Metal Age Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Hollého 1, 036 01, Martin
Country Slovakia
Phone Number +421 43 4222403
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death, Black, Doom, Thrash, Grindcore, Folk
Founding Date 1994
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Animal Hate Czechia black, death Current
Antares Slovakia death, melodic Current
Attack of Rage Slovakia death, grind, hardcore Current
Coldblooded Slovakia groove, hardcore, thrash Current
Coma Void United States death, doom Current
Dark Angels Czechia gothic, symphonic Current
Drunkard Greece thrash Current
Gloom Slovakia gothic, rock Current
Lelahell Algeria death Current
Lividity United States brutal, death Current
Manatark Estonia black, melodic Current
Morgain Slovakia doom, folk Current
Natron Italy death, technical Current
Protest Slovakia death, grind, hardcore Current
Resurrected Germany brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Sectesy Czechia death Current
Verano's Dogs Italy grind, hardcore Current
Abaddon Incarnate Ireland black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Act of God Russia symphonic, death Past
After Rain Czechia doom, symphonic Past
Anasarca Germany death Past
ARV Norway black Past
Avulsed Spain death Past
Bestialit Slovakia death Past
Birth A.D. United States crossover, thrash Past
Carpathian Forest Norway black Past
Casketgarden Hungary death, melodic, thrash Past
Celebratum Norway black Past
Condemnation Slovakia gothic, melodic Past
Contrastic Czechia death, experimental, grind, hardcore Past
Criminal Element United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Dehydrated Slovakia death Past
Depresy Slovakia black, symphonic, death Past
Descend United States death Past
Desecrated Dreams Slovakia black, death Past
Desecration United Kingdom death Past
Disinfect Germany brutal, death Past
Disloyal Slovakia thrash, black, technical, death Past
Draconis Sanguis Germany black, death, progressive Past
Dysanchely Slovakia atmospheric, doom, melodic, death Past
Editor Slovakia groove, thrash Past
Embrace Damnation United States death Past
Enthrallment Bulgaria brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Erytrosy Slovakia brutal, death Past
Evil Divine United States black, death, thrash Past
Ewigkeit United Kingdom black, experimental Past
Fall of Serenity Germany death, melodic Past
Fleshless Czechia grind, hardcore, brutal, melodic, death Past
Galadriel Slovakia death, doom, gothic Past
Godhate Sweden death Past
Golgotha Spain death, doom, melodic Past
Gorgasm United States brutal, death Past
Grave Sweden death Past
Hypnos Czechia death Past
Infest France death, grind, hardcore Past
Inner War United States death Past
Into the Gore Greece death, grind, hardcore Past
Kiju Italy groove, thrash Past
Killchain Slovakia death Past
Lunatic Gods Slovakia atmospheric, black, death, doom Past
Malefactor United States death, hardcore Past
Malignant Tumour Czechia grind, hardcore, crust, heavy, punk Past
Mediterranean Czechia death, thrash Past
Melancholy Pessimism Czechia death, experimental, grind, hardcore, technical Past
Misery Index United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Mortal Decay United States brutal, death, technical Past
Mystic Death Slovakia black Past
Overcharge Italy punk, speed Past
Pandemia Czechia death Past
Perversity Slovakia brutal, death Past
Phantasma Slovakia atmospheric, death Past
Putrefy United Kingdom brutal, death Past
Ramchat Slovakia black, pagan Past
Ravendusk Poland black, symphonic Past
Rotting Christ Greece black, gothic, melodic Past
Sacrosanctum Czechia doom, gothic Past
Sator Marte Czechia black Past
Scabbard Czechia death Past
Secretum Germany death, thrash Past
Seeds of Sorrow Austria death Past
Sepsis Czechia death Past
Supreme Pain Netherlands death Past
Tonka Norway thrash Past
Unearthly Brazil death, black Past
Visceral Damage Spain brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Wayd Slovakia death, experimental, jazz, technical Past
Winterhorde Israel black, melodic, progressive Past
Zarin Belarus brutal, death, technical Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abaddon Incarnate Cascade Full-length CD 2009
Act of God Kaosism Full-length CD 2016
After Rain The Funeral Marches Full-length CD 2015
Anasarca Survival Mode Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Animal Hate ...a Witch Shall Be Born Full-length CD 2007
Antares V. Full-length CD 2022
ARV I.d Full-length CD 2006
Attack of Rage Sväté zlo Full-length CD 2011
Attack of Rage Grindpeace Full-length Digital 2018
Avulsed Gorespattered Suicide Full-length CD 2005
Avulsed Yearning for the Grotesque Full-length CD 2005
Avulsed Seven Years of Decay Compilation 2CD 2005
Avulsed Nullo (The Pleasure of Self-Mutilation) Full-length CD 2009
Birth A.D. I Blame You Full-length CD 2014
Birth A.D. I Blame You Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Carpathian Forest Defending the Throne of Evil Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Carpathian Forest Fuck You All!!!! (Caput Tuum in Ano Est) Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Casketgarden This Corroded Soul of Mine Full-length CD 2003
Casketgarden Open the Casket, Enter the Garden Full-length CD 2006
Casketgarden Incompleteness in Absence Full-length CD 2008
Celebratum Instinct Full-length CD 2005
Coldblooded Noise in Your Head Full-length CD 2015
Coldblooded Noise in Your Head Full-length Digital 2015
Coma Void Stormking Twilight Full-length CD 2001
Contrastic Attack of Rage / Jařmo Split 10" vinyl 2014
Attack of Rage Attack of Rage / Jařmo Split 10" vinyl 2014
Criminal Element Criminal Crime Time Full-length Digital 2015
Criminal Element Criminal Crime Time Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Criminal Element Criminal Crime Time Full-length CD 2015
Dark Angels Venomous Embrace Full-length Digital 2017
Dark Angels Venomous Embrace Full-length CD 2017
Dehydrated Ideas Full-length Cassette 1997
Dehydrated Fuckland / Burnt Split CD 1994
Bestialit Fuckland / Burnt Split CD 1994
Dehydrated Fuckland / Burnt Split Digital 2016
Bestialit Fuckland / Burnt Split Digital 2016
Depresy Wretched People in the Real World Split Cassette 1994
Dehydrated Wretched People in the Real World Split Cassette 1994
Protest Wretched People in the Real World Split Cassette 1994
Melancholy Pessimism Wretched People in the Real World Split Cassette 1994
Scabbard Wretched People in the Real World Split Cassette 1994
Mediterranean Wretched People in the Real World Split Cassette 1994
Depresy Psycold Full-length CD 2022
Depresy Psycold Full-length Digital 2022
Descend Requiem of Flame Full-length CD 2001
Descend Requiem of Flame Full-length Digital 2008
Desecrated Dreams Feelings of Guilt Full-length CD 2001
Desecrated Dreams Overthrow Single CD 2002
Desecration Forensix Full-length CD 2008
Desecration Cemetery Sickness Full-length CD 2014
Desecration Forensix Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Desecration Cemetery Sickness Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Desecration Forensix Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Disinfect Screams of Pleasure Full-length CD 2009
Disloyal Fear of Death Full-length Cassette 1997
Disloyal Fear of Death Full-length Digital None
Draconis Sanguis Between Insanity and Brilliance Full-length CD 2002
Drunkard Inhale the Inferno Full-length CD 2016
Dysanchely Secrets of the Sun Full-length CD 2003
Editor Shut Up! Full-length CD 1994
Editor Shut Up! Full-length Cassette 1994
Embrace Damnation Glory of a New Darkness Full-length CD 2018
Enthrallment Immerse into Bloody Bliss Full-length CD 2008
Erytrosy Delight Full-length CD 2001
Erytrosy Incomplete Minds Full-length CD 1996
Erytrosy Incomplete Minds Full-length Cassette 1996
Erytrosy Incomplete Minds Full-length Digital 2016
Erytrosy Delight Full-length Digital 2016
Evil Divine Dawn Before the Dawn Full-length CD 2004
Ewigkeit Land of Fog Full-length CD 2003
Fall of Serenity Royal Killing Full-length CD 2004
Fleshless Hate Is Born Full-length CD 2008
Fleshless Free Off Pain Compilation CD 2009
Fleshless Slaves of the God Machine Full-length Digital 2011
Fleshless Hate Is Born Full-length CD 2008
Fleshless Slaves of the God Machine Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Fleshless Devoured Beyond Recognition Full-length CD 2015
Fleshless Devoured Beyond Recognition Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Fleshless Slaves of the God Machine Full-length CD 2011
Galadriel From Ashes & Dust Full-length CD 2002
Galadriel World Under World Full-length CD 2004
Galadriel Empty Mirrors of Oblivion Compilation 2CD 2005
Galadriel Renascence of Ancient Spirit Full-length CD 2007
Gloom Catharsis Full-length CD 2017
Gloom Catharsis Full-length Digital 2017
Godhate Equal in the Eyes of Death Full-length CD 2009
Golgotha New Life Full-length CD 2006
Gorgasm Destined to Violate Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Grave Hating Life Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Grave Extremely Rotten Live Live album 2 12" vinyls 2021
Grave Back from the Grave Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Grave Fiendish Regression Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Grave Endless Procession of Souls Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Hypnos Demons - The Collection 1999 - 2003 Compilation CD 2004
Hypnos Demons - The Collection 1999 - 2003 Compilation CD 2004
Infest Moshroom Full-length CD 2009
Inner War The Profane Vulgar Full-length CD 2001
Into the Gore Pain Must Be Amplified Full-length CD 2001
Kiju Nothing to Play For Full-length CD 2002
Killchain Where Is Your Saviour Full-length CD 2013
Killchain Where Is Your Saviour Full-length Digital 2014
Lelahell Alif Full-length Digital 2018
Lelahell Alif Full-length CD 2018
Lelahell Alif Full-length Digital 2018
Lividity Fetish for the Sick & Rejoice in Morbidity Compilation CD 2015
Lividity Used, Abused, and Left for Dead Full-length CD 2018
Lividity The Age of Clitoral Decay Full-length CD 2017
Lividity ...'Til Only the Sick Remain Full-length CD 2018
Lividity Perverseverance Full-length CD 2018
Lividity Perverseverance Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Lividity ...'Til Only the Sick Remain Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Lividity The Age of Clitoral Decay Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Lividity Used, Abused, and Left for Dead Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Lividity Used, Abused, and Left for Dead Full-length Digital 2018
Lividity The Age of Clitoral Decay Full-length Digital 2018
Lividity Perverseverance Full-length Digital 2018
Lividity ...'Til Only the Sick Remain Full-length Digital 2018
Lividity Fetish for the Sick & Rejoice in Morbidity Compilation Digital 2015
Lividity Fetish for the Sick & Rejoice in Morbidity Compilation 12" vinyl 2016
Lividity To Desecrate and Defile Full-length CD 2018
Lividity Age of Clitoral Decay / ...'Til Only the Sick Remain / Used, Abused, and Left for Dead Boxed set 3 vinyls 2018
Lividity To Desecrate and Defile Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Lunatic Gods Sitting by the Fire Full-length CD 1998
Lunatic Gods Sitting by the Fire Full-length Cassette 1998
Malefactor Death Falls Silent Full-length CD 2002
Malignant Tumour Earthshaker Full-length CD 2010
Malignant Tumour Earthshaker Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Manatark Chaos Engine Full-length CD 2003
Manatark Crimson Hours Full-length CD 2006
Melancholy Pessimism Recompense to Saints Full-length CD 1996
Melancholy Pessimism End of Vermin Nations Full-length CD 2010
Melancholy Pessimism Recompense to Saints Full-length Digital 2018
Melancholy Pessimism End of Vermin Nations Full-length Digital None
Melancholy Pessimism Recompense to Saints Full-length Cassette 1996
Misery Index The Killing Gods Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Misery Index Rituals of Power Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Morgain In the Forest of Weariness (Dark Fairies Are Waiting) EP Cassette 1997
Morgain Sad Memories of Fairies Full-length CD 2000
Morgain Rhymes from the Forest of Weariness (The Cry of a Fairy) Full-length CD 2001
Morgain Abandoned in the Forest of Weariness (The Call of Fairie) Full-length CD 2004
Mortal Decay A Gathering of Human Artifacts Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2019
Mystic Death Voices of the Obscure World Full-length CD 1998
Mystic Death Voices of the Obscure World Full-length Cassette 1998
Natron Rot Among Us Full-length CD 2009
Overcharge Speedsick Full-length CD 2016
Pandemia Riven Full-length CD 2005
Perversity Idolatry Full-length CD 2017
Perversity Idolatry Full-length Digital 2017
Perversity Idolatry Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Perversity In the Garment of Lust Full-length Digital 2020
Perversity In the Garment of Lust Full-length CD 2020
Perversity Spiritual Negation Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Phantasma Welcome in Heaven Full-length Cassette 1994
Protest About Human Idols Full-length CD 2001
Protest What for Name, When Humanity Is Dying Full-length CD 1995
Protest Have a Rest, Please Full-length CD 2004
Putrefy One Nation Under Gore Full-length CD 2009
Ramchat Nepočaria! Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Ravendusk Shadowcast Full-length CD 2001
Resurrected Fierce Full-length CD 2009
Resurrected Resurrected Full-length CD 2017
Resurrected Resurrected Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Resurrected Resurrected Full-length Digital 2017
Resurrected Fierce Full-length Digital 2009
Resurrected Fierce Full-length CD 2019
Resurrected Fierce Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Rotting Christ Khronos Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Rotting Christ Genesis Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Rotting Christ Sleep of the Angels Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Rotting Christ Sanctus Diavolos Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Rotting Christ Athanatoi Este - The Years Between Boxed set 12" vinyl 2020
Sacrosanctum Fragments Full-length CD 2003
Sacrosanctum Fragments Full-length Digital 2018
Sator Marte Engulfed by Firestorm Full-length CD 2015
Sator Marte Engulfed by Firestorm Full-length Digital 2017
Secretum Happy Happy Killing Time Full-length CD 2003
Secretum Happy Happy Killing Time Full-length Digital 2018
Secretum Happy Happy Killing Time Full-length CD 2018
Sectesy In the Secretion of Upcoming Days Full-length CD 2017
Sectesy In the Secretion of Upcoming Days Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Sectesy In the Secretion of Upcoming Days Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Sectesy In the Secretion of Upcoming Days Full-length 12" vinyl + CD 2019
Sectesy Jesus Christ Superlunch EP CD 2019
Sectesy Jesus Christ Superlunch EP Cassette 2019
Sectesy Jesus Christ Superlunch EP Digital 2019
Seeds of Sorrow Immortal Junkies Full-length CD 2003
Sepsis ...with No Mercy... Full-length CD 2009
Supreme Pain Nemesis Enforcer Full-length CD 2009
Tonka ...This Present Darkness... Full-length CD 2002
Unearthly The Unearthly Full-length CD 2014
Unearthly Flagellum Dei Full-length CD 2014
Unearthly Flagellum Dei Full-length CD 2014
Unearthly Flagellum Dei Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Unearthly The Unearthly Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Verano's Dogs Summoning the Hounds Full-length Digital 2018
Verano's Dogs Summoning the Hounds Full-length CD 2018
Visceral Damage Icon of Massive Murder Full-length CD 2008
Wayd The Ultimate Passion Full-length CD 1997
Wayd Barriers Full-length CD 2001
Wayd Decadance Full-length CD 2003
Wayd The Ultimate Passion Full-length Cassette 1997
Winterhorde Underwatermoon Full-length CD 2015
Zarin When the Time Goeth Mad Full-length CD 2015