Defense Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Defense Merch, P.O. Box 47, 31-446 Kraków 36
Country Poland
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death, Thrash, Grind
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Metal Shop


Name Country Genre Status
Cremaster Poland crossover, thrash Current
Deathspawn Poland death Current
Dizastor United States thrash Current
Everything Is Fire Poland brutal, death Current
Extinction Remains Brazil crust, death, doom Current
F.O.A.D Sweden thrash Current
Faeces Poland brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Formis Poland death, thrash Current
Gnida Poland brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Horrorscope Poland groove, thrash Current
Iscariota Poland death, melodic, heavy, thrash Current
Maggoth Poland groove, thrash Current
Overlord Poland death Current
Pikodeath Czechia death, thrash Current
R.O.D. Poland thrash Current
Regressive Lithuania black, speed Current
Snake Eyes Poland thrash Current
Soul Collector Poland thrash Current
The Black Thunder Poland hard-rock, heavy, groove, stoner Current
Top Sekret Czechia grind, hardcore Current
Topór Poland speed, thrash Current
Ulcer Poland death Current
Whorehouse Poland thrash Current
Xaoz Poland black, death Current
Black Rock Finland black, heavy, speed Past
BlackSnake Poland doom, stoner, thrash Past
Blake's Vengeance Italy heavy, technical, thrash Past
Cadaveric Incubator Finland death, grind, hardcore Past
Calm Hatchery Poland death Past
Cemetery Whore Poland death Past
Chaos Synopsis Brazil death, thrash Past
Dekapited Chile thrash Past
Dira Mortis Poland death Past
Epitome Poland death, grind, hardcore Past
Eros Rot United States brutal, death Past
Exorcizphobia Czechia thrash Past
Extinkt Poland thrash Past
Exul Poland thrash Past
Garroter Poland brutal, death Past
Gasoline Guns Ukraine hard-rock, heavy Past
Groinchurn South Africa grind, hardcore Past
Hammathaz Brazil death, hardcore, melodic Past
Hell United Poland black, death Past
Hellyum Czechia death Past
Highlow Poland heavy, power, speed Past
Histos Czechia grind, hardcore Past
Immense Decay Poland thrash Past
Incertus Poland black, death Past
Infatuation of Death Poland brutal, death Past
Infector Cuba thrash Past
Infest Serbia death, thrash Past
Inverted Mind Poland sludge, stoner Past
Invocation Spells Chile black, thrash Past
Ireful Italy thrash Past
Leech Sweden thrash Past
Mastemey Poland groove, thrash Past
Maze of Terror Peru thrash Past
Mordbrand Sweden death Past
Mutilation Case Hungary death Past
Necrosodomistical Slaughter Poland grind, hardcore Past
Nuclear Holocaust Poland death, grind, hardcore Past
O.D.R.A Poland post-hardcore, sludge Past
Pandemic Poland thrash Past
Parh Poland sludge Past
Parricide Poland death, grind, hardcore Past
Psychoneurosis Poland grind, hardcore Past
Purplehaze Ensemble Poland thrash, psychedelic, stoner Past
R.E.T. Czechia heavy, doom, gothic Past
Reanimator Canada thrash Past
Rotengeist Poland progressive, thrash Past
Sandbreaker Poland death, doom, stoner Past
Shodan Poland death, progressive Past
Species Poland progressive, technical, thrash Past
Stolen Lives Czechia thrash Past
Tenebris Poland death, progressive Past
Terrestrial Sphere United States death, technical Past
Terrordome Poland crossover, thrash Past
Traktor Poland thrash Past
Uganga Brazil groove, thrash Past
Wölfrider Poland heavy, power Past
Железный Поток Russia thrash Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Black Rock Arcane Remorseless Full-length Digital 2020
BlackSnake Blood of the Snake Full-length CD 2017
BlackSnake Lucifer's Bride Full-length Digital 2014
BlackSnake Blood of the Snake Full-length Digital 2020
Blake's Vengeance 7747-7744 EP CD 2016
Blake's Vengeance 7747-7744 EP Digital 2020
Cadaveric Incubator Unburied Abominations Demo Cassette 2014
Calm Hatchery El-Alamein Full-length CD 2012
Calm Hatchery El-Alamein Full-length Digital 2014
Chaos Synopsis Intoxicunts Split CD 2016
Terrordome Intoxicunts Split CD 2016
Chaos Synopsis Gods of Chaos Full-length CD 2017
Chaos Synopsis Intoxicunts Split Digital 2020
Terrordome Intoxicunts Split Digital 2020
Chaos Synopsis Gods of Chaos Full-length Digital 2020
Cremaster Słynna praczka i chór wujów Full-length CD 2014
Cremaster Wcale nie jestem zadowolony z tego co zrobiłem dotychczas i mam zamiar zacząć od początku!!! Full-length CD 2017
Cremaster Słynna praczka i chór wujów Full-length Digital 2014
Cremaster Wcale nie jestem zadowolony z tego co zrobiłem dotychczas i mam zamiar zacząć od początku!!! Full-length Digital 2020
Deathspawn Reverendus Full-length Digital 2020
Deathspawn Reverendus Full-length CD 2020
Dekapited Nacidos del odio Full-length CD 2015
Dekapited Sin misericordia EP CD 2017
Dekapited Sin misericordia EP Digital 2020
Dekapited Nacidos del odio Full-length Digital 2020
Dira Mortis The Cult of the Dead EP CD 2011
Dira Mortis Rusty Razor Cuts Compilation CD 2014
Dira Mortis Psalms of Morbid Existence Full-length CD 2015
Dira Mortis Euphoric Convulsions Full-length CD 2019
Dira Mortis The Cult of the Dead EP Digital 2014
Dira Mortis Psalms of Morbid Existence Full-length Digital 2015
Dira Mortis Rusty Razor Cuts Compilation Digital 2015
Dira Mortis Euphoric Convulsions Full-length Digital 2020
Dizastor Bonded by Beer EP CD 2013
Dizastor After You Die We Mosh Full-length CD 2014
Dizastor After You Die We Mosh Full-length Digital 2014
Epitome e-ROTicon Full-length CD 2011
Epitome TheoROTical Full-length CD 2015
Epitome e-ROTicon Full-length Digital 2014
Epitome TheoROTical Full-length Digital 2015
Everything Is Fire Everything is Fire EP Digital 2024
Everything Is Fire Everything is Fire EP CD 2024
Exorcizphobia Disease Inside EP CD 2019
Exorcizphobia Disease Inside EP Digital 2020
Extinction Remains Smog Compilation CD 2019
Extinction Remains Mácula / Extinction Remains Split CD 2019
Extinction Remains Mácula / Extinction Remains Split Digital 2020
Extinction Remains Smog Compilation Digital 2020
Extinkt Postnuclear Trip to Nowhere Full-length CD 2016
Extinkt Postnuclear Trip to Nowhere Full-length CD 2016
Extinkt Postnuclear Trip to Nowhere Full-length Cassette 2019
Extinkt Postnuclear Trip to Nowhere Full-length Digital 2016
Exul Path to the Unknown Full-length CD 2022
F.O.A.D Birth of Extinction Full-length CD 2016
F.O.A.D Birth of Extinction Full-length Digital 2020
Faeces Nihilominus Full-length CD 2021
Formis Mental Survival Full-length CD 2014
Formis Chaozium Full-length CD 2017
Formis Chaozium Full-length Digital 2020
Formis Mental Survival Full-length Digital 2014
Formis Pogromca Full-length CD 2022
Formis Pogromca Full-length Digital 2022
Garroter Identity Full-length CD 2014
Garroter Identity Full-length Digital 2014
Gasoline Guns Motor Cult Full-length Digital 2022
Gnida A.I.D.S. EP CD 2016
Gnida S.Y.F. EP CD 2013
Gnida S.Y.F. EP Digital 2020
Gnida A.I.D.S. EP Digital 2020
Gnida R.A.K. EP Digital 2020
Gnida R.A.K. EP CD 2020
Groinchurn Whoami Full-length CD 2016
Groinchurn Whoami Full-length Digital 2016
Hammathaz The One Full-length Digital 2022
Hell United Infected by Old School Split CD 2016
Nuclear Holocaust Infected by Old School Split CD 2016
Cemetery Whore Infected by Old School Split CD 2016
Necrosodomistical Slaughter Infected by Old School Split CD 2016
Hell United Infected by Old School Split Digital 2020
Nuclear Holocaust Infected by Old School Split Digital 2020
Cemetery Whore Infected by Old School Split Digital 2020
Necrosodomistical Slaughter Infected by Old School Split Digital 2020
Hellyum Fantaziare Full-length Digital 2020
Highlow Wölf Riding High and Low Split CD 2015
Wölfrider Wölf Riding High and Low Split CD 2015
Highlow Wölf Riding High and Low Split Digital 2020
Wölfrider Wölf Riding High and Low Split Digital 2020
Histos Příčina smrti: neznámá! Full-length Digital 2020
Horrorscope Altered Worlds Practice Full-length CD 2017
Horrorscope Delicioushell Full-length CD 2014
Horrorscope Delicioushell Full-length Digital 2014
Horrorscope Altered Worlds Practice Full-length Digital 2020
Horrorscope Wrong Side of the Road Full-length Digital 2022
Horrorscope Wrong Side of the Road Full-length CD 2022
Immense Decay Combat Thrash Full-length CD 2018
Immense Decay Combat Thrash Full-length Digital 2020
Incertus Predestination to Damnation EP Digital 2021
Infatuation of Death Code of Impiety Full-length CD 2016
Infatuation of Death Code of Impiety Full-length Digital 2020
Infector Let the Infection Begin Full-length CD 2019
Infector Let the Infection Begin Full-length Digital 2020
Infest Anger Will Remain Full-length CD 2019
Infest Anger Will Remain Full-length Digital 2020
Inverted Mind Broken Mirror Full-length CD 2017
Inverted Mind Broken Mirror Full-length Digital 2020
Inverted Mind Three Faces of Madness (A Drama in Three Acts) Full-length CD 2020
Inverted Mind Three Faces of Madness (A Drama in Three Acts) Full-length CD 2020
Inverted Mind Three Faces of Madness (A Drama in Three Acts) Full-length Digital 2020
Invocation Spells Unholy Blasphemies Full-length CD 2019
Invocation Spells Unholy Blasphemies Full-length Digital 2020
Ireful The Walls of Madness EP CD 2021
Ireful The Walls of Madness EP Digital 2021
Iscariota Historia życia Full-length CD 2015
Iscariota Historia życia Full-length Digital 2015
Iscariota Upadłe królestwo Full-length CD 2016
Iscariota Upadłe królestwo Full-length Digital 2020
Iscariota Legenda Full-length CD 2020
Iscariota Cosmic Paradox Full-length CD 2020
Iscariota Legenda Full-length Digital 2020
Iscariota Cosmic Paradox Full-length Digital 2020
Iscariota Historia życia Full-length CD 2024
Leech Cyanide Christ Full-length CD 2017
Leech Cyanide Christ Full-length Digital 2020
Maggoth System Error Full-length Digital 2020
Maggoth System Error Full-length CD 2017
Maggoth Maggoth Full-length Digital 2020
Maggoth Maggoth Full-length CD 2020
Mastemey Obraz pozorny Full-length CD 2019
Maze of Terror Skullcrusher EP CD 2023
Mordbrand Hymns of the Rotten Compilation CD 2016
Mordbrand Hymns of the Rotten Compilation CD 2016
Mordbrand Hymns of the Rotten Compilation Digital 2016
Mutilation Case Mutilation Case Full-length Digital 2024
Mutilation Case Mutilation Case Full-length CD 2024
O.D.R.A O.D.R.A / Parh Split Digital 2020
Parh O.D.R.A / Parh Split Digital 2020
Overlord Overland ...Is Everywhere Compilation CD 2018
Overlord Overland ...Is Everywhere Compilation Digital 2020
Pandemic Deaf Nite EP CD 2018
Pandemic Deaf Nite EP Digital 2020
Parricide Crude Full-length CD 2015
Parricide Crude Full-length Digital 2015
Pikodeath Tief in Dir Full-length CD 2014
Pikodeath Insane Full-length CD 2017
Pikodeath Tief in Dir Full-length Digital 2014
Pikodeath Insane Full-length Digital 2020
Pikodeath Killed by Silence Full-length CD 2023
Psychoneurosis Dead, but... Still Alive (93-00 Discography) Compilation CD 2019
Psychoneurosis Dead, but... Still Alive (93-00 Discography) Compilation Digital 2020
Purplehaze Ensemble PurpleHaze Ensemble Full-length Digital 2014
R.E.T. Coming Soon... Full-length CD 2014
R.E.T. Coming Soon... Full-length Digital 2015
R.O.D. #SocietyKill Full-length CD 2018
R.O.D. #SocietyKill Full-length Digital 2020
R.O.D. HateSpeech Full-length CD 2021
R.O.D. HateSpeech Full-length Digital 2021
Reanimator In Union We Thrash Split CD 2016
Soul Collector In Union We Thrash Split CD 2016
Reanimator In Union We Thrash Split Digital 2020
Soul Collector In Union We Thrash Split Digital 2020
Regressive Born in the Grave Full-length CD 2019
Regressive Born in the Grave Full-length Digital 2020
Rotengeist Start to Exterminate Full-length CD 2014
Rotengeist The Test That Divides Us All Full-length CD 2017
Rotengeist The Test That Divides Us All Full-length Digital 2020
Rotengeist Start to Exterminate Full-length Digital 2014
Sandbreaker Sandbreaker EP CD 2019
Sandbreaker Sandbreaker EP Digital 2020
Sandbreaker Worm Master Full-length Digital 2020
Sandbreaker Children of the Erg EP Digital 2022
Shodan Protocol of Dying Full-length CD 2016
Shodan Protocol of Dying Full-length Digital 2020
Snake Eyes No One Left to Die Full-length CD 2022
Snake Eyes No One Left to Die Full-length Digital 2022
Soul Collector Thrashmageddon Full-length CD 2014
Soul Collector Thrashmageddon Full-length Digital 2014
Species The Monument of Envy EP CD 2024
Stolen Lives Luciferův efekt Full-length Digital 2020
Stolen Lives Budoucnost sviní Full-length Digital 2020
Tenebris The Odious Progress Full-length Digital 2022
Tenebris Only Fearless Dreams Full-length Digital 2022
Tenebris 30 Years of Solitude Compilation Digital 2022
Tenebris Only Fearless Dreams Full-length CD 2022
Tenebris The Odious Progress Full-length CD 2022
Tenebris 30 Years of Solitude Compilation CD 2022
Terrestrial Sphere The First Encounter / Spectral Dominion Split Digital 2023
Eros Rot The First Encounter / Spectral Dominion Split Digital 2023
Terrestrial Sphere The First Encounter / Spectral Dominion Split CD 2023
Eros Rot The First Encounter / Spectral Dominion Split CD 2023
Terrordome We'll Show You Mosh, Bitch! Full-length CD 2011
Terrordome We'll Show You Bosch, Mitch! Compilation CD 2014
Terrordome Machete Justice Full-length CD 2015
Terrordome Machete Justice Full-length Digital 2015
Terrordome We'll Show You Mosh, Bitch! Full-length Digital 2011
Terrordome We'll Show You Bosch, Mitch! Compilation Digital 2014
Terrordome Shit Fuck Kill EP CD 2020
Terrordome We'll Show You Mosh, Bitch! Full-length CD 2020
Terrordome Shit Fuck Kill EP Digital 2020
Terrordome We'll Show You Mosh, Bitch! Full-length Cassette 2021
Terrordome Machete Justice Full-length Cassette 2021
The Black Thunder Visions in Black Full-length CD 2017
The Black Thunder Into the Darkness We All Fall Full-length CD 2021
The Black Thunder Into the Darkness We All Fall Full-length Digital 2022
Top Sekret Piggy Op Full-length CD 2018
Top Sekret (Po)Hlavní orgán Full-length CD 2019
Top Sekret Piggy Op Full-length Digital 2020
Top Sekret (Po)Hlavní orgán Full-length Digital 2020
Top Sekret Mor-Fetus Full-length Digital 2023
Topór Bestii znak Single Digital 2023
Topór Wieczna kaźń Full-length Digital 2023
Topór Wieczna kaźń Full-length CD 2023
Traktor Fast and Loud Full-length CD 2013
Traktor Fast and Loud Full-length Digital 2014
Uganga Opressor Full-length CD 2017
Uganga Opressor Full-length Digital 2020
Ulcer Dead Souls Cathedral Full-length CD 2021
Ulcer Dead Souls Cathedral Full-length Digital 2022
Whorehouse Execution of Humanity Full-length CD 2009
Whorehouse Corporation Full-length CD 2017
Whorehouse Execution of Humanity Full-length Digital 2014
Whorehouse Corporation Full-length Digital 2020
Whorehouse KRK Area Single Digital 2023
Xaoz Vexilla Regis (Prodeunt Inferni) Full-length CD 2015
Xaoz Vexilla Regis (Prodeunt Inferni) Full-length Digital 2015
Железный Поток Mystic Full-length CD 2020
Железный Поток Mystic Full-length Digital 2020