi, Atsugi, Kanagawa, 243-0816 JAPAN
Country Japan
Status active
Styles And Specialties Doom, Death, Black Metal
Founding Date 1999
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Basilisk Japan black, death Current
Begräbnis Japan doom, funeral Current
De-nihil Japan death, grind, hardcore Current
Dea Marica United Kingdom death, doom Current
Funeral Moth Japan doom, funeral Current
Funeralium France doom, funeral Current
Hyponic Hong Kong death, funeral, doom Current
Imindain United Kingdom black, death, doom Current
Lifeblood Japan black, depressive, doom Current
Lucus a Non Lucendo Italy ambient, black Current
Miasma Death Japan black Current
Morquido Japan brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Onset Singapore doom, post-metal Current
Worship Germany doom, funeral Current
Assumption Italy death, doom Past
Ataraxie France death, doom, funeral Past
Beneath Oblivion United States doom, sludge Past
Cauldron Black Ram Australia black, death Past
Ceremonium United States death, doom Past
Crucified Mortals United States thrash Past
Deadly Spawn Japan death Past
Deathchurch Japan black Past
Estrangement Australia doom, funeral, neoclassical Past
Gnome Japan black Past
Indesinence United Kingdom death, doom Past
Lord France symphonic, thrash, black Past
Loss United States death, doom, funeral Past
Majestic Downfall Mexico death, doom Past
Mournful Congregation Australia doom, funeral Past
Nyarlathotep Japan death, doom Past
Pissboiler Sweden death, doom, funeral Past
Profetus Finland doom, funeral Past
Sanctifier Brazil death Past
Sol Denmark death, ambient, avant-garde, dark, experimental, doom Past
StarGazer Australia avant-garde, black, death Past
Throneum Poland black, death Past
Yawning Void Finland black, death, doom Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Assumption Mosaic of the Distant Dominion Demo CD 2019
Ataraxie Slow Transcending Agony Full-length CD 2005
Ataraxie Anhédonie Full-length CD 2008
Ataraxie Bethlehems Bastarde Split CD 2009
Imindain Bethlehems Bastarde Split CD 2009
Ataraxie Project X Compilation 2CD 2011
Ataraxie L'être et la nausée Full-length 2CD 2013
Ataraxie Slow Transcending Agony Full-length CD 2015
Ataraxie Résignés Full-length 2CD 2019
Basilisk End of Catastrophe Full-length CD 2013
Begräbnis Izanaena Full-length CD 2020
Beneath Oblivion The Wayward and the Lost Full-length CD 2018
Cauldron Black Ram Slubberdegullion Full-length CD 2010
Cauldron Black Ram Skulduggery Full-length CD 2005
Ceremonium Dreams We Have Written Compilation 2CD 2012
Crucified Mortals Converted by Decapitation EP CD 2004
Dea Marica Curse of the Haunted Full-length CD 2013
Deadly Spawn From Beyond the Dark Full-length CD 2008
Deathchurch Deathchurch / Morquido Split 7" vinyl 2005
Morquido Deathchurch / Morquido Split 7" vinyl 2005
Estrangement Begräbnis / Estrangement Split CD 2014
Begräbnis Begräbnis / Estrangement Split CD 2014
Funeral Moth The Moth Flying to the Funeral Sky Demo Cassette 2006
Funeral Moth Funeral Moth EP CD 2008
Funeral Moth Dense Fog Full-length CD 2014
Funeral Moth Transience Full-length CD 2016
Funeral Moth Polar Single CD 2020
Funeralium Deceived Idealism Full-length 2CD 2013
Funeralium Of Throes and Blight Full-length 2CD 2017
Funeralium Decrepit Full-length CD 2021
Hyponic 前行者 Full-length CD 2016
Imindain And the Living Shall Envy the Dead... Full-length CD 2007
Imindain The Enemy of Fetters and the Dweller in the Woods EP CD 2017
Indesinence Neptunian EP CD 2006
Lifeblood Shattered Wishes Full-length CD 2015
Lifeblood Melancholic Euphoria Full-length CD 2021
Lord Hell's Fucking Metal Full-length CD 2003
Loss Life Without Hope... Death Without Reason Demo Cassette 2005
Lucus a Non Lucendo Philosophical Black Purity Full-length CD 2012
Majestic Downfall Waters of Fate Full-length CD 2018
Miasma Death 沈 Reflection in the Dark Water Full-length CD 2024
Mournful Congregation The Monad of Creation Full-length CD 2005
Mournful Congregation The Dawning of Mournful Hymns Compilation 2CD 2002
Mournful Congregation The June Frost Full-length CD 2009
Mournful Congregation The Book of Kings Full-length CD 2011
Mournful Congregation The Monad of Creation Full-length CD 2010
Mournful Congregation The Incubus of Karma Full-length CD 2018
Mournful Congregation The Dawning of Mournful Hymns Compilation 2CD 2004
Nyarlathotep Funereal Dusk / Human Soul Split CD 2002
Nyarlathotep Story - Legendary Japanese Wolves Split Cassette 1999
Gnome Story - Legendary Japanese Wolves Split Cassette 1999
Nyarlathotep Lost Effigy< / Story -Legendary Japanese Wolves- Split Cassette 1999
Gnome Lost Effigy< / Story -Legendary Japanese Wolves- Split Cassette 1999
Onset Unstructured Dissemination EP CD 2018
Pissboiler Att med kniv ta en kristens liv EP CD 2018
Profetus Open the Passages in Dusk Full-length CD 2012
Profetus As All Seasons Die EP CD 2014
Profetus Coronation of the Black Sun / Saturnine Full-length 2CD 2017
Sanctifier Awaked by Impurity Rites Full-length CD 2004
Sol Sol / Begräbnis Split CD 2016
Begräbnis Sol / Begräbnis Split CD 2016
StarGazer Occidentale Magick Compilation CD 2006
Throneum Bestial Antihuman Evil EP CD 2002
Throneum Old Death's Lair Full-length CD 2002
Worship Terranean Wake Full-length CD 2012
Worship Last Tape Before Doomsday Demo Cassette 2000
Worship Last CD Before Doomsday Demo CD 2004
Worship Last CD Before Doomsday Demo CD 2006
Worship Last CD Before Doomsday Demo CD 2008
Worship Last CD Before Doomsday Demo CD 2014
Yawning Void Streams Within Full-length CD 2019