Me Saco un Ojo Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address London
Country United Kingdom
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death, Black
Founding Date January 1st, 2009
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Abjvration France death, doom Current
Anatomia Japan death, doom Current
Astriferous Costa Rica death Current
Ataraxy Spain death Current
Candarian Costa Rica death Current
Chaotian Denmark death Current
Coprolith Canada death Current
Cryptworm United Kingdom death Current
Cthonic Aura Greece death Current
Dead Void Denmark death, doom Current
Early Death Germany death, thrash Current
Faceless Burial Australia black, death Current
Fleshrot United States death Current
Funerary Pit Australia black, death Current
Gutless Australia death Current
Hyperdontia International death Current
Intemperator Spain black Current
Megatomb International black, death Current
Morbific Finland death Current
Mortal Wound United States death Current
Necrophile Japan death, thrash Current
Organismos Colombia death, grind, hardcore Current
Ossuary United States death Current
Phrenelith Denmark death Current
Reverence to Paroxysm Mexico death Current
Rothadás Hungary death, doom Current
Sedimentum Canada death Current
Septage Denmark death, grind, hardcore Current
Sex Messiah Japan black, crossover, thrash Current
Sněť Czechia death Current
Torso Finland death Current
Transgressor Japan death Current
Ulcerot International death, grind, hardcore Current
Undergang Denmark death Current
Vacuous United Kingdom death Current
Vile Apparition Australia death Current
Wormridden International death, doom Current
Archaic Tomb Portugal death Past
Ascendency Denmark black, death Past
Axeslaughter Finland death, thrash Past
Binah United Kingdom death Past
Black Rock Finland black, heavy, speed Past
Burial Invocation Türkiye death Past
Cadaveribus Japan death, doom Past
Carcinoid Australia death, doom Past
Chronic Decay Sweden death, thrash Past
Corpsessed Finland death Past
Death Strike United States death Past
Deathcult Switzerland death Past
Decomposed United Kingdom death, doom Past
Décryptal Canada death Past
Degraved United States death Past
Deiquisitor Denmark death Past
Devourment Sweden death Past
Diabolizer Türkiye death Past
Druid Lord United States death, doom Past
Dungeon United Kingdom speed Past
DungeönHammer International black, thrash Past
Engulfed Türkiye death Past
Evoke United Kingdom death Past
Exanthema Sweden death Past
Fuil na Seanchoille Ireland black, raw Past
G.A.T.E.S. Japan heavy, punk, thrash Past
Galvanizer Finland death, grind, hardcore Past
Ghastly Finland death Past
Godless Chile death Past
Gorephilia Finland death Past
Gosudar Russia death Past
Grave Infestation Canada death Past
Had Denmark death Past
Incinerated Australia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Indesinence United Kingdom death, doom Past
Insurgency United Kingdom thrash Past
Kever Israel death Past
Krypts Finland death, doom Past
Malicious Finland death Past
Malignant Altar United States death Past
Miasmal Sweden death Past
Miasmatic Necrosis United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Morbidity Bangladesh death Past
Morbus Chron Sweden progressive, death Past
Mordbrand Sweden death Past
Mortiferum United States death, doom Past
Necromaniac United Kingdom black, death, thrash Past
Nucleus United States death Past
Respawn the Plague Greece death Past
Ruido de Rabia Spain punk, death, grind, hardcore Past
Senobyte United States death, doom Past
Sheidim Spain black, death Past
Sonic Poison Finland death, grind, hardcore Past
Stench of Decay Finland death Past
Sulphurous Denmark death Past
Swallowed Finland black, death, doom Past
Swampbeast United States grind, hardcore, black, death Past
Trenchrot United States death Past
Vapour Finland thrash Past
Veternus Sweden death Past
Void Terror United States black, death Past
Weeping Slime United States death, doom Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abjvration The Unquenchable Pyre EP 12" vinyl 2016
Anatomia Undergang / Anatomia Split 10" vinyl 2017
Undergang Undergang / Anatomia Split 10" vinyl 2017
Anatomia Undergang / Anatomia Split 10" vinyl 2017
Undergang Undergang / Anatomia Split 10" vinyl 2017
Anatomia Anatomia / Undergang Split 10" vinyl 2017
Undergang Anatomia / Undergang Split 10" vinyl 2017
Anatomia Undergang / Anatomia Split 10" vinyl 2017
Undergang Undergang / Anatomia Split 10" vinyl 2017
Anatomia Anatomia / Undergang Split Digital 2017
Undergang Anatomia / Undergang Split Digital 2017
Anatomia Corporeal Torment Full-length Digital 2021
Anatomia Corporeal Torment Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Anatomia Anatomia / Undergang Split Digital 2022
Undergang Anatomia / Undergang Split Digital 2022
Anatomia Anatomia / Undergang Split 12" vinyl 2022
Undergang Anatomia / Undergang Split 12" vinyl 2022
Anatomia Beyond Putrefaction / Horrid Fate Split Digital 2022
Druid Lord Beyond Putrefaction / Horrid Fate Split Digital 2022
Anatomia Beyond Putrefaction / Horrid Fate Split 7" vinyl 2022
Druid Lord Beyond Putrefaction / Horrid Fate Split 7" vinyl 2022
Ascendency A Manifest of Imperious Destiny EP Digital 2023
Ascendency A Manifest of Imperious Destiny EP 12" vinyl 2023
Astriferous Raise High the Scepter of Indulgence Demo Cassette 2019
Astriferous The Lower Levels of Sentience EP 12" vinyl 2020
Astriferous Pulsations from the Black Orb Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Astriferous Pulsations from the Black Orb Full-length Digital 2023
Ataraxy Revelations of the Ethereal Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Ataraxy The Festival / The Tomb Single 7" vinyl 2016
Ataraxy Where All Hope Fades Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Ataraxy The Last Mirror Full-length Digital 2022
Ataraxy The Last Mirror Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ataraxy Revelations of the Ethereal Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Axeslaughter Sonic Poison / Axeslaughter Split 7" vinyl 2020
Sonic Poison Sonic Poison / Axeslaughter Split 7" vinyl 2020
Axeslaughter Sonic Poison / Axeslaughter Split Digital 2020
Sonic Poison Sonic Poison / Axeslaughter Split Digital 2020
Binah Hallucinating in Resurrecture Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Binah A Triad of Plagues EP 7" vinyl 2014
Binah A Triad of Plagues EP Digital 2014
Black Rock Black Rock Demo Cassette 2014
Burial Invocation Rituals of the Grotesque EP 12" vinyl 2010
Burial Invocation Abiogenesis Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Cadaveribus Open the Gate EP Cassette 2020
Candarian Stagnant Livor Mortis Demo Digital 2022
Candarian Stagnant Livor Mortis Demo Cassette 2022
Carcinoid Encomium to Extinction EP Digital 2023
Carcinoid Encomium to Extinction EP 12" vinyl 2023
Chaotian Festering Excarnation Compilation Digital 2020
Chaotian Festering Excarnation Compilation 12" vinyl 2020
Chaotian Festering Excarnation Compilation 12" vinyl 2022
Chaotian Effigies of Obsolescence Full-length Digital 2022
Chaotian Effigies of Obsolescence Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Chronic Decay Justify Your Existence Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Chronic Decay Exanthema / Chronic Decay Split 12" vinyl 2011
Exanthema Exanthema / Chronic Decay Split 12" vinyl 2011
Chronic Decay Ecstasy in Pain EP 7" vinyl 2016
Chronic Decay Ecstasy in Pain EP Digital 2017
Chronic Decay Exanthema / Chronic Decay Split Digital 2019
Exanthema Exanthema / Chronic Decay Split Digital 2019
Chronic Decay Justify Your Existence Full-length Digital 2019
Coprolith Coprolith Demo 12" vinyl 2024
Corpsessed The Dagger & the Chalice EP 12" vinyl 2011
Cryptworm Verminosis EP 7" vinyl 2018
Cryptworm Reeking Gunk of Abhorrence EP 12" vinyl 2020
Cryptworm Reeking Gunk of Abhorrence EP Digital 2020
Cryptworm Spewing Mephitic Putridity Full-length Digital 2022
Cryptworm Spewing Mephitic Putridity Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Cryptworm Spewing Mephitic Putridity Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Cryptworm Oozing Radioactive Vomition Full-length Digital 2023
Cryptworm Oozing Radioactive Vomition Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Cryptworm Oozing Radioactive Vomition Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Cryptworm Reeking Gunk of Abhorrence EP 12" vinyl 2024
Cthonic Aura Abyssic Reflections in Slumber EP 12" vinyl 2012
Dead Void Volatile Forms Full-length Digital 2022
Dead Void Volatile Forms Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Death Strike Fuckin' Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Death Strike Fuckin' Death Full-length Digital 2019
Deathcult Pleading for Death... Choking on Life EP 12" vinyl 2014
Deathcult Pleading for Death... Choking on Life EP 12" vinyl 2014
Deathcult Pleading for Death... Choking on Life EP Digital 2014
Decomposed The Funeral Obsession EP 12" vinyl 2019
Decomposed Laid to Waste Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2021
Décryptal Sabazios Culte Demo Digital 2023
Décryptal Sabazios Culte Demo Cassette 2023
Degraved Whispered Morbidity EP 12" vinyl 2023
Deiquisitor Sword of Pestilence EP 7" vinyl 2017
Devourment Shallow Grave EP 7" vinyl 2010
Diabolizer Khalkedonian Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Dungeon English Hell Demo Cassette 2016
Dungeon Purifying Fire EP 12" vinyl 2018
Dungeon Purifying Fire EP Digital 2018
DungeönHammer Infernal Moon Full-length Digital 2018
DungeönHammer Infernal Moon Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Early Death The Bleakest Force EP Cassette 2017
Early Death The Bleakest Force EP 12" vinyl 2019
Early Death The Bleakest Force EP 12" vinyl 2019
Engulfed Through the Eternal Damnation EP 12" vinyl 2013
Engulfed Vengeance of the Fallen EP Digital 2020
Engulfed Vengeance of the Fallen EP 12" vinyl 2020
Engulfed Through the Eternal Damnation EP Digital 2020
Engulfed Vengeance of the Fallen EP 12" vinyl 2022
Engulfed Unearthly Litanies of Despair Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Engulfed Unearthly Litanies of Despair Full-length Digital 2024
Evoke Evoke / Mordbrand Split 12" vinyl 2010
Mordbrand Evoke / Mordbrand Split 12" vinyl 2010
Faceless Burial Multiversal Abattoir EP Digital 2018
Faceless Burial Multiversal Abattoir EP 12" vinyl 2018
Faceless Burial Speciation Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Faceless Burial Speciation Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Faceless Burial Multiversal Abattoir EP 12" vinyl 2022
Faceless Burial At the Foothills of Deliration Full-length Digital 2022
Faceless Burial At the Foothills of Deliration Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Fleshrot Demo 2020 Demo Cassette 2020
Fleshrot Demo 2020 Demo Digital 2020
Fleshrot Unburied Corpse Full-length Digital 2022
Fleshrot Unburied Corpse Full-length CD 2022
Fleshrot Unburied Corpse Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Fleshrot Unburied Corpse Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Fleshrot Unburied Corpse Promo Demo Cassette 2020
Fuil na Seanchoille Fuil na Seanchoille Compilation 12" vinyl 2012
Fuil na Seanchoille Hunger Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Fuil na Seanchoille The Crossing Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Funerary Pit The Titan Sea EP 12" vinyl 2014
Funerary Pit The Titan Sea EP Digital 2014
G.A.T.E.S. Back from the Grave Full-length Digital 2017
Galvanizer Sanguine Vigil Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Galvanizer Prying Sight of Imperception Full-length Digital 2021
Galvanizer Prying Sight of Imperception Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Galvanizer Prying Sight of Imperception Full-length CD 2022
Ghastly Carrion of Time Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Ghastly Carrion of Time Full-length Digital 2018
Godless Sic Luceat Vacuum Nostrum EP 12" vinyl 2016
Gorephilia In Death Demo Cassette 2011
Gorephilia Ascend to Chaos EP 12" vinyl 2011
Gorephilia Embodiment of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Gorephilia Severed Monolith Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Gorephilia Undergang / Gorephilia Split 7" vinyl 2018
Undergang Undergang / Gorephilia Split 7" vinyl 2018
Gorephilia Undergang / Gorephilia Split Digital 2018
Undergang Undergang / Gorephilia Split Digital 2018
Gorephilia Severed Monolith Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Gorephilia In the Eye of Nothing Full-length Digital 2020
Gorephilia In the Eye of Nothing Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Gorephilia In the Eye of Nothing Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Gorephilia Severed Monolith Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Gosudar Gosudar / Malignant Altar Split Digital 2022
Malignant Altar Gosudar / Malignant Altar Split Digital 2022
Gosudar Gosudar / Malignant Altar Split 12" vinyl 2022
Malignant Altar Gosudar / Malignant Altar Split 12" vinyl 2022
Grave Infestation Grave Infestation / Sněť Split Digital 2023
Sněť Grave Infestation / Sněť Split Digital 2023
Grave Infestation Grave Infestation / Sněť Split 7" vinyl 2023
Sněť Grave Infestation / Sněť Split 7" vinyl 2023
Gutless Mass Extinction Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Gutless Mass Extinction Demo 12" vinyl 2023
Had Had EP 12" vinyl 2020
Hyperdontia Nexus of Teeth Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Hyperdontia A Vessel Forlorn Compilation 12" vinyl 2019
Hyperdontia Excreted from the Flesh EP 7" vinyl 2020
Hyperdontia Excreted from the Flesh EP Digital 2020
Hyperdontia Mortiferum / Hyperdontia Split 7" vinyl 2020
Mortiferum Mortiferum / Hyperdontia Split 7" vinyl 2020
Hyperdontia Mortiferum / Hyperdontia Split 7" vinyl 2020
Mortiferum Mortiferum / Hyperdontia Split 7" vinyl 2020
Hyperdontia Hideous Entity Full-length Digital 2021
Hyperdontia Hideous Entity Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Hyperdontia Nexus of Teeth Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Hyperdontia Deranged EP Digital 2023
Hyperdontia Deranged EP 12" vinyl 2023
Hyperdontia Snakes of Innards Single Digital 2021
Hyperdontia A Vessel Forlorn Compilation 12" vinyl 2024
Hyperdontia Harvest of Malevolence Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Incinerated Lobotomise Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Incinerated Lobotomise Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Indesinence Vessels of Light and Decay Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2013
Indesinence Neptunian EP 12" vinyl 2011
Indesinence Vessels of Light and Decay Full-length Digital 2013
Insurgency Militant Death Cult EP 12" vinyl 2017
Intemperator Howls of the Intemperate Demo Cassette 2012
Intemperator Stigmas of Unspeakable Appetites and Carnal Voracity Demo Cassette 2013
Intemperator Blood Blackened Atriums EP 7" vinyl 2015
Kever Eon of Cycling Death EP 12" vinyl 2014
Krypts Krypts EP 7" vinyl 2011
Krypts Unending Degradation Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Krypts Unending Degradation Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Krypts Unending Degradation Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Malicious Black Fumes EP 12" vinyl 2015
Malicious Mental Illness Demo Cassette 2012
Malignant Altar Retribution of Jealous Gods Demo Digital 2022
Malignant Altar Retribution of Jealous Gods Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Megatomb Louder than a Thousand Deaths EP 12" vinyl 2012
Miasmal Miasmal Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Miasmatic Necrosis Apex Profane Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Miasmatic Necrosis Apex Profane Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Morbidity Revealed from Ashes Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Morbific Squirm Beyond the Mortal Realm Full-length Digital 2022
Morbific Squirm Beyond the Mortal Realm Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Morbific Ominous Seep of Putridity Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Morbific Squirm Beyond the Mortal Realm Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Morbus Chron Creepy Creeping Creeps EP 7" vinyl 2010
Morbus Chron Sleepers in the Rift Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Morbus Chron Sleepers in the Rift Full-length Digital None
Mortal Wound Forms of Unreasoning Fear Demo Digital 2018
Mortal Wound Gutless / Mortal Wound Split Digital 2020
Gutless Gutless / Mortal Wound Split Digital 2020
Mortal Wound Gutless / Mortal Wound Split 12" vinyl 2020
Gutless Gutless / Mortal Wound Split 12" vinyl 2020
Mortal Wound The Anus of the World Full-length Digital 2024
Mortal Wound The Anus of the World Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Necromaniac Morbid Metal Demo Cassette 2015
Necromaniac Morbid Metal Demo Cassette 2016
Necrophile Mementos in the Misting Woods Compilation 12" vinyl 2012
Necrophile Awakening Those Oppressed Full-length Vinyl 2018
Nucleus Sentient Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Nucleus Entity Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Nucleus Entity Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Organismos Manejos invisibles Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Ossuary Supreme Degradation Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Phrenelith Desolate Endscape Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Respawn the Plague Gathering of the Unholy Ones EP 7" vinyl 2013
Reverence to Paroxysm Lux Morte Full-length Digital 2023
Reverence to Paroxysm Lux Morte Full-length CD 2023
Reverence to Paroxysm Lux Morte Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Rothadás Rothadás Demo Cassette 2019
Rothadás Kopár hant​.​.​. az alvilág felé Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Rothadás Kopár hant​.​.​. az alvilág felé Full-length Digital 2021
Ruido de Rabia Pequeñas reliquias de un infanticida Demo 12" vinyl 2014
Sedimentum Promo MMXXII Demo Cassette 2022
Sedimentum Suppuration morphogénésiaque Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Sedimentum Suppuration morphogénésiaque Full-length Cassette 2022
Sedimentum Suppuration morphogénésiaque Full-length Digital 2022
Sedimentum Suppuration morphogénésiaque Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Sedimentum Suppuration morphogénésiaque Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sedimentum Demo Demo 12" vinyl 2023
Senobyte Senobyte Demo 7" vinyl 2014
Septage Septic Decadence EP 7" vinyl 2020
Septage Septisk Eradikasyon EP 7" vinyl 2021
Septage Septic Worship (Intolerant Spree of Infesting Forms) Full-length Digital 2024
Septage Septic Worship (Intolerant Spree of Infesting Forms) Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Sex Messiah Hymn of the Apocalypse EP 7" vinyl 2012
Sheidim Amidst the Ashes of Consciousness / In the Light of the Dying Stars EP 7" vinyl 2015
Sheidim Shrines of the Void Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Sheidim Infamata EP 12" vinyl 2018
Sonic Poison Harsh Demonstration​.​.​. Demo 7" vinyl 2017
Sonic Poison Combat Grind EP 7" vinyl 2018
Sonic Poison Eruption Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sonic Poison Eruption Full-length Digital 2023
Stench of Decay Visions Beyond Death EP 7" vinyl 2011
Stench of Decay Where Death and Decay Reign Demo 12" vinyl 2009
Sulphurous Encircling Darkness EP 7" vinyl 2021
Sulphurous Encircling Darkness EP Digital 2021
Sulphurous The Black Mouth of Sepulchre Full-length Digital 2021
Sulphurous The Black Mouth of Sepulchre Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Swallowed Lunarterial Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
Torso Demonic Vomiting Demo Cassette 2019
Torso Demonic Vomiting Demo Digital 2019
Transgressor Beyond Oblivion EP Digital 2023
Transgressor Beyond Oblivion EP 12" vinyl 2023
Trenchrot Necronomic Warfare Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Ulcerot Necuratu Demo 7" vinyl 2020
Ulcerot Necuratu Demo Digital 2020
Undergang Hævntørst Single 7" vinyl 2011
Undergang Søm til din ligkiste EP 7" vinyl 2013
Undergang Indhentet af døden Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Undergang Indhentet af døden Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Undergang Indhentet af døden Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Undergang Indhentet af døden Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Undergang Døden læger alle sår Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2015
Undergang Misantropologi Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Undergang Misantropologi Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Undergang Indhentet af døden Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Undergang Døden læger alle sår Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Undergang Indhentet af døden Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Undergang Ufrivillig donation af vitale organer EP 12" vinyl 2019
Undergang Aldrig i livet Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Undergang Aldrig i livet Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Undergang Misantropologi Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Undergang Indhentet af døden Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Undergang Til døden os skiller Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Undergang Til døden os skiller Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Undergang De syv stadier af ford​æ​rv EP Digital 2023
Undergang De syv stadier af ford​æ​rv EP 12" vinyl 2023
Undergang De syv stadier af ford​æ​rv EP 12" vinyl 2023
Vacuous Dreams of Dysphoria Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Vacuous Dreams of Dysphoria Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vapour Violent Primitive Force Demo Cassette 2016
Veternus Awaken the Grave EP 7" vinyl 2010
Void Terror Soul Harvest Demo Cassette 2017
Void Terror Soul Harvest Demo 7" vinyl 2018
Void Terror Holocaust of Terrestrial Empires Split 12" vinyl 2019
Swampbeast Holocaust of Terrestrial Empires Split 12" vinyl 2019
Weeping Slime Tormented Mind Full-length Cassette 2023
Wormridden Infesting the Grave Demo 7" vinyl 2012
Wormridden Festering Glorification EP 7" vinyl 2015
Wormridden Festering Grave Compilation Digital 2019
Wormridden Festering Grave Compilation 12" vinyl 2019