Grindhead Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address 69 Melrose Ave, Sylvania, New South Wales, 2224
Country Australia
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal, Grindcore, Deathgrind
Founding Date 2002
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Grindhead Productions

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
1 Shot Kill Australia death, groove Current
12 Gauge Rampage Australia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Awful Noise Australia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Barren Belgium crust, death, grind, hardcore, punk Current
Carnal Viscera Australia brutal, death Current
Celestial Burial Australia death, hardcore Current
Corpsickle Australia death, grind, hardcore Current
Festering Drippage Australia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Flaming Wrekage Australia death, melodic Current
Guild of Destruction Australia black, death, technical Current
Infested Entrails Australia death Current
Maggot Cave Australia grind, hardcore Current
Mother Eel Australia avant-garde, doom, grind, hardcore, sludge Current
Nauseate India death, grind, hardcore Current
New Blood Australia death Current
Putrid Whore Italy noise, death, grind, hardcore Current
Roadside Burial Australia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Roncsipar Hungary industrial, stoner Current
Sound of Detestation Sweden death, grind, hardcore Current
Tortured Australia death Current
Aeturnus Dominion Australia death Past
Arterial Hemorrhage Australia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Beyond Terror Beyond Grace Australia grind, hardcore, atmospheric, black, death Past
Black Jesus Australia death Past
Broozer Australia sludge Past
Burn the Hostages Australia sludge Past
Casket Blaster United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Code of Lies Australia death, grind, hardcore Past
Crypt Crawler Australia death Past
Cryptivore Australia death, grind, hardcore Past
Devoured Flesh Regurgitation Netherlands death, grind, hardcore Past
Disturbance Project Spain grind, hardcore Past
Ebolie Australia death, grind, hardcore Past
Embalming Theatre Switzerland death, grind, hardcore Past
Enthrallment Bulgaria brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Entrails Massacre Germany death, grind, hardcore Past
Excruciate Australia black, brutal, death Past
Exekute Australia death Past
Flatus Australia death Past
Grannyfist Australia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Grimentity Belarus death, grind, hardcore Past
Grog Portugal brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Gruesome Stuff Relish Spain death, grind, hardcore Past
Guantanamo Bay City Rollers Australia grind, hardcore, punk, thrash Past
Hacksaw Surgery Australia death, grind, hardcore Past
Hell Itself Australia death Past
Impugned Argentina grind, hardcore Past
Intoxicated United States death, thrash Past
Jack Hungary crust, grind, hardcore, punk Past
Knifethruhead United States death, experimental, grind, hardcore, punk, thrash Past
Long Pig Hungary death, grind, hardcore Past
Lucifungus Australia doom, sludge, stoner Past
Maggot Bath Australia grind, hardcore, sludge Past
Malignant Germ Infestation United Kingdom death, grind, hardcore Past
Mangled Whore Flesh United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Maximum Perversion Australia death, grind, hardcore Past
Mendacity Canada hardcore, brutal, technical, death Past
One Step Beyond Australia death, experimental Past
Pathology United States brutal, death Past
Plague Rages Brazil grind, hardcore Past
Puncture Wound Australia death Past
PussyVibes Portugal death, grind, hardcore Past
Sanctioned Australia grind, hardcore Past
Silovanje Australia death, grind, hardcore Past
Slaughtercult Australia death, grind, hardcore Past
VHS Canada death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
1 Shot Kill Showcase EP CD 2009
1 Shot Kill Howdy's Opus EP CD 2008
12 Gauge Rampage #killedmorecuntsthancovid Demo Digital 2021
12 Gauge Rampage Breathe in Bleed Out Single Digital 2021
12 Gauge Rampage Unleash the Rage Full-length Digital 2021
12 Gauge Rampage Unleash the Rage Full-length CD 2021
12 Gauge Rampage Unleash the Rage Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
12 Gauge Rampage Unleash the Rage Full-length Cassette 2021
Aeturnus Dominion Psychotic Full-length CD 2006
Aeturnus Dominion Semper Tyranis Full-length CD 2005
Arterial Hemorrhage Demo 2007 Demo 2007
Awful Noise A Peaceful Death with Pretty Flowers Full-length Digital 2023
Awful Noise A Peaceful Death with Pretty Flowers Full-length CD 2023
Awful Noise A Peaceful Death with Pretty Flowers Full-length Cassette 2023
Barren I Full-length CD 2022
Beyond Terror Beyond Grace Still Human, Still Humane? EP CD 2005
Beyond Terror Beyond Grace Extinction|Salvation Full-length CD 2007
Black Jesus Everything Black Everything Dead Full-length CD 2014
Black Jesus Dark Horse / Black Jesus Split CD 2013
Black Jesus Dark Horse / Black Jesus Split 7" vinyl 2014
Broozer 12.04.12 Full-length CD 2012
Broozer II Full-length CD 2015
Broozer 12.04.12 Full-length Digital 2013
Broozer II Full-length Vinyl 2015
Broozer II Full-length Digital 2015
Casket Blaster Buck Angel / Spreading the Deceased Split 7" vinyl 2011
Knifethruhead Buck Angel / Spreading the Deceased Split 7" vinyl 2011
Celestial Burial Genocidal Extinction Full-length Digital 2023
Celestial Burial Genocidal Extinction Full-length CD 2023
Celestial Burial Hymns of Horror Full-length Digital 2024
Celestial Burial Hymns of Horror Full-length CD 2024
Code of Lies The Age of Disgrace EP CD 2008
Corpsickle Blood Binge / Unleashed in the Deceased Split CD 2006
Roadside Burial Blood Binge / Unleashed in the Deceased Split CD 2006
Corpsickle Zombie Full-length CD 2010
Corpsickle Blood Binge / Unleashed in the Deceased Split Digital 2006
Roadside Burial Blood Binge / Unleashed in the Deceased Split Digital 2006
Crypt Crawler Future Usurper Full-length Cassette 2023
Cryptivore Celestial Extinction Full-length Cassette 2022
Devoured Flesh Regurgitation Bones, Flesh 'n' Partysnacks Full-length CD 2007
Ebolie Elevation into Disintegration Full-length CD 2004
Ebolie Discography Compilation CD 2002
Ebolie Let Loose EP CD 2006
Embalming Theatre D-Composition Split CD 2007
Hacksaw Surgery D-Composition Split CD 2007
Enthrallment The Voice of Human Perversity Full-length CD 2014
Entrails Massacre Entrails Massacre / Sanctioned Split Digital 2021
Sanctioned Entrails Massacre / Sanctioned Split Digital 2021
Excruciate Depths of Impurity Full-length CD 2013
Excruciate Depths of Impurity Full-length CD 2013
Excruciate Depths of Impurity Full-length Digital 2020
Exekute Doomsday Mourning EP CD 2013
Festering Drippage Fungally Infected Fistathon EP CD 2012
Flaming Wrekage Terra Inferna Full-length Digital 2024
Flaming Wrekage Terra Inferna Full-length CD 2024
Flaming Wrekage Terra Inferna Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Flatus Global Developmental Decay Full-length Digital 2017
Flatus Global Developmental Decay + Death Metal is a Rotting Corpse Full-length CD 2020
Grannyfist Double Penetration Full-length CD 2010
Grog Grog / Roadside Burial / Pussyvibes Split CD 2010
PussyVibes Grog / Roadside Burial / Pussyvibes Split CD 2010
Roadside Burial Grog / Roadside Burial / Pussyvibes Split CD 2010
Gruesome Stuff Relish Last Men in Gore Compilation CD 2008
Guantanamo Bay City Rollers Dark Side of the Goon Full-length CD 2013
Guild of Destruction We Are Vermin Full-length CD 2009
Guild of Destruction Into Oblivion Full-length CD 2007
Hell Itself Self Skinned EP CD 2011
Infested Entrails Defiling a Piece of the Deceased Full-length Digital 2014
Infested Entrails Defiling a Piece of the Deceased Full-length CD 2014
Infested Entrails Vile Enrapture EP Digital 2024
Infested Entrails Vile Enrapture EP CD 2024
Intoxicated Walled EP Cassette 2021
Jack Jack / Sete Star Sept Split Digital 2019
Jack Jack / Sete Star Sept Split 7" vinyl 2019
Long Pig Barren Full-length CD 2007
Lucifungus World Shaker / Live and Hated in Portugal Split 7" vinyl 2022
Burn the Hostages World Shaker / Live and Hated in Portugal Split 7" vinyl 2022
Maggot Bath Inside the Degrading Chaos Split CD 2022
Impugned Inside the Degrading Chaos Split CD 2022
Maggot Cave Maggot Cave EP Digital 2022
Maggot Cave Maggot Cave EP 7" vinyl 2022
Malignant Germ Infestation Fields of Forever Lasting Love and Joy Full-length CD 2009
Mangled Whore Flesh Malignant Germ Infestation / Mangled Whore Flesh Split CD 2007
Malignant Germ Infestation Malignant Germ Infestation / Mangled Whore Flesh Split CD 2007
Maximum Perversion Fuck Ya Ears & Drink Ya Beers Split CD 2007
Ebolie Fuck Ya Ears & Drink Ya Beers Split CD 2007
Mendacity Segregation Split CD 2020
Awful Noise Segregation Split CD 2020
Grimentity Segregation Split CD 2020
Mendacity Segregation Split Cassette 2020
Awful Noise Segregation Split Cassette 2020
Grimentity Segregation Split Cassette 2020
Mother Eel The Idiocy / Generosity Cycle EP CD 2010
Nauseate Tales of Groaning Existence Full-length Digital 2020
Nauseate Tales of Groaning Existence Full-length CD 2020
New Blood Paradise Disintegrates EP CD 2008
New Blood Subsistence Full-length CD 2012
New Blood Paradise Disintegrates EP Digital 2020
One Step Beyond Life Imitates Art Full-length CD 2010
Pathology Incisions of Perverse Debauchery Full-length CD 2008
Plague Rages The Screaming Nightmare Continues Split CD 2008
Disturbance Project The Screaming Nightmare Continues Split CD 2008
Puncture Wound Anthem of Agony Single 10" vinyl 2021
Puncture Wound Anthem of Agony EP Digital 2021
Puncture Wound Anthem of Agony EP 10" vinyl 2022
Putrid Whore Drufuked and Pornified Split CD 2007
Roadside Burial Such Is Life / Home Dentistry Split CD 2007
Roncsipar Antimonumentum Full-length CD 2007
Silovanje Taste of Death Full-length CD 2006
Slaughtercult Meat Head Full-length Digital 2023
Sound of Detestation Sound of Detestation Full-length CD 2007
Sound of Detestation Ge fan i våra liv Full-length CD 2010
Tortured A Lesson in Holocaust Full-length CD 2011
VHS Gore from Beyond the Stars Full-length CD 2020