Dismal Fate Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Viale Della Rimembranza, 16, 37010 Cavaion Veronese
Country Italy
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal, Grindcore
Founding Date June 16th, 2018
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Dismal-Fate-Records-227985647980072/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dismalfaterecords/
Bandcamp https://dismalfaterecs.bandcamp.com/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDwkJtHZ0u6mJG37Nrq7cZQ


Name Country Genre Status
Brilliant Behemoth United States death, grind, hardcore Current
Cadaverity United Kingdom death, grind, hardcore Current
Cryptic Dissolution Russia death Current
Engrossed Italy death Current
Grave Ghoul United Kingdom death Current
Groza Canada death Current
Mortuary Ghoul United States brutal, death Current
Primal Horde Canada death, hardcore Current
Scorching Tomb Canada death Current
Unnatural United States death Current
Abreaction United States death Past
Bloodspawn United States death Past
BodyBag United States death Past
Burial Italy death, doom Past
Continuum of Xul Italy death Past
Corpsefucking Art Italy brutal, death Past
Deteriorot United States death Past
Engulfer United States death Past
Exhumed United States death Past
Grave Disgust United States death Past
Gravy Robbers United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Hymen Holocaust Netherlands death, grind, hardcore Past
Leprophiliac Spain death Past
Necrophagia United States death Past
Offset Singapore crust, death Past
Reputdeath Malaysia death Past
Sedation Therapy United States death, doom Past
Sepolcro Italy death Past
Tenebro Italy death Past
Vrenth United States death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abreaction Puer Aeternity Demo Digital 2021
Abreaction Puer Aeternity Demo Cassette 2021
Bloodspawn Bloodspawn EP Digital 2021
Bloodspawn Bloodspawn EP Cassette 2021
BodyBag Severed Existance Demo Digital 2021
BodyBag Severed Existance Demo Cassette 2021
BodyBag Mutilated Beyond Recognition Demo Digital 2021
BodyBag Mutilated Beyond Recognition Demo Cassette 2022
BodyBag Unzipped Compilation Digital 2023
BodyBag Unzipped Compilation CD 2023
Brilliant Behemoth Demo 2022 Demo Cassette 2023
Burial The Forgotten EP Cassette 2019
Burial Presence from the Beyond Demo Cassette 2019
Cadaverity Seepage EP Digital 2021
Cadaverity Seepage EP Cassette 2021
Continuum of Xul MMXIX Demo Cassette 2020
Corpsefucking Art A Puzzle of Flesh EP Cassette 2020
Corpsefucking Art A Puzzle of Flesh EP Digital 2020
Cryptic Dissolution Morbific Reminiscences in Physical Forms Full-length Digital 2022
Cryptic Dissolution Morbific Reminiscences in Physical Forms Full-length Cassette 2022
Deteriorot Manifested Apparitions of Unholy Spirits EP Cassette 2019
Deteriorot Manifested Apparitions of Unholy Spirits EP Digital 2019
Engrossed Promo '18 Demo Cassette 2018
Engulfer Rotted Demo Cassette 2018
Engulfer Convulsing Human Enormity Demo Cassette 2018
Exhumed Severely Rotted Dead Demo Digital 2021
Exhumed Severely Rotted Dead Demo Cassette 2021
Exhumed Severely Rotted Dead Demo CD 2022
Exhumed Severely Rotted Dead Demo Digital 2022
Exhumed Severely Rotted Dead Compilation Cassette 2021
Grave Disgust Womb Abortion Demo Cassette 2018
Grave Ghoul Living Burial Ground EP Cassette 2023
Grave Ghoul The House of Dead Flesh EP Digital 2024
Grave Ghoul The House of Dead Flesh EP Cassette 2024
Gravy Robbers -Gravy I- Demo Cassette 2023
Groza Lunacy Magnified EP Cassette 2022
Hymen Holocaust Donec Mors Nos Separaverit Full-length Digital 2024
Hymen Holocaust Donec Mors Nos Separaverit Full-length Cassette 2024
Leprophiliac Caskets of Flesh Demo Cassette 2019
Mortuary Ghoul Corpse Exhumation EP Cassette 2022
Mortuary Ghoul Friends with the Dead Full-length Digital 2023
Mortuary Ghoul Friends with the Dead Full-length CD 2023
Mortuary Ghoul Friends with the Dead Full-length Cassette 2023
Mortuary Ghoul Norman Full-length CD 2024
Mortuary Ghoul Norman Full-length Digital 2024
Mortuary Ghoul Norman Full-length Cassette 2024
Mortuary Ghoul Norman Full-length Cassette 2024
Necrophagia Season of the Dead Full-length Cassette 2020
Necrophagia Ready for Death Full-length Cassette 2020
Necrophagia Ready for Death Full-length Digital 2020
Necrophagia Holocausto de la morte Full-length Digital 2021
Necrophagia Holocausto de la morte Full-length Cassette 2021
Necrophagia Black Blood Vomitorium EP Digital 2021
Necrophagia Black Blood Vomitorium EP Cassette 2021
Necrophagia Season of the Dead Full-length Digital 2020
Offset Besmirch Demo Cassette 2019
Primal Horde Blood River EP Cassette 2023
Reputdeath Demo II Demo Cassette 2018
Scorching Tomb Rotting Away EP Cassette 2022
Sedation Therapy Sedation Therapy Demo Cassette 2018
Sepolcro 2011 - 2018 Compilation CD 2018
Sepolcro Amorphous Mass EP Cassette 2019
Sepolcro Amorphous Mass EP Digital 2019
Tenebro Liberaci dal male EP Cassette 2020
Tenebro Liberaci dal male EP Digital 2020
Tenebro L'inizio di un incubo Full-length Cassette 2022
Tenebro Carne umana EP Cassette 2023
Tenebro L'inizio di un incubo Full-length Cassette 2023
Tenebro Ultime grida dalla giungla Full-length Cassette 2023
Tenebro La bestia dell'isola maledetta EP Cassette 2024
Unnatural Cursed EP Cassette 2018
Vrenth Demo #1 Demo Digital 2019
Vrenth Demo #1 Demo Cassette 2019