Under the Sign of Garazel Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Kraków
Country Poland
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal
Founding Date 1997
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Official site @ archive.org https://web.archive.org/web/20081025014230/http://hatepropaganda.org/garazel/index2.html
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/utsogp
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWPIkCoQIkSSMF-pfINem9Q
Bandcamp http://garazelprod.bandcamp.com
Official webstore https://www.utsogp.pl


Name Country Genre Status
Aarseth United States black Current
Akathartos Russia ambient, black Current
Anaboth Poland raw, post-metal, black Current
Black Witchcraft Poland black Current
Czort Poland black Current
Daetven Poland black Current
Dagorath Poland black Current
Dead Monuments Poland black Current
Death like Mass Poland black Current
Egzekwie Poland doom, funeral Current
Extermination Alchemist Poland black, death Current
Hepatomancy Italy black Current
Martwa Aura Poland black Current
Mekrahkth Italy atmospheric, black, raw Current
Nurt Ognia Poland black, raw Current
Skald of Morgoth Poland black Current
Spiritu Mors Australia black Current
Szron Poland black Current
Teufelsberg Poland black Current
Thy Killing Hand Unknown black Current
Trucizna International black, death Current
Turpista Poland black Current
Unblessed into Hatred Greece black Current
Vexev Italy black, raw Current
Viedźminy Pakuty Belarus black Current
Witch Head Nebula Poland black Current
Xarzebaal Poland black, raw Current
A Caress of Twilight Poland ambient, black Past
Arkona Poland black Past
Bustum Poland black Past
Chao Abyssi Poland black Past
Chaosbaphomet Greece black Past
Cultes des Ghoules Poland black Past
Dark Fury Poland black Past
Dead Dog's Howl International black Past
Devil's Emissary Poland black Past
Ecclesia Satani Poland black Past
Faustcoven Norway black, doom Past
Flame of War Poland black Past
Hateful Poland black Past
Hell's Coronation Poland black, doom Past
Hellmoon Canada black, raw Past
Hierophant's Descent Greece black Past
Holy Death Poland black Past
Kohort Poland black Past
Kriegsmaschine Poland black Past
Legacy of Blood Poland black Past
Leichengott Poland black Past
Lord of Evil Poland black Past
Mastomah Poland black Past
Medieval Plague Poland black Past
Mgła Poland black Past
Moontower Poland black Past
Mordhell Poland black Past
Nadsvest Serbia black Past
Necrobode Portugal black, death Past
Nordor Greece death Past
Nyctophilia Poland atmospheric, black, depressive Past
Occultum Poland black Past
Ohtar Poland black Past
Old Coven United States black, thrash Past
Pagan Fire Poland black Past
Paroxysmal Descent Australia black Past
Ritual Lair Poland black Past
Selbstmord Poland black Past
Sirin Slovakia black, pagan Past
Sons of Serpent Poland black Past
Taranis Poland black Past
Throne of Splendour Greece ambient, black, dark Past
Total Genocide France black, raw Past
Triumph, Genus Czechia black Past
Venefices Poland black, death Past
Vermisst Poland black Past
War Poland black Past
White Devils Poland hardcore, heavy, rock-against-communism, thrash Past
Wind Poland black, pagan Past
Witchcraft Hungary black Past
Wizard Poland black, folk Past
Yfel 1710 Poland black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Aarseth Espiritum / Aarseth Compilation CD 2023
Akathartos Baptised by Darkness EP CD 2021
Akathartos Enlightenment by Darkness​ (​Black Catharsis) Full-length CD 2022
Anaboth Pomiędzy światami Full-length CD 2012
Anaboth Nie czas pomiotów Demo CD 2010
Anaboth IHS Demo Cassette 2016
Arkona Zrodzony z ognia i lodu / Mankind's Funeral Split CD 2004
Szron Zrodzony z ognia i lodu / Mankind's Funeral Split CD 2004
Arkona Raw Years 1993-95 Compilation CD 2005
Arkona Raw Years 1993-95 Compilation CD 2005
Black Witchcraft Malignus - Interdicti Legendae De Viribus Infernis Diaboli EP CD 2023
Bustum Voices from the Past 1994-1995 Split Cassette 2005
A Caress of Twilight Voices from the Past 1994-1995 Split Cassette 2005
Chaosbaphomet The Black Communion EP 7" vinyl 2012
Cultes des Ghoules Odd Spirituality EP 7" vinyl 2007
Cultes des Ghoules Häxan, ...or Medieval Witchcraft and Infanticide... Full-length CD 2008
Cultes des Ghoules Spectres over Transylvania EP CD 2011
Cultes des Ghoules Henbane, ...or Sonic Compendium of the Black Arts Full-length CD 2013
Cultes des Ghoules Odd Spirituality EP Cassette 2007
Cultes des Ghoules The Rise of Lucifer EP CD 2015
Cultes des Ghoules Angel of Poison and Death Demo Cassette 2007
Cultes des Ghoules Häxan, ...or Medieval Witchcraft and Infanticide... Full-length CD 2013
Cultes des Ghoules Spectres over Transylvania EP CD 2016
Cultes des Ghoules Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love Full-length 2CD 2016
Cultes des Ghoules Sinister, or Treading the Darker Paths Full-length CD 2018
Cultes des Ghoules Odd Spirituality EP 7" vinyl 2018
Cultes des Ghoules Angel of Poison and Death Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Cultes des Ghoules Angel of Poison and Death Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Cultes des Ghoules Eyes of Satan EP CD 2021
Cultes des Ghoules Deeds Without a Name EP CD 2021
Cultes des Ghoules Häxan, ...or Medieval Witchcraft and Infanticide... Full-length CD 2021
Cultes des Ghoules Henbane, ...or Sonic Compendium of the Black Arts Full-length CD 2022
Czort Czarna ewangelia Full-length CD 2018
Czort Apostoł Full-length CD 2020
Czort Czarna ewangelia Full-length CD 2023
Daetven Daetven Full-length CD 2021
Dagorath Glare of the Morning Star Full-length CD 2017
Dagorath Evil Is the Spirit Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Dark Fury Final Solution Full-length CD 2007
Dark Fury Fortress of Eagles Full-length CD 2008
Dark Fury Alliance in Hate Split CD 2006
War Alliance in Hate Split CD 2006
White Devils Alliance in Hate Split CD 2006
Dead Monuments Dead Monuments Full-length CD 2023
Death like Mass Kręte drogi EP CD 2015
Death like Mass Kręte drogi EP 12" vinyl 2016
Death like Mass Jak zabija diabeł EP CD 2017
Death like Mass Matka na sabacie EP CD 2019
Devil's Emissary Malignant Invocation Full-length CD 2013
Devil's Emissary Evangelic Decimation Full-length CD 2014
Ecclesia Satani Antichrist Demo Cassette 1998
Ecclesia Satani NS Satan Full-length CD 2001
Egzekwie Czarna noc duszy Full-length CD 2013
Extermination Alchemist Black Magic of Genocide EP CD 2023
Faustcoven The Priest's Command Compilation CD 2009
Flame of War Europa; or, The Spirit Among the Ruins Full-length CD 2008
Hell's Coronation The Cult of Cellar Split Cassette 2022
Dead Dog's Howl The Cult of Cellar Split Cassette 2022
Hell's Coronation The Cult of Cellar Split 7" vinyl 2022
Dead Dog's Howl The Cult of Cellar Split 7" vinyl 2022
Hell's Coronation Silver Knife Mysticism / Spiritual Essence Split 12" vinyl 2024
Chao Abyssi Silver Knife Mysticism / Spiritual Essence Split 12" vinyl 2024
Hepatomancy De Tyrannide Daemonum EP CD 2021
Hepatomancy Ego Svm Radix et Templvm Lvciferi Full-length CD 2022
Hepatomancy Ego Svm Radix et Templvm Lvciferi Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Hepatomancy Satanae et Deis Inferis Nigras Hostias Sacrificamus Full-length CD 2023
Hierophant's Descent The Apocalypse of Evil EP CD 2014
Hierophant's Descent The Apocalypse of Evil EP 7" vinyl 2014
Hierophant's Descent The Apocalypse of Evil EP Cassette 2014
Holy Death Triumph of Evil? Full-length CD 2003
Kohort Christian Masquerade Full-length CD 2013
Legacy of Blood Infernal Cult of Blood EP CD 2005
Legacy of Blood Murder Hymn Full-length CD 2008
Leichengott Ostrza EP 12" vinyl 2024
Lord of Evil Satan's Soldiers Compilation CD 2012
Lord of Evil Satanic War Master (Der Führer) Demo 7" vinyl 2014
Lord of Evil Satan's Soldiers Compilation CD 2016
Martwa Aura Contra Mundi Contra Vitae Full-length CD 2015
Martwa Aura Tenebrae Divine EP CD 2016
Martwa Aura Contra Mundi Contra Vitae Full-length CD 2019
Martwa Aura Morbus Animus Full-length CD 2020
Martwa Aura Morbus Animus Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Martwa Aura Morbus Animus Full-length CD 2021
Martwa Aura Kali Yuga Boys Split CD 2022
Yfel 1710 Kali Yuga Boys Split CD 2022
Mastomah Luciferi Advocare EP 7" vinyl 2005
Medieval Plague The Harvest Demo Cassette 2010
Mekrahkth Li oiznelis ilged ied Full-length CD 2024
Mgła Mdłości EP 7" vinyl 2006
Mgła Mdłości / Further Down the Nest Compilation CD 2012
Mgła Mdłości / Further Down the Nest Compilation CD 2013
Mgła Mdłości / Further Down the Nest Compilation CD 2015
Mgła Further Down the Nest EP CD 2015
Moontower Aryan Metal Terror Demo Cassette 2000
Mordhell Under the White Flame Split CD 2019
Occultum Under the White Flame Split CD 2019
Dagorath Under the White Flame Split CD 2019
Czort Under the White Flame Split CD 2019
Nadsvest Kolo ognja i železa EP CD 2019
Nadsvest Kolo ognja i železa EP 12" vinyl 2020
Necrobode Ustoličenje smrti / O Triunfo da Morte Split CD 2021
Nadsvest Ustoličenje smrti / O Triunfo da Morte Split CD 2021
Nordor Honoris Causa - Τιμής ένεκεν Full-length CD 2008
Nyctophilia Under the Darkest Sign of Ancient Evil Split CD 2020
Hellmoon Under the Darkest Sign of Ancient Evil Split CD 2020
Ohtar The Empire of White Power Demo Cassette 1997
Old Coven Mysteries of the Dark Occult EP 12" vinyl 2022
Old Coven The Awake of Ascendant Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Pagan Fire In Chambers of Mystic Ruins Demo Cassette 1998
Paroxysmal Descent Paradigm of Decay Full-length CD 2024
Ritual Lair Morbid Ritual of the Insane EP CD 2012
Ritual Lair Morbid Ritual of the Insane EP Cassette 2012
Ritual Lair Mother of Misery and All Repugnance (Diabolo Intervale) EP CD 2017
Selbstmord Some Day the Whole World... Demo Cassette 1999
Sirin The Dawn of Freedom Demo Cassette 2006
Skald of Morgoth The Siege of Angband Full-length CD 2017
Sons of Serpent Primeval Ones Demo CD 2017
Spiritu Mors Exsilium EP CD 2022
Spiritu Mors Exsilium EP Cassette 2022
Spiritu Mors Voidwards Full-length CD 2023
Spiritu Mors Voidwards Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Spiritu Mors Infinite Regress Full-length CD 2024
Szron Pure Slavonic Blasphemy / Cult of Death Compilation CD 2002
Szron Key to Immortality / Frost Eternal Split CD 2002
Hateful Key to Immortality / Frost Eternal Split CD 2002
Szron The Purificating Flame of Annihilation Full-length CD 2004
Szron Possessed by Utter Hate / The Flame That Burns Inside Split 7" vinyl 2003
Kriegsmaschine Possessed by Utter Hate / The Flame That Burns Inside Split 7" vinyl 2003
Szron Szron / Kriegsmaschine Split CD 2006
Kriegsmaschine Szron / Kriegsmaschine Split CD 2006
Szron Endless Conquest / Total Genocide Split 7" vinyl 2006
Total Genocide Endless Conquest / Total Genocide Split 7" vinyl 2006
Szron Pure Slavonic Blasphemy Demo CD 2002
Szron Reign in Frost Compilation CD 2010
Szron Zeal Full-length CD 2010
Szron Ridden with Holy Grace / The Black Prophecy Split 7" vinyl 2011
Cultes des Ghoules Ridden with Holy Grace / The Black Prophecy Split 7" vinyl 2011
Szron Death Camp Earth Full-length CD 2012
Szron Temples of Genocide Worship Split CD 2013
Martwa Aura Temples of Genocide Worship Split CD 2013
Szron Mankind's Funeral EP CD 2013
Szron Szron / Kriegsmaschine Split 12" vinyl 2010
Kriegsmaschine Szron / Kriegsmaschine Split 12" vinyl 2010
Szron Pure Slavonic Blasphemy / Cult of Death Compilation CD 2014
Szron The Purifying Flame of Annihilation Full-length CD 2015
Szron Szron / Kriegsmaschine Split CD 2011
Kriegsmaschine Szron / Kriegsmaschine Split CD 2011
Szron Death Camp Earth Full-length CD 2018
Szron Zeal Full-length CD 2019
Szron Frost Eternal Demo CD 2020
Szron Death Camp Earth Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Szron Temples of Genocide Worship Split 12" vinyl 2023
Martwa Aura Temples of Genocide Worship Split 12" vinyl 2023
Taranis Obscurity Demo CD 2008
Taranis Moon Silver Mask EP 7" vinyl 2017
Taranis Moon Silver Mask EP CD 2017
Teufelsberg Cienie EP CD 2023
Teufelsberg Cienie EP 12" vinyl 2024
Throne of Splendour Facing the New Dawn Demo Cassette 1999
Thy Killing Hand Scarlet Ceremonies Demo Cassette 2023
Thy Killing Hand Ixaxar Demo Cassette 2024
Triumph, Genus Na kom je nyní tolik z mojí vůle? Compilation CD 2019
Trucizna Wrzenie krwi EP CD 2024
Trucizna Wrzenie krwi EP Cassette 2024
Turpista Turpistyczny amok EP CD 2012
Turpista Turpistyczne wizje końca Full-length CD 2014
Unblessed into Hatred Occult Sonic Warfare EP 10" vinyl 2021
Venefices Incubacy / Succubacy Compilation CD 2023
Vermisst Sanktuarium posępnych rytów EP Cassette 2022
Vexev Frater Superior Demo CD 2022
Vexev Frater Superior Demo Cassette 2022
Vexev Sanguinem in Abyssum Irent Demo CD 2023
Vexev Sanguinem in Abyssum Irent Demo Cassette 2023
Viedźminy Pakuty …albo zvarjaciełaje siaredniaviečnaje ciemrašalstva EP CD 2024
War Ex Tenebris Nasceris ut Deleas Full-length CD 2004
War Holy War Full-length CD 2005
War Insanity of Faith Full-length CD 2007
War Ex Tenebris Nasceris ut Deleas Full-length CD 2021
Wind Night - My Queen / A Tear... Compilation Cassette 1998
Witch Head Nebula Krzyki z próżni Full-length CD 2018
Witchcraft Fekete és hideg / Onward into the Void Split 7" vinyl 2014
Szron Fekete és hideg / Onward into the Void Split 7" vinyl 2014
Wizard Promo'99 Demo Cassette 1999