Hammerheart Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address P.O. Box 277, Valkenburg aan de Geul,, Limburg, 6300 AG
Country Netherlands
Phone Number +31 (0)46 4373 600
Status active
Styles And Specialties Heavy, Thrash, Power, Death, Folk, Black Metal
Founding Date May 1995
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Hammerheart America, Hammerheart Records Brasil, Karmageddon Media, Petrichor, The Plague, Unveiling the Wicked, Vinyl Collectors, Well of Urd

Online Presence

Official website https://www.hammerheart.com/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/hammerheartrecords
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hammerheartrecords666/
Twitter https://twitter.com/hammerheart666
Bandcamp http://hammerheart.bandcamp.com/
Tumblr https://hammerheartrecords.tumblr.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hammerheartrecords
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/hammerheartrecords
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/hammerheart/
Online Store https://hammerheartstore.com/
BigCartel http://hammerheartrecords.bigcartel.com/


Name Country Genre Status
Abramelin Australia death Current
ACOD France thrash, death, melodic, black Current
Amon United States death Current
Apostasy Chile black, thrash Current
Arallu Israel black, death Current
Asphodelus Finland death, doom Current
Aurora Borealis United States black, death Current
Bio-Cancer Greece thrash Current
Blind Illusion United States progressive, thrash Current
Castle United States doom, heavy Current
Cirith Gorgor Netherlands black Current
Consumption Sweden death Current
Craft Sweden black Current
Dead Head Netherlands death, thrash Current
Deathkin Finland black, death Current
Defy the Curse Netherlands crust, death Current
Deviser Greece black, melodic Current
Dreaming Dead United States death, melodic Current
Entrails Sweden death Current
Ereb Altor Sweden doom, epic, black, viking Current
Exoskelett Sweden black, heavy, thrash Current
Extreme Cold Winter Netherlands death, doom Current
Ghosts of Atlantis United Kingdom extreme, hardcore, symphonic Current
Havayoth Sweden gothic Current
Imperishable Sweden death Current
Isole Sweden doom, epic Current
Jord Sweden post-rock, shoegaze, doom, atmospheric, black Current
Kadaverdisciplin Sweden black, melodic Current
Konkhra Denmark death Current
Lord Belial Sweden black Current
Master United States death, thrash Current
Mock Norway black Current
Nattehimmel Norway black Current
Octinomos Sweden black Current
Oro Sweden sludge Current
Phlebotomized Netherlands avant-garde, death, doom, progressive Current
Red Rot International death, experimental Current
Romuvos Lithuania epic, folk, viking Current
Roots of the Old Oak United Kingdom death, doom Current
Runemagick Sweden death, doom Current
Sadism Chile death Current
Salacious Gods Netherlands black Current
Sammath Netherlands black Current
Sarcasm Sweden black, melodic, death Current
Sear Bliss Hungary atmospheric, black Current
SIG:AR:TYR Canada black, folk Current
Slaughter the Giant Belgium black, death, melodic Current
Spectral Souls Peru death Current
Sunseth Sphere Hungary gothic Current
Tarnkappe Netherlands black Current
Thy Listless Heart United Kingdom atmospheric, doom Current
Totengott Spain black, doom, thrash Current
Trouble United States psychedelic, stoner, doom Current
Tumulation United States death, doom Current
Vincent Crowley United States black, death, doom Current
Vintersorg Sweden folk, progressive, viking Current
Wothrosch Greece black, sludge Current
A.R.G. Finland thrash Past
Absu United States death, black, thrash Past
Aeternus Norway black, death Past
Akantha Greece black Past
Akerbeltz Spain black Past
Alas United States progressive Past
Altar of Plagues Ireland black, post-metal Past
Amen Corner Brazil black Past
Anacrusis United States thrash, progressive Past
Ancient Norway black, melodic Past
Ancient Rites Belgium black, folk, thrash, viking Past
Angist Iceland death Past
Artch Norway heavy, power Past
At the Gates Sweden death, melodic Past
Aura Netherlands death, melodic, thrash Past
Aura Noir Norway black, thrash Past
Barathrum Finland black, doom Past
Battlelust Sweden black, death Past
Beyond Belief Netherlands death, doom Past
Bifrost Netherlands black, thrash Past
Blood Red Throne Norway death Past
Bohemyst Czechia black, death, doom Past
Borknagar Norway black, folk, progressive, viking Past
Broken Hope United States death Past
Brutal Unrest Germany death Past
Bulldozer Italy black, speed, thrash Past
Burzum Norway ambient, black Past
Callenish Circle Netherlands death, melodic Past
Carpe Tenebrum Norway melodic, symphonic, death, black Past
Celestial Season Netherlands stoner, death, doom Past
Ceremony United States death, thrash Past
Christ Agony Poland black, melodic Past
Cobalt United States black, sludge Past
Coffins Japan death, doom Past
Collision Netherlands crossover, grind, hardcore Past
Corpse Molester Cult Finland death Past
Corpus Rottus United States death Past
Cruachan Ireland black, celtic, folk Past
Cryptopsy Canada brutal, death, technical Past
Cult of Occult France doom, sludge Past
Danse Macabre Belgium gothic Past
Dark Funeral Sweden black Past
Dead Silent Slumber Sweden black, death, symphonic Past
Death Strike United States death Past
Defleshed Sweden death, thrash Past
Demoncy United States black Past
Demons of Dirt Sweden death, melodic Past
Denial of God Denmark black Past
Descend to Acheron Australia black, death Past
Desekrator Norway black, thrash Past
Devilish Impressions Poland black, death, symphonic Past
Diabolic United States death Past
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter Germany death, folk, hard-rock, heavy Past
Dimension F3H Norway electronic, industrial Past
Dimmu Borgir Norway black, symphonic Past
Dismember Sweden death Past
Dissection Sweden black, death, melodic Past
Divercia Finland death, gothic, melodic Past
Dr Doom Netherlands death, grind, hardcore Past
Em Sinfonia United States atmospheric, death, doom Past
Emperor Norway black, symphonic Past
Ensiferum Finland epic, folk Past
Eternal Elysium Japan doom, stoner Past
Evoken United States death, doom, funeral Past
Exmortem Denmark death Past
Falkenbach Germany black, folk, viking Past
Fatal United States death, thrash Past
Fehler Netherlands doom, hardcore, sludge Past
Fertilizer Germany death, progressive Past
Finntroll Finland black, folk Past
Flotsam and Jetsam United States power, thrash Past
Funebre Finland death Past
Godsend Norway doom Past
Gorefest Netherlands death'n'roll, death Past
Gorerotted United Kingdom death, grind, hardcore Past
Grinder Germany speed, thrash Past
Grot Ireland death, grind, hardcore Past
Grotesque Sweden black, death Past
Hades Almighty Norway black, progressive, viking Past
Hagalaz' Runedance Norway ambient, folk Past
Hearse Sweden death, death'n'roll, melodic Past
Heir Apparent United States heavy, power, progressive Past
Hollenthon Austria death, folk, melodic, symphonic Past
Holy Terror United States speed, thrash Past
Hooded Menace Finland death, doom Past
Hypnosia Sweden thrash Past
Impious Sweden death, thrash Past
In the Woods... Norway black, gothic, progressive Past
Incantation United States death Past
Infernal Sweden black, death Past
Infernal Beauty Belgium black, melodic Past
Infestdead Sweden death Past
Inquisitor Netherlands death, thrash Past
Internecine United States death Past
Invocator Denmark groove, technical, thrash Past
Iron Angel Germany power, speed, thrash Past
Ishtar Sweden black, melodic Past
Kampfar Norway black, pagan Past
Kawir Greece black, pagan Past
Kenn Nardi United States progressive, rock Past
Kjeld Netherlands black Past
Körgull the Exterminator Spain black, thrash Past
Lȧȧz Rockit United States heavy, power, thrash Past
Leviathan United States ambient, black Past
Limbonic Art Norway black, symphonic Past
Lord Mantis United States black, sludge Past
Lost in Misery Netherlands progressive Past
Lucifer's Fall Australia doom, heavy Past
Macabre United States death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Malevolent Creation United States death Past
Manes Norway black, electronic, experimental, jazz Past
Meliah Rage United States heavy, thrash Past
Mercenary Denmark death, groove, melodic, power Past
Mezzrow Sweden thrash Past
Misery Index United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Mithotyn Sweden black, viking Past
Monstrosity United States death Past
Moonsorrow Finland black, folk, pagan Past
Morifade Sweden power Past
Mourners Lament Chile death, doom Past
Muert Spain black Past
My Darkest Dream France black, symphonic Past
My Own Grave Sweden thrash, death Past
Mystifier Brazil black, death Past
Nausea United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Nebular Mystic Norway black Past
Necromicon Sweden black, death, symphonic Past
Necrophobic Sweden black, death Past
Nervochaos Brazil death Past
Nifelheim Sweden black, thrash Past
Night Conquers Day United States black Past
Nile United States brutal, death, technical Past
Nocturnal Breed Norway black, thrash Past
Obsecration Greece death Past
Occult Netherlands death, thrash Past
Officium Triste Netherlands atmospheric, death, doom Past
Old Funeral Norway death Past
Old Man's Child Norway black, melodic Past
On Thorns I Lay Greece death, doom, gothic, rock Past
Opera IX Italy death, doom, gothic, black, symphonic Past
Oppressor United States death, technical Past
Orphanage Netherlands death, gothic, melodic Past
Pazuzu Austria darkwave, neoclassical Past
Perkele Finland viking, gothic, rock Past
Pestilence Netherlands thrash, progressive, death Past
Primordial Ireland black, celtic, folk Past
Rauhnåcht Austria black, pagan Past
Razor Canada speed, thrash Past
Rebaelliun Brazil death Past
Repugnant Sweden death, thrash Past
Resurrection United States death Past
Running Wild Germany heavy, power, speed Past
Sacrilege United Kingdom crust, punk, thrash, doom Past
Sadus United States death, technical, thrash Past
Sardonis Belgium doom, sludge, stoner Past
Satariel Sweden black, death, melodic Past
Savage United Kingdom heavy, nwobhm Past
Savage Grace United States power, speed Past
Scaar Sweden groove Past
Scald Russia doom, epic Past
Septicflesh Greece atmospheric, death, symphonic Past
Serpent Eater Germany black, crust, death, sludge Past
Seventh Void United States rock, stoner Past
Severe Torture Netherlands death Past
Shape of Despair Finland atmospheric, doom, funeral Past
Sigh Japan avant-garde, black Past
Sinister Netherlands death Past
Sisters of Suffocation Netherlands death Past
Skyfire Sweden death, melodic, power, progressive Past
Slaughter Canada death, thrash Past
Sol Sistere Chile atmospheric, black Past
Solitude Aeturnus United States doom, epic Past
Sólstafir Iceland black, viking, post-metal, rock Past
Solstice United States death, thrash Past
Sorcerer Sweden doom, epic Past
Soulreaper Sweden death Past
Speckmann Project United States death Past
Taphos Nomos United States death, doom Past
Temple of Void United States death, doom Past
Thanatos Netherlands death, thrash Past
The Clan Destined United Kingdom folk, heavy Past
The Everdawn Sweden death, melodic Past
The Gathering Netherlands death, doom, rock, atmospheric Past
The Kovenant Norway electronic, gothic, industrial, rock Past
The Monolith Deathcult Netherlands brutal, electronic, symphonic, death Past
The Ravenous United States death Past
The Rotted United Kingdom death, grind, hardcore Past
Therion Sweden death, operatic, symphonic Past
Throneaeon Sweden brutal, death Past
Thy Withering Orchard Netherlands atmospheric, death, doom Past
Thyrfing Sweden black, viking Past
Tiamat Sweden death, doom, gothic, rock Past
Trelldom Norway black Past
Tristitia Sweden black, doom Past
Tulus Norway black Past
Tumulus Germany black, folk, pagan Past
Unleashed Sweden death Past
Vader Poland death, thrash Past
Vendetta Germany thrash Past
Vicious Rumors United States groove, heavy, power Past
Viking Crown United States ambient, black Past
Vile United States brutal, melodic, death Past
Villainy Netherlands black, crust, thrash Past
Viogression United States thrash, death Past
Vomiturition Finland death Past
Wehrmacht United States crossover, thrash Past
Windfaerer United States black, folk Past
Xysma Finland death, death'n'roll, grind, hardcore, garage, rock, stoner Past
Yearning Finland atmospheric, doom Past
Your Highness Belgium sludge, stoner Past
Росс Russia heavy Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
A.R.G. Entrance Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
A.R.G. One World Without the End Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Absu Absu Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
ACOD Versets noirs Full-length CD 2024
ACOD Versets noirs Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
ACOD Versets noirs Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
ACOD The Son of a God (The Heir of Divine Blood) Single Digital 2024
ACOD Black Trip Single Digital 2024
Aeternus Beyond the Wandering Moon Full-length CD 1997
Aeternus ...and So the Night Became Full-length CD 1998
Aeternus Shadows of Old Full-length CD 1999
Aeternus Burning the Shroud Compilation CD 2000
Aeternus Ascension of Terror Full-length CD 2001
Aeternus Dark Rage EP 7" vinyl 1998
Aeternus Dark Sorcery EP CD 1997
Aeternus Dark Sorcery EP CD 2000
Aeternus Beyond the Wandering Moon Full-length CD 1997
Aeternus Beyond the Wandering Moon Full-length CD 2002
Aeternus Beyond the Wandering Moon Full-length 2 12" vinyls 1997
Aeternus ...and So the Night Became Full-length 2CD 1999
Aeternus ...and So the Night Became Full-length CD 1998
Aeternus ...and So the Night Became Full-length 2 12" vinyls 1998
Aeternus Ascension of Terror Full-length 12" vinyl 2001
Aeternus Shadows of Old Full-length Vinyl 1999
Akantha Baptism in Psychical Analects Full-length Digital 2018
Akantha Baptism in Psychical Analects Full-length Cassette 2019
Akantha Baptism in Psychical Analects Full-length CD 2019
Akantha Baptism in Psychical Analects Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Akerbeltz War & Hell Split Digital 2015
Körgull the Exterminator War & Hell Split Digital 2015
Akerbeltz War & Hell Split 12" vinyl 2015
Körgull the Exterminator War & Hell Split 12" vinyl 2015
Akerbeltz War & Hell Split CD 2015
Körgull the Exterminator War & Hell Split CD 2015
Alas Absolute Purity Full-length CD 2001
Alas Absolute Purity Full-length CD 2001
Alas Absolute Purity Full-length 12" vinyl 2001
Alas Absolute Purity Full-length CD 2001
Altar of Plagues White Tomb Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Altar of Plagues White Tomb Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Altar of Plagues Sol EP 12" vinyl 2015
Amen Corner Written by the Devil Full-length CD 2024
Amen Corner Written by the Devil Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Anacrusis Hindsight: Suffering Hour Revisited Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Anacrusis Hindsight: Reason Revisited Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Ancient Det glemte riket Compilation CD 1999
Ancient Det glemte riket Compilation 12" vinyl 1999
Ancient Det glemte riket Compilation CD 2002
Ancient Rites Dim Carcosa Full-length CD 2001
Ancient Rites And the Hordes Stood as One Live album CD 2003
Ancient Rites Dim Carcosa Full-length CD 2001
Ancient Rites Dim Carcosa Full-length 12" vinyl 2001
Ancient Rites Hammerheart Records Summersampler 2001 Split CD 2001
Alas Hammerheart Records Summersampler 2001 Split CD 2001
Rebaelliun Hammerheart Records Summersampler 2001 Split CD 2001
Aeternus Hammerheart Records Summersampler 2001 Split CD 2001
Sunseth Sphere Hammerheart Records Summersampler 2001 Split CD 2001
Angist Circle of Suffering EP 12" vinyl 2014
Apostasy Death Return Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Arallu Death Covenant Full-length CD 2022
Arallu Death Covenant Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Arallu Death Covenant Full-length Digital 2022
Arallu Empire of Salt Single Digital 2022
Arallu Desert Shadow Will Rise Single Digital 2022
Arallu Prophecy of the Dead Single Digital 2022
Artch Another Return Full-length CD 2023
Artch Another Return Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Asphodelus Sculpting from Time Full-length CD 2023
Asphodelus Sculpting from Time Full-length Digital 2023
Asphodelus Sculpting from Time Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
At the Gates Gardens of Grief EP 12" vinyl 2015
At the Gates Gardens of Grief EP 12" vinyl 2015
Aura Shattered Dawnbreak EP CD 1996
Aura Noir Deep Tracts of Hell Full-length CD 1998
Aura Noir Increased Damnation Compilation 12" vinyl 2001
Aura Noir Deep Tracts of Hell Full-length 12" vinyl 1998
Aura Noir Increased Damnation Compilation CD 2000
Aurora Borealis Prophecy Is the Mold in Which History Is Poured Full-length CD 2022
Aurora Borealis Prophecy Is the Mold in Which History Is Poured Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Aurora Borealis Prophecy Is the Mold in Which History Is Poured Full-length Digital 2022
Aurora Borealis Founding Fathers of Deception Single Digital 2022
Aurora Borealis The House of Nimrod Single Digital 2022
Barathrum Legions of Perkele Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Barathrum Saatana Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Barathrum Okkult Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Barathrum Venomous Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Barathrum Anno Aspera: 2003 Years After Bastard's Birth Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Battlelust Of Battle and Ancient Warcraft Full-length CD 1997
Beyond Belief Towards the Diabolical Experiment Full-length CD 2016
Beyond Belief Towards the Diabolical Experiment Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Beyond Belief Rave the Abyss Full-length CD 2016
Beyond Belief Rave the Abyss Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Beyond Belief Towards the Diabolical Experiment Full-length Digital 2016
Beyond Belief Rave the Abyss Full-length Digital 2016
Beyond Belief Rave the Abyss Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Beyond Belief Towards the Diabolical Experiment Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Bifrost Mythistory Full-length CD 1998
Bio-Cancer Revengeance Full-length CD 2023
Bio-Cancer Revengeance Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Bio-Cancer Revengeance Full-length Digital 2023
Bio-Cancer 44 Days in Hell Single Digital 2023
Blind Illusion The Sane Asylum Full-length CD 2022
Blind Illusion The Sane Asylum Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Blind Illusion Wrath of the Gods Full-length CD 2022
Blind Illusion Wrath of the Gods Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Blind Illusion Wrath of the Gods Full-length Digital 2022
Blood Red Throne Monument of Death Full-length CD 2001
Blood Red Throne Affiliated with the Suffering Full-length CD 2003
Blood Red Throne A Taste for Blood EP CD 2002
Blood Red Throne Affiliated with the Suffering Full-length CD 2003
Blood Red Throne Brutalitarian Regime Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Blood Red Throne Blood Red Throne Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Blood Red Throne Monument of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2001
Bohemyst Čerň a smrt Full-length Digital 2021
Borknagar Borknagar Full-length CD 2012
Borknagar Borknagar Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Borknagar Borknagar Full-length Digital 2012
Brutal Unrest Trinitas Full-length Digital 2017
Brutal Unrest Trinitas Full-length CD 2017
Brutal Unrest Trinitas Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Brutal Unrest Trinitas Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Bulldozer IX Full-length CD 2024
Bulldozer IX Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Bulldozer Neurodeliri Full-length CD 2024
Bulldozer Neurodeliri Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Burzum 1992-1997 Boxed set 12" vinyl 1998
Callenish Circle Drift of Empathy Full-length CD 1996
Carpe Tenebrum Mirrored Hate Painting Full-length CD 1999
Carpe Tenebrum Dreaded Chaotic Reign Full-length CD 2002
Carpe Tenebrum Mirrored Hate Painting Full-length 12" vinyl 1999
Castle Evil Remains Full-length Digital 2024
Castle Evil Remains Full-length CD 2024
Castle Evil Remains Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Castle 100 Eyes Single Digital 2024
Celestial Season Solar Lovers Full-length CD 2012
Ceremony The Days Before the Death EP CD 2000
Christ Agony Darkside Full-length CD 1997
Cirith Gorgor Visions of Exalted Lucifer Full-length CD 2016
Cirith Gorgor Visions of Exalted Lucifer Full-length 2CD 2016
Cirith Gorgor Visions of Exalted Lucifer Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Cirith Gorgor Visions of Exalted Lucifer Full-length Digital 2016
Cirith Gorgor Bi den dode hant EP Digital 2017
Cirith Gorgor Bi den dode hant EP CD 2017
Cirith Gorgor Bi den dode hant EP 12" vinyl 2017
Cirith Gorgor Visions of Exalted Lucifer Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Cirith Gorgor Visions of Exalted Lucifer Full-length Cassette 2016
Cirith Gorgor Sovereign Full-length Digital 2019
Cirith Gorgor Sovereign Full-length CD 2019
Cirith Gorgor Sovereign Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Cirith Gorgor Sovereign Full-length Cassette 2019
Cobalt War Metal Full-length CD 2014
Cobalt War Metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Coffins March of Despair EP Digital 2012
Coffins Ancient Torture Compilation 2CD 2014
Coffins Buried Death Full-length CD 2012
Coffins Buried Death Full-length CD 2012
Coffins March of Despair EP 12" vinyl 2012
Coffins Craving to Eternal Slumber EP CD 2015
Coffins Craving to Eternal Slumber Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Coffins Craving to Eternal Slumber EP Digital 2015
Coffins March of Despair EP CD 2012
Coffins March of Despair / Craving to Eternal Slumber Compilation CD 2020
Coffins March of Despair / Craving to Eternal Slumber Compilation Digital 2020
Coffins March of Despair EP 12" vinyl 2014
Coffins Craving to Eternal Slumber Full-length Cassette 2015
Collision A Healthy Dose of Death Full-length CD 2012
Collision Collision / The Rotted Split 7" vinyl 2014
The Rotted Collision / The Rotted Split 7" vinyl 2014
Collision A Healthy Dose of Radiation EP Digital 2015
Collision Satanic Surgery Full-length CD 2016
Collision A Healthy Dose of Death Full-length Digital 2012
Collision Satanic Surgery Full-length Digital 2016
Collision Satanic Surgery Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Collision Live & Unleashed Live album Digital 2019
Collision Decade of Disgust Compilation Digital 2010
Collision The Final Kill EP CD 2020
Collision The Final Kill EP 12" vinyl 2020
Collision The Final Kill EP Cassette 2020
Collision Collision / The Rotted Split Digital 2014
The Rotted Collision / The Rotted Split Digital 2014
Consumption Necrotic Lust Full-length CD 2022
Consumption Necrotic Lust Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Consumption Necrotic Lust Full-length Digital 2022
Consumption Suffering Divine Single Digital 2022
Consumption Ground into Ash and Coal Single Digital 2022
Corpse Molester Cult Corpse Molester Cult Demo 10" vinyl 2011
Corpse Molester Cult Corpse Molester Cult Demo CD 2011
Corpse Molester Cult Corpse Molester Cult Demo Digital 2011
Corpus Rottus Rituals of Silence Full-length CD 2018
Corpus Rottus Rituals of Silence Full-length Digital 2018
Corpus Rottus Rituals of Silence Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Craft Craft Boxed set 12" vinyl 2020
Cruachan The Middle Kingdom Full-length CD 2000
Cruachan Ride On EP CD 2001
Cruachan Folk-Lore Full-length CD 2002
Cruachan A Celtic Trilogy Boxed set 12" vinyl 2002
Cruachan Tuatha na Gael Full-length CD 2001
Cruachan The Middle Kingdom Full-length CD 2000
Cruachan Folk-Lore Full-length CD 2002
Cruachan Folk-Lore Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Cruachan Ride On EP CD 2001
Cruachan The Middle Kingdom Full-length 12" vinyl 2000
Cruachan Tuatha na Gael Full-length 12" vinyl 2001
Cryptopsy None So Vile Full-length CD 2012
Cryptopsy None So Vile Full-length CD 2013
Cryptopsy Blasphemy Made Flesh Full-length CD 2012
Cryptopsy Blasphemy Made Flesh Full-length CD 2015
Cryptopsy The Book of Suffering - Tome I EP CD 2016
Cryptopsy The Book of Suffering - Tome I EP 12" vinyl 2016
Cryptopsy None So Vile Full-length CD 2013
Cryptopsy None So Vile Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Cryptopsy None So Vile Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Cryptopsy None So Vile Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Cryptopsy Blasphemy Made Flesh Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Cryptopsy The Book of Suffering - Tome II EP 12" vinyl 2018
Cryptopsy Blasphemy Made Flesh Full-length CD 2013
Cryptopsy The Book of Suffering - Tome I & II Compilation Cassette 2018
Cryptopsy The Book of Suffering - Tome II EP CD 2018
Cryptopsy Blasphemy Made Flesh Full-length CD + DVD 2019
Cryptopsy None So Vile Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Cryptopsy None So Vile Full-length CD + DVD 2022
Cult of Occult Cult of Occult EP 12" vinyl 2012
Cult of Occult Cult of Occult EP CD 2012
Cult of Occult Cult of Occult EP Digital 2012
Danse Macabre Eva Full-length CD 2001
Danse Macabre Matters of the Heart EP CD 2002
Danse Macabre Eva Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Dark Funeral Under Wings of Hell Split CD 2002
Infernal Under Wings of Hell Split CD 2002
Dark Funeral In the Sign... EP CD 2011
Dark Funeral Dark Funeral EP 12" vinyl 2020
Dark Funeral Dark Funeral EP Cassette 2020
Dark Funeral In the Sign... EP Digital None
Dead Head Swine Plague Full-length CD 2017
Dead Head Swine Plague Full-length Digital 2017
Dead Head Swine Plague Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Dead Head Swine Plague Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Dead Head The Feast Begins at Dawn Full-length Digital 2019
Dead Head The Feast Begins at Dawn Full-length 2CD 2019
Dead Head The Feast Begins at Dawn Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Dead Head The Festering Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Dead Head Dream Deceiver Full-length 2CD 2019
Dead Head Dream Deceiver Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Dead Head Dream Deceiver Full-length Digital 2019
Dead Head The Shark Tapes EP Digital 2019
Dead Head The Shark Tapes EP 12" vinyl 2019
Dead Head Kill Division Full-length Digital 2020
Dead Head Acolyte Single Digital 2021
Dead Head Slave Driver Full-length CD 2022
Dead Head Slave Driver Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Dead Head Slave Driver Full-length Digital 2022
Dead Head Polar Vortex Single Digital 2022
Dead Head Frequency Illusion Single Digital 2022
Dead Head Shadow Soul EP CD 2024
Dead Head Shadow Soul EP 12" vinyl 2024
Dead Head Shadow Soul EP Digital 2024
Dead Head The Age of Hype Single Digital 2024
Dead Head Caverns of Fate Single Digital 2024
Dead Silent Slumber Entombed in the Midnight Hour Full-length CD 1999
Dead Silent Slumber Entombed in the Midnight Hour Full-length 12" vinyl 1999
Death Strike Fuckin' Death Full-length Digital 2023
Death Strike Fuckin' Death Full-length 2CD 2023
Death Strike Fuckin' Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Death Strike Fuckin' Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Deathkin Kohti kotiani kaaosta Full-length Digital 2017
Deathkin Kohti kotiani kaaosta Full-length CD 2017
Deathkin Kohti kotiani kaaosta Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Defleshed Under the Blade Full-length CD 2000
Defleshed Under the Blade Full-length Digital 2019
Defleshed Under the Blade Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Defy the Curse Defy the Curse EP 12" vinyl 2018
Defy the Curse Defy the Curse EP Cassette 2018
Defy the Curse Horrors of Human Sacrifice Full-length 2CD 2023
Defy the Curse Horrors of Human Sacrifice Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Defy the Curse Horrors of Human Sacrifice Full-length Cassette 2023
Defy the Curse Horrors of Human Sacrifice Full-length Digital 2023
Defy the Curse Leading into the Realm of Torment Single Digital 2022
Defy the Curse Eidolon of the Blind Single Digital 2022
Demoncy Joined in Darkness Full-length CD 2000
Demons of Dirt Killer Engine Full-length CD 2002
Demons of Dirt Demonblues Single CD 2001
Denial of God Klabautermanden EP CD 1999
Denial of God Klabautermanden EP 10" vinyl 1999
Descend to Acheron The Welcoming Void Single Digital 2022
Desekrator Overdose / Hot in the City / Take Us to the Pub Boxed set 3 7" vinyls 1999
Desekrator Metal for Demons Full-length CD 1998
Devilish Impressions Adventvs EP 12" vinyl 2015
Deviser Absence of Heaven Single Digital 2022
Deviser Evil Summons Evil Full-length CD 2023
Deviser Evil Summons Evil Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Deviser Cold Comes the Night Single Digital 2022
Deviser Death is Life Eternal Single Digital 2023
Diabolic Subterraneal Magnitude Full-length CD 2001
Diabolic Subterraneal Magnitude Full-length 12" vinyl 2001
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter All You Need Is Love Full-length CD 2000
Dimension F3H Reaping the World Winds Full-length CD 2003
Dimmu Borgir Sons of Satan Gather for Attack Split CD 1999
Old Man's Child Sons of Satan Gather for Attack Split CD 1999
Dimmu Borgir Sons of Satan Gather for Attack Split 12" vinyl 1999
Old Man's Child Sons of Satan Gather for Attack Split 12" vinyl 1999
Dimmu Borgir Sons of Satan Gather for Attack Split 12" vinyl 1999
Old Man's Child Sons of Satan Gather for Attack Split 12" vinyl 1999
Dimmu Borgir Sons of Satan Gather for Attack Split CD 2003
Old Man's Child Sons of Satan Gather for Attack Split CD 2003
Dismember Like an Everflowing Stream Full-length CD 2012
Dismember Where Ironcrosses Grow Full-length CD 2012
Dismember Where Ironcrosses Grow Full-length CD 2013
Dissection The Past Is Alive (The Early Mischief) Compilation CD 2003
Dissection The Past Is Alive (The Early Mischief) Compilation Digital 2017
Dissection The Past Is Alive (The Early Mischief) Compilation Cassette 2018
Dissection The Past Is Alive (The Early Mischief) Compilation CD 2018
Dissection The Past Is Alive (The Early Mischief) Compilation 12" vinyl 2018
Divercia Modus Operandi Full-length CD 2002
Dr Doom Everyone Is Guilty Full-length CD 2012
Dr Doom Everyone Is Guilty Full-length Digital 2012
Dreaming Dead Funeral Twilight Full-length Digital 2017
Dreaming Dead Funeral Twilight Full-length CD 2017
Em Sinfonia Intimate Portrait Full-length CD 2001
Emperor Wrath of the Tyrant Demo 12" vinyl 2012
Emperor As the Shadows Rise EP 12" vinyl + CD 2014
Emperor Emperor EP 12" vinyl 2014
Emperor As the Shadows Rise EP 12" vinyl + CD 2018
Emperor As the Shadows Rise EP 12" vinyl 2020
Ensiferum From Afar Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Ensiferum Iron Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Ensiferum Unsung Heroes Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Ensiferum Victory Songs Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Ensiferum Ensiferum Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Entrails The Tomb Awaits Full-length CD 2022
Entrails An Eternal Time of Decay Full-length CD 2022
Entrails The Tomb Awaits Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Entrails An Eternal Time of Decay Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Entrails An Eternal Time of Decay Full-length Digital 2022
Entrails Reborn in Worms Single Digital 2022
Entrails Possessed Single Digital 2022
Entrails Die to Death Single Digital 2022
Entrails An Eternal Time of Decay Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ereb Altor Ulfven Full-length CD 2017
Ereb Altor Ulfven Full-length CD 2017
Ereb Altor Ulfven Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Ereb Altor Ulfven Full-length Digital 2017
Ereb Altor Järtecken Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Ereb Altor Järtecken Full-length CD 2019
Ereb Altor Järtecken Full-length Digital 2019
Ereb Altor Järtecken Full-length Cassette 2019
Ereb Altor Järtecken Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Ereb Altor Järtecken Full-length CD 2019
Ereb Altor Eldens boning EP Digital 2021
Ereb Altor Eldens boning EP 12" vinyl 2021
Ereb Altor Vargtimman Single Digital 2021
Ereb Altor Vargtimman Full-length CD 2022
Ereb Altor Vargtimman Full-length Digital 2022
Ereb Altor Vargtimman Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ereb Altor Vargtimman Full-length 2CD 2022
Ereb Altor Vargtimman Full-length 2CD 2022
Ereb Altor By Honour Full-length CD 2022
Ereb Altor The End Full-length CD 2022
Ereb Altor Nattramn Full-length CD 2022
Ereb Altor Fire Meets Ice Full-length CD 2022
Ereb Altor Gastrike Full-length CD 2022
Ereb Altor The End Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Ereb Altor Gastrike Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Ereb Altor Midvinter Single Digital 2024
Eternal Elysium Ascending Circulation Split CD 2012
Sardonis Ascending Circulation Split CD 2012
Evoken Hypnagogia Full-length Cassette 2019
Exmortem Berzerker Legions Full-length CD 2001
Exoskelett Collected Bones Full-length Digital 2017
Exoskelett Collected Bones Full-length CD 2017
Exoskelett Collected Bones Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Extreme Cold Winter World Exit Full-length Digital 2021
Extreme Cold Winter World Exit Full-length CD 2021
Extreme Cold Winter World Exit Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Falkenbach Heralding - The Fireblade Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Falkenbach Ok nefna tysvar Ty Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Fatal Soul Burning Still - A Fatal Retrospective Compilation Digital 2017
Fatal Soul Burning Still - A Fatal Retrospective Compilation CD 2017
Fatal Soul Burning Still - A Fatal Retrospective Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2017
Fehler Dissona Full-length CD 2012
Fehler Dissona Full-length Digital 2012
Fehler Dissona Full-length CD 2012
Fehler Dissona Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Fertilizer A Painting of Annoyance Full-length Digital None
Finntroll Midnattens widunder Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Finntroll Midnattens widunder Full-length CD 2019
Finntroll Jaktens tid Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Finntroll Jaktens tid Full-length CD 2019
Finntroll Visor om slutet EP 12" vinyl 2019
Finntroll Visor om slutet EP CD 2019
Finntroll Trollhammaren EP 12" vinyl 2019
Flotsam and Jetsam Dreams of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Funebre Children of the Scorn Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Funebre Children of the Scorn Full-length CD 2019
Funebre Children of the Scorn Full-length Cassette 2019
Funebre Cranial Torment Compilation 12" vinyl 2020
Funebre Cranial Torment Compilation Cassette 2020
Ghosts of Atlantis Riddles of the Sycophants Full-length CD 2023
Ghosts of Atlantis Lands of Snow Single Digital 2023
Ghosts of Atlantis Riddles of the Sycophants Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ghosts of Atlantis The Lycaon King Single Digital 2023
Ghosts of Atlantis Sacramental Single Digital 2023
Godsend A Wayfarer's Tears Full-length Digital 2022
Gorefest The Demos Compilation 12" vinyl 2012
Gorerotted Mutilated in Minutes Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Gorerotted Mutilated in Minutes Full-length CD 2012
Gorerotted Mutilated in Minutes Full-length Digital 2012
Grinder Dead End Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Grinder Dead End Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Grinder Dawn for the Living Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Grinder Dawn for the Living Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Grinder Dawn for the Living Full-length CD 2023
Grinder Dead End Full-length CD 2023
Grot I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream EP CD 2013
Grotesque In the Embrace of Evil Compilation 12" vinyl 2015
Grotesque In the Embrace of Evil Compilation 12" vinyl 2015
Grotesque In the Embrace of Evil Compilation CD 2015
Hades Almighty Millenium Nocturne Full-length CD 1999
Hades Almighty ...Again Shall Be Full-length CD 2014
Hades Almighty Alone Walkyng Demo 12" vinyl 2014
Hades Almighty Millenium Nocturne Full-length 2 12" vinyls 1999
Hades Almighty The Dawn of the Dying Sun Full-length CD 2014
Hades Almighty Alone Walkyng Demo CD 2017
Hades Almighty ...Again Shall Be Full-length CD 2017
Hades Almighty ...Again Shall Be Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Hades Almighty The Dawn of the Dying Sun Full-length CD 2017
Hades Almighty The Dawn of the Dying Sun Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Hagalaz' Runedance Frigga's Web Full-length CD 2002
Hagalaz' Runedance Frigga's Web Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Hagalaz' Runedance Volven / Urd - That Which Was Full-length CD 2002
Hagalaz' Runedance Frigga's Web Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Havayoth His Creation Reversed Full-length CD 2000
Hearse Torch Single 7" vinyl 2002
Hearse Dominion Reptilian Full-length CD 2003
Hearse Dominion Reptilian Full-length CD 2003
Heir Apparent Graceful Inheritance Full-length CD 2022
Heir Apparent Graceful Inheritance Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Hollenthon Domus Mundi Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Hollenthon With Vilest of Worms to Dwell Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Hollenthon Opus Magnum Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Holy Terror Mind Wars Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Holy Terror Terror and Submission Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Hooded Menace Never Cross the Dead Full-length CD 2020
Hooded Menace Never Cross the Dead Full-length Cassette 2020
Hooded Menace Never Cross the Dead Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Hooded Menace Fulfill the Curse Full-length CD 2022
Hooded Menace Gloom Immemorial Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2022
Hypnosia Extreme Hatred Full-length CD 2000
Hypnosia Extreme Hatred Full-length 12" vinyl 2000
Hypnosia Extreme Hatred Full-length CD 2000
Hypnosia Extreme Hatred Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Hypnosia Extreme Hatred Full-length CD 2014
Hypnosia Extreme Hatred Full-length Digital 2014
Imperishable Deathspawn EP Cassette 2022
Imperishable Venomous Single Digital 2023
Imperishable Come, Sweet Death Full-length CD 2023
Imperishable Come, Sweet Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Imperishable Come, Sweet Death Full-length Digital 2023
Imperishable The Perennial Desire Single Digital 2023
Impious The Killer Full-length CD 2002
Impious The Deathsquad EP CD 2002
Impious The Killer Full-length CD 2002
Impious The Killer Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
In the Woods... A Return to the Isle of Men Compilation CD 1996
Incantation Live Blasphemy Live album CD 2003
Infernal Summon Forth the Beast EP CD 2002
Infernal Beauty Drakensquar Full-length CD 1997
Inquisitor Walpurgis - Sabbath of Lust Full-length 2CD 2014
Inquisitor Walpurgis - Sabbath of Lust Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Inquisitor The Demos Compilation 12" vinyl 2014
Inquisitor Walpurgis - Sabbath of Lust Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
Inquisitor I Am Sick, I Must Die EP Digital 2017
Inquisitor I Am Sick, I Must Die EP 7" vinyl 2017
Inquisitor Stigmata Me, I'm in Misery Full-length Digital 2017
Inquisitor Stigmata Me, I'm in Misery Full-length CD 2018
Inquisitor Stigmata Me, I'm in Misery Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Inquisitor Walpurgis - Sabbath of Lust Full-length Digital 2014
Internecine The Book of Lambs Full-length CD 2002
Internecine The Book of Lambs Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Invocator Excursion Demise Full-length 2CD 2022
Invocator Excursion Demise Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Invocator Weave the Apocalypse Full-length 2CD 2022
Invocator Weave the Apocalypse Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Invocator Excursion Demise Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Invocator Weave the Apocalypse Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Iron Angel Winds of War Full-length CD 2014
Iron Angel Hellish Crossfire Full-length CD 2014
Iron Angel Live in Bochum Live album 12" vinyl 2013
Iron Angel Hellish Crossfire Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Iron Angel Vinyl Bag Boxed set 12" vinyl 2013
Iron Angel Winds of War Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Iron Angel Winds of War Full-length Cassette 2024
Ishtar Krig Full-length CD 1999
Isole Dystopia Full-length CD 2019
Isole Dystopia Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Isole Dystopia Full-length Digital 2019
Isole Dystopia Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Isole Dystopia Full-length Cassette 2019
Isole Throne of Void Full-length CD 2022
Isole Forevermore Full-length CD 2022
Isole Anesidora Full-length CD 2023
Isole Anesidora Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Isole Anesidora Full-length Digital 2023
Isole The Song of the Whales Single Digital 2023
Isole Open Your Mind Single Digital 2023
Jord Tundra Full-length CD 2023
Jord Tundra Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Kadaverdisciplin Death Supremacy Full-length Digital 2017
Kadaverdisciplin Death Supremacy Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Kadaverdisciplin Death Supremacy Full-length CD 2017
Kadaverdisciplin Death Supremacy Full-length CD 2017
Kampfar Fra underverdenen Full-length CD 1999
Kampfar Norse EP CD 1998
Kampfar Kvass Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Kampfar Norse EP 12" vinyl 1998
Kampfar Fra underverdenen Full-length 12" vinyl 1999
Kampfar Heimgang Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Kampfar Mellom skogkledde aaser Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Kampfar Fra underverdenen Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Kawir Προς Κάβειρους (To Cavirs) EP 12" vinyl 2012
Kenn Nardi Trauma Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Kjeld Skym Full-length CD 2015
Kjeld Skym Full-length Digital 2015
Kjeld Skym Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Konkhra Weed Out the Weak Full-length Digital 2017
Konkhra Weed Out the Weak Full-length CD 2018
Konkhra Weed Out the Weak Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Konkhra Alpha and the Omega Full-length Digital 2019
Konkhra Alpha and the Omega Full-length CD 2019
Konkhra Alpha and the Omega Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Konkhra Sexual Affective Disorder Full-length Digital 2021
Konkhra Sexual Affective Disorder Full-length 2CD 2021
Konkhra Sexual Affective Disorder Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Konkhra Sexual Affective Disorder Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Lȧȧz Rockit Annihilation Principle Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Lȧȧz Rockit Know Your Enemy Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Leviathan The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide Full-length CD 2016
Leviathan Tentacles of Whorror Full-length CD 2016
Leviathan Massive Conspiracy Against All Life Full-length CD 2016
Leviathan Howl Mockery at the Cross Compilation CD 2016
Leviathan A Silhouette in Splinters Full-length CD 2016
Leviathan Leviathan Boxed set CD 2016
Leviathan Leviathan Boxed set Cassette 2019
Leviathan Tentacles of Whorror Full-length Cassette 2016
Leviathan Howl Mockery at the Cross Compilation Cassette 2016
Leviathan The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide Full-length Cassette 2016
Leviathan Massive Conspiracy Against All Life Full-length Cassette 2016
Leviathan A Silhouette in Splinters Full-length Cassette 2016
Limbonic Art Volume I-IV Boxed set CD 2001
Limbonic Art Chronicles of Limbo Boxed set 12" vinyl 2000
Limbonic Art Epitome of Illusions Full-length CD 2019
Limbonic Art Ad Noctum - Dynasty of Death Full-length CD 2019
Limbonic Art Moon in the Scorpio Full-length CD 2019
Limbonic Art In Abhorrence Dementia Full-length CD 2019
Limbonic Art The Ultimate Death Worship Full-length CD 2019
Limbonic Art 1996-2002 Boxed set CD 2019
Lord Belial Rapture Full-length CD 2022
Lord Belial Rapture Full-length Digital 2022
Lord Belial On a Throne of Souls Single Digital 2022
Lord Belial Rapture Full-length CD 2022
Lord Belial Rapture Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Lord Belial Lux Luciferi Single Digital 2022
Lord Belial Belie All Gods Single Digital 2022
Lord Mantis Pervertor Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Lost in Misery Carousel of Memories Full-length CD 1997
Lucifer's Fall Lucifer's Fall Full-length CD 2015
Lucifer's Fall Lucifer's Fall Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Lucifer's Fall Lucifer's Fall Full-length Digital 2015
Macabre Grim Scary Tales Full-length CD 2011
Macabre Unabomber EP CD 1999
Macabre Unabomber EP 10" vinyl 1999
Macabre Unabomber EP 10" vinyl 2000
Macabre Dahmer Full-length CD 2000
Macabre Grim Reality EP 12" vinyl 2012
Macabre Dahmer Full-length 12" vinyl 2000
Macabre Grim Scary Tales Full-length 2 10" vinyls 2011
Macabre Grim Scary Tales Full-length CD 2011
Macabre Grim Reality EP 10" vinyl 2011
Macabre Gloom Full-length 10" vinyl 2011
Macabre Gloom Full-length CD 2001
Macabre Gloom Full-length CD 2011
Macabre Dahmer Full-length CD 2000
Macabre Unabomber EP CD 1999
Macabre Masters of Murder Split CD 2001
Severe Torture Masters of Murder Split CD 2001
Aeternus Masters of Murder Split CD 2001
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter Masters of Murder Split CD 2001
Throneaeon Masters of Murder Split CD 2001
Broken Hope Masters of Murder Split CD 2001
Macabre Gloom Full-length 12" vinyl 2001
Malevolent Creation Eternal Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Malevolent Creation In Cold Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Malevolent Creation The Fine Art of Murder Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Malevolent Creation The Fine Art of Murder Full-length CD 2013
Malevolent Creation Eternal Full-length CD 2013
Malevolent Creation In Cold Blood Full-length CD 2013
Malevolent Creation The Ten Commandments Full-length Digital 2018
Malevolent Creation The Ten Commandments Full-length 2CD 2018
Malevolent Creation The Ten Commandments Full-length Cassette 2018
Malevolent Creation The Ten Commandments Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Malevolent Creation The Ten Commandments Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2018
Manes Under ein blodraud maane Full-length CD 1999
Manes Under ein blodraud maane Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Manes Under ein blodraud maane Full-length CD 2012
Manes Under ein blodraud maane Full-length 12" vinyl 1999
Manes Under ein blodraud maane Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Manes Under ein blodraud maane Full-length CD 2002
Manes Under ein blodraud maane Full-length Digital 2012
Manes Under ein blodraud maane Full-length Digital 2018
Manes Under ein blodraud maane Full-length CD 2018
Manes Under ein blodraud maane Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Manes Under ein blodraud maane Full-length CD 2012
Master Master Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Master Master Full-length CD 2017
Master Master Full-length Digital 2017
Master Master Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Master Master Full-length 2CD 2017
Master On the Seventh Day God Created... Master Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Master On the Seventh Day God Created... Master Full-length 2CD 2017
Master On the Seventh Day God Created... Master Full-length Digital 2017
Master Master Full-length 2CD 2020
Master On the Seventh Day God Created... Master Full-length CD 2017
Master On the Seventh Day God Created... Master Full-length 2CD 2020
Master Collection of Souls Full-length Digital 2022
Master Collection of Souls Full-length CD 2022
Master Faith Is in Season Full-length CD 2022
Master Master Full-length CD 2022
Master On the Seventh Day God Created... Master Full-length CD 2022
Master The Spirit of the West Full-length CD 2022
Master Let's Start a War Full-length CD 2022
Master Four More Years of Terror Full-length CD 2022
Master Slaves to Society Full-length CD 2022
Master Let's Start a War Full-length Digital 2022
Master The Spirit of the West Full-length Digital 2022
Master The New Elite Full-length CD 2022
Master Four More Years of Terror Full-length Digital 2022
Master Slaves to Society Full-length Digital 2022
Master On the Seventh Day God Created... Master Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Master The Human Machine Full-length CD 2022
Master An Epiphany of Hate Full-length CD 2022
Master The Witchhunt Full-length CD 2022
Master Vindictive Miscreant Full-length CD 2022
Master Collection of Souls Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Master Faith Is in Season Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Master Let's Start a War Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Master Saints Dispelled Full-length Digital 2024
Master Saints Dispelled Full-length Cassette 2024
Master Saints Dispelled Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Master Saints Dispelled Full-length CD 2024
Master Saints Dispelled Full-length CD 2024
Master Walk in the Footsteps of Doom Single Digital 2023
Master On the Seventh Day God Created... Master / Speckmann Project Split 2CD 2017
Speckmann Project On the Seventh Day God Created... Master / Speckmann Project Split 2CD 2017
Master On the Seventh Day God Created... Master / Speckmann Project Split 2CD 2020
Speckmann Project On the Seventh Day God Created... Master / Speckmann Project Split 2CD 2020
Master Minds Under Pressure Single Digital 2023
Master Saints Dispelled Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Meliah Rage Kill to Survive Full-length 2CD 2018
Meliah Rage Solitary Solitude Full-length 2CD 2018
Meliah Rage Kill to Survive Full-length Digital 2018
Meliah Rage Kill to Survive Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Meliah Rage Solitary Solitude Full-length Digital 2018
Meliah Rage Solitary Solitude Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Mercenary Everblack Full-length CD 2002
Mercenary Everblack Full-length CD 2003
Mercenary First Breath Full-length CD 2012
Mercenary Everblack Full-length CD 2012
Mercenary Everblack Full-length Digital 2012
Mercenary First Breath Full-length Digital 2012
Mercenary Everblack Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Mezzrow Then Came the Demos Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2022
Mezzrow Then Came the Killing Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Mezzrow Then Came the Killing Full-length 2CD 2022
Mezzrow Then Came the Demos Compilation Digital 2024
Mezzrow Resurrection of the Beast (Demo 1988) Single Digital 2022
Mezzrow Silent Extenction (Demo 1990) Single Digital 2024
Mezzrow Then Came the Killing Full-length Digital 2022
Misery Index Pulling Out the Nails Compilation CD + DVD 2011
Mithotyn Carved in Stone - The Discography Compilation 3CD 2013
Mithotyn King of the Distant Forest Full-length CD 2003
Mithotyn Carved in Stone - The Discography Compilation Digital 2013
Mithotyn Gathered Around the Oaken Table Full-length CD 2003
Mithotyn In the Sign of the Ravens Full-length CD 2003
Mock Vinterlandet EP CD 1995
Mock Mock Compilation 12" vinyl 2020
Monstrosity Enslaving the Masses Compilation 2CD 2001
Moonsorrow Back to North Boxed set CD 2019
Moonsorrow Tulimyrsky EP EP CD 2019
Moonsorrow Verisäkeet Full-length CD 2019
Moonsorrow Voimasta ja kunniasta Full-length CD 2019
Moonsorrow V: Hävitetty Full-length CD 2019
Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja Full-length CD 2019
Morifade Imaginarium Full-length CD 2002
Morifade Imaginarium Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Mourners Lament We All Be Given Full-length CD 2017
Mourners Lament We All Be Given Full-length Digital 2017
Muert Ye Canariae Abezan Full-length Digital 2017
Muert Ye Canariae Abezan Full-length CD 2017
Muert Ye Canariae Abezan Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
My Own Grave Unleash Full-length Digital 2017
Mystifier Wicca Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Mystifier Wicca Full-length 2CD 2015
Mystifier Göetia Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Mystifier The World Is So Good That Who Made It Doesn't Live Here Full-length CD 2016
Mystifier The World Is So Good That Who Made It Doesn't Live Here Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Mystifier Göetia Full-length 2CD 2015
Nattehimmel The Night Sky Beckons Demo Cassette 2022
Nattehimmel The Night Sky Beckons Demo Digital 2022
Nattehimmel Mourningstar Full-length CD 2023
Nattehimmel Mourningstar Full-length Digital 2023
Nattehimmel Mourningstar Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Nattehimmel Each Man a Constellation Single Digital 2023
Nattehimmel Astrologer Single Digital 2023
Nausea Crime Against Humanity Full-length CD 2013
Nebular Mystic Necrotic Full-length Digital 2017
Necromicon Peccata Mundi Full-length CD 2000
Necromicon Sightveiler Full-length CD 1998
Necromicon Peccata Mundi Full-length 12" vinyl 2000
Necrophobic Bloodhymns Full-length CD 2002
Necrophobic Tour EP 2003 Compilation CD 2003
Necrophobic The Third Antichrist Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Necrophobic Bloodhymns Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Necrophobic The Nocturnal Silence Full-length CD 2011
Necrophobic Spawned by Evil EP CD 2012
Necrophobic Spawned by Evil EP 12" vinyl 2012
Necrophobic The Nocturnal Silence Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Necrophobic Darkside Full-length CD 2003
Necrophobic Satanic Blasphemies Compilation CD 2012
Necrophobic The Nocturnal Silence Full-length CD 2003
Necrophobic The Third Antichrist Full-length CD 2011
Necrophobic Darkside Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Necrophobic Bloodhymns Full-length CD 2011
Necrophobic The Third Antichrist Full-length Digital 2011
Necrophobic Darkside Full-length Digital 2010
Necrophobic The Nocturnal Silence Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Necrophobic Bloodhymns Full-length Digital 2011
Necrophobic Spawned by Evil EP Digital 2012
Necrophobic Darkside Full-length CD 2011
Necrophobic Spawned by Evil EP 12" vinyl 2016
Necrophobic Darkside Full-length CD 2015
Necrophobic Bloodhymns Full-length CD 2002
Necrophobic The Third Antichrist Full-length CD 2003
Necrophobic The Nocturnal Silence Full-length Digital 2010
Necrophobic The Nocturnal Silence Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Necrophobic The Nocturnal Silence Full-length Cassette 2018
Necrophobic Bloodhymns Full-length Cassette 2018
Necrophobic The Third Antichrist Full-length Cassette 2018
Necrophobic Darkside Full-length Cassette 2018
Necrophobic Darkside Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Necrophobic Darkside Full-length CD 2018
Necrophobic Darkside Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Necrophobic The Call EP 12" vinyl 2018
Necrophobic Bloodhymns Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Necrophobic Darkside Full-length Digital 2018
Necrophobic The Nocturnal Silence Full-length Digital 2018
Necrophobic The Third Antichrist Full-length Digital 2018
Necrophobic Bloodhymns Full-length Digital 2018
Necrophobic Satanic Prophecies Boxed set CD 2018
Necrophobic The Nocturnal Silence Full-length CD 2018
Necrophobic The Third Antichrist Full-length CD 2018
Necrophobic The Third Antichrist Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Necrophobic Bloodhymns Full-length CD 2018
Necrophobic Bloodhymns Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Nervochaos Ablaze Full-length Digital 2019
Nervochaos Ablaze Full-length CD 2019
Nervochaos Ablaze Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Nifelheim Servants of Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Night Conquers Day The First Snowfall Full-length CD 1998
Night Conquers Day Rebellion Is the Art of Survival Full-length CD 1999
Nile In the Beginning Compilation CD 2000
Nile In the Beginning Compilation 12" vinyl 2000
Nile Worship the Animal - 1994: The Lost Recordings Demo 12" vinyl 2011
Nile In the Beginning Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Nile In the Beginning Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Nile In the Beginning Compilation CD 2000
Nile Worship the Animal - 1994: The Lost Recordings Demo 12" vinyl 2011
Nocturnal Breed Aggressor Full-length 12" vinyl 1997
Nocturnal Breed Triumph of the Blasphemer EP CD 1998
Nocturnal Breed No Retreat... No Surrender Full-length CD 1998
Nocturnal Breed Raping Europe EP 10" vinyl 1997
Nocturnal Breed Aggressor Full-length CD 1997
Obsecration The Inheritors of Pain Full-length CD 1996
Occult Prepare to Meet Thy Doom Full-length Digital 2017
Occult The Enemy Within Full-length Digital 2017
Octinomos Welcome to My Planet Full-length CD 2000
Officium Triste Mors Viri Full-length CD 2013
Officium Triste Mors Viri Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Officium Triste Mors Viri Full-length Digital 2013
Old Funeral The Older Ones Compilation CD 1999
Old Funeral Join the Funeral Procession Compilation 12" vinyl 1998
Old Funeral The Older Ones Compilation 12" vinyl 1999
Old Funeral The Older Ones Compilation CD 2001
On Thorns I Lay Sounds of Beautiful Experience Full-length Digital 2022
On Thorns I Lay Future Narcotic Full-length Digital 2022
On Thorns I Lay Orama Full-length Digital 2022
On Thorns I Lay Crystal Tears Full-length Digital 2022
Opera IX The Gospel Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Oppressor Solstice of Oppression Full-length 2CD 2024
Oppressor Solstice of Oppression Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Oppressor The Demos Compilation 12" vinyl 2024
Oppressor Agony Full-length 2CD 2024
Oppressor Agony Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Oppressor Elements of Corrosion Full-length 2CD 2024
Oppressor Elements of Corrosion Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Oro Vid vägs ände Full-length CD 2023
Oro Vid vägs ände Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Oro Vid vägs ände Full-length Digital 2023
Oro Bältad Single Digital 2023
Oro Treriksröset Single Digital 2023
Orphanage Oblivious to Time Boxed set 12" vinyl 2024
Orphanage Oblivious to Time Boxed set CD 2024
Orphanage Oblivion Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Orphanage By Time Alone Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Orphanage Morph / Druid Compilation 12" vinyl 2024
Orphanage Oblivious to Time Boxed set CD 2024
Pazuzu Awaken the Dragon Full-length CD 2001
Perkele Erotic Circus Full-length CD 1996
Pestilence Consvming Impvlse Full-length 2CD 2017
Pestilence Consvming Impvlse Full-length Cassette 2017
Pestilence Consvming Impvlse Full-length Digital 2017
Pestilence Mallevs Maleficarvm Full-length 2CD 2017
Pestilence Mallevs Maleficarvm Full-length Cassette 2017
Pestilence Testimony of the Ancients Full-length Digital 2017
Pestilence Testimony of the Ancients Full-length Cassette 2017
Pestilence Testimony of the Ancients Full-length 2CD 2017
Pestilence Consvming Impvlse Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Pestilence Spheres Full-length Digital 2017
Pestilence Spheres Full-length 2CD 2017
Pestilence Spheres Full-length Cassette 2017
Pestilence Hadeon Full-length Digital 2018
Pestilence Spheres Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Pestilence Hadeon Full-length CD 2018
Pestilence Hadeon Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Pestilence Hadeon Full-length Cassette 2018
Pestilence Prophetic Revelations 1987-1993 Boxed set 12" vinyl 2018
Pestilence Testimony of the Ancients Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Pestilence Consvming Impvlse Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Pestilence Mallevs Maleficarvm Full-length Digital 2017
Pestilence Mallevs Maleficarvm Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Pestilence Testimony of the Ancients Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Pestilence Consvming Impvlse Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Pestilence Mallevs Maleficarvm Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Pestilence Testimony of the Ancients Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Phlebotomized Immense Intense Suspense / Skycontact Compilation 2CD 2014
Phlebotomized Immense Intense Suspense Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2015
Phlebotomized Skycontact Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2015
Phlebotomized Preach Eternal Gospels EP 12" vinyl 2015
Phlebotomized Immense Intense Suspense / Skycontact Compilation Digital 2014
Phlebotomized Deformation of Humanity Full-length CD 2019
Phlebotomized Deformation of Humanity Full-length Digital 2018
Phlebotomized Deformation of Humanity Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Phlebotomized Devoted to God Demo Digital 2022
Phlebotomized Devoted to God Demo CD 2022
Phlebotomized Devoted to God Demo Cassette 2022
Phlebotomized Devoted to God Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Phlebotomized Death Will Hunt You Down Single Digital 2022
Phlebotomized Clouds of Confusion Full-length CD 2023
Phlebotomized Clouds of Confusion Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Phlebotomized Clouds of Confusion Full-length Digital 2023
Phlebotomized A Unity Your Messiah Pre Claimed Single Digital 2023
Phlebotomized Destined to Be Killed Single Digital 2023
Phlebotomized Immense Intense Suspense Full-length CD 2023
Phlebotomized Skycontact Full-length CD 2023
Primordial Spirit the Earth Aflame Full-length CD 2000
Primordial Storm Before Calm Full-length CD 2002
Primordial The Burning Season EP CD 1999
Primordial The Burning Season EP 10" vinyl 1999
Primordial Imrama Full-length CD 2001
Primordial A Journey's End Full-length CD 2001
Primordial Spirit the Earth Aflame Full-length CD 2000
Primordial A Journey's End Full-length CD 1999
Primordial A Journey's End Full-length 12" vinyl 1999
Primordial Storm Before Calm Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Primordial Spirit the Earth Aflame Full-length 12" vinyl 2000
Rauhnåcht Urzeitgeist Full-length CD 2014
Rauhnåcht Urzeitgeist Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
Rauhnåcht Urzeitgeist Full-length Digital 2014
Razor Executioner's Song Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Razor Evil Invaders Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Razor Malicious Intent Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Razor Malicious Intent Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Rebaelliun Burn the Promised Land Full-length CD 1999
Rebaelliun Bringer of War EP CD 2000
Rebaelliun Annihilation Full-length CD 2001
Rebaelliun Burn the Promised Land Full-length CD 2000
Rebaelliun Burn the Promised Land Full-length 12" vinyl 1999
Rebaelliun Annihilation Full-length 12" vinyl 2001
Rebaelliun At War EP 7" vinyl 2015
Rebaelliun Burn the Promised Land Full-length CD 1999
Rebaelliun The Hell's Decrees Full-length Digital 2016
Rebaelliun The Hell's Decrees Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Rebaelliun Annihilation Full-length Digital 2016
Rebaelliun Annihilation Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Rebaelliun Annihilation Full-length CD 2016
Rebaelliun At War EP Digital 2015
Rebaelliun Bringer of War (The Last Stand) EP CD 2017
Rebaelliun The Hell's Decrees Full-length CD 2016
Rebaelliun Burn the Promised Land Full-length Digital 2000
Rebaelliun Burn the Promised Land Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Rebaelliun Bringer of War (The Last Stand) EP 12" vinyl 2017
Rebaelliun Burn the Promised Land Full-length CD 2016
Rebaelliun Burn the Promised Land Full-length Digital 2016
Rebaelliun Bringer of War (The Last Stand) EP Digital 2017
Red Rot Borders of Mania Full-length CD 2024
Red Rot Borders of Mania Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Red Rot Borders of Mania Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Red Rot Borders of Mania Full-length Digital 2024
Repugnant Hecatomb EP 12" vinyl 2000
Repugnant Hecatomb EP 12" vinyl 2012
Repugnant Hecatomb EP CD 2012
Repugnant Hecatomb EP Digital 2012
Repugnant Hecatomb EP CD 2012
Repugnant Hecatomb EP 12" vinyl 2014
Repugnant Hecatomb EP 12" vinyl 2018
Resurrection Embalmed Existence Full-length Cassette 2020
Resurrection Embalmed Existence Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Resurrection Embalmed Existence Full-length 2CD 2020
Resurrection Embalmed Existence Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Romuvos Spirits Full-length Digital 2024
Romuvos Spirits Full-length CD 2024
Romuvos Spirits Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Romuvos World Tree Single Digital 2023
Romuvos Sun and the Morning Star Single Digital 2024
Roots of the Old Oak Blot Demo Cassette 2022
Roots of the Old Oak The Devil and His Wicked Ways Full-length CD 2023
Roots of the Old Oak The Devil and His Wicked Ways Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Roots of the Old Oak The Devil and His Wicked Ways Full-length Digital 2023
Roots of the Old Oak The Devil and His Wicked Ways Single Digital 2023
Runemagick Darkness Death Doom Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Runemagick On Funeral Wings Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Runemagick Beyond the Cenotaph of Mankind Full-length CD 2023
Runemagick Beyond the Cenotaph of Mankind Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Runemagick Archaic Magick (After the Red Sun) Single Digital 2023
Runemagick Endless Night and Eternal End Single Digital 2023
Runemagick Last Skull of Humanity EP CD 2023
Runemagick Last Skull of Humanity EP 12" vinyl 2023
Runemagick Last Skull of Humanity EP Digital 2023
Runemagick Darkness Death Doom Full-length CD 2023
Runemagick On Funeral Wings Full-length CD 2023
Runemagick Beyond the Cenotaph of Mankind Full-length Digital 2023
Runemagick Envenom Full-length CD 2023
Running Wild Gates to Purgatory Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Running Wild Port Royal Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Running Wild Branded and Exiled Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Running Wild Under Jolly Roger Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Sacrilege Within the Prophecy Full-length Digital 2017
Sacrilege Turn Back Trilobite Full-length Digital 2017
Sacrilege Within the Prophecy Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Sacrilege Within the Prophecy Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Sacrilege Turn Back Trilobite Full-length CD 2018
Sacrilege Within the Prophecy Full-length CD 2018
Sacrilege Turn Back Trilobite Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Sadism Obscurans Full-length CD 2023
Sadism Obscurans Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sadism Obscurans Full-length Digital 2023
Sadism Exsanguination Single Digital 2023
Sadism On Your Knees Single Digital 2023
Sadus DTP Demo 1986 Compilation CD 2003
Salacious Gods Oalevluuk Full-length CD 2023
Salacious Gods Oalevluuk Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Salacious Gods Oalevluuk Full-length Digital 2023
Salacious Gods Morbid Revelations in Blood and Semen Single Digital 2023
Salacious Gods Bloedkloete Single Digital 2023
Sammath Godless Arrogance Full-length Digital 2014
Sammath Godless Arrogance Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Sammath Godless Arrogance Full-length CD 2014
Sammath Strijd Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Sammath Across the Rhine Is Only Death Full-length Digital 2019
Sammath Across the Rhine Is Only Death Full-length CD 2019
Sammath Across the Rhine Is Only Death Full-length Cassette 2019
Sammath Across the Rhine Is Only Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Sammath Across the Rhine Is Only Death Full-length CD 2019
Sammath Grebbeberg Full-length CD 2023
Sammath Grebbeberg Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sammath Reichswald Single Digital 2023
Sammath Tot de laatste granaat Single Digital 2023
Sammath Grebbeberg Full-length Cassette 2023
Sarcasm Stellar Stream Obscured Full-length CD 2022
Sarcasm Stellar Stream Obscured Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Sarcasm Stellar Stream Obscured Full-length Digital 2022
Sarcasm Mourninghoul Full-length CD 2024
Sarcasm Mourninghoul Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Sarcasm Mourninghoul Full-length 2CD 2024
Sarcasm Dying Embers of Solitude Single Digital 2024
Sarcasm Lifelike Sleep Single Digital 2024
Sardonis II Full-length CD 2012
Sardonis II Full-length Digital 2012
Sardonis II Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Satariel Phobos and Deimos Full-length CD 2002
Satariel Lady Lust Lilith Full-length CD 2003
Savage Loose 'n Lethal Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Savage Grace Master of Disguise Full-length CD 2022
Savage Grace After the Fall from Grace Compilation 2CD 2022
Scaar The Second Incision Full-length Digital 2017
Scald Will of the Gods Is Great Power Split 2CD 2019
Росс Will of the Gods Is Great Power Split 2CD 2019
Sear Bliss Letters from the Edge Full-length Digital 2018
Sear Bliss Letters from the Edge Full-length CD 2018
Sear Bliss Letters from the Edge Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Sear Bliss Heavenly Down Full-length Digital 2024
Sear Bliss Heavenly Down Full-length CD 2024
Sear Bliss Heavenly Down Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Sear Bliss The Upper World Single Digital 2024
Sear Bliss Heavenly Down Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Sear Bliss Chasm Single Digital 2024
Septicflesh Sumerian Daemons Full-length CD 2003
Septicflesh Sumerian Daemons Full-length CD 2003
Serpent Eater Hyena Full-length CD 2014
Seventh Void Heaven Is Gone Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Severe Torture Misanthropic Carnage Full-length CD 2002
Severe Torture Butchery of the Soul EP CD 2002
Severe Torture Feasting on Blood Full-length CD 2000
Severe Torture A Taste for Butchery Split CD 2002
Blood Red Throne A Taste for Butchery Split CD 2002
Severe Torture From Blood to Carnage: 1998-2004 Compilation 2CD 2011
Severe Torture Misanthropic Carnage Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Severe Torture Misanthropic Carnage Full-length CD 2002
Severe Torture From Blood to Carnage: 1998-2004 Compilation Digital 2011
Severe Torture A Taste for Butchery Split CD 2002
Blood Red Throne A Taste for Butchery Split CD 2002
Severe Torture Feasting on Blood Full-length Digital 2015
Severe Torture Feasting on Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Severe Torture Feasting on Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Severe Torture Misanthropic Carnage Full-length Digital 2015
Severe Torture Misanthropic Carnage Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Shape of Despair Shades of... Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Shape of Despair Angels of Distress Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Shape of Despair Illusion's Play Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
SIG:AR:TYR Northen Full-length CD 2016
SIG:AR:TYR Sailing the Seas of Fate Full-length CD 2015
SIG:AR:TYR Beyond the North Winds Full-length CD 2015
SIG:AR:TYR Godsaga Full-length CD 2015
SIG:AR:TYR Citadel of Stars Full-length Digital 2024
SIG:AR:TYR Citadel of Stars Full-length 2CD 2024
SIG:AR:TYR Citadel of Stars Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
SIG:AR:TYR I Sail on, Eternal Single Digital 2024
SIG:AR:TYR Ascending the Stellar Throne Single Digital 2024
Sigh Scorn Defeat Full-length 2CD 2014
Sinister Creative Killings Full-length CD 2001
Sinister Creative Killings Full-length 12" vinyl 2001
Sinister The Blood Past Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2012
Sinister The Blood Past Compilation CD 2012
Sinister Legacy of Ashes Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Sinister The Blood Past Compilation CD 2012
Sinister The Blood Past Compilation Digital 2012
Sisters of Suffocation Brutal Queen EP 12" vinyl 2016
Sisters of Suffocation Brutal Queen EP CD 2016
Sisters of Suffocation Brutal Queen EP Digital 2016
Skyfire Timeless Departure Full-length CD 2001
Skyfire Mind Revolution Full-length CD 2003
Skyfire Haunted by Shadows EP CD 2003
Slaughter Meatcleaver Demo CD 2013
Slaughter the Giant Depravity Full-length Digital 2022
Slaughter the Giant Depravity Full-length CD 2022
Slaughter the Giant Depravity Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Slaughter the Giant The Undead Single Digital 2022
Slaughter the Giant Co-ed Butcher Single Digital 2022
Sol Sistere Unfading Incorporeal Vacuum Full-length CD 2016
Sol Sistere Unfading Incorporeal Vacuum Full-length Digital 2016
Sol Sistere Unfading Incorporeal Vacuum Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Sol Sistere Unfading Incorporeal Vacuum Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Sol Sistere Extinguished Cold Light Full-length Digital 2019
Sol Sistere Extinguished Cold Light Full-length CD 2019
Sol Sistere Extinguished Cold Light Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Sol Sistere Extinguished Cold Light Full-length Cassette 2019
Solitude Aeturnus Downfall Full-length CD 2014
Solitude Aeturnus Through the Darkest Hour Full-length CD 2014
Sólstafir Köld Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Solstice Solstice Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Solstice Pray for the Sentencing Compilation 2CD 2017
Sorcerer Sorcerer Compilation CD 2015
Sorcerer Sorcerer Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2015
Soulreaper Son of the Dead EP 7" vinyl 2002
Soulreaper Life Erazer Full-length CD 2003
Soulreaper Life Erazer Full-length CD 2003
Spectral Souls Towards Extinction Full-length CD 2023
Spectral Souls Towards Extinction Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sunseth Sphere Storm Before Silence Full-length CD 2001
Taphos Nomos West of Everything Lies Death EP CD 2015
Taphos Nomos West of Everything Lies Death EP Digital 2015
Tarnkappe Tussen hun en de zon Full-length CD 2014
Tarnkappe Tussen hun en de zon Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Tarnkappe Winterwaker Full-length Digital 2016
Tarnkappe Winterwaker Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Tarnkappe Tussen hun en de zon Full-length Digital 2014
Tarnkappe Winterwaker Full-length Cassette 2017
Tarnkappe Winterwaker Full-length CD 2016
Temple of Void The First Ten Years Compilation CD 2024
Temple of Void The First Ten Years Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2024
Thanatos Angelic Encounters Full-length CD 2000
Thanatos Angelic Encounters Full-length 12" vinyl 2000
Thanatos Angelic Encounters Full-length CD 2000
Thanatos Thanatology: Terror from the Vault Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2020
The Clan Destined In the Big Ending... EP CD 2015
The Clan Destined In the Big Ending... EP 12" vinyl 2015
The Clan Destined In the Big Ending... EP Digital 2015
The Everdawn Poems - Burn the Past Full-length CD 2003
The Gathering Downfall: The Early Years Compilation 2CD 2001
The Gathering Downfall: The Early Years Compilation CD 2001
The Kovenant In Times Before the Light Full-length CD 2002
The Kovenant In Times Before the Light Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
The Monolith Deathcult Trivmvirate Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
The Monolith Deathcult Tetragrammaton Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
The Monolith Deathcult Obliteration of the Despised & Decade of Depression - Live from the Ruptured Continent Compilation 12" vinyl 2014
The Monolith Deathcult Versus 1 Full-length CD 2017
The Monolith Deathcult Versus 1 Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
The Monolith Deathcult Trivmvirate Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
The Ravenous Assembled in Blasphemy Full-length CD 2000
The Ravenous Assembled in Blasphemy Full-length 12" vinyl 2000
The Rotted Apathy in the UK Single 7" vinyl 2011
The Rotted Apathy in the UK Single Digital 2011
Therion Beyond Sanctorum Full-length CD 2022
Therion Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas Full-length CD 2022
Therion Lepaca Kliffoth Full-length CD 2022
Therion Beyond Sanctorum Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Therion Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Therion Lepaca Kliffoth Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Therion Time Shall Tell EP 12" vinyl 2022
Therion Theli Full-length CD 2022
Therion Deggial Full-length CD 2022
Therion Lemuria Full-length CD 2022
Therion Secret of the Runes Full-length CD 2022
Therion Sirius B Full-length CD 2022
Therion Vovin Full-length CD 2022
Throneaeon Neither of Gods Full-length CD 2001
Thy Listless Heart Pilgrims on the Path of No Return Full-length Digital 2022
Thy Listless Heart Pilgrims on the Path of No Return Full-length CD 2022
Thy Listless Heart Pilgrims on the Path of No Return Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Thy Listless Heart Pilgrims on the Path of No Return Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Thyrfing Thyrfing Full-length CD 1998
Thyrfing Valdr Galga Full-length CD 1999
Thyrfing Urkraft Full-length CD 2000
Thyrfing Vansinnesvisor Full-length CD 2002
Thyrfing Thyrfing Full-length CD 2012
Thyrfing Urkraft Full-length CD 2000
Thyrfing Urkraft Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2000
Thyrfing Vansinnesvisor Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Thyrfing Vansinnesvisor Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Thyrfing Valdr Galga Full-length 12" vinyl 1999
Thyrfing Urkraft Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Thyrfing Valdr Galga Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Thyrfing Thyrfing Full-length 12" vinyl 1998
Thyrfing Thyrfing Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Thyrfing Thyrfing Full-length Digital 2012
Thyrfing Valdr Galga Full-length Digital 2012
Thyrfing Urkraft Full-length Digital 2012
Thyrfing Vansinnesvisor Full-length Digital 2012
Thyrfing Valdr Galga Full-length CD 2012
Thyrfing Storms of Asgard Single CD 1999
Thyrfing Valdr Galga Full-length CD 1999
Thyrfing Valdr Galga Full-length CD 1999
Thyrfing Valdr Galga Full-length 12" vinyl 1999
Thyrfing Thyrfing Full-length CD 2000
Thyrfing Urkraft Full-length CD 2012
Thyrfing Vansinnesvisor Full-length CD 2012
Tiamat Sumerian Cry Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Totengott Beyond the Veil Full-length CD 2024
Totengott Beyond the Veil Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Totengott Beyond the Veil Full-length Digital 2024
Totengott Beyond the Veil Part II: Necromancer Single Digital 2024
Trelldom Til et annet... Full-length CD 1999
Trelldom Til et annet... Full-length CD 2013
Trelldom Til et annet... Full-length Digital 2013
Trelldom Til et annet... Full-length 12" vinyl 1999
Trelldom Til et annet... Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Tristitia The Last Grief Full-length Digital 2022
Tristitia Lamentations of Darkness Boxed set CD 2023
Tristitia Garden of Darkness Full-length Digital 2022
Tristitia One with Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Tristitia Garden of Darkness Full-length CD 2022
Tristitia One with Darkness Full-length CD 2024
Tristitia Crucidiction Full-length CD 2023
Tristitia Crucidiction Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Tristitia The Last Grief Full-length CD 2023
Trouble The Skull Full-length Digital 2020
Trouble Psalm 9 Full-length Digital 2020
Trouble Psalm 9 Full-length CD 2020
Trouble Psalm 9 Full-length Cassette 2020
Trouble The Skull Full-length CD 2020
Trouble The Skull Full-length Cassette 2020
Trouble Psalm 9 Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Trouble The Skull Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Trouble Manic Frustration Full-length Digital 2020
Trouble Trouble Full-length Digital 2020
Trouble Trouble Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Trouble Trouble Full-length Cassette 2020
Trouble Manic Frustration Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Trouble Trouble Full-length CD 2020
Trouble Manic Frustration Full-length Cassette 2020
Trouble Manic Frustration Full-length CD 2020
Trouble Psalm 9 Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Trouble Manic Frustration Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Trouble The Skull Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Trouble Trouble Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Trouble One for the Road EP 2CD 2022
Trouble One for the Road EP 12" vinyl 2022
Trouble Plastic Green Head Full-length Digital 2022
Trouble Plastic Green Head Full-length CD 2022
Trouble Simple Mind Condition Full-length Digital 2022
Trouble Simple Mind Condition Full-length 2CD 2022
Trouble Revelations of the Insane (Demos & Rarities) Compilation 2CD 2022
Trouble Plastic Green Head Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Trouble The Distortion Field Full-length CD 2022
Trouble Simple Mind Condition Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Trouble Live in Stockholm Live album 2 12" vinyls 2022
Trouble The Distortion Field Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Trouble Revelations of the Insane (Demos & Rarities) Compilation Digital 2022
Tulus Evil 1999 Full-length CD 1999
Tulus Evil 1999 Full-length 12" vinyl 1999
Tumulation Haunted Funeral Creations Full-length CD 2023
Tumulation Haunted Funeral Creations Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Tumulation Shattered Under the Eclipse Single Digital 2023
Tumulation Sterilizing Winds Single Digital 2023
Tumulation Haunted Funeral Creations Full-length Digital 2023
Tumulus Hymns and Dirges / Cold Winter Split CD 1995
Mock Hymns and Dirges / Cold Winter Split CD 1995
Unleashed Midvinterblot Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Unleashed Midvinterblot Full-length CD 2020
Unleashed Midvinterblot Full-length Cassette 2020
Vader Reborn in Chaos Compilation 12" vinyl 2012
Vader Reborn in Chaos Compilation CD 1997
Vader Reborn in Chaos Compilation 12" vinyl 1998
Vader Reborn in Chaos Compilation Digital 2012
Vader Reborn in Chaos Compilation CD 2017
Vendetta Brain Damage Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Vendetta Go and Live ... Stay and Die Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Vicious Rumors Digital Dictator Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Vicious Rumors Soldiers of the Night Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Viking Crown Unorthodox Steps of Ritual EP 12" vinyl 2000
Viking Crown Unorthodox Steps of Ritual EP CD 2000
Vile Rare Tracks 1996-2004 Compilation CD 2012
Vile Stench of the Deceased Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Vile Depopulate Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Villainy Villainy I Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Vincent Crowley Anthology of Horror Full-length Digital 2024
Vincent Crowley Anthology of Horror Full-length CD 2024
Vincent Crowley Anthology of Horror Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Vincent Crowley That Which Lurks Below the Sea Single Digital 2023
Vincent Crowley Amityville's Horror Single Digital 2024
Vintersorg Cosmic Genesis Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vintersorg Visions from the Spiral Generator Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vintersorg The Focusing Blur Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vintersorg Solens rötter Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vintersorg Jordpuls Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vintersorg Orkan Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vintersorg Naturbål Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Viogression Expound and Exhort Full-length 2CD 2020
Viogression Expound and Exhort Full-length Digital 2020
Viogression Expound and Exhort Full-length Cassette 2020
Viogression Expound and Exhort Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Vomiturition A Leftover Full-length CD 2020
Vomiturition A Leftover Full-length Cassette 2020
Vomiturition A Leftover Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Wehrmacht Biērmächt Full-length Digital 2021
Wehrmacht Shark Attack Full-length Digital 2021
Wehrmacht Biērmächt Full-length Cassette 2021
Wehrmacht Biērmächt Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Wehrmacht Biērmächt Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Wehrmacht Shark Attack Full-length Cassette 2021
Wehrmacht Shark Attack Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Wehrmacht Biērmächt Full-length 2CD 2021
Wehrmacht Shark Attack Full-length 2CD 2021
Windfaerer Tenebrosum Full-length CD 2016
Wothrosch Odium Full-length CD 2023
Wothrosch Odium Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Wothrosch Odium Full-length Digital 2023
Xysma Xysma Compilation 2CD 2019
Yearning With Tragedies Adorned Full-length Digital 2022
Yearning Plaintive Scenes Full-length Digital 2022
Yearning Frore Meadow Full-length Digital 2022
Yearning Evershade Full-length Digital 2022
Yearning Merging into Landscapes Full-length Digital 2022
Your Highness Cults 'n' Cunts Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Your Highness Cults 'n' Cunts Full-length Digital 2011
Your Highness Cults 'n' Cunts Full-length CD 2011