Time to Kill Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Kick SRL, Via L. Pulci 48, 00162 Roma
Country Italy
Status active
Styles And Specialties Metal, Hardcore, Noise, Glam, Industrial, Punk
Founding Date 2016
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCydoZxnJqGq4AeETKM6uO-A
Twitter https://twitter.com/timetokillreco1?lang=it
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/timetokillrecords/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/timetokillrecords/
Bandcamp https://timetokillrecords.bandcamp.com/music
BigCartel http://timetokillrecords.bigcartel.com/


Name Country Genre Status
5Rand Italy death, groove, melodic Current
A Taste of Fear Italy death, technical, thrash Current
Across the Swarm Italy death Current
Adversor Italy thrash Current
Anatomy of I Netherlands death Current
Askesis Italy black, death Current
Black Motel Six Italy groove Current
Cadaveria Italy black, gothic Current
Cannibal Accident Finland death, grind, hardcore Current
Celestial Scourge Norway brutal, death, technical Current
Coffin Birth Italy death Current
Crawling Chaos Italy death, grind, hardcore Current
Criminal Madhouse Conspiracy Italy thrash Current
Cryptic Hatred Finland death Current
Cultø Italy death, melodic Current
Darkend Italy symphonic, black Current
Death Dies Italy black Current
Deathcrush Italy black, brutal, death Current
Doomraiser Italy doom Current
Exitium Italy black, death Current
Exnun Türkiye black, death Current
Feralia Italy black Current
For the Storms Italy death, doom, melodic Current
Goatburner Finland death, grind, hardcore Current
Godwatt Italy doom, stoner Current
Hellbomb Russia black, hardcore, punk, thrash Current
Hellucination Italy death, groove, melodic Current
Humator Italy death Current
Infection Code Italy industrial, thrash Current
Inno Italy doom, gothic Current
Insanehead Italy heavy, thrash Current
Liquid Flesh France death Current
Martyred United States death Current
Methedrine Italy crossover, thrash Current
Necrodeath Italy black, death, thrash Current
Neid Italy grind, hardcore Current
Neker Italy groove, southern Current
Norsemen Italy death Current
Oceana Italy death, doom, gothic Current
OTUS Italy doom, sludge Current
Ozaena Italy groove, hardcore Current
Qwälen Finland black Current
Rabid Dogs Italy grind, grind'n'roll, death, death'n'roll, sludge, stoner Current
Sars Finland death, grind, hardcore Current
Sepolcral Italy death Current
Shiningstar Russia symphonic Current
Shock Proof Italy thrash Current
Shodan Poland death, progressive Current
Slug Gore Italy death, grind, hardcore Current
Soul Dragger Italy heavy, thrash Current
Stormcrow Italy black Current
Sulphur and Mercury Italy heavy Current
Torture Squad Brazil death, thrash Current
Umbilichaos Brazil atmospheric, doom, drone, sludge Current
Undertakers Italy brutal, hardcore, death Current
Walkyrya Italy heavy Current
Barbarian Italy black, speed, thrash Past
Buffalo Grillz Italy grind, hardcore Past
Bunker 66 Italy black, thrash Past
Camera Obscura Two Italy death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Fulci Italy brutal, death Past
Geschlecht Italy groove Past
Heidra Denmark folk, viking Past
Infiltration Russia death Past
Intolerant Italy black, death, noise Past
Kryptonomicon Italy black, death Past
Madvice Italy death, melodic Past
Mayhem Norway black Past
Necrophagia United States death Past
Unison Theory Italy hardcore, progressive, technical Past
Violentor Italy speed, thrash Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
5Rand Dark Mother Full-length CD 2019
5Rand Dark Mother Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
A Taste of Fear God's Design Full-length CD 2017
Across the Swarm Projections EP CD 2020
Across the Swarm Projections EP Vinyl 2020
Across the Swarm Projections EP Digital 2020
Adversor Portrait of a Wasteland Full-length CD 2023
Adversor Portrait of a Wasteland Full-length Digital 2023
Adversor Outcast Single Digital 2023
Anatomy of I The Los​(​t) Angered Sessions Full-length CD 2022
Anatomy of I The Los​(​t) Angered Sessions Full-length Digital 2022
Askesis Beyond the Fate of Death Full-length CD 2023
Black Motel Six Everything in Its Place Full-length CD 2016
Black Motel Six Everything in Its Place Full-length Digital 2016
Buffalo Grillz Martin Burger King Full-length Cassette 2017
Cadaveria The Shadows' Madame - 20h Anniversary Edition Full-length Cassette 2022
Cadaveria The Shadows' Madame - 20h Anniversary Edition Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Cadaveria Emptiness Full-length Digital 2022
Cadaveria Emptiness Full-length CD 2022
Cadaveria Emptiness Full-length Cassette 2022
Cadaveria Emptiness Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Cannibal Accident Nekrokluster Full-length CD 2021
Cannibal Accident Nekrokluster Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Celestial Scourge Dimensions Unfurled EP CD 2023
Celestial Scourge Dimensions Unfurled EP Digital 2023
Coffin Birth The Serpent Insignia Full-length CD 2018
Coffin Birth The Serpent Insignia Full-length Cassette 2018
Coffin Birth The Serpent Insignia Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Coffin Birth The Serpent Insignia Full-length Digital 2018
Crawling Chaos XLIX Full-length CD 2020
Crawling Chaos XLIX Full-length Digital 2020
Criminal Madhouse Conspiracy Criminal Madhouse Conspiracy Full-length CD 2022
Cryptic Hatred Internal Torment Full-length Digital 2024
Cryptic Hatred Internal Torment Full-length CD 2024
Cryptic Hatred Internal Torment Full-length Cassette 2024
Cryptic Hatred Internal Torment Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Cryptic Hatred Homicidal Intentions Single Digital 2024
Cryptic Hatred Mesmerized by the Malignant Gaze Single Digital 2024
Cultø Of the Sun Full-length CD 2022
Cultø Of the Sun Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Cultø Of the Sun Full-length Cassette 2022
Cultø Of the Sun Full-length Digital 2022
Darkend An Ancient Plague Has Silently Worn Our Garments as Its Throne Single Digital 2024
Darkend Viaticum Full-length CD 2024
Darkend Viaticum Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Darkend Viaticum Full-length Digital 2024
Darkend De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis Single Digital 2024
Death Dies Argento Single Digital 2023
Death Dies Stregoneria Full-length CD 2023
Death Dies Lame Single Digital 2023
Deathcrush Under Serpents Reign Full-length CD 2022
Deathcrush Under Serpents Reign Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Deathcrush Under Serpents Reign Full-length Cassette 2022
Deathcrush Under Serpents Reign Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Doomraiser The Dark Side of Old Europa Full-length CD 2020
Doomraiser The Dark Side of Old Europa Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Exitium The Sinister Sedition Single Digital 2023
Exitium Imperitous March for Abysmal Glory Full-length Digital 2023
Exitium Imperitous March for Abysmal Glory Full-length CD 2023
Exnun Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death Full-length CD 2023
Exnun What's Wrong With the Lobotomy Kid? Single Digital 2023
Feralia Under Stige / Over Dianam Full-length 2CD 2022
Feralia Under Stige Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Feralia Under Stige Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
For the Storms The Grieving Path Full-length CD 2022
Fulci Tropical Sun Full-length CD 2019
Fulci Death by Metal Single Digital 2020
Fulci Tropical Sun Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Fulci Opening the Hell Gates Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Fulci Opening the Hell Gates Full-length CD 2021
Fulci Paura Single Digital 2021
Fulci Exhumed Information Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Fulci Exhumed Information Full-length CD 2021
Fulci Tropical Sun Full-length CD 2021
Fulci Exhumed Information Full-length Cassette 2021
Fulci Exhumed Information Full-length Digital 2021
Fulci Tomb Single Digital 2021
Fulci Glass Single Digital 2021
Fulci Tropical Sun Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Fulci Opening the Hell Gates Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Fulci Tropical Sun Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Fulci Exhumed Information Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Fulci Lonely Hearts Single Digital 2022
Fulci Tropical Sun - The Short Movie OST Collaboration 7" vinyl + DVD 2023
Fulci Tropical Sun - The Short Movie OST Collaboration Digital 2023
Fulci Cyberflesh Collaboration Digital 2024
Fulci Cyberflesh Collaboration CD + other 2024
Fulci Cyberflesh Collaboration CD 2024
Geschlecht New Load Continue Full-length CD 2019
Geschlecht New Load Continue Full-length Digital 2019
Goatburner Extreme Conditions Full-length Digital 2019
Goatburner Fatal Full-length CD 2023
Goatburner Fatal Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Goatburner Fatal Full-length Cassette 2023
Goatburner Extreme Conditions Full-length CD 2019
Godwatt Vol. III Full-length CD 2022
Godwatt Vol. III Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Heidra The Blackening Tide Full-length CD 2018
Hellucination Multiverse Full-length CD 2018
Humator Curse of the Pharaoh Full-length CD 2022
Infection Code Sulphur Full-length CD 2023
Infection Code Something Wicked This Way Comes Single Digital 2023
Infiltration Point Blank Termination Full-length CD 2020
Infiltration Assault Rifle Justice Single Digital 2021
Inno The Rain Under Full-length CD 2020
Inno The Last Sun (Acoustic version) Single Digital 2022
Inno The Seed Single Digital 2022
Insanehead Scream of Anger Full-length CD 2017
Insanehead Scream of Anger Full-length Digital 2017
Intolerant Primal Future Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Intolerant Primal Future Full-length CD 2020
Intolerant Primal Future Full-length Cassette 2020
Liquid Flesh Dolores Full-length Digital 2023
Liquid Flesh Dolores Full-length CD 2023
Madvice Everything Comes to an End Full-length CD 2018
Martyred Iniquitous Transformation Single Digital 2022
Martyred The Relegation Full-length CD 2022
Martyred The Relegation Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Martyred The Relegation Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Martyred The Relegation Full-length Cassette 2022
Martyred The Relegation Full-length Digital 2022
Mayhem Esoteric Warfare Full-length Cassette 2022
Methedrine No Solution, No Salvation Full-length CD 2024
Methedrine A Massgrave for my Dreams Single Digital 2023
Necrodeath Transformer Treatment / Come to the Sabbath Single Digital 2022
Necrodeath Transformer Treatment / Come to the Sabbath Single 7" vinyl 2022
Necrodeath Transformer Treatment / Come to the Sabbath Single 7" vinyl 2022
Necrodeath Singin' in the Pain Full-length CD 2023
Necrodeath Singin' in the Pain Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Necrodeath Singin' in the Pain Full-length Cassette 2023
Necrodeath Mesmerized - A Tribute to Celtic Frost Split CD 2024
Doomraiser Mesmerized - A Tribute to Celtic Frost Split CD 2024
Bunker 66 Mesmerized - A Tribute to Celtic Frost Split CD 2024
Barbarian Mesmerized - A Tribute to Celtic Frost Split CD 2024
Kryptonomicon Mesmerized - A Tribute to Celtic Frost Split CD 2024
Camera Obscura Two Mesmerized - A Tribute to Celtic Frost Split CD 2024
Necrophagia Moribundis Grim Full-length Digital 2024
Necrophagia Moribundis Grim Full-length CD 2024
Necrophagia Moribundis Grim Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Necrophagia Moribundis Grim Single Digital 2024
Necrophagia Moribundis Grim Full-length Cassette 2024
Neid Still Offensive EP CD 2024
Neker Slower Full-length CD 2021
Neker Slower Full-length Digital 2021
Norsemen Bloodlust Full-length CD 2019
Oceana The Pattern Full-length CD 2021
Oceana The Pattern Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Oceana The Pattern Full-length Digital 2021
OTUS Torch Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
OTUS Torch Full-length CD 2022
OTUS Torch Full-length Cassette 2022
OTUS Torch Full-length Digital 2022
OTUS Apnea Single Digital 2022
Ozaena Necronaut Full-length CD 2017
Qwälen Unohdan sinut Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Qwälen Unohdan sinut Full-length Cassette 2021
Qwälen Syvä hiljaisuus Full-length CD 2023
Qwälen Syvä hiljaisuus Full-length Digital 2023
Qwälen Syvä hiljaisuus Full-length Cassette 2023
Qwälen Syvä hiljaisuus Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Qwälen Syvä hiljaisuus Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Qwälen Kaksi hautaa Single Digital 2023
Qwälen Maailma täyttyy kuolleista Single Digital 2023
Qwälen Tähdet tippuvat Single Digital 2023
Rabid Dogs Black Cowslip Full-length Digital 2022
Rabid Dogs Black Cowslip Full-length CD 2022
Rabid Dogs Black Cowslip Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Sepolcral Scourge Full-length CD 2023
Shiningstar Night Witches Single Digital 2021
Shiningstar Hot Hearts in the Cold Hands Single Digital 2021
Shiningstar Destiny Full-length Digital 2021
Shiningstar Destiny Full-length CD 2021
Shiningstar Frozen at the Opera Live album Digital 2022
Shiningstar Feliz Navidad Single Digital 2021
Shiningstar Who Am I? What Am I? Single Digital 2022
Shiningstar We Were Here Single Digital 2022
Shiningstar We Were Here (Special edition) Single Digital 2022
Shiningstar Dark Symphony EP Digital 2022
Shock Proof More Broken Chains Full-length CD 2018
Shock Proof The Will the Reason and the Wire Full-length CD 2020
Shodan None Shall Prevail Full-length CD 2023
Shodan None Shall Prevail Full-length Digital 2023
Shodan Tamed in Unison Single Digital 2023
Slug Gore Demented Crickets Single Digital 2024
Slug Gore They Slime! They Ooze! They Kill! Full-length Digital 2024
Slug Gore They Slime! They Ooze! They Kill! Full-length CD 2024
Slug Gore They Slime! They Ooze! They Kill! Full-length Cassette 2024
Slug Gore They Slime! They Ooze! They Kill! Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Slug Gore The Deadly Spawn Single Digital 2024
Slug Gore Wake Up Dead Single Digital 2024
Soul Dragger Soul Dragger Full-length CD 2020
Stormcrow Dark Existence Single Digital 2023
Stormcrow Path to Ascension Full-length CD 2024
Stormcrow Petit Dru Single Digital 2024
Stormcrow Ascension Single Digital 2024
Stormcrow Path to Ascension Full-length Digital 2024
Sulphur and Mercury Alchemia Prophetica EP CD 2024
Sulphur and Mercury Alchemia Prophetica EP 12" vinyl 2024
Torture Squad Devilish Full-length CD 2023
Torture Squad Devilish Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Torture Squad Devilish Full-length Cassette 2023
Torture Squad Hell Is Coming Single Digital 2023
Torture Squad Mabus Single Digital 2023
Umbilichaos Mourning Carnivals from Now On Full-length CD 2023
Umbilichaos Mourning Carnivals from Now On Full-length Cassette 2023
Undertakers Dictatorial Democracy Compilation Digital 2020
Undertakers Dictatorial Democracy Compilation 12" vinyl 2020
Unison Theory Arctos Full-length CD 2016
Violentor Manifesto di odio Full-length CD 2022
Violentor Manifesto di odio Full-length Cassette 2022
Violentor Manifesto di odio Full-length Vinyl 2022
Walkyrya The Invisible Guest Full-length CD 2018