Raw Skull Recordz

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Beeklanden 15, 7761DA, Schoonebeek
Country Netherlands
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal
Founding Date 2014
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Rawskullrecordz-906844479382238/?fref=photo
Homepage https://rawskullrecordz.com/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rawskullrecordz/
Bandcamp http://rawskullrecordz.bandcamp.com/
BigCartel http://rawskullrecordz.bigcartel.com/


Name Country Genre Status
Abrupt Demise Netherlands death Current
Altar Netherlands death Current
Burial Remains Netherlands death Current
Charred Remains Germany death Current
Deadspeak Netherlands death, thrash Current
Deathcrown United States death Current
Decaying Finland death Current
Deceitome Estonia death Current
Eternal United States death, thrash Current
Gravestone Sweden death Current
Grond Russia death Current
Incinerator Netherlands death Current
Just Before Dawn Sweden death Current
Mouflon Netherlands death, doom Current
Toxocara Netherlands death Current
Allagash Canada heavy, thrash Past
Blackthorn Mexico death Past
Bullcreek Netherlands death Past
Burial Netherlands death Past
Create a Kill United States death, thrash Past
Demigod Finland death Past
Departed Souls Netherlands death Past
Disabuse Netherlands hardcore, thrash Past
Ekpyrosis Italy death Past
Eroded Italy death Past
Fleshcrawl Germany death Past
Graceless Netherlands death, doom Past
Gravebomb Sweden death Past
Infected Virulence Germany death Past
Infidel Reich International death Past
Krabathor Czechia thrash, death Past
Mangler Canada death, thrash Past
Mastication Sweden death Past
Mordbrand Sweden death Past
Mysto Dysto Netherlands speed, thrash Past
Nocturnal Hollow Venezuela death Past
Parusie Switzerland death Past
Revel in Flesh Germany death Past
Six of Swords Canada death Past
Skullcrush United States death Past
Slaughterday Germany death Past
Suffocation Germany death, thrash Past
Supreme Carnage Germany death Past
Swarn Estonia death Past
Wombbath Sweden death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abrupt Demise The Pleasure to Kill and Grind Full-length CD 2020
Abrupt Demise The Pleasure to Kill and Grind Full-length Digital 2020
Abrupt Demise The Pleasure to Kill and Grind Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Allagash The Allagash Encounters Compilation CD 2020
Allagash The Allagash Encounters Compilation Digital 2020
Altar And God Created Satan to Blame for His Mistakes Demo Cassette 2018
Altar And God Created Satan to Blame for His Mistakes Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Altar And God Created Satan to Blame for His Mistakes Demo Digital 2020
Blackthorn The Rotten Ways of Human Misery Full-length CD 2023
Bullcreek Osschaert Full-length CD 2017
Bullcreek Osschaert Full-length Cassette 2017
Burial Relinquished Souls Full-length CD 2019
Burial Relinquished Souls Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Burial Relinquished Souls Full-length Cassette 2019
Burial Frigid Cold Demo CD 2020
Burial Frigid Cold Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Burial Frigid Cold Demo Cassette 2020
Burial Frigid Cold Demo Digital 2020
Burial Remains Spawn of Chaos Full-length CD 2020
Burial Remains Spawn of Chaos Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Burial Remains As Blood Rains from the Sky EP Digital 2021
Burial Remains As Blood Rains from the Sky EP Cassette 2021
Burial Remains Spawn of Chaos Full-length Digital 2020
Burial Remains Trinity of Deception Full-length CD 2023
Burial Remains Trinity of Deception Full-length Digital 2023
Charred Remains Vulgar Surgery Demo Digital 2022
Charred Remains Vulgar Surgery Demo CD 2023
Create a Kill Summoned to Rise Full-length Digital 2018
Deadspeak Dissolve the Dreams EP Digital 2021
Deadspeak Plagues of Sulfur Bound Full-length CD 2024
Decaying The Forgotten Conflict Compilation CD 2016
Deceitome Flux of Ruin EP Digital 2019
Demigod Unholy Domain Demo Digital 2020
Demigod Unholy Domain Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Demigod Unholy Domain / Promo 1992 Demo CD 2021
Demigod Unholy Domain / Promo 1992 Demo Digital 2021
Departed Souls Demo 2014 Demo Cassette 2014
Disabuse Death Machines Full-length CD 2017
Disabuse Death Machines Full-length Vinyl 2017
Disabuse Death Machines Full-length Cassette 2017
Ekpyrosis Asphyxiating Devotion Full-length Cassette 2019
Eroded Necropath Full-length Cassette 2018
Eternal Faceless Evil EP Digital 2023
Eternal Faceless Evil EP CD 2023
Eternal Cryptic Lust Full-length Digital 2024
Eternal Torture Chapel Single Digital 2024
Eternal Cryptic Lust Full-length CD 2024
Fleshcrawl Festering Thoughts from a Grave Split CD 2016
Suffocation Festering Thoughts from a Grave Split CD 2016
Graceless Shadowlands Full-length CD 2017
Graceless Shadowlands Full-length Digital 2018
Graceless Shadowlands Full-length Cassette 2018
Graceless Where Vultures Know Your Name Full-length CD 2020
Graceless Where Vultures Know Your Name Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Graceless Where Vultures Know Your Name Full-length Cassette 2020
Graceless Where Vultures Know Your Name Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Graceless Chants from Purgatory Full-length Digital 2022
Graceless Chants from Purgatory Full-length CD 2022
Graceless Chants from Purgatory Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Graceless Shadowlands Full-length CD 2021
Graceless Where Vultures Know Your Name Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Graceless Chants from Purgatory Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Graceless Where Vultures Know Your Name Full-length Digital 2020
Gravebomb Rot in Putrid Filth Full-length CD 2016
Gravestone Rotten Kill EP CD 2017
Gravestone Sickening Full-length CD 2018
Gravestone Sickening Full-length Cassette 2018
Gravestone Hollow Be Thy Grave Full-length Digital 2023
Gravestone Hollow Be Thy Grave Full-length CD 2023
Grond Howling from the Deep Full-length CD 2017
Grond Endless Spiral of Terror Split CD 2019
Graceless Endless Spiral of Terror Split CD 2019
Grond Endless Spiral of Terror Split 12" vinyl 2019
Graceless Endless Spiral of Terror Split 12" vinyl 2019
Grond Endless Spiral of Terror Split Digital 2019
Graceless Endless Spiral of Terror Split Digital 2019
Incinerator Stench of Distress Full-length CD 2017
Incinerator Concept of Cruelty Full-length CD 2018
Infected Virulence Music of Melkor Full-length CD 2016
Infected Virulence Music of Melkor / Infected Virulence Full-length Digital 2022
Infected Virulence Music of Melkor / Infected Virulence Full-length CD 2022
Infidel Reich New World Outrage Full-length Digital 2021
Infidel Reich New World Outrage Full-length CD 2021
Just Before Dawn Tides of Blood Full-length CD 2018
Just Before Dawn Tides of Blood Full-length Cassette 2018
Just Before Dawn Tides of Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Just Before Dawn The Lost War Tapes EP Cassette 2018
Just Before Dawn Tides of Blood Full-length CD 2019
Just Before Dawn Who Knows What the Dark Brings EP Digital 2020
Just Before Dawn An Army at Dawn Full-length CD 2020
Just Before Dawn An Army at Dawn Full-length Digital 2020
Just Before Dawn In the Realm of Ash and Sorrow EP Digital 2021
Just Before Dawn In the Realm of Ash and Sorrow EP CD 2021
Just Before Dawn .​.​.​.​. of the Battlefields Compilation Digital 2023
Just Before Dawn .​.​.​.​. of the Battlefields Compilation CD 2023
Just Before Dawn A War Too Far Full-length Digital 2023
Just Before Dawn A War Too Far Full-length CD 2023
Krabathor The Rise of Brutality EP CD 2016
Krabathor The Rise of Brutality EP CD 2016
Mangler Dimensions of Terror Full-length CD 2018
Mastication Assassinating Materials Compilation Digital 2023
Mastication Assassinating Materials Compilation Vinyl 2023
Mordbrand Wilt Full-length Cassette 2017
Mouflon Pure Filth Full-length Digital 2022
Mouflon Pure Filth Full-length CD 2022
Mysto Dysto No AIDS in Hell Demo Cassette 2017
Nocturnal Hollow A Whisper of an Horrendous Soul Full-length CD 2019
Parusie ...in Silence Full-length CD 2017
Revel in Flesh Live from the Crypts of Horror Live album CD 2017
Six of Swords Regime Decay | Polar Vortex Compilation CD 2019
Six of Swords Regime Decay | Polar Vortex Compilation CD 2019
Skullcrush Archaic Towers of Annihilation Full-length CD 2019
Skullcrush Archaic Towers of Annihilation Full-length Digital 2019
Slaughterday Ancient Death Triumph Full-length Cassette 2020
Supreme Carnage Morbid Ways to Die Full-length Digital 2018
Swarn Red Ritual Single Digital 2020
Wombbath Embracing the Cold... Split CD 2016
Departed Souls Embracing the Cold... Split CD 2016