Brazilian Ritual Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address São Paulo, Brazil.
Country Brazil
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Owner's Facebook


Name Country Genre Status
Ad Baculum Brazil black Current
Beelzeebubth Brazil black, death Current
Bellicum Bestiallis Brazil black, death Current
Bestymator Brazil black Current
C.R.U.E Brazil black, death Current
Goatpenis Brazil black, death Current
Kastiphas Brazil black, death Current
Unholy Flames Brazil black Current
Archgoat Finland black, death Past
Behalf Fiend Brazil black Past
Beherit Finland ambient, black, dark Past
Bemdesar Bolivia black Past
Black Witchery United States black, death Past
Blasphemy Canada black, death Past
Bode Preto Brazil black Past
Crematory Brazil black, death Past
Deiphago Philippines black, death Past
Disforterror Brazil death Past
Ekron Cult Paraguay death Past
Goat Semen Peru black, death Past
Goat Skull Mexico black Past
Grave Desecrator Brazil black, death Past
Holocausto Brazil technical, thrash, black, experimental, industrial Past
Imperial Tyrants Singapore black Past
Impurity Brazil black Past
In Infernal War Brazil black Past
Infernal Curse Argentina black, death Past
Infernal Execrator Singapore black, death Past
Kulto Maldito Bolivia black, death Past
Malediction 666 Brazil black, death Past
Maniac Butcher Czechia black Past
Mausoleum Brazil black, death Past
Morbosidad United States black, death Past
Nebiros Colombia black Past
Necroholocaust Canada black, death Past
Necrolust Brazil black Past
Nocturnal Damnation International black, death Past
Perlokus Brazil black, death Past
Revenge Canada black, death Past
Sarcófago Brazil black, death, thrash Past
Surrender of Divinity Thailand black Past
Swamp Greece black, thrash Past
Tormentador Brazil black, death Past
Transgressor Brazil black, death Past
Witchcraft Finland black, death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Ad Baculum Live in Brazilian Ritual Fourth Attack Live album CD 2016
Ad Baculum Summe Potens & Callidus Full-length CD 2017
Ad Baculum Morbid End of Cannibalistic Cosmos Full-length CD 2016
Ad Baculum The Birth of the Human Tragedy Full-length CD 2019
Ad Baculum The Birth of the Human Tragedy Full-length Digital 2019
Ad Baculum Summe Potens & Callidus Full-length Digital 2019
Archgoat The Luciferian Crown Full-length CD 2018
Beelzeebubth Sæculum Obscurum (Regressing More Than a Generation) EP 7" vinyl 2020
Beelzeebubth Sæculum Obscurum (Regressing More Than a Generation) EP Digital 2020
Behalf Fiend Satanic Tumult Split 7" vinyl 2023
Witchcraft Satanic Tumult Split 7" vinyl 2023
Beherit Seventh Blasphemy Demo CD 2017
Beherit Seventh Blasphemy Demo Cassette 2017
Beherit Seventh Blasphemy Demo 12" vinyl 2017
Beherit Morbid Rehearsals Demo CD 2019
Beherit Morbid Rehearsals Demo 7" vinyl 2019
Beherit Morbid Rehearsals Demo Cassette 2019
Beherit Morbid Rehearsals Demo Digital 2019
Beherit Seventh Blasphemy Demo Digital 2019
Beherit At the Devil's Studio 1990 Full-length CD 2021
Beherit Bardo Exist Full-length CD 2021
Beherit Beast of Beherit: Complete Worxxx Compilation CD 2021
Beherit Drawing Down the Moon Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Bestymator Repetir, Atormentar e Infernizar / Rituais de Guerra e Imprecações Split 12" vinyl 2017
Bellicum Bestiallis Repetir, Atormentar e Infernizar / Rituais de Guerra e Imprecações Split 12" vinyl 2017
Bestymator Pela Eterna Glória do Mal Compilation 2CD 2022
Black Witchery Brazilian Ritual Second Attack Split video DVD 2014
Impurity Brazilian Ritual Second Attack Split video DVD 2014
Archgoat Brazilian Ritual Second Attack Split video DVD 2014
Grave Desecrator Brazilian Ritual Second Attack Split video DVD 2014
Blasphemy Brazilian Ritual - Third Attack Split video DVD 2015
Revenge Brazilian Ritual - Third Attack Split video DVD 2015
Goatpenis Brazilian Ritual - Third Attack Split video DVD 2015
Bestymator Brazilian Ritual - Third Attack Split video DVD 2015
Blasphemy Desecration of São Paulo: Live in Brazilian Ritual - Third Attack Live album CD 2016
Blasphemy Desecration of São Paulo: Live in Brazilian Ritual - Third Attack Live album 12" vinyl 2016
Blasphemy Desecration of São Paulo: Live in Brazilian Ritual - Third Attack Live album Cassette 2016
Blasphemy Desecration of Belo Horizonte: Live in Brazilian Ritual - Fifth Attack Live album CD + DVD 2019
Blasphemy Desecration of Belo Horizonte: Live in Brazilian Ritual - Fifth Attack Live album 12" vinyl + DVD 2019
Blasphemy Desecration of Belo Horizonte: Live in Brazilian Ritual - Fifth Attack Live album Cassette 2019
Blasphemy Desecration of Belo Horizonte: Live in Brazilian Ritual - Fifth Attack Live album Digital 2019
Bode Preto Goat Spells Full-length CD 2021
Crematory Lord of Lords Demo CD 2021
Crematory Lord of Lords Demo Digital 2021
Deiphago Brazilian Ritual: Bestial Massacre II Live album 12" vinyl 2017
Deiphago Brazilian Ritual: Bestial Massacre II Live album Cassette 2017
Deiphago Brazilian Ritual: Bestial Massacre II Live album CD 2017
Disforterror Blasphemous Alliance of Chaos Split CD 2017
Nocturnal Damnation Blasphemous Alliance of Chaos Split CD 2017
Perlokus Blasphemous Alliance of Chaos Split CD 2017
Disforterror Blasphemous Alliance of Chaos Split Digital 2019
Nocturnal Damnation Blasphemous Alliance of Chaos Split Digital 2019
Perlokus Blasphemous Alliance of Chaos Split Digital 2019
Goat Semen Live Die Hard in Copenhagen Hell Live album Digital 2021
Goat Semen Live Die Hard in Copenhagen Hell Live album CD 2021
Goatpenis Live in Brazilian Ritual - Third Attack Live album CD 2016
Goatpenis Live in Brazilian Ritual - Third Attack Live album Cassette 2016
Goatpenis Live in Brazilian Ritual - Third Attack Live album 12" vinyl 2016
Goatpenis Apocalypse War Full-length 12" vinyl + DVD 2018
Goatpenis Apocalypse War Full-length Digital 2019
Goatpenis Apocalypse War Full-length CD + DVD 2018
Goatpenis Apocalypse War Full-length Cassette 2018
Goatpenis End Full-length Digital 2024
Goatpenis End Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Goatpenis End Full-length CD 2024
Goatpenis End Full-length Cassette 2024
Holocausto War Metal in Belo Horizonte - Live in Brazilian Ritual Fifth Attack Live album CD + DVD 2018
Holocausto War Metal in Belo Horizonte - Live in Brazilian Ritual Fifth Attack Live album 12" vinyl + CD + DVD 2018
Holocausto War Metal in Belo Horizonte - Live in Brazilian Ritual Fifth Attack Live album 12" vinyl + DVD 2018
Holocausto War Metal in Belo Horizonte - Live in Brazilian Ritual Fifth Attack Live album Digital 2019
Holocausto War Metal in Belo Horizonte - Live in Brazilian Ritual Fifth Attack Live album Cassette 2018
Holocausto Diário de Guerra Full-length CD 2020
Holocausto War Metal Massacre EP CD 2020
Impurity All in the Name of Satan Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Impurity All in the Name of Satan Full-length Cassette 2017
Impurity All in the Name of Satan Full-length Digital 2019
In Infernal War Dilacerando Entranhas em Pugnas Barbáries Full-length Digital 2019
In Infernal War Dilacerando Entranhas em Pugnas Barbáries Full-length CD 2019
In Infernal War Dilacerando Entranhas em Pugnas Barbáries Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Infernal Curse Ceilanic Exhumations EP 7" vinyl 2018
Infernal Curse Ceilanic Exhumations EP Digital 2019
Infernal Curse Ceilanic Exhumations EP 7" vinyl 2019
Infernal Execrator M.C.B.L Heathen Blood Cult Split Vinyl 2018
Imperial Tyrants M.C.B.L Heathen Blood Cult Split Vinyl 2018
Infernal Execrator M.C.B.L Heathen Blood Cult Split CD 2018
Imperial Tyrants M.C.B.L Heathen Blood Cult Split CD 2018
Infernal Execrator MCBL Heathen Blood Cult Split Digital 2019
Imperial Tyrants MCBL Heathen Blood Cult Split Digital 2019
Kastiphas Babalon, Mother of Abominations (The Woman with Scarlet Soul) Single Digital 2021
Kastiphas Intense Bewitched Instinct Full-length Digital 2022
Kastiphas Intense Bewitched Instinct Full-length CD 2022
Kulto Maldito Maldita komunión de los chivos Split 12" vinyl 2017
Goat Skull Maldita komunión de los chivos Split 12" vinyl 2017
Kulto Maldito Profano ritual - Engendros somos del Infierno EP Vinyl 2017
Kulto Maldito Profano ritual - Engendros somos del Infierno EP Digital 2019
Malediction 666 The First 20 Years Compilation CD 2017
Malediction 666 The First 20 Years Compilation Digital 2019
Maniac Butcher Krvestřeb Full-length CD 2019
Maniac Butcher Invaze Full-length CD 2019
Maniac Butcher Immortal Death Demo CD 2021
Maniac Butcher The Incapable Carrion Demo CD 2021
Maniac Butcher Metal from Hell EP CD 2021
Mausoleum Bestial Massacre ao Vivo em Sao Paulo Live album CD 2021
Mausoleum 20 Anos de Bestial Massacre Full-length CD 2023
Mausoleum Unión satánica de América del Sur Split Digital 2023
Nebiros Unión satánica de América del Sur Split Digital 2023
Bemdesar Unión satánica de América del Sur Split Digital 2023
Ekron Cult Unión satánica de América del Sur Split Digital 2023
Morbosidad Muerte de Cristo en São Paulo - Ao Vivo no Brazilian Ritual Fourth Attack Live album 12" vinyl 2016
Morbosidad Muerte de Cristo en São Paulo - Ao Vivo no Brazilian Ritual Fourth Attack Live album CD 2016
Morbosidad Muerte de Cristo en São Paulo - Ao Vivo no Brazilian Ritual Fourth Attack Live album Cassette 2016
Morbosidad Corona de epidemia Full-length Cassette 2018
Necroholocaust Brazilian Ritual Fourth Attack Live album Vinyl 2016
Necroholocaust Brazilian Ritual Fourth Attack Live album CD 2016
Necrolust Christ's Excommunication Compilation CD 2017
Necrolust Kill and Die by Satan Compilation CD 2017
Necrolust The Rites of Infernal Torment Compilation 2CD 2017
Necrolust Christ's Excommunication Compilation Digital 2019
Necrolust Kill and Die by Satan Demo Digital 2019
Perlokus Hóstia Podre Full-length Digital 2019
Perlokus Hóstia Podre Full-length CD 2019
Sarcófago Die... Hard! Boxed set Cassette 2019
Surrender of Divinity Oriental Hell Rhythmics Full-length Cassette 2021
Surrender of Divinity Manifest Blasphemy: The Abortion of the Immaculate Conception Full-length Cassette 2021
Swamp Victory Emerging from His Wisdom EP 7" vinyl 2021
Swamp Victory Emerging from His Wisdom EP Digital 2021
Tormentador Morte Negra Full-length CD 2022
Tormentador Morte Negra Full-length Digital 2022
Transgressor Under the Sign of Death Metal / Metal das Ruas Split Digital 2021
C.R.U.E Under the Sign of Death Metal / Metal das Ruas Split Digital 2021
Transgressor Under the Sign of Death Metal / Metal das Ruas Split CD 2021
C.R.U.E Under the Sign of Death Metal / Metal das Ruas Split CD 2021
Unholy Flames Shadows of Eternity Demo CD 2017
Unholy Flames Shadows of Eternity Demo 12" vinyl 2017
Unholy Flames Shadows of Eternity Demo Digital 2019