A.H.U.B Production

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Germany
Status active
Styles And Specialties Various
Founding Date July 2018

Online Presence

SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/krigsroprecords666


Name Country Genre Status
Hellhound666 Germany noise, black, death, grind, hardcore Current
Holokaust Kommändo International black, cybergrind, industrial, noise Current
Todesgiver International crossover, groove, punk Current
Last Dance in Heaven Brazil black Past
Mastdarm Germany black, thrash Past
Para Bellvm International death, hardcore, thrash Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Hellhound666 Kaosophic Ejaculation Full-length Digital 2020
Hellhound666 Modern World Detonation Full-length Digital 2021
Hellhound666 Vermincide/Scheisshaus Noise Split Digital 2021
Hellhound666 I.T.V.A.V Full-length Digital 2019
Hellhound666 Unkosher Propaganda EP Digital 2020
Hellhound666 Black Metal Against Modern World Compilation Digital 2021
Hellhound666 Apokollabtyk Orthodoxy Full-length Digital 2022
Hellhound666 Hassmusik Full-length Digital 2023
Hellhound666 Shaythanuakbar Full-length Digital 2024
Holokaust Kommändo Massemord Ritus Compilation Digital 2019
Holokaust Kommändo Misanthropic Wolfbataillon Split Digital 2019
Holokaust Kommändo Trigger Disruption Full-length Digital 2022
Holokaust Kommändo Misanthropischer Kampfbund Split Digital 2022
Hellhound666 Misanthropischer Kampfbund Split Digital 2022
Last Dance in Heaven CXX Diebus In Infernum Split Digital 2024
Mastdarm Unkosher Propaganda/Hatefuck the Modern World Split Digital 2019
Hellhound666 Unkosher Propaganda/Hatefuck the Modern World Split Digital 2019
Para Bellvm Demo '19 Demo Digital 2019
Para Bellvm Mortui Vivos Docent Single Digital 2020
Para Bellvm Odium Humani Generis Full-length Digital 2020
Para Bellvm Para Bellvm/xXKorrosionXx/Hellhound666 Split Digital 2020
Hellhound666 Para Bellvm/xXKorrosionXx/Hellhound666 Split Digital 2020
Para Bellvm 4 Ways to Hatefuck this Modern World Split Digital 2020
Para Bellvm Your Time Has Gone Full-length Digital 2021
Para Bellvm Repulsive Tolerasts Single Digital 2021
Para Bellvm G.N.A.S Single Digital 2022
Para Bellvm Do-Gooder Disorder EP Digital 2022
Para Bellvm Schlachtfeuer Full-length Digital 2022
Para Bellvm Para Bellvm Full-length Digital 2023
Todesgiver Intoleranz Full-length Digital 2024