Huangquan Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Hebei
Country China
Status active
Styles And Specialties Thrash/Death Metal
Founding Date 2019
Sublabels Navio Pirata

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Abominant United States death, melodic Past
Afterdeath Brazil death, thrash Past
Agony Colombia thrash Past
Ahret Dev Poland brutal, death Past
Amon United States death Past
Antítese Brazil death, thrash Past
Antropomorphia Netherlands death Past
Apoplexy Slovakia death Past
Ashes Poland death Past
Blackthorn Mexico death Past
Blessed Sickness United States death Past
Body Asphyxiation Science United Kingdom death Past
Carnal Savagery Sweden death Past
Corpses Conductor Brazil death Past
Crasher Ukraine death Past
Create a Kill United States death, thrash Past
Cromlech Sweden death Past
Crossing Death Mexico death Past
Cruentus Italy death, thrash Past
Dark Oasis United States death Past
Decerebration Canada death Past
Defleshed Sweden death, thrash Past
Demilich Finland avant-garde, death, technical Past
Desecration Italy death, technical Past
Desolation Brazil death, thrash Past
Disincarnated Paraguay death, grind, hardcore Past
Electrocution Italy death, nu-metal, technical Past
Evil Incarnate United States death Past
Executer Brazil thrash Past
Execution China thrash Past
Extermínio Brazil thrash Past
Fear of Darkness Germany death Past
Flesh Temptation Brazil death Past
Fulci Italy brutal, death Past
Funeral Vomit Colombia death Past
Ghost Poland death Past
Globularcyst China death, grind, hardcore Past
Gravavgrav Japan death Past
Gut Germany death, grind, hardcore Past
Guts Finland death Past
Hatred United States death Past
Hellnomorf Mexico death Past
Holocausto War Metal Brazil black, thrash Past
Hormigon Spain death Past
Horror of Horrors United States death Past
Illdisposed Denmark groove, melodic, death Past
Infernal Death Denmark death Past
Infestation of Death Chile death, progressive Past
Insepultus Slovakia death Past
Konkhra Denmark death Past
Korpse United Kingdom death, death'n'roll, progressive Past
Legion Spain thrash Past
Leprosy Mexico death, thrash Past
Leviaethan Brazil thrash Past
Lucifixion United States death Past
Malediction United Kingdom death, grind, hardcore Past
Medicine Death Brazil death, doom, melodic Past
Molested Norway death Past
Monastery Poland thrash Past
Monastery Hungary nu-metal, death Past
Morpheus Descends United States death Past
Morticious United States death Past
Mourner Denmark power, thrash Past
Mvltifission China death Past
Necromortis Canada death Past
Necropolis United States thrash Past
Necrotério Brazil brutal, death Past
Necrotum Romania death Past
Nephastus Brazil progressive, thrash Past
Nomenmortis Slovakia brutal, grind, hardcore, death Past
Obscenity Germany death Past
Oppressor United States death, technical Past
Organic Puerto Rico death Past
Putred Romania death Past
Pyphomgertum Mexico death Past
Quo Vadis Poland crossover, progressive, thrash Past
Regredior Lithuania death Past
Sarcoma United States death Past
Sax Czechia thrash Past
Severance United States death Past
Starseed Germany death Past
Summoning of Flesh Canada death, grind, hardcore Past
The Darkening Belgium death, doom Past
Tortured Corpse Poland death Past
Tymvos United Kingdom death Past
VHS Canada death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Xenomorph United States death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abominant Never Truly Dead Demo Cassette 2023
Abominant Unspeakable Horrors Full-length Cassette 2023
Abominant In Darkness Embrace Full-length Cassette 2023
Abominant Never Truly Dead / Unspeakable Horrors / In Darkness Embrace Boxed set Cassette 2023
Afterdeath Blood Demo CD 2022
Afterdeath Blood Demo Cassette 2022
Agony Millennium Full-length CD 2021
Agony Millennium Full-length Cassette 2021
Ahret Dev Demo 1995 Demo Cassette 2022
Amon Sacrificial Compilation Cassette 2020
Antítese Antítese Full-length Cassette 2020
Antítese Antítese Full-length CD 2020
Antropomorphia Bowel Mutilation Demo Cassette 2022
Antropomorphia Necromantic Love Songs EP Cassette 2022
Apoplexy Dysmorphophobia Demo Cassette 2022
Apoplexy Tears of the Unborn Full-length Cassette 2022
Ashes In the Abyss of Darkness Demo CD 2022
Blackthorn The Rotten Ways of Human Misery Full-length CD 2020
Blackthorn The Rotten Ways of Human Misery Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Blessed Sickness Massacre the Holy Full-length CD 2021
Body Asphyxiation Science Heresy EP CD 2023
Carnal Savagery Scent of Death Full-length Cassette 2023
Carnal Savagery Fiendish Full-length Cassette 2023
Corpses Conductor Corpse's Conductor Full-length CD 2022
Corpses Conductor Corpse's Conductor Full-length Cassette 2022
Crasher The Human Killing / Starvation Compilation CD 2021
Create a Kill Summoned to Rise Full-length Cassette 2020
Cromlech Eschatological Horrors Compilation Cassette 2022
Crossing Death One Life Is Not Enough Demo CD 2020
Cruentus In Myself Full-length Cassette 2022
Cruentus When the World Ends to Be Demo CD 2022
Dark Oasis Ode to the Dead / Lurking in the Darkness Compilation CD 2021
Decerebration Pure Hatred Demo CD 2021
Defleshed Ma belle scalpelle EP Cassette 2022
Demilich The Four Instructive Tales ...of Decomposition Demo Cassette 2022
Desecration The Valley of Eternal Suffering EP Cassette 2022
Desolation In a World of Terror Full-length CD 2020
Disincarnated Disincarnated / Their Debris Mortals Compilation CD 2022
Electrocution The Real Doom Demo Cassette 2022
Evil Incarnate Evil Incarnate Compilation Cassette 2022
Executer Rotten Authorities Full-length CD 2021
Execution The Bloodline EP Cassette 2020
Extermínio Extermínio Full-length CD 2020
Fear of Darkness Age of Brutality Full-length CD 2020
Fear of Darkness Age of Brutality Full-length Cassette 2020
Flesh Temptation Beyond the Vision Full-length CD 2021
Flesh Temptation Beyond the Vision Full-length Cassette 2021
Fulci Opening the Hell Gates Full-length CD 2022
Fulci Opening the Hell Gates Full-length Cassette 2022
Fulci Tropical Sun Full-length CD 2022
Fulci Tropical Sun Full-length Cassette 2022
Fulci Exhumed Information Full-length CD 2022
Fulci Exhumed Information Full-length Cassette 2022
Fulci Cassette Box Set Boxed set Cassette 2023
Funeral Vomit Necrophoric Decomposition Split Cassette 2021
Mvltifission Necrophoric Decomposition Split Cassette 2021
Ghost Noc demona Demo Cassette 2023
Globularcyst Fermented Abscess Proliferation EP CD 2020
Globularcyst Fermented Abscess Proliferation EP Cassette 2021
Gravavgrav Graveyard 2021 Demo + Live + Reh Compilation CD 2022
Gut Odour of Torture Full-length Cassette 2022
Guts Decay Full-length Cassette 2023
Hatred Daze of Darkness Compilation CD 2022
Hellnomorf Tales of the Past / Limbus Compilation Cassette 2020
Holocausto War Metal War General Demo Cassette 2020
Hormigon Evil Demo CD 2023
Horror of Horrors Fangs, Breaking the Skin Full-length Cassette 2022
Horror of Horrors Sounds of Eerie Full-length Cassette 2022
Horror of Horrors Sounds of Eerie Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Illdisposed Four Depressive Seasons Full-length CD 2020
Infernal Death A Mirror Blackened Demo Cassette 2022
Infestation of Death The Journey Full-length CD 2023
Infestation of Death The Journey Full-length Cassette 2023
Insepultus Incomprehensible Appearances Demo CD 2022
Insepultus Incomprehensible Appearances Demo Cassette 2022
Konkhra Stranded EP Cassette 2023
Korpse Pull the Flood Full-length CD 2023
Korpse Pull the Flood Full-length Cassette 2023
Legion Lethal Liberty Full-length CD 2020
Leprosy Wicked Reich Full-length CD 2020
Leprosy Wicked Reich Full-length Cassette 2020
Leviaethan Disturbed Mind Full-length CD 2020
Leviaethan Smile! Full-length CD 2020
Leviaethan Disturbed Mind Full-length Cassette 2020
Lucifixion Indulge in the Macabre Full-length Cassette 2023
Lucifixion Indulge in the Macabre Full-length CD 2023
Malediction Framework of Contortion Demo Cassette 2022
Medicine Death Genetic Radioactive Experiments Full-length CD 2022
Medicine Death Genetic Radioactive Experiments Full-length Cassette 2022
Molested Blod-draum Full-length Cassette 2023
Monastery Święta inkwizycja Full-length CD 2020
Monastery Far from Christ Full-length CD 2021
Monastery Postmortem Aggressive End Full-length CD 2021
Morpheus Descends Ritual of Infinity Full-length CD 2023
Morpheus Descends Ritual of Infinity Full-length Cassette 2023
Morticious Morticious Compilation CD 2022
Mourner Welcome to My House & Rehearsal Tape 86 Compilation CD 2021
Mvltifission Decomposition in the Painful Metamorphosis Full-length CD 2021
Mvltifission Decomposition in the Painful Metamorphosis Full-length Cassette 2021
Necromortis Burning Priest EP Cassette 2023
Necromortis Burning Priest EP CD 2023
Necropolis Contemplating Slaughter Full-length CD 2021
Necropolis Contemplating Slaughter Full-length Cassette 2021
Necropolis Thought About Death Lately Full-length CD 2021
Necropolis Thought About Death Lately Full-length Cassette 2021
Necrotério Lament of Flesh Full-length CD 2021
Necrotum Undead Symbiosis / Dreamscape of the Ancients / Defleshed Exhumation Boxed set Cassette 2024
Nephastus Tortuous Ways Full-length Cassette 2020
Nomenmortis Twilight of Humanity Demo CD 2021
Obscenity Perversion Mankind Full-length CD 2021
Obscenity Suffocated Truth Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Obscenity Perversion Mankind Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Oppressor World Abomination Demo Cassette 2022
Oppressor Solstice of Oppression Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Organic Penitence Full-length CD 2020
Organic Penitence Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Putred Repulsie Post​-​Mortem Full-length Cassette 2023
Pyphomgertum Gorific Carnal Confessions (Revisited 1995) Full-length Cassette 2020
Quo Vadis Quo Vadis Full-length CD 2020
Quo Vadis Politics Full-length CD 2020
Regredior Born in the Coffin Compilation CD 2020
Sarcoma At One with the Dead Compilation CD 2022
Sax Sax Boxed set Cassette 2023
Sax Zóna strachu Full-length Cassette 2023
Sax Moravské nářez Full-length Cassette 2023
Sax 1989-1992 Compilation Cassette 2023
Severance Transmigration Reincarnation Compilation CD 2020
Starseed Cosmic Conspiracy EP Cassette 2021
Summoning of Flesh Born from Gore Demo CD 2023
The Darkening Awake Full-length CD 2021
The Darkening Awake Full-length Cassette 2021
Tortured Corpse Rites of Putridity and Death EP Cassette 2023
Tymvos World of Abominations Full-length CD 2024
Tymvos World of Abominations Full-length Cassette 2024
VHS Quest for the Mighty Riff Full-length CD 2023
VHS VHS Boxed set Cassette 2023
VHS Quest for the Mighty Riff Full-length Cassette 2023
VHS The New Batch Full-length Cassette 2023
VHS Deep Gashes and Long Lashes Full-length Cassette 2023
Xenomorph Empyreal Regimes Full-length Cassette 2022
Xenomorph Empyreal Regimes Full-length CD 2023