Adipocere Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address 50 Place Ferdinand de Beost 01540 Vonnas, France
Country France
Phone Number 00 33 (0)4 74 25 25 57
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal, Pagan Metal, Viking Metal
Founding Date June 1992
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Oaken Shield

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Hysteria France brutal, black, melodic, death Current
Mortuary France death Current
Sombre Présage France ambient, black, dark, drone Current
Vociferian France black Current
Abused Majesty Poland black, symphonic Past
Admortem France death Past
Adramelech Finland death Past
Akhenaton France black, symphonic Past
Alastis Switzerland black, doom, extreme, gothic Past
Amaymon France death Past
Apostasia France black, industrial, symphonic Past
Aquilon France death, melodic, electronic-rock, industrial Past
As Serenity Fades Finland death, doom, gothic, rock Past
Ashen Dawns Switzerland black Past
Astrofaes Ukraine black Past
Atrophia Red Sun Poland doom, melodic, industrial, progressive, death Past
Augury Canada death, progressive Past
Awakening Netherlands death, doom, thrash Past
Azure Emote United States avant-garde, death, industrial Past
Belenos France black, pagan Past
Benighted France black, brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Bethlehem Germany black, doom, experimental, rock Past
Beyon-D-Lusion France alternative, symphonic Past
Beyond Dawn Norway death, doom, alternative, gothic, rock, electronic Past
Carcariass France death, melodic, progressive Past
Carpathian Full Moon Norway black, doom Past
Celestial Season Netherlands stoner, death, doom Past
Christ Agony Poland black, melodic Past
Chrysalis France death, melodic, progressive Past
Crypt of Kerberos Sweden doom, progressive, death Past
Cynerys France black, brutal, death Past
Daemonium France ambient, black Past
Death Dies Italy black Past
Dépérir Canada black Past
Depravity Finland death Past
Destinity France black, death, symphonic, melodic, thrash Past
Diabolical Masquerade Sweden black, progressive, symphonic Past
Eciton Denmark death Past
Ellipsis France progressive Past
Eros Necropsique France darkwave, neoclassical, neofolk Past
Evoken United States death, doom, funeral Past
Evol Italy black, folk, gothic, medieval Past
Excavation Netherlands death Past
Excidium Italy death Past
Excidium Switzerland death, progressive, thrash Past
Exulceration Switzerland death, grind, hardcore Past
Finnugor Hungary black, symphonic Past
Forest of Souls France black, doom, gothic Past
Forgotten Tomb Italy depressive, doom, gothic, black Past
Furia France death, melodic, power Past
Garwall France black, heavy Past
Genital Grinder France brutal, death Past
God Forsaken Finland death, doom, stoner Past
Himinbjorg France black, viking Past
Ingraved Italy death Past
Kalisia France death, progressive Past
LatroDectus France black Past
Leiden France gothic, industrial Past
Let Me Dream Finland doom, gothic Past
Mephistopheles Germany black, death, melodic Past
Mind Ripper France black, death Past
Moonspell Portugal gothic Past
Morgue France brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Mutilation Poland death Past
Naumachia Poland black, death, melodic Past
Neolithic Poland death, doom, gothic, progressive Past
Nightmare France heavy, power Past
Noctis France black, melodic Past
Nydvind France pagan Past
Persefone Andorra death, melodic, progressive Past
Proton Burst France industrial, thrash Past
Purulence Canada death Past
Putrid Offal France death, grind, hardcore Past
Rain Switzerland death, melodic, groove, industrial Past
Sacral Night France heavy Past
Sacramentum Sweden black, death, melodic Past
Sangdragon France black, death, symphonic Past
Spina Bifida Netherlands death, doom Past
Taliandörögd France black, symphonic, death, progressive Past
Tenebrum Infectus France death, grind, hardcore Past
Trauma Poland death Past
Wings Finland doom, gothic, death Past
Your Shapeless Beauty France black, gothic Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abused Majesty Serpenthrone Full-length CD 2004
Admortem Living Through Blood Full-length CD 2001
Adramelech Spring of Recovery EP 7" vinyl 1992
Akhenaton Divine Symphonies Full-length CD 1995
Akhenaton The Kingdom of Wisdom Video VHS 1996
Akhenaton Solar Forces Demo Cassette 1995
Akhenaton Thy Mystic Trilogy Split 3 12" vinyls 2016
Daemonium Thy Mystic Trilogy Split 3 12" vinyls 2016
Sangdragon Thy Mystic Trilogy Split 3 12" vinyls 2016
Alastis ...and Death Smiled Full-length CD 1995
Amaymon Purulence / Amaymon Split CD 1993
Purulence Purulence / Amaymon Split CD 1993
Amaymon Advance Split CD May 93 Demo Cassette 1993
Apostasia Martyrs of Gods Full-length CD 2002
Aquilon Les ombres de quatre murs EP CD 2003
Aquilon Intramedia Full-length CD 2004
As Serenity Fades Earthborn EP CD 1994
Ashen Dawns Bleed for Me EP CD 2006
Astrofaes The Eyes of the Beast Full-length Digital None
Atrophia Red Sun Twisted Logic Full-length CD 2004
Augury Concealed Full-length CD 2006
Awakening Swimming Through the Past EP 7" vinyl 1992
Azure Emote The Gravity of Impermanence Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2013
Belenos Chants de bataille Full-length CD 2006
Benighted Psychose Full-length CD 2002
Benighted Insane Cephalic Production Full-length CD 2004
Benighted Identisick Full-length CD + DVD 2006
Bethlehem Dark Metal Full-length CD 1994
Beyon-D-Lusion First Step to the Source EP CD 2004
Beyon-D-Lusion Intuispection Full-length CD 2005
Beyon-D-Lusion Intuispection Full-length CD 2005
Beyond Dawn Longing for Scarlet Days EP CD 1994
Beyond Dawn Up Through the Linear Shades EP 7" vinyl 1993
Carcariass Killing Process Full-length CD 2002
Carpathian Full Moon Caedes Sacrilegae (Alzbety) EP 7" vinyl 1993
Celestial Season Forever Scarlet Passion Full-length CD 1993
Celestial Season Forever Scarlet Passion Full-length Digital None
Christ Agony Daemoonseth - Act II Full-length CD 1994
Chrysalis Between Strength and Frailty EP CD 2001
Crypt of Kerberos World of Myths Full-length CD 1993
Crypt of Kerberos Cyclone of Insanity EP 7" vinyl 1992
Cynerys Cynerys EP CD 2001
Daemonium Dark Opera of the Ancient War Spirit (or Search the Light) Full-length CD 1994
Death Dies PseudoChristos Full-length CD 2006
Death Dies PseudoChristos Full-length 2CD 2006
Dépérir Black Beast Full-length CD 2022
Dépérir Black Beast Full-length Vinyl 2022
Depravity Silence of the Centuries EP CD 1993
Depravity Remasquerade EP 7" vinyl 1992
Destinity Under the Smell of Chaos Full-length CD 2002
Destinity In Excelsis Dementia Full-length CD 2004
Destinity Synthetic Existence Full-length CD 2005
Destinity 666 Thrashened Extreme Music (1996-2006) Video DVD 2007
Destinity In Excelsis Dementia Full-length CD 2004
Destinity Synthetic Existence Full-length Digital 2005
Diabolical Masquerade Ravendusk in My Heart Full-length CD 1996
Diabolical Masquerade The Phantom Lodge Full-length CD 1997
Diabolical Masquerade Ravendusk in My Heart Full-length CD 1996
Eciton Oppressed Full-length CD 2005
Ellipsis Comastory Full-length CD 2003
Ellipsis From Beyond Thematics Full-length CD 2004
Eros Necropsique Crises de lucidité Full-length CD 2003
Eros Necropsique Charnelle transcendance Full-length CD 1997
Eros Necropsique Pathos Full-length CD 1998
Eros Necropsique Crises de lucidité Full-length CD 2003
Eros Necropsique Charnelle transcendance Full-length Digital None
Evoken Shades of Night Descending Demo CD 1996
Evol Dreamquest Full-length CD 1996
Evol The Saga of the Horned King Full-length CD 1995
Evol Ancient Abbey EP CD 1998
Evol Portraits Full-length CD 1999
Evol Ancient Abbey EP CD 1998
Excavation Psychotic Possession EP 7" vinyl 1992
Excidium Innocent River Full-length CD 1996
Excidium Infecting the Graves EP 7" vinyl 1992
Exulceration Premature Necropsy / Infernal Disgust Split CD 1992
Putrid Offal Premature Necropsy / Infernal Disgust Split CD 1992
Finnugor Black Flames Full-length CD 2002
Finnugor Death Before Dawn Full-length CD 2003
Forest of Souls Contes et légendes d'Efeandayl Full-length CD 1997
Forest of Souls War and Poetry EP CD 1995
Forest of Souls Contes et légendes d'Efeandayl Full-length CD 1997
Forgotten Tomb Springtime Depression Full-length CD 2003
Forgotten Tomb Love's Burial Ground Full-length CD 2004
Forgotten Tomb Songs to Leave Full-length CD 2005
Forgotten Tomb Love's Burial Ground Full-length CD 2004
Furia À la quête du passé Full-length CD 2001
Furia Un lac de larmes et de sang... Full-length CD 2003
Furia La source noire Boxed set DVD 2004
Furia Re-Birth EP CD 2005
Garwall Abyssus Abyssum Invocat EP CD 2002
Genital Grinder Genital Grinder Full-length CD 2003
God Forsaken Dismal Gleams of Desolation Full-length CD 1992
God Forsaken The Tide Has Turned Full-length CD 1995
God Forsaken Dismal Gleams of Desolation Full-length 12" vinyl 1992
Himinbjorg Golden Age Full-length CD 2003
Himinbjorg Europa Full-length CD 2005
Himinbjorg Haunted Shores Full-length CD 2004
Hysteria Haunted by Words of Gods Full-length CD 2006
Hysteria From the Abyss... to the Flesh EP 12" vinyl 2019
Hysteria From the Abyss... to the Flesh EP Digital 2019
Hysteria From the Abyss... to the Flesh EP CD 2019
Hysteria Haunted by Words of Gods / Abyssal Plains of Chaos Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2019
Hysteria Heretic, Sadistic and Sexual Ecstasy... Full-length CD 2024
Hysteria Heretic, Sadistic and Sexual Ecstasy... Full-length Digital 2024
Ingraved Hatred from Outside Full-length CD 2006
Kalisia Skies Demo CD 1996
LatroDectus Altered Flesh Full-length CD 2003
LatroDectus Darkened Abyss EP CD 2001
Leiden Empty Full-length CD 2003
Let Me Dream My Dear Succubus Full-length CD 1995
Mephistopheles Landscape Symphonies Full-length CD 1997
Mind Ripper Kahos Humana Full-length CD 2005
Moonspell Under the Moonspell EP CD 1994
Moonspell Under the Moonspell EP CD 2001
Moonspell Under the Moonspell EP CD 2014
Morgue The Process to Define the Shape of Self-Loathing Full-length CD 2002
Mortuary Sublime the Decline Full-length CD 2023
Mortuary Sublime the Decline Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Mutilation Conflict Inside Full-length CD 2004
Naumachia Wrathorn Full-length CD 2004
Neolithic For Destroy the Lament Full-length CD 1996
Neolithic The Personal Fragment of Life Demo CD 1995
Nightmare Astral Deliverance EP CD 1999
Nightmare Live Deliverance Live album 2CD 2000
Nightmare Astral Deliverance EP CD 1999
Noctis Out of the Shadow of Legend Compilation CD 2001
Nydvind Eternal Winter Domain Full-length CD 2006
Persefone Truth Inside the Shades Full-length CD 2004
Proton Burst Silence Full-length CD 1998
Purulence Inverted Decay EP 7" vinyl 1992
Rain Natural Order Full-length CD 2000
Rain Starlight Extinction Full-length CD 2002
Sacral Night Ancient Remains Full-length Vinyl 2019
Sacramentum Far Away from the Sun Full-length CD 1996
Sacramentum Finis Malorum EP CD 1995
Sacramentum Far Away from the Sun Full-length CD 1996
Sombre Présage Seul... Full-length CD 2010
Sombre Présage Seul... EP CD 2010
Spina Bifida Ziyadah Full-length CD 1993
Taliandörögd Neverplace EP CD 2002
Tenebrum Infectus Tenebrum Infectus Full-length CD 2004
Trauma Imperfect like a God Full-length CD 2003
Wings Thorns on Thy Oaken Throne EP 7" vinyl 1993
Your Shapeless Beauty Sycamore Grove Full-length CD 1999
Your Shapeless Beauty Terrorisme spirituel (Insoumission complète) Compilation CD 2001
Your Shapeless Beauty My Swan Song Full-length CD 2003
Your Shapeless Beauty Your Shapeless Beauty Full-length CD 1996