Headbanger's Behavior

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Country Brazil
Status active


Name Country Genre Status
Carnage Brazil black, thrash Current
Inciter Brazil black, thrash Current
Nekropsalms Brazil death Current
Perpetual Infernal Pain Brazil black, thrash Current
Difuntor Brazil death Past
Mysteries of Evil Brazil heavy Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Carnage The God Killers Full-length CD 2022
Carnage God Is Dead EP CD 2023
Difuntor Diabolical Imprecations from a Vortex of Misery and Resentment Full-length CD 2022
Difuntor Ancient Wicked Spells of the Necro Cult Full-length CD 2023
Difuntor Edifying the Pain's Candles in Death Congregation Full-length CD 2024
Inciter Dark Daggers of Divine Decease Full-length CD 2022
Mysteries of Evil In the Name of Evil Full-length CD 2022
Nekropsalms Echoes of Grotesque Chant from the Pestilent Tongues of Denial Full-length CD 2023
Perpetual Infernal Pain Magnificent Mephitic Voices of Pain Full-length CD 2023