Gomia Noise Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Lima
Country Peru
Status active

Online Presence

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Gomia-Noise-Records-101251865412204
Bandcamp https://gomianoiserecords.bandcamp.com/music


Name Country Genre Status
Hammer of Cain Peru black Current
Tomb Peru death Current
AntiPröphet Peru black, crust, punk Past
Gatling Peru death, thrash Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
AntiPröphet Blood, Fire & Brimstone EP Digital 2023
AntiPröphet The Grave Sessions / ReHellsal Demo Split Cassette 2024
Hammer of Cain The Grave Sessions / ReHellsal Demo Split Cassette 2024
Gatling Post-Mortem Split Digital 2021
Gatling De Vermis Mysteriis Demo Cassette 2023
Tomb Mórbida muerte Demo Cassette 2022
Tomb Mórbida muerte Demo Digital 2023