Rassilon Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Perth, Western Australia
Country Australia
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Bandcamp https://rassilonrecords.bandcamp.com/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@rassilonrecords1728
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063642421533
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rassilon_records/


Name Country Genre Status
Axxmaxxius Devastruktor Australia black Current
Celestial Shadows Australia black, experimental Current
Demon Sin Australia black, crust Current
Heretical Blasphemy Australia black Current
Meatfist Australia death, grind, hardcore Current
Sanctum of Solitude Australia black Current
Shadowrealm Warmachine Australia black, death Current
The Sickness unto Death Australia black Current
Toxik Volcano Australia death Current
Varsmott Australia black Current


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Axxmaxxius Devastruktor Landscapes of the Putrid Dead Compilation CD 2022
Axxmaxxius Devastruktor Landscapes of the Putrid Dead Compilation Digital 2022
Axxmaxxius Devastruktor Blood Seeps into the Black Earth Full-length CD 2022
Axxmaxxius Devastruktor Blood Seeps into the Black Earth Full-length Digital 2022
Celestial Shadows The Weak Shall Perish EP Digital 2021
Celestial Shadows Cold Fortune Split CD 2022
Shadowrealm Warmachine Cold Fortune Split CD 2022
Celestial Shadows Beyond the First Veil Full-length CD 2022
Celestial Shadows Beyond the First Veil Full-length Digital 2022
Celestial Shadows Harbingers of Western Decay I & II Compilation Digital 2021
Celestial Shadows The Tragedy of Calufrax Full-length CD 2023
Celestial Shadows The Tragedy of Calufrax Full-length Digital 2023
Celestial Shadows Stone Monuments of a Decaying Existence Split Digital 2024
Shadowrealm Warmachine Stone Monuments of a Decaying Existence Split Digital 2024
Demon Sin Nosferatu 100 Full-length CD + DVD 2022
Demon Sin Nosferatu 100 Full-length Digital 2022
Demon Sin Hutter! Single Digital 2022
Demon Sin Sundown Single Digital 2022
Demon Sin Dr. Fulci Full-length CD 2021
Demon Sin Songs of the Blind Dead EP Digital 2023
Demon Sin Caligari 100 Full-length CD + DVD 2023
Demon Sin Caligari 100 Full-length Digital 2023
Heretical Blasphemy Rot in Hell EP Digital 2023
Heretical Blasphemy Anti​-​factser Single Digital 2023
Meatfist Intermuscular Bio Technicians EP Digital 2020
Sanctum of Solitude Devious Depths of Witchcraft EP Digital 2020
Sanctum of Solitude Deciphering the Texts and Symbols of Demonic Necromancy Full-length Digital 2021
Sanctum of Solitude Deciphering the Texts and Symbols of Demonic Necromancy Full-length CD 2021
Shadowrealm Warmachine Carnage EP Digital 2020
Toxik Volcano Volcanicus Toxicus Volcanus Demo Digital 2022
Toxik Volcano Volcanicus Toxicus Volcanus Demo Cassette 2022
Toxik Volcano Sulfuric Ash Asphyxiation EP Digital 2023
Toxik Volcano Drown the World in Lava EP Cassette 2024
Toxik Volcano Drown the World in Lava EP Digital 2024
Toxik Volcano Sulfuric Ash Asphyxiation EP Cassette 2023
Varsmott Encased in the Flesh of My Enemies Demo Digital 2023
Varsmott Encased in the Flesh of My Enemies Demo Cassette 2023