Old Shadows Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Caixa postal 587, São Leopoldo- RS, CEP 93022-970, Brasil
Country Brazil
Phone Number 55 51 996651326
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal, Black Metal, Doom Metal, Thrash Metal
Founding Date December 1st, 2019
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/oldshadowsrecords/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/oldshadowsrecords/


Name Country Genre Status
Aberratio Brazil death Current
Dead Awaken Sweden death Current
Stygian Dark International death Current
Thanathus Brazil brutal, death Current
Abramelin Australia death Past
Altars Australia death Past
Asphyx Netherlands death, doom Past
Autopsy United States death Past
Brodequin United States brutal, death Past
Centinex Sweden death Past
Corpse Sweden death Past
Disharmonic Orchestra Austria grind, hardcore, avant-garde, progressive, death Past
Disma United States death Past
Dripping Decay United States death Past
Entrails Sweden death Past
Fleshcrawl Germany death Past
Funerus United States death Past
God Macabre Sweden death Past
Grave Sweden death Past
Guilty View United States death Past
Impaled United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Into Coffin Germany black, death, doom Past
Lebbra Italy black, death, thrash Past
Master United States death, thrash Past
Mausoleum United States death Past
Morbid Stench International death, doom Past
Morbific Finland death Past
Mortuous United States death Past
Mythic United States death, doom Past
One Day in Pain Sweden death Past
Paganizer Sweden death Past
Pathologist Czechia death, grind, hardcore Past
Pharmacist Japan thrash, death, grind, hardcore Past
Plague Greece death Past
Putred Romania death Past
Putrefaction Sweden death Past
Ribspreader Sweden death Past
Rotten Tomb Chile death Past
Sadistic Drive Finland death Past
Sarcasm Sweden black, melodic, death Past
Scaffold Serbia death Past
Teratoma Germany death Past
Undergang Denmark death Past
Vastum United States death Past
Vermin Sweden death'n'roll, death Past
Wombbath Sweden death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Aberratio Thanatos Full-length CD 2023
Abramelin Abramelin Full-length CD 2021
Altars Paramnesia Full-length CD 2013
Asphyx The Rack Full-length CD 2021
Autopsy Morbidity Triumphant Full-length CD 2022
Brodequin Harbinger of Woe Full-length CD 2024
Centinex Subconscious Lobotomy Full-length CD 2021
Centinex Malleus Maleficarum Full-length CD 2021
Dead Awaken The Princip Legacy Full-length CD 2021
Dead Awaken The Princip Legacy Full-length Digital 2021
Disharmonic Orchestra Expositionsprophylaxe Full-length CD 2023
Disharmonic Orchestra Not to Be Undimensional Conscious Full-length CD 2023
Disma Towards the Megalith Full-length CD 2022
Dripping Decay Festering Grotesqueries Full-length CD 2023
Entrails An Eternal Time of Decay Full-length CD 2022
Fleshcrawl Into the Catacombs of Flesh Full-length CD 2021
Funerus Reduced to Sludge Full-length CD 2020
God Macabre The Winterlong Full-length CD 2023
Grave Necropsy - The Complete Demo Recordings 1986-1991 Split 2CD 2023
Corpse Necropsy - The Complete Demo Recordings 1986-1991 Split 2CD 2023
Putrefaction Necropsy - The Complete Demo Recordings 1986-1991 Split 2CD 2023
Grave As Rapture Comes Full-length CD 2023
Guilty View Death Raid EP CD 2021
Impaled The Last Gasp Full-length CD 2021
Into Coffin Into a Pyramid of Doom Full-length CD 2021
Master The Witchhunt Full-length CD 2021
Mausoleum Back from the Funeral Full-length CD 2022
Mausoleum Cadaveric Displays of Ghoulish Ghastliness Full-length CD 2021
Morbid Stench The Rotting Ways of Doom Full-length CD 2022
Morbific Ominous Seep of Putridity Full-length CD 2021
Mortuous Through Wilderness Full-length CD 2022
Mythic Anthology Compilation 2CD 2022
One Day in Pain Scavenger Single Digital 2021
Paganizer Born to Murder the Filth Compilation CD 2021
Paganizer Where the Ancient Ones... Live Live album CD 2022
Pathologist Putrefactive and Cadaverous Odes About Necroticism Full-length CD 2022
Pharmacist Medical Renditions of Grinding Decomposition Full-length CD 2021
Plague Portraits of Mind Full-length CD 2022
Putred Necrologia Viermilor Compilation CD 2023
Putred Valley of the Putrid Lepers Split CD 2023
Lebbra Valley of the Putrid Lepers Split CD 2023
Ribspreader Bolted to the Cross Full-length CD 2020
Rotten Tomb Abysmatic Proclamations Compilation CD 2023
Sadistic Drive Anthropophagy Full-length CD 2022
Sarcasm Burial Dimensions Full-length CD 2021
Scaffold Codex Gigas Full-length CD 2021
Stygian Dark Gorelords of War Full-length CD 2021
Teratoma Purulent Manifestations Full-length CD 2022
Thanathus ...in Death EP Digital 2024
Thanathus Eyes of the Hill Single Digital 2024
Undergang Misantropologi Full-length CD 2021
Undergang Aldrig i livet Full-length CD 2021
Vastum Patricidal Lust Full-length CD 2022
Vastum Carnal Law Full-length CD 2021
Vermin Plunge into Oblivion Full-length CD 2021
Wombbath Internal Caustic Torments Full-length 2CD 2020