Memento Mori

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Spain
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal, Death/Doom Metal
Founding Date 2010
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Burial Netherlands death Current
Carcinoid Australia death, doom Current
Coffin Curse Chile death Current
Coffin Mulch United Kingdom death Current
Coffincraft Finland death Current
Concrete Icon Finland death Current
Dementia 13 Portugal death Current
Deprive Spain death, doom Current
Devotion Spain death Current
Dipygus United States death Current
Disrupted Sweden death Current
Ectoplasma Greece death Current
Eternal Rot International death, doom Current
Fall of Seraphs France death Current
Funeralopolis Switzerland death, doom Current
Funest Italy death Current
Gorgosaur Sweden death Current
Horrisonous Australia death Current
Inanna Chile death Current
Innards Portugal death, grind, hardcore Current
Intolerance Spain death Current
Kurnugia United States death Current
Martyrdoom Poland death, doom Current
Mephitic Grave Hungary death Current
Morbid Messiah Mexico death Current
Morbo Italy death Current
Morbus Grave Italy death Current
Necrotum Romania death Current
Necroven Spain death Current
Paingiver United States death Current
Pile of Excrements Greece death, thrash Current
Proscrito Spain death, doom Current
Pustilence Australia death Current
Putred Romania death Current
Putrefiance France death Current
Rigor Sardonicous United States death, doom, funeral Current
Rotheads Romania death Current
Soulrot Chile death Current
The Fog Germany death, doom Current
Uncoffined United Kingdom death, doom Current
Valgrind Italy death Current
Vultur Greece death Current
War Possession Greece death Current
Wombripper Russia death Current
Abyssus Greece death Past
Acid Birth United States death, doom Past
Acrostichon Netherlands death Past
Aldebaran United States doom, funeral, sludge Past
Altar of Betelgeuze Finland death, doom, stoner Past
Altered Dead Canada death Past
Anatomia Japan death, doom Past
Ancestral Canada death Past
Ataraxy Spain death Past
Atavisma France death, doom Past
Austerymn United Kingdom doom, melodic, death Past
Bädr Vogu United States crust, doom Past
Barús France death, progressive Past
Bokluk Spain death Past
Cancer Spreading Italy crust, death Past
Cardiac Arrest United States death Past
Carnal Tomb Germany death Past
Cemetery Germany death Past
Centinex Sweden death Past
Chalice of Doom Jordan death, doom, melodic Past
Church of Disgust United States death Past
Conjureth United States death Past
Cross Fade United States death Past
Damnatory Switzerland death Past
Dead Conspiracy United States death, thrash Past
Debauch United States death, doom Past
Decomposed Sweden death Past
Delirium Netherlands death, doom Past
Ecocide Netherlands death, thrash Past
Ekpyrosis Italy death Past
Eructation Sweden death Past
Feretrum Spain death, grind, hardcore Past
Filtheater United States death Past
Formless Oedon Philippines death Past
Fossor Spain death Past
Goddefied Sweden death Past
Hexorcist United States death Past
Horrified United Kingdom black, melodic, death Past
Ignivomous Australia death Past
Infamovs Chile death Past
Insepulto Costa Rica death Past
Larvae Romania death, doom Past
Leather Glove United States crust, death, sludge Past
Mangled Torsos Germany death Past
Minenfeld Germany death Past
Misery Australia death Past
Morbid Flesh Spain death Past
Morbidity Bangladesh death Past
Morbific Finland death Past
Mystic Charm Netherlands death, doom Past
Nothingness United States death Past
Obscurial Malaysia death Past
Officium Triste Netherlands atmospheric, death, doom Past
Ophis Germany death, doom Past
Petrification United States death Past
Pneuma Hagion United States black, death Past
Praise the Flame Chile death Past
Pyre Russia death Past
Rapture Greece death, thrash Past
Ravenous Death Mexico death Past
Ritual Mass United States death Past
Ruin United States death Past
Sedimentum Canada death Past
Shadow of the Torturer United States death, doom, sludge Past
Shrine of the Serpent United States death, doom Past
Solothus Finland death, doom Past
Spina Bifida Netherlands death, doom Past
Symptom United States death, doom Past
Thanatos Netherlands death, thrash Past
Torture Rack United States death Past
Transgressor Japan death Past
Vexilla Regis Prodeunt Inferni Mexico death Past
Vile Apparition Australia death Past
Witch Vomit United States death Past
Zealotry United States death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abyssus Into the Abyss Full-length CD 2015
Acid Birth The Divine Grotesque / Pleasures of Flesh Compilation CD 2022
Acrostichon Engraved in Black Full-length CD 2011
Aldebaran ...from Forgotten Tombs I & II Compilation CD 2015
Altar of Betelgeuze Darkness Sustains the Silence Full-length CD 2014
Altered Dead Returned to Life Full-length CD 2021
Anatomia Dead Bodies in the Morgue Compilation CD 2013
Ancestral The Unforgotten Years 1993-1994 Compilation CD 2022
Ataraxy Curse of the Requiem Mass EP CD 2010
Ataraxy Revelations of the Ethereal Full-length CD 2012
Ataraxy Curse of the Requiem Mass / Rotten Shit Compilation CD 2019
Atavisma The Chthonic Rituals Full-length CD 2018
Austerymn Sepulcrum Viventium Full-length CD 2015
Bädr Vogu Exitium Full-length CD 2012
Barús Drowned Full-length CD 2018
Bokluk Taphonomy Full-length CD 2014
Burial Relinquished Souls Full-length CD 2012
Burial Relinquished Souls Full-length CD 2015
Cancer Spreading The Age of Desolation Full-length CD 2011
Cancer Spreading Ghastly Visions Full-length CD 2016
Carcinoid Metastatic Declination Full-length CD 2019
Cardiac Arrest A Parallel Dimension of Despair Full-length CD 2018
Cardiac Arrest The Day That Death Prevailed Full-length CD 2020
Carnal Tomb Rotten Remains Full-length CD 2016
Cemetery Enter the Gate (Discography 1991-1993) Compilation 2CD 2014
Centinex Subconscious Lobotomy Full-length CD 2010
Chalice of Doom Into Hypnagogia Full-length CD 2013
Church of Disgust Unworldly Summoning Full-length CD 2014
Church of Disgust Veneration of Filth Full-length CD 2016
Coffin Curse Ceased to Be Full-length CD 2020
Coffin Curse The Continuous Nothing Full-length CD 2024
Coffin Mulch Spectral Intercession Full-length CD 2023
Coffincraft In Eerie Slumber Full-length CD 2015
Conjureth Majestic Dissolve Full-length CD 2021
Conjureth The Parasitic Chambers Full-length CD 2023
Cross Fade Return to Planet Hell (1992-1994) Compilation CD 2021
Damnatory The Complete Disgoregraphy 1991-2003 Compilation CD 2018
Dead Conspiracy Dead Conspiracy Full-length CD 2017
Decomposed Devouring Full-length CD 2014
Delirium Zzooouhh Full-length CD 2011
Delirium Zzooouhh Compilation 2CD 2016
Dementia 13 Ways of Enclosure Full-length CD 2015
Deprive Into Oblivion Full-length CD 2015
Deprive Temple of the Lost Wisdom Full-length CD 2016
Devotion The Harrowing Full-length CD 2021
Devotion Astral Catacombs Full-length CD 2024
Dipygus Bushmeat Full-length CD 2021
Dipygus Deathooze Full-length CD 2023
Dipygus Dipygus Full-length CD 2024
Disrupted Morbid Death Full-length CD 2015
Disrupted Pure Death Full-length CD 2020
Ecocide Metamorphosis Full-length CD 2023
Ectoplasma Cavern of Foul Unbeings Full-length CD 2018
Ectoplasma White-Eyed Trance Full-length CD 2019
Ectoplasma Inferna Kabbalah Full-length CD 2022
Ekpyrosis Asphyxiating Devotion Full-length CD 2017
Eructation The Fumes of Putrefaction (1992-1995) Compilation CD 2016
Eternal Rot Moribound Full-length CD 2023
Fall of Seraphs From Dust to Creation Full-length CD 2022
Feretrum From Far Beyond Full-length CD 2013
Filtheater Blight of Sempiternal Putrefaction Full-length CD 2019
Formless Oedon Streams of Rot Full-length CD 2023
Fossor Emerging from the Abyss Demo CD 2017
Funeralopolis ...of Death / ...of Prevailing Chaos Compilation CD 2019
Funeralopolis ...of Deceit and Utter Madness Full-length CD 2020
Funest Desecrating Obscurity Full-length CD 2014
Goddefied Inhumation of Shreds (Complete Recordings 1991-2009) Compilation CD 2014
Gorgosaur Lurking Among Corpses Full-length CD 2016
Hexorcist Evil Reaping Death Full-length CD 2021
Horrified Descent into Putridity Full-length CD 2014
Horrisonous A Culinary Cacophony Full-length CD 2019
Ignivomous Hieroglossia Full-length CD 2020
Inanna Void of Unending Depths Full-length CD 2022
Infamovs Under the Seals of Death Full-length CD 2017
Insepulto The Necrodex Full-length CD 2015
Intolerance Dark Paths of Humanity Full-length CD 2022
Kurnugia Forlorn and Forsaken Full-length CD 2020
Larvae Vile Maggot Feast Compilation CD 2021
Leather Glove Perpetual Animation / Skin on Glass Compilation CD 2022
Mangled Torsos Drawings of the Dead Full-length CD 2011
Mangled Torsos Drawings of the Dead Full-length CD 2017
Martyrdoom Grievous Psychosis Full-length CD 2017
Martyrdoom As Torment Prevails Full-length CD 2023
Martyrdoom As Torment Prevails Full-length Digital 2023
Mephitic Grave Dreadful Seizures Full-length CD 2024
Minenfeld The Great Adventure Full-length CD 2021
Misery Evil Reborn (1992-1995) Compilation 2CD 2015
Morbid Flesh Reborn in Death Full-length CD 2011
Morbid Messiah Demoniac Paroxysm Full-length CD 2018
Morbidity Revealed from Ashes Full-length CD 2014
Morbific Squirm Beyond the Mortal Realm Full-length CD 2022
Morbo Addiction to Musickal Dissection Full-length CD 2014
Morbus Grave Feasting the Macabre Full-length CD 2024
Mystic Charm Shadows of the Unknown Full-length CD 2013
Necrotum Defleshed Exhumation Full-length CD 2024
Necroven Worship of Humiliation Full-length CD 2012
Necroven Primordial Subjugation Full-length CD 2016
Nothingness The Hollow Gaze of Death Full-length CD 2021
Obscurial Heretic Full-length CD 2024
Officium Triste Immersed Split CD 2012
Ophis Immersed Split CD 2012
Petrification Hollow of the Void Full-length CD 2018
Pile of Excrements Escatology Full-length CD 2017
Pneuma Hagion Voidgazer / Rituals of Extinction Full-length CD 2021
Praise the Flame Manifest Rebellion Full-length CD 2015
Proscrito Llagas y estigmas Full-length CD 2020
Pustilence Beliefs of Dead Stargazers and Soothsayers Full-length CD 2023
Putrefiance Resurrected Malevolence Compilation CD 2021
Pyre Chained to Ossuaries Full-length CD 2020
Rapture Paroxysm of Hatred Full-length CD 2018
Ravenous Death Chapters of an Evil Transition Full-length CD 2019
Ravenous Death Visions from the Netherworld Full-length CD 2022
Rigor Sardonicous Ego Diligio Vos Full-length CD 2012
Rigor Sardonicous Praeparet Bellum Full-length CD 2023
Rigor Sardonicous Praeparet Bellum Full-length Digital 2023
Ritual Mass It Ever Turns Compilation CD 2022
Rotheads Sewer Fiends Full-length CD 2018
Rotheads Slither in Slime Full-length Digital 2022
Rotheads Slither in Slime Full-length CD 2022
Ruin Drown in Blood Full-length CD 2017
Ruin Human Annihilation Full-length CD 2018
Sedimentum Suppuration morphogénésiaque Full-length CD 2022
Shadow of the Torturer Marching into Chaos Full-length CD 2011
Shadow of the Torturer Dronestown Full-length CD 2014
Shrine of the Serpent Entropic Disillusion Full-length CD 2018
Solothus Summoned from the Void Full-length CD 2013
Soulrot Nameless Hideous Manifestations Full-length CD 2017
Soulrot Victims of Spiritual Warfare Full-length CD 2020
Spina Bifida Ziyadah Full-length CD 2014
Symptom Opulent Atrocity Full-length CD 2013
Thanatos Thanatology: Terror from the Vault Compilation 2CD 2019
The Fog Perpetual Blackness Full-length CD 2016
Torture Rack Barbaric Persecution Full-length CD 2016
Transgressor Ether for Scapegoat Full-length CD 2015
Transgressor Ether for Scapegoat Full-length CD 2021
Uncoffined Ritual Death and Funeral Rites Full-length CD 2013
Uncoffined Ceremonies of Morbidity Full-length CD 2016
Valgrind Condemnation Full-length CD 2020
Valgrind Millennium of Night Bliss Full-length CD 2023
Vexilla Regis Prodeunt Inferni Vexilla Regis Prodeunt Inferni Full-length CD 2014
Vile Apparition Depravity Ordained Full-length CD 2019
Vultur Drowned in Gangrenous Blood Full-length CD 2019
War Possession Doomed to Chaos Full-length CD 2017
Witch Vomit A Scream from the Tomb Below Full-length CD 2016
Wombripper Macabre Melodies Full-length CD 2020
Zealotry The Charnel Expanse Full-length CD 2014