Metal Inside Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Luis Eduardo Barajas Guayas #164, Col. Merced II, Torreón, Coahuila, C.P. 27276
Country Mexico
Phone Number +51 8714399729
Status active
Styles And Specialties Mexican Metal
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Alternative online shop


Name Country Genre Status
Funeral Christ Mexico black Current
Incongruous Mexico death, doom Current
Naglefaroth Mexico black, death, doom, heavy, melodic Current
Satan Mexico black Current
1917 Argentina death Past
Argentum Mexico black, doom Past
Aztlan Mexico death, folk, melodic Past
Blackhell International black Past
Blasfemia Honduras death Past
Blasphemathory Mexico death Past
Bokrug Argentina brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Corpus Golgotha Mexico black, doom Past
Ereshkigal Mexico black Past
Fermento Spain brutal, death Past
Flegias Italy black, heavy Past
Gutwrench Mexico death, doom Past
InBelica Mexico death Past
Letargo Mexico death Past
Resurrect Mexico death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
1917 Cruel Dimension Full-length CD 2022
Argentum The Abode of Satan and the Forces of Evil Split CD 2024
Flegias The Abode of Satan and the Forces of Evil Split CD 2024
Aztlan México inmortal Full-length CD 2019
Blackhell The Graveyard Calls-Athame I Demo Cassette 2018
Blasfemia Gólgota…Crápula sinagoga Full-length CD 2023
Blasphemathory Sadistic Blood Ceremony EP Cassette 2019
Bokrug Brutal Celebration Compilation CD 2023
Corpus Golgotha Ilusiones Demo CD 2017
Corpus Golgotha Ilusiones Demo Cassette 2016
Ereshkigal Intolerance Full-length Cassette 2018
Fermento Symbols of Decrepitude, Symbols of Supremacy Full-length CD 2019
Funeral Christ Majestic of the Chasm Demo Cassette 2017
Funeral Christ Prophetic Dysangelium Full-length CD 2020
Gutwrench Domain of Pure Putrescence Demo CD 2012
InBelica Creando el caos Demo Cassette 2016
Incongruous End of Hiatus Full-length Cassette 2019
Letargo Último aliento EP Cassette 2018
Naglefaroth I Am Chaos Single Digital 2023
Naglefaroth Unconscious Entities Full-length Digital 2023
Naglefaroth Unconscious Entities Full-length CD 2023
Resurrect Spiritual Reincarnation EP Cassette 2018
Satan Ópera de muertos Full-length CD 2016
Satan Sobre cielos olvidados Compilation Cassette 2017
Satan Times of Satan Full-length CD 2023