Nachzehrer Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Germany
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal
Founding Date November 2021
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Heretic Deathcult Germany black Current
Mörklagt Germany black, raw Current
Mortem Agmen Germany black Current
Thorns of Ruins Norway black Current
Totenweihe Germany black Current
Beyond the Trees Russia black Past
HellGoat Sweden black, raw Past
Noirsuaire France black Past
Peasant United Kingdom black Past
Profane Existence Germany black, death, melodic Past
Todesschrei Austria black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Beyond the Trees Beyond the Trees EP Cassette 2023
HellGoat Penetrating Womb and Earth Full-length Digital 2024
HellGoat Penetrating Womb and Earth Full-length CD 2024
Heretic Deathcult Destruction, Rage and Hate EP Digital 2022
Heretic Deathcult Destruction, Rage and Hate EP CD 2022
Heretic Deathcult Harbinger of Doom Full-length Digital 2023
Mörklagt Nattens kamrater I Demo CD 2023
Mörklagt Nattens kamrater I Demo Digital 2023
Mortem Agmen Where Life Ends Forever Demo Digital 2023
Mortem Agmen Where Life Ends Forever Demo CD 2023
Mortem Agmen The Path to the Abyss of Evil Full-length CD 2024
Mortem Agmen Where Life Ends Forever Demo Cassette 2023
Mortem Agmen The Path to the Abyss of Evil Full-length Cassette 2024
Mortem Agmen The Path to the Abyss of Evil Full-length Digital 2024
Noirsuaire Possessed by a Malignant Lust Demo Cassette 2023
Noirsuaire Possessed by a Malignant Lust Demo Digital 2023
Peasant Demo Collection Compilation CD 2023
Peasant Demo Collection Compilation Cassette 2024
Profane Existence Scorn Full-length Digital 2024
Profane Existence Scorn Full-length CD 2024
Todesschrei Sturmgeister Full-length Cassette 2024
Totenweihe Wanderer Demo Digital 2023
Totenweihe Wanderer Demo CD 2023