Symbol of Domination Prod.

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Orhei
Country Moldova
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal, Thrash Metal, Progressive Metal, Grindcore, Ambient, Folk, Post-Rock
Founding Date April 1st, 2013
Online Shopping Yes
Parent Label Satanath Records

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Acoustic Anomaly Russia post-metal Current
Ad Noctem Funeriis Italy black Current
Aornos Hungary black Current
Assailant Costa Rica thrash Current
Astarium Russia ambient, black, symphonic Current
Bestial Deform Russia death Current
Colemesis Costa Rica rock, death Current
Darkflight Bulgaria black, doom Current
Degenerated Italy death Current
Ethir Anduin Russia black, doom, rock Current
Evilforces Mexico black Current
Fimbulvinter Russia black, pagan Current
Godless Enthropia Italy death Current
Grimorium Verum Russia black, symphonic Current
Hellcraft Ukraine death Current
Iscarioth Russia black, death Current
Mabthera Hungary black Current
Pnakotic Manuscript Russia death Current
Rage in Silence Russia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Satan's War Machine Ukraine black Current
Solis Occasum Russia black Current
Temple of Nihil Russia black Current
The Eyes of Desolation Costa Rica gothic, rock Current
The UnHuman Thorn Chile black Current
Ubiquitous Realities Costa Rica death, technical Current
Uluun France black Current
Vanad Varjud Estonia ambient, black Current
While They Sleep Ukraine black Current
Амезарак Russia black Current
Велиар Russia black, death, symphonic Current
A Thousand Sufferings Belgium black, doom Past
Abysmal Growls of Despair France doom, drone, funeral Past
Abysslooker Russia doom, post-metal Past
Aeonless International black, doom Past
Aetranok United States black Past
Agonia Black Vomit Italy black Past
Anathema United Kingdom death, doom, atmospheric, progressive, rock Past
Athos Greece black Past
Barren Earth Finland death, doom, melodic, progressive Past
Bestialord United States death, doom Past
Black Antlers International ambient, raw, atmospheric, black Past
Black Whispers Costa Rica black, depressive Past
Blaze of Perdition Poland black Past
Brain Damaged Colombia thrash Past
Cannibal Corpse United States death Past
Celestial Crown Estonia black, doom, gothic Past
ChaosWolf Mexico black Past
Cryostasium United States ambient, black, industrial Past
Cult of the Horns France black, death Past
Culto Negro Costa Rica black, speed Past
Dark Phantom Iraq heavy, death, thrash Past
Diabolus Amator United States black Past
Dig Me No Grave Russia death Past
Dimentianon United States black, death, doom Past
Disorder El Salvador death, thrash Past
Dizziness Greece black Past
Donarhall Germany atmospheric, black Past
Dor Feafaroth Russia black Past
Dulia Italy black, death Past
Edremerion France black Past
Fortíð Iceland black, viking Past
From the Vastland Iran black Past
Funeral Tears Russia doom, funeral Past
Gloomy Grim Finland black, symphonic Past
Goatthroat Germany black, death Past
God Dethroned Netherlands black, death Past
Goholor Slovakia black, death Past
Granada Argentina groove, thrash Past
Gravespawn United States black Past
Harvest Panama death, groove Past
Hatevomit Türkiye black, death Past
Hell Poemer Greece black Past
Hellripper United Kingdom black, speed Past
Hordes of the Apocalypse Sweden black, crust, thrash Past
Hortus Animae Italy black, progressive Past
In Tenebriz Russia ambient, black, doom Past
Isgärde Sweden black Past
Kashgar Kyrgyzstan black, death Past
Katatonia Sweden death, doom, alternative, gothic, progressive, rock Past
Khatano Czechia death, hardcore Past
Lauxnos Russia black, post-metal Past
Lord Impaler Greece death, black Past
Manipulation Poland death Past
Montes Insania International avant-garde, black, post-metal Past
Morth Bulgaria melodic, ambient, dark, black Past
My Dying Bride United Kingdom death, gothic, doom Past
Necroheresy Slovakia death, thrash Past
Nihilistinen Barbaarisuus United States ambient, black Past
Numenorean Canada black, post-metal Past
Orobas Bangladesh black, death Past
Pánico al Miedo Spain death, thrash Past
Phrenetix Lithuania thrash Past
Pimeydentuoja Finland black, death Past
Pure Switzerland black, raw Past
Rotting Flesh Greece atmospheric, black, death Past
Satarial Russia black, folk, gothic, industrial, rock Past
Shining Sweden black Past
Six Feet Under United States death, death'n'roll, groove Past
Smoke of Isengard Russia doom, stoner Past
Soliloquium Sweden death, doom, melodic Past
Sorcerer Sweden doom, epic Past
Spit the Blood Greece groove, thrash Past
Srd Slovenia black Past
Taiga Russia black, depressive Past
The Great Old Ones France black, post-metal Past
Thy Catafalque Hungary avant-garde Past
Veldraveth Venezuela black Past
Vesterian United States black Past
Vomit of Doom Argentina black, thrash Past
Wailing Strand Finland atmospheric, black Past
White Mare International death, doom, melodic Past
Wolf's Hunger Serbia black, thrash Past
Wormreich United States black Past
Zarach 'Baal' Tharagh France ambient, black, noise, raw Past
А.П. Russia crossover, groove, thrash Past
Поезд Родина International doom, funeral Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
A Thousand Sufferings Bleakness Full-length CD 2018
Abysmal Growls of Despair Worst Putrid Tongue Full-length CD 2016
Abysslooker Dramaturgy Full-length Digital 2022
Acoustic Anomaly Dominvs. Tinea Full-length CD 2016
Acoustic Anomaly Dominvs. Tinea Full-length Digital 2016
Ad Noctem Funeriis Satan's March Black Metal Full-length CD 2015
Ad Noctem Funeriis Satan's March Black Metal Full-length Digital 2015
Ad Noctem Funeriis Abyss, Fire, Brimstones Full-length CD 2022
Ad Noctem Funeriis Abyss, Fire, Brimstones Full-length Digital 2022
Aeonless Aeonless Full-length CD 2016
Aetranok Kingdoms of the Black Sepulcher Full-length CD 2018
Aetranok Kingdoms of the Black Sepulcher Full-length Digital 2018
Agonia Black Vomit Cosmosatanic Wisdom Full-length CD 2017
Agonia Black Vomit Cosmosatanic Wisdom Full-length Digital 2017
Anathema Alternative 4 Full-length CD 2021
Anathema Eternity Full-length CD 2021
Anathema Serenades Full-length CD 2021
Anathema The Silent Enigma Full-length CD 2021
Aornos Orior Full-length CD 2015
Aornos Mors Sola Full-length CD 2016
Aornos Mors Sola Full-length Digital 2016
Aornos The Great Scorn Full-length CD 2018
Aornos The Great Scorn Full-length Digital 2018
Assailant Bringers of Delusion Split CD 2016
Ubiquitous Realities Bringers of Delusion Split CD 2016
Assailant Bringers of Delusion Split Digital 2016
Ubiquitous Realities Bringers of Delusion Split Digital 2016
Astarium Nekrocosmo: Nocturnal Kali Yuga Full-length CD 2015
Astarium Nekrocosmo: Nocturnal Kali Yuga Full-length CD 2015
Astarium Drum-Ghoul Full-length CD 2017
Astarium Drum-Ghoul Full-length Digital 2017
Athos Noht Lerapot Full-length CD 2016
Athos Noht Lerapot Full-length Digital 2016
Barren Earth A Complex of Cages Full-length CD 2018
Bestialord Law of the Burning Full-length CD 2018
Bestialord Law of the Burning Full-length Digital 2018
Black Antlers Demo III Demo CD 2013
Black Whispers Shades of Bleakness Full-length CD 2015
Black Whispers Shades of Bleakness Full-length Digital 2015
Blaze of Perdition The Harrowing of Hearts Full-length CD 2020
Brain Damaged Nación infecta Full-length CD 2016
Brain Damaged Nación infecta Full-length Digital 2016
Cannibal Corpse Eaten Back to Life / Butchered at Birth / Tomb of the Mutilated Boxed set CD 2021
Cannibal Corpse Butchered at Birth Full-length CD 2021
Cannibal Corpse Eaten Back to Life Full-length CD 2021
Cannibal Corpse Tomb of the Mutilated Full-length CD 2021
Celestial Crown Rebirth Full-length CD 2016
Celestial Crown Rebirth Full-length Digital 2016
ChaosWolf Templo de palabras muertas Full-length CD 2015
ChaosWolf Templo de palabras muertas Full-length Digital 2015
Cryostasium Stalwart Full-length CD 2014
Cryostasium CTM3 Collaboration CD 2015
Cryostasium Stalwart Full-length Digital 2014
Cult of the Horns Chapter I - Domination Full-length CD 2017
Culto Negro Abismal Speed Metal EP CD 2016
Dark Phantom Nation of Dogs Full-length CD 2016
Darkflight The Hereafter Full-length CD 2017
Darkflight The Hereafter Full-length Digital 2017
Darkflight Entropy Full-length Digital 2024
Darkflight Entropy Full-length CD 2024
Degenerated Nuclear Test: Failed Full-length Digital 2024
Dig Me No Grave From Past Aeons Demo CD 2016
Dimentianon Chapter VI: Burning Rebirth Full-length CD 2023
Dimentianon Chapter VI: Burning Rebirth Full-length Digital 2023
Disorder Fuego negro Full-length CD 2017
Disorder Fuego negro Full-length CD 2017
Disorder Fuego negro Full-length Digital 2017
Donarhall Helvegr Full-length CD 2019
Donarhall Helvegr Full-length Digital 2019
Dor Feafaroth Истребление духовной проказы Full-length CD 2014
Dor Feafaroth Истребление духовной проказы Full-length Digital 2014
Dulia Hic Contendimus EP CD 2015
Dulia Hic Contendimus EP Digital 2015
Edremerion Ambre gris Full-length CD 2018
Edremerion Ambre gris Full-length Digital 2018
Ethir Anduin Loneliness of My Life Full-length CD 2018
Ethir Anduin Loneliness of My Life Full-length Digital 2018
Evilforces Pest Plagues & Storms Full-length CD 2016
Evilforces Pest Plagues & Storms Full-length Digital 2016
Fimbulvinter Начертаны резы древних заклятий Full-length CD 2015
Fimbulvinter Начертаны резы древних заклятий Full-length Digital 2015
Fortíð The Demo Sessions Compilation CD 2016
Fortíð The Demo Sessions Compilation Digital 2016
From the Vastland Blackhearts EP CD 2015
From the Vastland Blackhearts EP Digital 2015
Funeral Tears Frozen Tranquility Split CD 2015
Поезд Родина Frozen Tranquility Split CD 2015
Funeral Tears Frozen Tranquility Split Digital 2015
Поезд Родина Frozen Tranquility Split Digital 2015
Gloomy Grim Fuck the World, War Is War! Compilation CD 2017
Gloomy Grim Fuck the World, War Is War! Compilation Digital 2017
Goatthroat Rites of Blasphemy Full-length Digital 2015
God Dethroned Illuminati Full-length CD 2020
God Dethroned Illuminati Full-length CD 2020
Godless Enthropia Tetracyclic Dominion Full-length CD 2018
Godless Enthropia Tetracyclic Dominion Full-length Digital 2018
Goholor In Saeculis Obscuris EP Digital 2016
Granada Prisionego Full-length CD 2016
Granada Sincronizado Full-length CD 2017
Granada Sincronizado Full-length Digital 2017
Gravespawn Infirmos Vocat Deus Fidei Split Digital 2016
Vesterian Infirmos Vocat Deus Fidei Split Digital 2016
Wormreich Infirmos Vocat Deus Fidei Split Digital 2016
Diabolus Amator Infirmos Vocat Deus Fidei Split Digital 2016
Gravespawn Inexorable Grimness EP CD 2016
Grimorium Verum Relict Full-length CD 2015
Grimorium Verum Revenant Full-length CD 2018
Grimorium Verum Revenant Full-length Digital 2018
Grimorium Verum Relict Full-length Digital 2015
Grimorium Verum Reall Full-length CD 2022
Grimorium Verum Reall Full-length Digital 2022
Harvest Omnivorous EP CD 2016
Harvest Omnivorous EP Digital 2016
Hatevomit Necrövömit EP CD 2015
Hatevomit Necrövömit EP Digital 2015
Hellcraft Apotheosis of War Full-length CD 2017
Hellcraft Apotheosis of War Full-length CD 2017
Hellripper The Affair of the Poisons Full-length CD 2021
Hordes of the Apocalypse Now They Are Everywhere! There Is No Escape! Full-length CD 2016
Hortus Animae Waltzing Mephisto 20th Anniversary Full-length 2CD 2023
In Tenebriz Winternight Poetry Full-length CD 2018
Iscarioth I Am the Arm Full-length CD 2015
Isgärde Jag enslig skall gå Full-length CD 2016
Isgärde Jag enslig skall gå Full-length Digital 2016
Kashgar Kashgar Full-length CD 2017
Katatonia City Burials Full-length CD 2020
Khatano Czech Madness Split CD 2017
Khatano Czech Madness Split Digital 2017
Lauxnos Crushed by Waves Full-length CD 2019
Lord Impaler Carved by the Winds Eternal Split CD 2016
Dizziness Carved by the Winds Eternal Split CD 2016
Hell Poemer Carved by the Winds Eternal Split CD 2016
Manipulation Mind Control Ultra Full-length CD 2019
Montes Insania Absurdum Full-length CD 2015
Montes Insania Absurdum Full-length Digital 2015
Montes Insania Fikcia Erao Full-length CD 2018
Montes Insania Fikcia Erao Full-length Digital 2018
Morth Towards the Endless Path Full-length CD 2015
Morth Towards the Endless Path Full-length Digital 2015
My Dying Bride The Dreadful Hours Full-length CD 2020
My Dying Bride Turn Loose the Swans Full-length CD 2020
My Dying Bride The Angel and the Dark River Full-length CD 2020
My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun Full-length CD 2020
My Dying Bride 34.788%... Complete Full-length CD 2020
My Dying Bride The Light at the End of the World Full-length CD 2020
Necroheresy Asylum Full-length CD 2017
Necroheresy Asylum Full-length Digital 2017
Nihilistinen Barbaarisuus Madness Incarnate EP CD 2016
Nihilistinen Barbaarisuus Madness Incarnate EP Digital 2016
Numenorean Adore Full-length CD 2019
Orobas Arise in Impurity EP CD 2016
Orobas Arise in Impurity EP Digital 2016
Pánico al Miedo Formador Full-length CD 2018
Pánico al Miedo Formador Full-length Digital 2018
Phrenetix Demo 2013 Demo CD 2013
Phrenetix Demo 2013 Demo Digital 2013
Pimeydentuoja Hellcrowned Full-length CD 2017
Pnakotic Manuscript Dark Prometheus Full-length Digital 2023
Pure J'aurais dû Full-length CD 2017
Pure J'aurais dû Full-length Digital 2017
Rage in Silence Doomsday Butchery EP CD 2014
Rage in Silence Doomsday Butchery EP Digital 2014
Rotting Flesh Infected Purity Full-length CD 2015
Satan's War Machine Violent Death Abomination Full-length CD 2016
Satan's War Machine Violent Death Abomination Full-length Digital 2016
Satarial Blessed Brigit Full-length CD 2016
Shining Oppression MMXVIII Compilation CD 2020
Shining Shining / Srd Split CD 2020
Srd Shining / Srd Split CD 2020
Six Feet Under Graveyard Classics Full-length CD 2020
Six Feet Under Graveyard Classics 2 Full-length CD 2020
Six Feet Under Graveyard Classics III Full-length CD 2020
Six Feet Under Graveyard Classics IV: 666 - The Number of the Priest Full-length CD 2020
Six Feet Under Graveyard Classics I, II, III, IV Boxed set CD 2020
Six Feet Under Graveyard Classics I, II, III, IV Boxed set CD 2020
Smoke of Isengard Orc Metal Full-length Digital 2022
Smoke of Isengard Orc Metal Full-length CD 2022
Soliloquium The Concept of Escape EP CD 2013
Soliloquium The Concept of Escape EP Digital 2013
Solis Occasum Unholy Faces of Dead Full-length CD 2015
Solis Occasum Unholy Faces of Dead Full-length Digital 2015
Sorcerer Lamenting of the Innocent Full-length CD 2020
Spit the Blood Spit the Blood Full-length Digital 2016
Spit the Blood Spit the Blood Full-length CD 2016
Srd Smrti sel Full-length CD 2020
Taiga Gaia Full-length CD 2015
Taiga Sky Full-length CD 2016
Taiga Cosmos Full-length CD 2017
Taiga Cosmos Full-length Digital 2017
Taiga Sky Full-length Digital 2016
Taiga Gaia Full-length Digital 2015
Temple of Nihil Soul Extremist EP CD 2016
The Eyes of Desolation Awake in Dead EP CD 2016
The Great Old Ones Cosmicism Full-length CD 2020
The UnHuman Thorn Sacro-Kvltus Dementis Full-length CD 2016
The UnHuman Thorn Sacro-Kvltus Dementis Full-length Digital 2016
Thy Catafalque Naiv Full-length CD 2020
Vanad Varjud Dismal Grandeur in Nocturnal Aura Full-length CD 2016
Vanad Varjud Dismal Grandeur in Nocturnal Aura Full-length Digital 2016
Veldraveth Malformations of God Full-length CD 2016
Vomit of Doom Magnus Cruelty EP CD 2016
Wailing Strand On Shores of Solitude EP CD 2013
Wailing Strand On Shores of Solitude EP Digital 2013
While They Sleep La nausee Full-length CD 2016
While They Sleep La nausee Full-length Digital 2016
While They Sleep Les fleurs du mal Full-length CD 2017
White Mare Isle of Bliss Full-length CD 2022
White Mare Isle of Bliss Full-length Digital 2022
Wolf's Hunger Bež'te živi vraćaju se mrtvi Full-length CD 2016
Wolf's Hunger Bež'te živi vraćaju se mrtvi Full-length Digital 2016
Zarach 'Baal' Tharagh Choose Your God Demo CD 2013
Zarach 'Baal' Tharagh Choose Your God Demo Digital 2013
А.П. Быть выше Full-length CD 2015
Амезарак Diabolical Finale Mortum Full-length CD 2015
Амезарак Non Lucidum Tristitia Full-length CD 2016
Амезарак Non Lucidum Tristitia Full-length Digital 2016
Амезарак Diabolical Finale Mortum Full-length Digital 2015
Велиар Сквозь века Full-length CD 2016
Велиар Сквозь века Full-length Digital 2016