Lifeless Chasm Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Country United Kingdom
Status active
Styles And Specialties Brutal Death Metal, Technical Death Metal
Founding Date October 10th, 2018
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Aberrated United States death, progressive, technical, thrash Current
Aphelion Entity United States death Current
Chloroma United States brutal, death Current
Entrail Asphyxiation United States brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Ikizukuri United States brutal, death Current
Item 9 United States death, grind, hardcore Current
Palsied United States death Current
Squelching Flesh United States death, grind, hardcore Current
Afterbirth United States progressive, brutal, death Past
Agonal Breathing International brutal, death, slam Past
Amputated Genitals Colombia brutal, death Past
Archspire Canada death, technical Past
Artificial Brain United States death, progressive, technical Past
Baalsebub Estonia brutal, death Past
Biomorphic Engulfment Thailand brutal, death Past
Bleak Flesh Chile death, progressive, technical Past
Cenotaph Türkiye brutal, death Past
Coprobaptized Cunthunter Russia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Decimated Humans United States brutal, death, progressive, slam Past
Defacement Netherlands black, death Past
Defeated Sanity Germany brutal, death, technical Past
Demential United States brutal, death Past
Discordant Meditation United States death, experimental Past
Dissociative Healing Russia brutal, death Past
Ecchymosis Thailand brutal, death Past
Edenic Past United States brutal, death, experimental, technical Past
Embodied Torment United States brutal, death Past
Embryonic Devourment United States brutal, death, technical Past
Epicardiectomy Czechia brutal, death, slam Past
Esophagus Chile brutal, death, slam Past
Euphoric Defilement United States brutal, death Past
Excoriation Russia brutal, death Past
Extremely Rotten United States brutal, death Past
Gargling United States brutal, death Past
Habitual Depravity Australia brutal, death Past
Human Excoriation United States brutal, death Past
Ineffable Demise United Kingdom brutal, death Past
Iniquitous Deeds United States brutal, death, technical Past
Interminable Corruptions International brutal, death Past
Intricated Thailand brutal, death Past
Kakothanasy Switzerland brutal, death Past
Killitorous Canada death, technical Past
Kuvotus Finland death, grind, hardcore Past
Lykathea Aflame Czechia brutal, death, progressive, technical Past
Malignancy United States brutal, death, technical Past
MDMA Spain brutal, death Past
Molested Divinity Türkiye brutal, death Past
Nithing United States brutal, death Past
Nyctophagia United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Omnipotent Hysteria United Kingdom brutal, death Past
Precognitive Holocaust Annotations International brutal, death Past
Schathetoma Japan brutal, death, technical Past
Slam420 United States brutal, death, slam Past
Syphilic United States brutal, death Past
Tragos France death Past
Tunkio Finland death, grind, hardcore Past
Undeciphered International brutal, death Past
Vertebra Atlantis Italy black, death, experimental Past
Vomit the Soul Italy brutal, death Past
Webdriver Torso Australia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Wormed Spain brutal, death, technical Past
Xenomorphic Contamination Italy brutal, death Past
死んだ細胞の塊 Japan brutal, death, technical Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Aberrated Twisted Forms EP Digital 2023
Aberrated Twisted Forms EP CD 2023
Aberrated Twisted Forms EP Cassette 2023
Afterbirth The Time Traveler's Dilemma Full-length Cassette 2020
Afterbirth Four Dimensional Flesh Full-length Cassette 2020
Agonal Breathing Bloodthirsty Mutilation Full-length Cassette 2023
Agonal Breathing Bloodthirsty Mutilation Full-length Cassette 2023
Agonal Breathing Pure Agony Full-length Cassette 2022
Amputated Genitals Origin of Murder Full-length Cassette 2020
Aphelion Entity Aphelion Entity EP CD 2024
Aphelion Entity Aphelion Entity EP Cassette 2024
Aphelion Entity Aphelion Entity EP Digital 2024
Archspire The Lucid Collective Full-length Cassette 2022
Archspire Relentless Mutation Full-length Cassette 2023
Artificial Brain Labyrinth Constellation Full-length Cassette 2021
Artificial Brain Infrared Horizon Full-length Cassette 2021
Baalsebub The Sickness of the Holy Inquisition Full-length Cassette 2020
Biomorphic Engulfment Incubation in the Parallel Dimension Full-length Cassette 2022
Bleak Flesh ...and Save Us from Silence Full-length Cassette 2020
Cenotaph Perverse Dehumanized Dysfunctions Full-length Cassette 2019
Cenotaph Putrescent Infectious Rabidity Full-length Cassette 2019
Chloroma Chloroma EP CD 2021
Chloroma Chloroma EP Cassette 2021
Coprobaptized Cunthunter Failure Prosthesis Full-length Cassette 2023
Coprobaptized Cunthunter Perseveration of Delirious Comprehensiveness EP Cassette 2023
Decimated Humans Dismantling the Decomposed Entities Full-length Cassette 2021
Defacement Deviant Full-length Cassette 2019
Defeated Sanity Prelude to the Tragedy Full-length Cassette 2019
Defeated Sanity Psalms of the Moribund Full-length Cassette 2019
Demential Apathy EP CD 2020
Discordant Meditation Interface EP Cassette 2023
Dissociative Healing Dissociative Healing Full-length Cassette 2020
Ecchymosis Aberrant Amusement in Cadaveric Vomitplay Full-length Cassette 2020
Ecchymosis Ritualistic Intercourse Within Abject Surrealism Full-length Cassette 2022
Edenic Past Red Amarcord Full-length Cassette 2020
Embodied Torment Liturgy of Ritual Execution Full-length Cassette 2020
Embryonic Devourment Fear of Reality Exceeds Fantasy Full-length Cassette 2022
Embryonic Devourment Vivid Interpretations of the Void Full-length Cassette 2022
Entrail Asphyxiation Entrail Asphyxiation EP Digital 2023
Epicardiectomy Grotesque Monument of Paraperversive Transfixion Full-length Cassette 2021
Esophagus Defeated by Their Inferiority Full-length Cassette 2021
Euphoric Defilement Ascending to the Worms Full-length Cassette 2021
Excoriation Excoriation Full-length Cassette 2020
Extremely Rotten Grotesque Acts of Humanity Full-length Cassette 2021
Gargling The Innards of a Charred Cadaver EP CD 2021
Gargling The Innards of a Charred Cadaver EP Cassette 2021
Gargling The Innards of a Charred Cadaver EP Digital 2021
Gargling Depraved Ingestion of Cranial Discharge Full-length CD 2022
Gargling Depraved Ingestion of Cranial Discharge Full-length Cassette 2022
Habitual Depravity Realms of Abysmal Servitude Full-length Cassette 2019
Human Excoriation Celestial Devourment Full-length Cassette 2020
Ikizukuri Exploitation Tapes: Vol. 1 Demo CD 2023
Ikizukuri Exploitation Tapes: Vol. 1 Demo Cassette 2023
Ineffable Demise Beyond the Marrow Gates Full-length Cassette 2019
Iniquitous Deeds Incessant Hallucinations Full-length Cassette 2019
Interminable Corruptions Xenodimensional Conflux Full-length Cassette 2019
Intricated The Vortex of Fatal Depravity Full-length Cassette 2020
Item 9 Item 9 Demo CD 2022
Item 9 Item 9 Demo Cassette 2022
Kakothanasy Dystomorph Full-length Cassette 2020
Killitorous Party, Grind Full-length Cassette 2020
Killitorous The Afterparty Full-length Cassette 2020
Kuvotus Kuvotus Demo CD 2020
Kuvotus Unisolmuirvistys Split Cassette 2021
Tunkio Unisolmuirvistys Split Cassette 2021
Lykathea Aflame Elvenefris Full-length Cassette 2022
Malignancy Intrauterine Cannibalism Full-length Cassette 2020
Malignancy Intrauterine Cannibalism Full-length Cassette 2020
MDMA Chemical Obliteration Full-length Cassette 2021
Molested Divinity Desolated Realms Through Iniquity Full-length Cassette 2019
Molested Divinity Unearthing the Void Full-length Cassette 2021
Nithing Agonal Hymns Full-length Cassette 2023
Nyctophagia Terrified of Tomorrow Full-length Cassette 2023
Nyctophagia Prisoners of a Poison Realm Full-length Cassette 2023
Omnipotent Hysteria Abattoir of Slain Deities Full-length Cassette 2019
Palsied Certain Death Austerities Full-length Digital 2021
Palsied Certain Death Austerities Full-length CD 2022
Palsied Certain Death Austerities Full-length Cassette 2022
Palsied Certain Death Austerities Full-length Cassette 2022
Palsied Certain Death Austerities Full-length Cassette 2022
Palsied Distended Single Digital 2021
Palsied Distended Single CD 2021
Palsied Distended Single Cassette 2022
Palsied Distended Single Cassette 2022
Precognitive Holocaust Annotations Procreation of the Artificial Divinity Full-length Cassette 2020
Schathetoma Demo 2021 (2022) Demo CD 2022
Schathetoma Demo 2021 (2022) Demo Cassette 2022
Slam420 Bloated Exploded OG Gluttony Full-length Cassette 2021
Squelching Flesh Psychic Incarceration Full-length Digital 2024
Squelching Flesh Psychic Incarceration Full-length Cassette 2024
Squelching Flesh Psychic Incarceration Full-length CD 2024
Syphilic Toylets 'R' Us Full-length Cassette 2020
Syphilic Empty Nest Full-length Cassette 2020
Tragos Radix Mendosus Full-length Cassette 2022
Undeciphered Beneath the Gentle Smile Full-length Cassette 2021
Vertebra Atlantis Lustral Purge in Cerulean Bliss Full-length Cassette 2022
Vomit the Soul Apostles of Inexpression Full-length Cassette 2020
Webdriver Torso Data Tribes EP Digital 2022
Webdriver Torso Data Tribes EP Cassette 2022
Webdriver Torso Data Tribes EP CD 2022
Wormed Planisphærium Full-length Cassette 2020
Wormed Krighsu Full-length Cassette 2021
Xenomorphic Contamination Colonized from the Inside Full-length Cassette 2021
死んだ細胞の塊 Saibogu Full-length Cassette 2019
死んだ細胞の塊 Ostriched Existence EP Cassette 2021