Godz ov War Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Poland
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal, Black Metal, Doom Metal
Founding Date 2009
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/rosenstahl3x6
Twitter https://twitter.com/GodzOvWar
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/godz_ov_war_productions/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/godzovwar
Bandcamp https://godzovwarproductions.bandcamp.com
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/godzovwar


Name Country Genre Status
Abjection Canada black, death Current
Absque Cor Poland black Current
Amaltheia International black Current
Angrrsth Poland black Current
Anima Damnata Poland black, brutal, death Current
Apatheia Poland black Current
Baalberith Poland black, death Current
Beastlurker United States black, death Current
Bestial Warfare Germany black, death Current
Biesy Poland black, death Current
Blasphemous Fire Portugal death Current
Cancerfaust Poland death Current
Chainsword Poland death Current
Cień Poland black Current
Conquest Icon Poland death Current
Corpse Garden Costa Rica death Current
Corrupter France death Current
Culto Negro Costa Rica black, speed Current
Cultum Interitum Poland black, death Current
Dalkhu Slovenia black Current
Druj United States death, doom Current
Eggs of Gomorrh Switzerland black, death Current
Eradicate Türkiye death, doom Current
Eteritus Poland death Current
Garota Poland black, thrash Current
Goatsmegma Estonia black, death Current
Grave Heresy Sweden black, death Current
Grieving Poland doom, stoner Current
Gruzja Poland black, experimental Current
Harvest Gulgaltha United States black, death Current
Hell's Coronation Poland black, doom Current
Hellfuck Poland speed, thrash Current
Hereza Croatia death, thrash Current
Hexenaltar Poland black, thrash Current
Ifryt Poland black, experimental, speed Current
Jarun Poland folk, black, progressive Current
Kadavereich Russia death Current
Kommando Baphomet Portugal black, death Current
Königreichssaal Poland black, doom Current
Kremlin Canada death Current
Labyrinth Entrance Poland black Current
Ljosazabojstwa Belarus black, death Current
Loathfinder Poland black, doom Current
Morgue France brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Necrochaos Germany death Current
Odraza Poland black Current
Onslaught Kommand Chile black, death, grind, hardcore Current
Persecutory Türkiye black, death Current
Pig's Blood United States death Current
Profeci Poland black Current
Putrid Peru black, death, thrash Current
Putrified Sweden death Current
Rites of Daath Poland death, doom Current
Ritual Lair Poland black Current
Rotting Kingdom United States death, doom Current
Sacrofuck Poland death Current
Serpent Spells Bangladesh black, death Current
Serpentrance Russia black, death, doom Current
Signs of the Dying Summer Poland black, depressive Current
Soulcarrion Poland death Current
Stillborn Poland black, death Current
Sznur Poland black Current
Temple of Decay Poland black, death Current
Toughness Poland death Current
Trenchant United States black, death Current
Truchło Strzygi Poland black, punk Current
Trup Poland black, sludge Current
Warfist Poland black, thrash Current
Wilczyca Poland black Current
Witchfuck Poland punk, thrash, black Current
Wömit Angel Finland black, punk, thrash Current
Zmarłym Poland black Current
Zørza Poland black, post-metal Current
Aabode France avant-garde, death Past
Abominated Poland death Past
Abyssal United Kingdom black, death, doom Past
Ahret Dev Poland brutal, death Past
Animus Mortis Chile black Past
Arkona Poland black Past
Ashen Tomb Finland death Past
Atrexial Spain black, death Past
Au-Dessus Lithuania black, post-metal Past
Autokrator International doom, drone, black, death Past
Azothyst Canada death Past
Barbaric Horde Portugal black Past
Besatt Poland black Past
Black Ceremonial Kult Chile black, death Past
Black Eucharist United States black Past
Black Urn United States doom, grind, hardcore, sludge Past
Conveyor Poland death, experimental, technical Past
Cult Graves United States black, death Past
Czort Poland black Past
Dakhma Switzerland black, death Past
Damnable Poland brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Dominion of Suffering Slovakia black, death Past
Drunk Thrasher Poland thrash Past
Ectoplasma Greece death Past
Embrional Poland death Past
Eternal Rot International death, doom Past
Evulse United States death Past
Excidium Poland black, thrash Past
Gnosis United States black, death Past
GraveCoven United States black, death, doom Past
Hexorcist United States death Past
Illness International black Past
Inexorable Germany death Past
Intolerance Spain death Past
Invocation Chile black, death Past
Isolated Poland death Past
Judaswiege Spain black, thrash Past
Kingdom Poland death Past
La Mer United Kingdom atmospheric, black Past
Lykhaeon Switzerland black Past
Misanthropic Rage Poland avant-garde, black Past
Misanthropic War Germany death Past
Moluchtas Belgium black, death Past
Morbid Messiah Mexico death Past
Morbid Sacrifice Italy black, death Past
Mussorgski Poland ambient, black, industrial Past
Nexwomb United States black, death Past
Os Hungary death Past
Outre Poland black Past
Pandemonium Poland black, death Past
Perversion United States black, death, thrash Past
Phalanx Inferno United States black, death Past
Phobonoid Italy black, doom, industrial Past
Popiół Poland black, pagan Past
Prezir United States black Past
Primitive Warfare United States black, death Past
Profane Desecration United States death Past
Pyromancer United States black, death Past
Ragehammer Poland black, thrash Past
Root Czechia black, epic, heavy Past
Sabbat Japan black, thrash Past
Sarinvomit Türkiye black, death Past
Sepulchral Curse Finland black, death Past
Shambles Thailand brutal, death, grind, hardcore, black, doom Past
Shrine of the Serpent United States death, doom Past
Shrine ov Absurd Cuba black Past
Solfernus Czechia black Past
Summon Portugal black, death Past
Tankograd Poland doom, sludge Past
Thaw Poland ambient, black, noise Past
Throat Poland black Past
Throneum Poland black, death Past
Triumvir Foul United States death Past
Turbocharged Sweden death, punk, thrash Past
Uerberos Poland death Past
Undead Spain death Past
Vein United States black Past
Viscous Canada death Past
Vultur Greece death Past
Wargoat Greece black, death Past
Wrath Division Poland black, death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Aabode Moist EP Digital 2023
Abjection Malignant Deviation EP Digital 2021
Abjection Malignant Deviation EP CD 2021
Abominated Traumatic Putrefaction Full-length Digital 2023
Abominated Traumatic Putrefaction Full-length CD 2023
Abominated Traumatic Putrefaction Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Absque Cor Wędrówkę haniebnie zakończyć Full-length CD 2017
Absque Cor Wędrówkę haniebnie zakończyć Full-length Digital 2017
Absque Cor Na zawsze cieniem​.​.​. Full-length Digital 2023
Absque Cor Na zawsze cieniem​.​.​. Full-length CD 2023
Absque Cor Na zawsze cieniem​.​.​. Full-length Cassette 2023
Abyssal Perichoresis Boxed set Cassette 2016
Ahret Dev Hellish Full-length 2CD 2019
Ahret Dev Hellish Full-length 2CD 2019
Ahret Dev Hellish Full-length Digital 2019
Ahret Dev Hellish Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Amaltheia Amaltheia Full-length Digital 2022
Amaltheia Amaltheia Full-length CD 2022
Amaltheia Amaltheia Full-length Cassette 2022
Amaltheia Amaltheia Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Angrrsth Znikąd EP CD 2018
Angrrsth Znikąd EP Digital 2018
Angrrsth Donikąd Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Angrrsth Donikąd Full-length CD 2021
Angrrsth Donikąd Full-length Cassette 2021
Angrrsth Znikąd EP CD 2023
Angrrsth Donikąd Full-length CD 2023
Angrrsth Znikąd EP Cassette 2023
Angrrsth Znikąd EP Cassette 2023
Angrrsth Donikąd Full-length Cassette 2023
Anima Damnata Nefarious Seed Grows to Bring Forth Supremacy of the Beast Full-length CD 2017
Anima Damnata Nefarious Seed Grows to Bring Forth Supremacy of the Beast Full-length Digital 2017
Anima Damnata Nefarious Seed Grows to Bring Forth Supremacy of the Beast Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Animus Mortis Testimonia Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Apatheia Konstelacja dziur Full-length Digital 2018
Apatheia Konstelacja dziur Full-length CD 2018
Arkona Arkona / Illness Split 7" vinyl 2014
Illness Arkona / Illness Split 7" vinyl 2014
Arkona Arkona / Illness Split Digital 2014
Illness Arkona / Illness Split Digital 2014
Ashen Tomb Ashen Tomb EP Cassette 2022
Atrexial Souverain Full-length CD 2017
Atrexial Souverain Full-length Digital 2017
Au-Dessus Au-Dessus EP Digital 2017
Au-Dessus Au-Dessus EP Digital 2015
Autokrator Autokrator Full-length CD 2015
Autokrator The Obedience to Authority Full-length CD 2016
Autokrator Autokrator Full-length Digital 2015
Autokrator The Obedience to Authority Full-length CD 2022
Autokrator Autokrator Full-length CD 2022
Azothyst Blood of Dead God EP CD 2022
Baalberith Manhunt Full-length Digital 2021
Baalberith Manhunt Full-length CD 2021
Barbaric Horde Axe of Superior Savagery Full-length Digital 2020
Barbaric Horde Axe of Superior Savagery Full-length CD 2020
Barbaric Horde Axe of Superior Savagery Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Barbaric Horde Barbaric Hammer Fist Full-length Digital 2022
Barbaric Horde Barbaric Hammer Fist Full-length Cassette 2022
Barbaric Horde Barbaric Hammer Fist Full-length CD 2022
Barbaric Horde Axe of Superior Savagery Full-length Cassette 2022
Barbaric Horde Perpetrators of Impurity Compilation Digital 2023
Barbaric Horde Perpetrators of Impurity Compilation CD 2023
Barbaric Horde Perpetrators of Impurity Compilation CD 2023
Beastlurker Sanguine Elixir of Psychotropic Divination EP Digital 2019
Beastlurker Sanguine Elixir of Psychotropic Divination EP CD 2019
Beastlurker Celestial Henchwhores Aflame Full-length Digital 2021
Beastlurker Celestial Henchwhores Aflame Full-length CD 2021
Beastlurker Celestial Henchwhores Aflame Full-length Cassette 2021
Besatt Diabolic Altar EP 12" vinyl 2010
Bestial Warfare Desecrating Goat Assault EP Digital 2020
Bestial Warfare Desecrating Goat Assault EP CD 2020
Bestial Warfare Desecrating Goat Assault EP Cassette 2020
Biesy Transsatanizm Full-length Digital 2020
Biesy Transsatanizm Full-length CD 2020
Biesy Transsatanizm Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Black Ceremonial Kult Crowned in Chaos EP Digital 2021
Black Ceremonial Kult Crowned in Chaos EP 12" vinyl 2021
Black Ceremonial Kult Crowned in Chaos EP CD 2021
Black Ceremonial Kult Crowned in Chaos EP Cassette 2021
Black Eucharist Inn of the Vaticide Full-length CD 2023
Blasphemous Fire Beneath the Darkness Full-length Digital 2023
Blasphemous Fire Beneath the Darkness Full-length CD 2023
Blasphemous Fire Beneath the Darkness Full-length Cassette 2023
Blasphemous Fire Beneath the Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Cancerfaust Let the Earth Tremble Full-length Digital 2020
Cancerfaust Let the Earth Tremble Full-length CD 2020
Chainsword Blightmarch Full-length Digital 2021
Chainsword Blightmarch Full-length CD 2021
Chainsword Blightmarch Full-length CD 2021
Chainsword Dead Hand Call Single Digital 2021
Chainsword Blightmarch Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Cień Redemption Full-length Digital 2021
Cień Redemption Full-length CD 2021
Conquest Icon Empire of the Worm Full-length CD 2020
Conquest Icon Empire of the Worm Full-length Digital 2020
Conveyor An Incarnated Abstraction Full-length CD 2022
Corpse Garden Entheogen Full-length Cassette 2015
Corpse Garden IAO 269 Full-length CD 2017
Corpse Garden IAO 269 Full-length Digital 2017
Corpse Garden IAO 269 Full-length Cassette 2017
Corpse Garden IAO 269 Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Corpse Garden Entheogen Full-length Digital 2015
Corrupter Descent into Madness Full-length Digital 2022
Corrupter Descent into Madness Full-length CD 2022
Cult Graves Strange Customs EP Digital 2021
Cult Graves Strange Customs EP CD 2021
Culto Negro La noche oscura del alma Full-length CD 2022
Culto Negro La noche oscura del alma Full-length Digital 2022
Cultum Interitum Poison of Being Full-length Digital 2020
Cultum Interitum Poison of Being Full-length CD 2020
Cultum Interitum Veneration of the New Dawn Full-length Digital 2021
Cultum Interitum Veneration of the New Dawn Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Cultum Interitum Veneration of the New Dawn Full-length CD 2021
Cultum Interitum Veneration of the New Dawn Full-length Cassette 2021
Cultum Interitum Sacrum Funeral Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Cultum Interitum Sacrum Funeral Full-length CD 2023
Cultum Interitum Sacrum Funeral Full-length Digital 2023
Czort W czeluść Split Digital 2022
Angrrsth W czeluść Split Digital 2022
Czort W czeluść Split CD 2022
Angrrsth W czeluść Split CD 2022
Czort W czeluść Split Cassette 2023
Angrrsth W czeluść Split Cassette 2023
Dakhma Astiwihad-Zohr EP Cassette 2016
Dakhma Passageways to Daena (The Concomitant Blessings of Putrescing Impurity) Demo CD 2016
Dakhma Astiwihad-Zohr EP Digital 2016
Dakhma Passageways to Daena (The Concomitant Blessings of Putrescing Impurity) Demo Digital 2016
Dalkhu Descend... into Nothingness Full-length Cassette 2015
Dalkhu Lamentation and Ardent Fire Full-length CD 2018
Dalkhu Lamentation and Ardent Fire Full-length Digital 2018
Dalkhu Descend... into Nothingness Full-length Digital 2015
Damnable Inperdition Full-length Digital 2020
Damnable Inperdition Full-length CD 2021
Damnable Inperdition Full-length CD 2021
Dominion of Suffering Phobonoid ​/​ Dominion of Suffering Split CD 2023
Phobonoid Phobonoid ​/​ Dominion of Suffering Split CD 2023
Druj Chants to Irkalla Full-length CD 2018
Druj Chants to Irkalla Full-length Digital 2018
Drunk Thrasher Raining Vomit EP CD 2024
Drunk Thrasher Raining Vomit EP Digital 2024
Ectoplasma Spitting Coffins Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Eggs of Gomorrh Wombspreader Full-length Digital 2022
Eggs of Gomorrh Wombspreader Full-length CD 2022
Eggs of Gomorrh Wombspreader Full-length Cassette 2022
Eggs of Gomorrh Wombspreader Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Embrional The Devil Inside Full-length CD 2015
Embrional The Devil Inside Full-length Digital 2015
Eradicate Demise Towards the Dasein Demo CD 2022
Eteritus Following the Ancient Path Full-length CD 2016
Eteritus Following the Ancient Path Full-length Digital 2016
Eteritus Rotten Transition Full-length Digital 2021
Eteritus Rotten Transition Full-length CD 2021
Eternal Rot Cadaverine Full-length CD 2018
Eternal Rot Cadaverine Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Eternal Rot Cadaverine Full-length Digital 2018
Eternal Rot Putridarium Full-length Digital 2020
Eternal Rot Putridarium Full-length CD 2020
Eternal Rot Putridarium Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Eternal Rot Putridarium Full-length Cassette 2020
Eternal Rot Cadaverine Full-length CD 2020
Eternal Rot Moribound Full-length Digital 2023
Eternal Rot Moribound Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Eternal Rot Moribound Full-length Cassette 2023
Evulse Call of the Void Demo CD 2019
Evulse Call of the Void Demo Digital 2019
Evulse Pustulant Spawn Demo CD 2021
Garota Czarne wizje Full-length Digital 2022
Garota Czarne wizje Full-length CD 2022
Gnosis Omens from the Dead Realm Full-length Digital 2021
Gnosis Omens from the Dead Realm Full-length CD 2021
Goatsmegma Goat Separatist Movement Full-length CD 2022
Goatsmegma Goat Separatist Movement Full-length Cassette 2022
Grave Heresy Incineration Victory Full-length CD 2024
GraveCoven Coughing Blood EP Digital 2018
GraveCoven Coughing Blood EP CD 2018
Grieving Songs for the Weary Full-length CD 2021
Grieving Songs for the Weary Full-length Digital 2021
Gruzja I iść dalej Full-length Digital 2019
Gruzja I iść dalej Full-length CD 2019
Gruzja Jeszcze nie mamy na was pomysłu Full-length Digital 2019
Gruzja Jeszcze nie mamy na was pomysłu Full-length CD 2019
Gruzja Jeszcze nie mamy na was pomysłu Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Gruzja I iść dalej Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Harvest Gulgaltha Ancient Woods Full-length Digital 2022
Harvest Gulgaltha Ancient Woods Full-length CD 2022
Harvest Gulgaltha Ancient Woods Full-length Cassette 2022
Hell's Coronation Antichristian Devotion EP Digital 2017
Hell's Coronation Antichristian Devotion EP Cassette 2017
Hell's Coronation Unholy Blades of the Devil EP Digital 2018
Hell's Coronation Unholy Blades of the Devil EP Cassette 2018
Hell's Coronation Ritual Chalice of Hateful Blood Full-length Digital 2019
Hell's Coronation Ritual Chalice of Hateful Blood Full-length CD 2019
Hell's Coronation Ritual Chalice of Hateful Blood Full-length Cassette 2020
Hell's Coronation Ritual Chalice of Hateful Blood Full-length CD 2019
Hell's Coronation Silver Knife Mysticism EP Cassette 2021
Hell's Coronation Silver Knife Mysticism EP Digital 2021
Hell's Coronation Transgression of a Necromantical Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Hell's Coronation Transgression of a Necromantical Darkness Full-length CD 2023
Hell's Coronation Transgression of a Necromantical Darkness Full-length Cassette 2023
Hell's Coronation Transgression of a Necromantical Darkness Full-length Digital 2023
Hellfuck Diabolic Slaughter Full-length Digital 2022
Hellfuck Diabolic Slaughter Full-length CD 2022
Hellfuck Diabolic Slaughter Full-length Cassette 2022
Hereza I Become Death Full-length CD 2017
Hereza I Become Death Full-length Digital 2017
Hereza Death Metal Drunks Full-length CD 2019
Hereza Death Metal Drunks Full-length Digital 2019
Hexenaltar Bestial Damnation EP Digital 2022
Hexenaltar Bestial Damnation EP CD 2022
Hexorcist Evil Reaping Death Full-length Cassette 2021
Hexorcist Evil Reaping Death Full-length Digital 2021
Ifryt Płuca EP Digital 2023
Ifryt Płuca EP CD 2023
Inexorable Sea of Dead Consciousness EP CD 2016
Inexorable Sea of Dead Consciousness EP Digital 2017
Intolerance Dark Paths of Humanity Full-length Cassette 2022
Intolerance Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void Full-length Digital 2024
Intolerance Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void Full-length Cassette 2024
Intolerance Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Invocation Seance Part. I Demo Cassette 2016
Invocation Seance Part. I Demo Digital 2018
Invocation Seance Part. I Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Isolated The Enemy of Reason Full-length CD 2021
Isolated The Enemy of Reason Full-length Digital 2021
Jarun Rok spokojnego słońca Full-length CD 2021
Jarun Rok spokojnego słońca Full-length CD 2021
Jarun Rok spokojnego słońca Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Judaswiege Ashes of the Heretic EP Cassette 2018
Judaswiege Ashes of the Heretic EP Digital 2018
Kadavereich Radiance of Doom EP Digital 2021
Kadavereich Radiance of Doom EP Cassette 2021
Kadavereich Radiance of Doom EP CD 2021
Kingdom Sepulchral Psalms from the Abyss of Torment Full-length CD 2016
Kingdom Sepulchral Psalms from the Abyss of Torment Full-length Digital 2016
Kingdom Putrescent Remains of the Dead Ground Full-length CD 2018
Kingdom Putrescent Remains of the Dead Ground Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Kingdom Putrescent Remains of the Dead Ground Full-length Digital 2018
Kingdom Rotting Carcass Arise upon the Burial Mound Full-length CD 2019
Kingdom Rotting Carcass Arise upon the Burial Mound Full-length Digital 2019
Kommando Baphomet Blood Gospels of Satanic Inquisition Full-length CD 2019
Kommando Baphomet Blood Gospels of Satanic Inquisition Full-length Digital 2019
Kommando Baphomet Under the Deathsign Full-length Digital 2020
Kommando Baphomet Under the Deathsign Full-length CD 2020
Königreichssaal Psalmen'o'delirium Full-length Digital 2024
Königreichssaal Psalmen'o'delirium Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Königreichssaal Psalmen'o'delirium Full-length Cassette 2024
Königreichssaal Psalmen'o'delirium Full-length CD 2024
Kremlin Decimation of the Elites Full-length CD 2017
Kremlin Decimation of the Elites Full-length Digital 2017
La Mer Tetrahedra Full-length Digital 2023
La Mer Tetrahedra Full-length CD 2023
Labyrinth Entrance Monumental Bitterness Full-length CD 2018
Labyrinth Entrance Monumental Bitterness Full-length Digital 2017
Labyrinth Entrance Deplore the Vanity Full-length Digital 2021
Labyrinth Entrance Deplore the Vanity Full-length CD 2021
Ljosazabojstwa Głoryja śmierci Full-length CD 2020
Loathfinder The Great Tired Ones EP CD 2017
Loathfinder Aspects of Oblation Split Digital 2019
Druj Aspects of Oblation Split Digital 2019
Loathfinder Aspects of Oblation Split CD 2019
Druj Aspects of Oblation Split CD 2019
Loathfinder The Great Tired Ones EP Digital 2017
Lykhaeon Ominous Eradication of Anguished Souls EP Digital 2018
Lykhaeon Ominous Eradication of Anguished Souls EP CD 2018
Misanthropic Rage Qualia EP Digital 2016
Misanthropic Rage Gates No Longer Shut Full-length Digital 2016
Misanthropic Rage Gates No Longer Shut Full-length CD 2016
Misanthropic Rage Igne Natura Renovatur Integra Full-length CD 2018
Misanthropic Rage Igne Natura Renovatur Integra Full-length CD 2018
Misanthropic Rage Igne Natura Renovatur Integra Full-length Digital 2018
Misanthropic Rage Towards the Greyscale Aphorysm Full-length CD 2019
Misanthropic Rage Towards the Greyscale Aphorysm Full-length Digital 2019
Misanthropic Rage Hallucinatory Phenomena Full-length Digital 2022
Misanthropic Rage Hallucinatory Phenomena Full-length CD 2022
Misanthropic War Utter Human Annihilation Full-length CD 2023
Misanthropic War Utter Human Annihilation Full-length Digital 2023
Moluchtas Telos Terminus Compilation Digital 2022
Moluchtas Telos Terminus Compilation CD 2022
Morbid Messiah In the Name of True Death Metal EP Digital 2016
Morbid Messiah In the Name of True Death Metal EP Cassette 2017
Morbid Messiah Veneration of Irreverence / Post Mortem Abominations Split Cassette 2023
Hexorcist Veneration of Irreverence / Post Mortem Abominations Split Cassette 2023
Morbid Sacrifice Ceremonial Blood Worship Full-length Digital 2023
Morbid Sacrifice Ceremonial Blood Worship Full-length CD 2023
Morbid Sacrifice Ceremonial Blood Worship Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Morgue Lowest Depths of Misery Full-length Digital 2022
Morgue Lowest Depths of Misery Full-length CD 2022
Morgue Lowest Depths of Misery Full-length Cassette 2022
Morgue Lowest Depths of Misery Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Morgue Close to Complete Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Morgue Close to Complete Darkness Full-length CD 2024
Morgue Close to Complete Darkness Full-length Cassette 2024
Morgue Close to Complete Darkness Full-length Digital 2024
Mussorgski Creatio Cosmicam Bestiae Full-length CD 2016
Mussorgski Creatio Cosmicam Bestiae Full-length Digital 2016
Necrochaos Crawling Through Cadavers Demo CD 2020
Necrochaos Crawling Through Cadavers Demo Digital 2020
Necrochaos Mortal Angels Descent Full-length Digital 2021
Necrochaos Mortal Angels Descent Full-length CD 2021
Necrochaos Mortal Angels Descent Full-length Cassette 2021
Nexwomb Nexwomb Full-length Cassette 2022
Odraza Rzeczom Full-length CD 2020
Odraza Esperalem tkane Full-length CD 2020
Odraza Rzeczom Full-length Digital 2020
Odraza Rzeczom Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Odraza Acedia EP 12" vinyl 2021
Odraza Acedia EP CD 2021
Onslaught Kommand Onslaught Kommand Demo Digital 2022
Onslaught Kommand Onslaught Kommand Demo Cassette 2022
Onslaught Kommand Visions of Blood and Gore EP Digital 2024
Onslaught Kommand Visions of Blood and Gore EP Cassette 2024
Os Tehom Full-length Cassette 2022
Outre Ghost Chants Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Pandemonium Promo 2010 Demo CD 2010
Pandemonium Devilri Demo 12" vinyl + CD 2011
Pandemonium Devilri Demo Digital 2011
Persecutory Towards the Ultimate Extinction Full-length Digital 2017
Persecutory Towards the Ultimate Extinction Full-length Cassette 2017
Persecutory Towards the Ultimate Extinction Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Persecutory Towards the Ultimate Extinction Full-length CD 2017
Persecutory Summoning the Lawless Legions Full-length Digital 2022
Persecutory Summoning the Lawless Legions Full-length CD 2022
Persecutory Summoning the Lawless Legions Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Persecutory Summoning the Lawless Legions Full-length Cassette 2022
Persecutory Perversion Feeds Our Force EP Digital 2022
Persecutory Perversion Feeds Our Force EP CD 2022
Perversion Subjugation Through Cruelty Split Digital 2024
Pyromancer Subjugation Through Cruelty Split Digital 2024
Perversion Subjugation Through Cruelty Split 7" vinyl 2024
Pyromancer Subjugation Through Cruelty Split 7" vinyl 2024
Phalanx Inferno The Age of Anti​-​Aquarius EP Digital 2020
Phalanx Inferno The Age of Anti​-​Aquarius EP CD 2020
Phalanx Inferno Order of Eternal Indifference Split Digital 2021
Phalanx Inferno Order of Eternal Indifference Split CD 2021
Pig's Blood Pig's Blood Full-length CD 2017
Pig's Blood A Flock Slaughtered Full-length CD 2019
Pig's Blood A Flock Slaughtered Full-length Digital 2019
Pig's Blood Pig's Blood Full-length Digital 2017
Pig's Blood Pig's Blood Full-length Cassette 2021
Pig's Blood A Flock Slaughtered Full-length Cassette 2021
Pig's Blood Command More Blood EP Digital 2023
Pig's Blood Command More Blood EP CD 2023
Popiół Zabobony Full-length Digital 2019
Popiół Zabobony Full-length CD 2019
Prezir As Rats Devour Lions Full-length CD 2018
Primitive Warfare Extinction Protocol Full-length Digital 2024
Primitive Warfare Extinction Protocol Full-length CD 2024
Profane Desecration Abysmal Stillness Full-length Digital 2021
Profane Desecration Abysmal Stillness Full-length CD 2021
Profeci Matecznik Full-length CD 2020
Profeci Matecznik Full-length Digital 2020
Profeci Aporia Full-length Digital 2021
Profeci Aporia Full-length CD 2021
Profeci Ubóstwo Full-length CD 2023
Profeci Ubóstwo Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Profeci Ubóstwo Full-length Cassette 2023
Profeci Ubóstwo Full-length Digital 2023
Putrid Antichrist Above Full-length CD 2020
Putrid Antichrist Above Full-length Digital 2020
Putrid Antichrist Above Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Putrid Profane Coronation Split Digital 2022
Hexorcist Profane Coronation Split Digital 2022
Putrid Profane Coronation Split 7" vinyl 2022
Hexorcist Profane Coronation Split 7" vinyl 2022
Putrified Death Darkness Decay Full-length CD 2024
Putrified Death Darkness Decay Full-length Digital 2024
Pyromancer Demo MMXV Demo CD 2016
Pyromancer Demo MMXV Demo Digital 2016
Ragehammer The Hammer Doctrine Full-length Cassette 2016
Ragehammer The Hammer Doctrine Full-length Digital 2016
Rites of Daath Hexing Graves EP CD 2017
Rites of Daath Hexing Graves EP Digital 2017
Rites of Daath Doom Spirit Emanation Full-length CD 2020
Rites of Daath Doom Spirit Emanation Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Rites of Daath Doom Spirit Emanation Full-length Digital 2020
Rites of Daath Doom Spirit Emanation Full-length Cassette 2020
Ritual Lair Mother of Misery and All Repugnance (Diabolo Intervale) EP Cassette 2017
Ritual Lair Mother of Misery and All Repugnance (Diabolo Intervale) EP Digital 2017
Root Black Seal Full-length CD 2022
Rotting Kingdom Rotting Kingdom EP CD 2018
Rotting Kingdom A Deeper Shade of Sorrow Full-length Digital 2020
Rotting Kingdom Rotting Kingdom EP Digital 2018
Rotting Kingdom A Deeper Shade of Sorrow Full-length CD 2020
Rotting Kingdom A Deeper Shade of Sorrow Full-length Cassette 2020
Rotting Kingdom A Deeper Shade of Sorrow Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Sabbat Cursed Them Split 7" vinyl 2020
Truchło Strzygi Cursed Them Split 7" vinyl 2020
Sabbat Cursed Them Split Digital 2020
Truchło Strzygi Cursed Them Split Digital 2020
Sacrofuck Świ​ę​ta krew Full-length Digital 2024
Sacrofuck Świ​ę​ta krew Full-length CD 2024
Sarinvomit Awaken Ye Impious Hordes of Shaitan Full-length Cassette 2022
Sarinvomit Awaken Ye Impious Hordes of Shaitan Full-length Digital 2022
Sepulchral Curse Ashen Curse Split Digital 2024
Ashen Tomb Ashen Curse Split Digital 2024
Sepulchral Curse Ashen Curse Split 7" vinyl 2024
Ashen Tomb Ashen Curse Split 7" vinyl 2024
Serpent Spells Mantras Within Ascending Fire EP CD 2016
Serpent Spells Mantras Within Ascending Fire EP Digital 2016
Serpentrance Akra Tapeinosis Full-length Digital 2021
Serpentrance Akra Tapeinosis Full-length CD 2021
Serpentrance Akra Tapeinosis Full-length Cassette 2021
Serpentrance Akra Tapeinosis Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Shambles Crimson Death Radiation Split Digital 2024
Black Ceremonial Kult Crimson Death Radiation Split Digital 2024
Shambles Crimson Death Radiation Split 7" vinyl 2024
Black Ceremonial Kult Crimson Death Radiation Split 7" vinyl 2024
Shrine of the Serpent Shrine of the Serpent / Black Urn Split 12" vinyl 2018
Black Urn Shrine of the Serpent / Black Urn Split 12" vinyl 2018
Shrine of the Serpent Shrine of the Serpent / Black Urn Split Digital 2018
Black Urn Shrine of the Serpent / Black Urn Split Digital 2018
Shrine ov Absurd Monotony Full-length CD 2021
Signs of the Dying Summer Oto jest pustka Full-length CD 2021
Signs of the Dying Summer Oto jest pustka Full-length Digital 2021
Solfernus Hysteria in Coma Full-length CD 2021
Soulcarrion Infernal Agony Full-length Digital 2022
Soulcarrion Infernal Agony Full-length CD 2022
Soulcarrion Soulcarrion EP CD 2023
Soulcarrion Soulcarrion EP Digital 2023
Soulcarrion Enthrone Death Full-length Digital 2024
Soulcarrion Enthrone Death Full-length CD 2024
Stillborn Testimonio de Bautismo Full-length CD 2016
Stillborn Testimonio de Bautismo Full-length CD 2016
Stillborn Testimonio de Bautismo Full-length Digital 2016
Stillborn Mirrormaze / Die in Torment 666 Compilation CD 2018
Stillborn Crave for Killing EP CD 2018
Stillborn Crave for Killing EP Digital 2018
Stillborn Crave for Killing EP Cassette 2018
Stillborn Crave for Killing EP 12" vinyl 2019
Stillborn Mirrormaze / Die in Torment 666 Compilation Digital 2018
Stillborn Cultura de la muerte Full-length Digital 2022
Stillborn Cultura de la muerte Full-length CD 2022
Stillborn Cultura de la muerte Full-length Cassette 2022
Stillborn Testimonio de Bautismo Full-length CD 2022
Stillborn Cultura de la muerte Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Stillborn Testimonio de Bautismo Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Summon Helios EP CD 2020
Summon Helios EP Digital 2020
Sznur Dom człowieka Full-length Digital 2021
Sznur Dom człowieka Full-length CD 2021
Sznur Dom człowieka Full-length CD 2022
Sznur Ludzina Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sznur Ludzina Full-length CD 2023
Sznur Ludzina Full-length Cassette 2023
Sznur Ludzina Full-length Digital 2023
Sznur Dom człowieka Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Tankograd Totalitarian Full-length CD 2019
Tankograd Totalitarian Full-length Digital 2019
Temple of Decay Rigor Mortis Full-length Digital 2022
Thaw Thaw Full-length Digital 2014
Throat Blood Exaltation EP Digital 2024
Throat Blood Exaltation EP Cassette 2024
Throneum Oh Death... Oh Death... Determinate, Preach and Lead Us Astray... Full-length CD 2020
Throneum Oh Death... Oh Death... Determinate, Preach and Lead Us Astray... Full-length Digital 2020
Throneum Oh Death... Oh Death... Determinate, Preach and Lead Us Astray... Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Throneum Oh Death... Oh Death... Determinate, Preach and Lead Us Astray... Full-length Cassette 2020
Throneum ThronDom des Bösen Split Digital 2021
Kingdom ThronDom des Bösen Split Digital 2021
Throneum ThronDom des Bösen Split 12" vinyl 2021
Kingdom ThronDom des Bösen Split 12" vinyl 2021
Throneum 1996​-​2021 (XXV Years of Nightmarish Death Metal) Compilation 4 cassettes 2022
Toughness The Prophetic Dawn Full-length Digital 2022
Toughness The Prophetic Dawn Full-length Cassette 2022
Toughness The Prophetic Dawn Full-length CD 2022
Toughness The Prophetic Dawn Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Trenchant Commandoccult Full-length Digital 2022
Trenchant Commandoccult Full-length CD 2022
Triumvir Foul An Oath of Blood and Fire Demo 7" vinyl 2015
Truchło Strzygi Pora umierać Full-length Digital 2018
Truchło Strzygi Pora umierać Full-length CD 2018
Truchło Strzygi Nad którymi nie czuwa żaden stróż EP Digital 2019
Truchło Strzygi Nad którymi nie czuwa żaden stróż EP CD 2019
Truchło Strzygi Pora umierać Full-length CD 2018
Truchło Strzygi Pora umierać Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Truchło Strzygi Gwiezdny demon Full-length Digital 2022
Truchło Strzygi Gwiezdny demon Full-length Cassette 2022
Truchło Strzygi Pora umierać Full-length CD 2022
Truchło Strzygi Pora umierać Full-length Cassette 2022
Truchło Strzygi Nad którymi nie czuwa żaden stróż EP CD 2022
Truchło Strzygi Nad którymi nie czuwa żaden stróż EP Cassette 2022
Truchło Strzygi Gwiezdny demon Full-length CD 2022
Trup Szmula EP Digital 2019
Trup Szmula EP CD 2019
Trup Ke Full-length CD 2020
Trup Ke Full-length Digital 2020
Trup Nie Full-length Digital 2022
Trup Nie Full-length CD 2022
Turbocharged Enlightenment by Bloodletting Split 7" vinyl 2016
Ragehammer Enlightenment by Bloodletting Split 7" vinyl 2016
Turbocharged Enlightenment by Bloodletting Split Digital 2016
Ragehammer Enlightenment by Bloodletting Split Digital 2016
Uerberos Stand over Your Grave Full-length Digital 2020
Uerberos Stand over Your Grave Full-length CD 2020
Undead Existential Horror Full-length CD 2019
Undead Existential Horror Full-length Digital 2019
Vein Blood Oaths Full-length CD 2023
Viscous Morbid Arousal EP 7" vinyl 2024
Vultur Drowned in Gangrenous Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vultur Drowned in Gangrenous Blood Full-length Digital 2023
Warfist Metal to the Bone Full-length CD 2016
Warfist Metal to the Bone Full-length Digital 2016
Warfist Laws of Perversion & Filth Split Digital 2018
Excidium Laws of Perversion & Filth Split Digital 2018
Warfist Laws of Perversion & Filth Split CD 2018
Excidium Laws of Perversion & Filth Split CD 2018
Warfist Grünberger Full-length CD 2019
Warfist Grünberger Full-length Digital 2019
Warfist Grünberger Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Warfist Teufels Full-length Digital 2022
Warfist Teufels Full-length CD 2022
Warfist Teufels Full-length Cassette 2022
Warfist Metal to the Bone Full-length Cassette 2022
Warfist Grünberger Full-length Cassette 2022
Wargoat Unapproachable Laws of the Abyss Split 12" vinyl 2019
Black Ceremonial Kult Unapproachable Laws of the Abyss Split 12" vinyl 2019
Wargoat Unapproachable Laws of the Abyss Split Digital 2019
Black Ceremonial Kult Unapproachable Laws of the Abyss Split Digital 2019
Wilczyca Wilczyca Full-length Digital 2020
Wilczyca Wilczyca Full-length CD 2020
Wilczyca Horda Full-length Digital 2020
Wilczyca Horda Full-length Cassette 2020
Wilczyca Horda Full-length CD 2020
Wilczyca DrakoNequissime Full-length Digital 2021
Wilczyca DrakoNequissime Full-length CD 2021
Wilczyca Magija Full-length Digital 2023
Wilczyca Magija Full-length CD 2023
Wilczyca Magija Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Wilczyca Magija Full-length Cassette 2023
Wilczyca Magija Full-length CD 2023
Witchfuck Black Blood Baptism Full-length Digital 2021
Witchfuck Black Blood Baptism Full-length CD 2021
Wömit Angel Sadopunk Finland Full-length CD 2022
Wömit Angel Sadopunk Finland Full-length Cassette 2022
Wömit Angel Sadopunk Finland Full-length Digital 2022
Wrath Division Barbed Wire Veins Full-length Digital 2021
Wrath Division Barbed Wire Veins Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Zmarłym Druga fala Full-length CD 2021
Zmarłym Druga fala Full-length Digital 2021
Zmarłym Druga fala Full-length CD 2022
Zmarłym Ziemie jałowe EP CD 2023
Zmarłym Ziemie jałowe EP Digital 2023
Zmarłym Druga fala Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Zørza Hellven Full-length Digital 2024