
JSON | Metal Archives


Address 1032 Arch Street, 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Country United States
Phone Number 215.625.9850
Status active
Styles And Specialties Doom, Death, Thrash
Founding Date January 2011

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Venomous Concept United States hardcore, punk Current
1349 Norway black Past
Agoraphobic Nosebleed United States cybergrind, doom, grind, hardcore, sludge Past
All Out War United States hardcore Past
Amorphis Finland death, doom, progressive, heavy, melodic, rock Past
Anaal Nathrakh United Kingdom black, grind, hardcore, industrial Past
Arch Enemy Sweden death, melodic Past
Asphyx Netherlands death, doom Past
At the Gates Sweden death, melodic Past
Autopsy United States death Past
Bloodbath Sweden death Past
Brutal Truth United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Cadaver Norway black, thrash, death Past
Cannibal Corpse United States death Past
Carcass United Kingdom grind, hardcore, death'n'roll, melodic, death Past
Cathedral United Kingdom doom, stoner Past
Cattle Decapitation United States death, grind, hardcore, progressive Past
Celestial Season Netherlands stoner, death, doom Past
Church of Misery Japan doom, stoner Past
Cirith Ungol United States doom, epic, heavy Past
Coffins Japan death, doom Past
Cretin United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Crypt Sermon United States doom, epic Past
Dark Tranquillity Sweden death, melodic Past
Deadguy United States hardcore, math Past
Deathhammer Norway black, speed, thrash Past
Deceased United States death, heavy, thrash Past
Doro Germany heavy Past
Electric Wizard United Kingdom doom, stoner Past
End Reign United States crossover, hardcore, thrash Past
Enforced United States crossover, thrash Past
Enslaved Norway black, progressive, viking Past
Entombed A.D. Sweden death, death'n'roll Past
Evoken United States death, doom, funeral Past
Exhorder United States groove, thrash Past
Exhumed United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Eyehategod United States doom, sludge Past
False United States black Past
Floor United States doom, stoner Past
Frozen Soul United States death Past
Full of Hell United States death, grind, hardcore, noise, powerviolence Past
Fuming Mouth United States crust, death Past
Gatecreeper United States death Past
Ghoul United States death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Glacial Tomb United States black, death, sludge Past
Goatwhore United States black, death, thrash Past
Godflesh United Kingdom experimental, industrial Past
Godthrymm United Kingdom doom, epic Past
Gravesend United States black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Gruesome United States death Past
Haunt United States heavy Past
Horrendous United States progressive, death Past
Houkago Grind Time United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Hulder United States black Past
Hyperdontia International death Past
Immolation United States death Past
Imperial Triumphant United States avant-garde, black, death, technical Past
In Solitude Sweden heavy Past
Incantation United States death Past
Integrity United States hardcore, punk Past
Inter Arma United States black, death, post-metal, sludge Past
Iron Reagan United States crossover, hardcore, punk Past
Jungle Rot United States death Past
Khemmis United States doom Past
Krallice United States avant-garde, black Past
Kreator Germany thrash Past
Krieg United States crust, hardcore, punk, black Past
Lamb of God United States groove, hardcore Past
Lamp of Murmuur United States black Past
Leviathan United States ambient, black Past
Lock Up United Kingdom death, grind, hardcore Past
Macabre United States death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Mammoth Grinder United States punk, sludge, death, hardcore Past
Mantar Germany black, sludge Past
Memoriam United Kingdom death Past
Midnight United States black, speed Past
Misery Index United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Mother of Graves United States death, doom, melodic Past
Municipal Waste United States crossover, thrash Past
My Dying Bride United Kingdom death, gothic, doom Past
Myrkur United States atmospheric, black, folk Past
Nachtmystium United States experimental, psychedelic, black Past
Nails United States grind, hardcore, powerviolence Past
Napalm Death United Kingdom punk, death, grind, hardcore Past
Necrot United States death Past
Neurosis United States hardcore, punk, atmospheric, post-metal, sludge Past
Night Demon United States heavy Past
Nocturnus AD United States death, technical Past
Noisem United States death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Obituary United States death Past
Opeth Sweden death, progressive, rock Past
Orange Goblin United Kingdom stoner Past
Origin United States brutal, death, technical Past
Outer Heaven United States death, hardcore Past
Pallbearer United States doom Past
Panopticon United States atmospheric, black, folk Past
Paradise Lost United Kingdom death, doom, gothic, rock Past
Pentagram United States doom Past
Persekutor Romania heavy, black Past
Pestilence Netherlands thrash, progressive, death Past
Pig Destroyer United States grind, hardcore Past
Possessed United States death, thrash Past
Revocation United States death, technical, thrash Past
Ripped to Shreds United States death Past
Rotting Christ Greece black, gothic, melodic Past
Sanguisugabogg United States death Past
Satan United Kingdom heavy, nwobhm Past
Saviours United States heavy, stoner, thrash Past
Septic Tank United Kingdom death, hardcore, thrash Past
Skeletal Remains United States death Past
Skeletonwitch United States death, melodic, thrash Past
Spirit Adrift United States doom, heavy Past
Strigoi United Kingdom crust, death Past
SubRosa United States doom, sludge, stoner Past
Temple of Void United States death, doom Past
Terminal Nation United States death, hardcore Past
The Black Dahlia Murder United States death, melodic Past
The Crown Sweden death, melodic, thrash Past
The Gates of Slumber United States doom Past
The Red Chord United States death, grind, hardcore, technical Past
The Silver United States black, post-metal Past
Tombs United States black, post-metal Past
Torche United States rock, sludge, stoner Past
Toxic Holocaust United States black, speed, thrash Past
Trap Them United States crust, grind, hardcore, punk Past
Tribulation Sweden death, gothic Past
Undeath United States death Past
Undergang Denmark death Past
Vallenfyre United Kingdom death, doom Past
Vastum United States death Past
Venom Inc. United Kingdom heavy Past
Wake Canada crust, grind, hardcore, black, death Past
Watain Sweden black Past
Wayfarer United States atmospheric, black, folk Past
With the Dead United Kingdom doom, stoner Past
Withered United States black, death Past
Wolfheart Finland death, melodic Past
Wormrot Singapore grind, hardcore Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
1349 Tornado Single 7" vinyl 2014
Agoraphobic Nosebleed A Joyful Noise EP Digital 2011
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Make a Joyful Noise EP 7" vinyl 2012
Agoraphobic Nosebleed Merry Chrystmeth Single 7" vinyl 2012
Agoraphobic Nosebleed The Honkey Reduxtion EP 7" vinyl 2015
All Out War Accept No Masters Single 7" vinyl 2017
All Out War Accept No Masters Single 7" vinyl 2017
Amorphis Honeyflow Single 7" vinyl 2018
Anaal Nathrakh Man at C&A Single 7" vinyl 2011
Arch Enemy Nitad / When the Innocent Die Single 7" vinyl 2014
Asphyx Deathibel Single 7" vinyl 2016
Asphyx Deathibel Single Digital 2016
At the Gates Raped by the Light of Christ (2018) Single 7" vinyl 2018
Autopsy Mauled to Death (2012 unmastered version) Single 7" vinyl 2011
Bloodbath Beyond Cremation (Underground Mix) Single 7" vinyl 2014
Brutal Truth Decibel Flexi Series Single 7" vinyl 2011
Cadaver Circle of Morbidity Single 7" vinyl 2019
Cannibal Corpse Make Them Suffer (Live) Single 7" vinyl 2013
Cannibal Corpse Red Before Black Single 7" vinyl 2018
Carcass Zochrot Single 7" vinyl 2013
Carcass Under the Scalpel Blade Single 7" vinyl 2019
Cathedral Vengeance of the Blind Dead (Flexi Version) Single 7" vinyl 2013
Cattle Decapitation Cannibalistic Invasivorism Single 7" vinyl 2015
Celestial Season Black Water Mirrors Single 7" vinyl 2021
Church of Misery Confessions of an Embittered Soul (Decibel Mix) Single 7" vinyl 2015
Cirith Ungol Brutish Manchild Single 7" vinyl 2020
Coffins Reborn Single 7" vinyl 2012
Cretin Fourteen Single 7" vinyl 2014
Crypt Sermon De Mysteriis Doom Sathanas Single 7" vinyl 2017
Dark Tranquillity Sorrow's Architect Single 7" vinyl 2013
Deadguy Buyer's Remorse Live album 12" vinyl 2022
Deathhammer Rite of the Living Dead Single 7" vinyl 2019
Deceased The Luck of the Corpse Single 7" vinyl 2012
Doro Heart in Pain Single 7" vinyl 2023
Electric Wizard Satyr IX (2012 Demo Version) Single 7" vinyl 2012
End Reign House of Thieves Single 7" vinyl 2022
Enforced Casket Single 7" vinyl 2021
Enslaved The Watcher (Live) Single 7" vinyl 2011
Enslaved Jizzlobber Single 7" vinyl 2018
Entombed A.D. Metal Inquisition Single 7" vinyl 2019
Evoken Rotting Misery Single 7" vinyl 2012
Exhorder Legions of Death (live) Single 7" vinyl 2019
Exhumed The Beginning After the End Single 7" vinyl 2013
Exhumed Sick at Heart Single 7" vinyl 2022
Eyehategod The Liar's Psalm Single 7" vinyl 2014
False Neither Path nor Gate Single 7" vinyl 2019
Floor The Ladder Single 7" vinyl 2013
Frozen Soul Tormented by Time Single 7" vinyl 2020
Full of Hell Thundering Hammers Single 7" vinyl 2019
Fuming Mouth Devolve Single 7" vinyl 2021
Fuming Mouth Devolve Single Digital 2021
Gatecreeper Social Decay Single 7" vinyl 2019
Ghoul Wall of Death Single 7" vinyl 2016
Glacial Tomb Pale Usurper Single 7" vinyl 2024
Goatwhore (Don't Need) Religion Single 7" vinyl 2011
Goatwhore Command to Destroy Single 7" vinyl 2017
Godflesh F.O.D. (Fuck of Death) Single 7" vinyl 2013
Godthrymm In Perpetuum Single 7" vinyl 2022
Gravesend From the Gutter / To the Grave EP 7" vinyl 2021
Gruesome Legion of Doom Single 7" vinyl 2018
Haunt Ghosts Single 7" vinyl 2018
Horrendous Sentenced Single 7" vinyl 2016
Houkago Grind Time Houkago Derek Time EP 7" vinyl 2024
Hulder Evil's Incubation Single 7" vinyl 2022
Hyperdontia Punctured Soul Single 7" vinyl 2020
Immolation Immolation Single 7" vinyl 2016
Imperial Triumphant Black Psychedelia (Redux) Single 7" vinyl 2022
In Solitude Mother of Mercy Single 7" vinyl 2012
Incantation Degeneration Single 7" vinyl 2012
Integrity Deathly Fighter Single 7" vinyl 2016
Inter Arma Hallucinatorium [2020 Version] Single 7" vinyl 2020
Iron Reagan Spoiled Identity EP 7" vinyl 2014
Jungle Rot Speed Freak Single 7" vinyl 2015
Khemmis Empty Throne Single 7" vinyl 2017
Khemmis Sigil Single 7" vinyl 2021
Krallice Traditional Single 7" vinyl 2011
Kreator Earth Under the Sword Single 7" vinyl 2016
Krieg Bone Whip Single 7" vinyl 2023
Lamb of God Hit the Wall Single 7" vinyl 2011
Lamp of Murmuur Beyond the Burning Star of Attrition Single 7" vinyl 2022
Leviathan My War Single 7" vinyl 2015
Lock Up Infinite in Its Nothingness Single 7" vinyl 2013
Macabre How Are You, Kid? Single 7" vinyl 2020
Mammoth Grinder Lunar Mass Single 7" vinyl 2019
Mantar Conquest of Rats Single 7" vinyl 2018
Memoriam Surrounded (by Death) Single 7" vinyl 2016
Midnight Too Loud (for the Crowd) Single 7" vinyl 2014
Misery Index Primitive Future Single 7" vinyl 2015
Misery Index Strategies of Manipulation Single 7" vinyl 2022
Mother of Graves Sunset Single 7" vinyl 2023
Municipal Waste Religion Proof Single 7" vinyl 2012
My Dying Bride Hollow Cathedra Single 7" vinyl 2015
Myrkur Shadows of Silence Single 7" vinyl 2017
Nachtmystium Chemical Catharsis Single 7" vinyl 2021
Nails Among the Arches of Intolerance / In Pain Single 7" vinyl 2015
Napalm Death Legacy Was Yesterday Single 7" vinyl 2011
Napalm Death Nurse the Hunger Single 7" vinyl 2017
Necrot Into the Labyrinth (2020 Version) Single 7" vinyl 2020
Neurosis Locust Star (1995 Demo) Single 7" vinyl 2016
Night Demon The Last Day Single 7" vinyl 2022
Nocturnus AD Nocturnus Will Rise Single 7" vinyl 2024
Noisem Defiled Single 7" vinyl 2014
Obituary No Single 7" vinyl 2017
Opeth Cirkelns riktning Single 7" vinyl 2019
Orange Goblin The Test Single 7" vinyl 2015
Origin Disease Called Man Single 7" vinyl 2023
Outer Heaven Cryptic Visions Single 7" vinyl 2018
Pallbearer Fear and Fury Single 7" vinyl 2015
Panopticon Sheep in Wolves Clothing Single 7" vinyl 2017
Paradise Lost The Last Fallen Saviour Single 7" vinyl 2012
Pentagram Bang It Out Single 7" vinyl 2015
Persekutor Eternal Snowstorm of the Frozen Eye Single 7" vinyl 2023
Pestilence Hypnotic Single 7" vinyl 2017
Pig Destroyer Decibel Flexi Series - Pig Destroyer Single 7" vinyl 2013
Pig Destroyer The Cavalry Single 7" vinyl 2019
Possessed Abandoned Single 7" vinyl 2018
Revocation Pull the Plug Single 7" vinyl 2011
Ripped to Shreds 燒冥紙 (Sacrificial Fire) Single 7" vinyl 2021
Rotting Christ Holy Mountain Single 7" vinyl 2022
Sanguisugabogg Caught in a Vise Single 7" vinyl 2022
Satan Twelve Infernal Lords Single 7" vinyl 2020
Saviours Hot Rails to Hell Single 7" vinyl 2015
Septic Tank Burning Bridges Single 7" vinyl 2018
Skeletal Remains Planetary Genocide Single 7" vinyl 2018
Skeletonwitch Tragedy of Days Single 7" vinyl 2011
Spirit Adrift Eyes Were Not Alive Single 7" vinyl 2018
Strigoi The Construct of Misery Single 7" vinyl 2023
SubRosa Key of the Eidolon Single 7" vinyl 2016
Temple of Void Ravenous Eyes in the Distance Single 7" vinyl 2020
Terminal Nation Concrete Hell / A Pound of Flesh or a Gallon of Blood Single 7" vinyl 2023
The Black Dahlia Murder This Mortal Coil Single 7" vinyl 2011
The Crown Driven to Disaster Single 7" vinyl 2021
The Gates of Slumber The Jury (2011 Version) Single 7" vinyl 2011
The Red Chord Dreaming in Dog Years (live) Single 7" vinyl 2023
The Silver The Vagrant Soul Single 7" vinyl 2023
Tombs Ashes Single 7" vinyl 2012
Torche Pow Wow Single 7" vinyl 2012
Toxic Holocaust Life Is a Lie Single 7" vinyl 2013
Trap Them Feedin' the Charlatans / I Hate the Kids Single 7" vinyl 2014
Tribulation Devilock / Death Comes Ripping Single 7" vinyl 2016
Undeath Diemented Dissection Single 7" vinyl 2021
Undergang Brusk Single 7" vinyl 2024
Vallenfyre The Great Divide Single 7" vinyl 2014
Vastum Befouled in Self-Salvation Single 7" vinyl 2023
Vastum Befouled in Self-Salvation Single Digital 2023
Venom Inc. Dein Fleisch Single 7" vinyl 2017
Venomous Concept Vote Clown Party Single 7" vinyl 2020
Venomous Concept The Good Ship Lollipop Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Venomous Concept The Good Ship Lollipop Full-length Cassette 2023
Wake Vast and Infinite Single 7" vinyl 2020
Watain Fuck Off, We Murder Single 7" vinyl 2013
Wayfarer Night Shift Single 7" vinyl 2023
With the Dead Vessel of Solitude Single 7" vinyl 2017
Withered Somnium Decay Single 7" vinyl 2018
Wolfheart Fire and Ice Single 7" vinyl 2015
Wormrot Decibel Flexi Series EP 7" vinyl 2011