Vomit Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Mexico
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal
Founding Date 2016
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/vomitrecs/


Name Country Genre Status
Funeral Woods Mexico black Current
Perpetual Obscene Mexico death Current
Satan's Sigh Brazil black, death Current
Skid Raid Mexico black, crust, punk Current
Survival Mexico black, speed, thrash Current
Absolutus Belgium black Past
Apotemnophobia Mexico death Past
Castleumbra Mexico death Past
Demonized Mexico black, death Past
Disgrace Worm Mexico death Past
Distraught Mexico death, grind, hardcore Past
Drawn and Quartered United States death Past
E.T.D. United States death, grind, hardcore Past
End of Mankind France black, post-metal Past
Escarnium Brazil death Past
Eternal Darkness Mexico black Past
Faecal Tripe Mexico death, grind, hardcore Past
Hacavitz Mexico death, black Past
Impiety United States death Past
In Obscurity Revealed Mexico death Past
Lóstregos Spain black, melodic, pagan Past
Lucifuge Germany thrash, black Past
Nigrum Mexico black Past
Plague Bearer United States black, death Past
Ravenous Death Mexico death Past
Sacrilega United States death Past
Spectrum Mortis Spain death, doom Past
Theurgia Venezuela black Past
Uttertomb Chile death Past
Venenum Serpentis Mexico black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Absolutus Pugnare in Iis Quae Obtinere Non Possis Full-length CD 2020
Apotemnophobia Putrid Passages from Cadaveric Tales Full-length CD 2022
Castleumbra Nammu Tammtu Full-length CD 2023
Demonized Abyss Vanguard EP CD 2023
Disgrace Worm Época Obscura Full-length CD 2019
Distraught Allthrought The Gross Infectology Thresholds Split CD 2021
Faecal Tripe Allthrought The Gross Infectology Thresholds Split CD 2021
Drawn and Quartered Decompositions of the Flesh Split CD 2024
Ravenous Death Decompositions of the Flesh Split CD 2024
E.T.D. Nefarious Means Full-length CD 2023
End of Mankind Antérieur à la lumière Full-length CD 2020
Escarnium Interitus Full-length CD 2016
Eternal Darkness Passage to the Darkness Full-length CD 2019
Hacavitz Ad Noctem Split CD 2020
Spectrum Mortis Ad Noctem Split CD 2020
Hacavitz Muerte Full-length CD 2024
Impiety Despondent Damnation Compilation CD 2020
In Obscurity Revealed Glorious Impurity Full-length Digital 2018
In Obscurity Revealed Glorious Impurity Full-length CD 2019
Lóstregos Onde Calan os Corazóns, Ruxen as Pedras Full-length CD 2021
Lóstregos Onde Calan os Corazóns, Ruxen as Pedras Full-length CD 2021
Lucifuge Ride the Beast Full-length CD 2019
Nigrum Death's Prayers EP CD 2018
Perpetual Obscene Funereal Hymns to Bury Mankind EP CD 2022
Plague Bearer Rise of the Bubonic Death Compilation CD 2018
Sacrilega Rites of Macabre EP CD 2020
Skid Raid Skid Raid Full-length Cassette 2017
Skid Raid Demo 2017 Demo Cassette 2017
Spectrum Mortis קדוש EP CD 2019
Survival Svrvival Full-length CD 2020
Theurgia Virtue Full-length CD 2022
Uttertomb Pillars of Necrological Imprecations Compilation CD 2022
Venenum Serpentis Iii Single Digital 2021
Venenum Serpentis Serpens Volans Full-length CD 2021