Narcoleptica Productions

JSON | Metal Archives
Associated: parent, children


Country Kazakhstan
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Doom Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Grindcore
Founding Date April 13th, 2015
Online Shopping Yes
Parent Label Careless Records
Sublabels Red Truth Productions

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Aegrum Indonesia black, pagan Current
Apex Terror Ukraine black Current
Aveth Russia black Current
Black Astrology Russia black, industrial Current
Blackhorned Denmark black, thrash Current
Boris Randall United States horror, punk, southern, stoner Current
Brud Ukraine brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Burnt Russia black Current
Chaos over Cosmos International power, hardcore, progressive Current
Death Plague Australia groove Current
Deformation Guaranteed Luxembourg death, doom, gothic Current
Demoniah Brazil death, death'n'roll Current
Devilgroth Russia black, raw Current
Diatriba Venezuela thrash Current
Drakenborg France black, melodic Current
Escapist Sweden black Current
Eunoë Mexico death, folk, groove, rock Current
Exorcismo Brazil thrash Current
Fable Australia black, epic, folk Current
Falce Italy death, thrash Current
Forsaken Dreams Greece death, doom, melodic Current
Fulgurum Poland black Current
Gaarm Russia black Current
Gorezia Brazil death Current
Heimdallr Russia black, pagan Current
Holk Sweden black, punk, raw Current
Horror Necros Russia death, groove Current
Igni New Zealand black Current
Inceptor Croatia death, melodic Current
Into the Cave Brazil black, death Current
Kalanthes United States black, death, melodic Current
Krushya Greece thrash Current
Leda Spiridon France ambient, black Current
Ligature Russia death, progressive Current
Mary Cries Red United States death, hardcore Current
Masturbation with the Bible Venezuela brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Mayd Czechia hardcore Current
Megakill Paranoise Russia crossover, thrash Current
Mehenet United States black Current
Never Kenezzard United States progressive, psychedelic, sludge Current
Nigra Mors Italy black Current
Omnism United States thrash Current
Ortro Italy black Current
Pitchblack Russia death, hardcore, melodic Current
Prickrott Netherlands black, grind, hardcore, industrial Current
Psicomortis Argentina black, death Current
Revetreth Belarus black Current
Ritual United States thrash, black Current
Scolopendra Cingulata Kazakhstan black, raw Current
Showhorses United States black, post-metal, stoner Current
Shrine ov Absurd Cuba black Current
Signist Russia death, melodic Current
Skvara Ukraine black Current
Solar Demise Colombia death, technical Current
Starboard Finland dark, doom, funeral, jazz Current
Stucker Portugal thrash Current
Suicide Forest Japan black, depressive Current
The Gaz Ukraine grind, hardcore Current
The Seathmaw Project United States death, melodic Current
Torn from the Womb Poland brutal, death, technical Current
Vaginal Jack Russia death, grind, hardcore Current
Vicery Serbia death Current
Warshipper Brazil death Current
Wurmloch Serbia doom, funeral Current
Измена Ukraine thrash Current
Мрамор Russia black, post-metal, post-rock Current
Пожар в Морге Ukraine death Current
Abigail Japan black, thrash Past
Abstract Dream France atmospheric, black Past
Ad Omega Italy black Past
Agon United States avant-garde, black Past
Agonia Black Vomit Italy black Past
Alcotopia Lithuania speed, thrash Past
Allumn United States black, raw Past
Alone in the Mist Russia atmospheric, black, doom Past
Altars of Rebellion Colombia black, melodic Past
Amer Austria post-metal, sludge Past
Anapilin Lithuania black Past
Anarcoterror Italy death Past
Ancient Funeral Cult Ukraine black Past
Angra Ahriman Finland black Past
Announce the Apocalypse United States thrash Past
Apocalyptic Russia black Past
Apokalyptik Warrior Canada speed, thrash Past
Aporya Brazil death, doom, melodic Past
Aratic Finland thrash Past
Archaic Earth Canada ambient, black, doom Past
Arrant Russia ambient, atmospheric, black Past
Ars Nocturna Russia black, death, melodic Past
Aseptic United States death Past
Ashes for the Mute United States atmospheric, black, death, doom Past
Åskog Sweden black Past
Astarium Russia ambient, black, symphonic Past
aTeofania Italy black, death, doom Past
Athanor Italy black, death Past
Atlantean Sorrow United States atmospheric, black, death Past
Atomization Netherlands black, cybergrind, death, grind, hardcore Past
Aurotanic Finland black Past
Autoagresija Serbia crossover, thrash Past
Bál Hungary atmospheric, black, post-metal Past
Barbarity Russia brutal, grind, hardcore, death Past
Bärglar Japan black, heavy Past
Bed of Razors United States crossover, thrash Past
Beholder Canada thrash, black Past
Beholder's Cult Brazil doom, gothic Past
Benighted Illusion United Kingdom black, doom, stoner Past
Berlial France black Past
Bernard Russia crossover, thrash Past
Besatt Norway avant-garde, black Past
Bestia Poland doom, sludge Past
Bestial Invasion Ukraine technical, thrash Past
Bestializer Italy death, thrash Past
Black Ivy Slovenia heavy Past
Blackmoon Poland black Past
Blacksoul Seraphim United States doom, gothic Past
Bloodshot Ukraine death Past
Brainteasers Russia death, grind, hardcore, progressive Past
Brutal Order Brazil thrash Past
Burial Ruthless Venezuela death Past
Burnt Offering Germany black Past
Burst Bowel Italy brutal, death Past
C.I.A Hippie Mind Control United States doom, psychedelic Past
Capricornus Tenebrarum Mexico black Past
Carnassial Norway death, grind, hardcore, technical Past
Carneross Argentina thrash Past
Catechon Italy black Past
Catharsis Fatalis Belgium black Past
Cathedral of Light Australia black Past
Cenobite Russia death Past
Chevauchée Russia black Past
Christless Lithuania black, heavy, speed Past
Cobentrice Colombia brutal, death Past
Constant Nausea Poland black Past
Corpse Thrower United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Coveted Costa Rica death Past
Cryptic Shift United Kingdom death, technical, thrash Past
Cuero Chancho Chile death, groove Past
Daemon Forest Portugal black, experimental, raw Past
Dagor Bragollach Russia black, melodic Past
Dark Elder Russia black Past
Darker Sun Slovakia atmospheric, black, doom Past
Darkestrah Kyrgyzstan black, epic, folk Past
Dawhn Russia death, doom, progressive Past
Dawn of Apocalypse Sweden black, thrash Past
Dead Mind Poland death, technical Past
Deadshot Chile thrash Past
Deaf Aid Germany death, thrash Past
DeathSlaüghter Brazil black, doom, speed, thrash Past
Decaying Remains International death Past
Declared Dead Belgium black, death, thrash Past
Decompositorum Russia black, raw Past
Dedth Russia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Defiance of Decease Russia death, doom, gothic Past
Dekadens Poland black, depressive, post-metal Past
Demise Venezuela death Past
Demonification Singapore black, death, thrash Past
Derogatory Russia brutal, death Past
Device Brazil death, thrash Past
Dionysian Directive International death Past
Disentomb Moldova brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Dittohead Belarus thrash Past
Dominio Chile heavy Past
Doom Architect Russia death, doom Past
Doomcult Netherlands doom Past
Doomsday Inc. Finland groove, hard-rock, southern Past
Dropthehammer Croatia death, grind, hardcore Past
Dustborn Czechia death, symphonic Past
Ecpatia Costa Rica black, depressive, post-metal Past
Edgeflame Türkiye thrash Past
Egggore Czechia death, grind, hardcore Past
Electric Tomb United States doom, heavy Past
Elegiac United States black Past
Emesis Denmark brutal, death Past
Endless France death, doom, thrash Past
Eremitrist Germany doom, sludge Past
Eternal United States death, thrash Past
Eternal Forest Poland black Past
Ethereal Moon United States black, raw Past
Ethnocide United States death, thrash Past
Excreta Switzerland crust, death Past
Exegutor Belarus grind, hardcore Past
Exmortal Colombia death, symphonic Past
Exterior Palnet Croatia black Past
Ezov Sweden black, death Past
F-60 Germany death, melodic Past
Faces of the Bog United States doom, progressive, psychedelic, sludge Past
Fallen Reign United States power, progressive Past
Fatelancer United States black Past
Fathomage Australia ambient, atmospheric, black, dark Past
Fathomless Misery United Kingdom atmospheric, black Past
Faust Poland death, thrash Past
Fetus in Fetu Denmark brutal, death Past
Fionn Legacy Mexico power, symphonic Past
First Dawn Finland black, melodic Past
Flesh Warfare United States black, death, thrash Past
For Aeons Germany black, death Past
Forest of Frost France atmospheric, black Past
Froststarr Germany black Past
Goddess of Fate Indonesia death, progressive, technical Past
Gomorraa Brazil black, thrash Past
Gore Thrower Hungary death Past
GoreМыка Ukraine death, grind, hardcore Past
Gravkväde Sweden black, doom, funeral Past
Hajotos Finland death, doom Past
Handaxe United Kingdom death, melodic Past
Hate Beyond Japan death, thrash Past
Heldraugr France black Past
Helgast Greece death Past
Heruka Italy black, symphonic Past
Heuristica Ireland death, technical Past
Higurd Germany black Past
Horroraiser Russia death Past
Human Obliteration United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Im Tode United States black, death, melodic Past
Imperador Belial Brazil black Past
In Corpore Mortis Italy black Past
Infernal Antarctica Hungary black Past
Infernal Souls Colombia black Past
Innominatus Russia black Past
Insanity Cult Greece black Past
Insidious One Russia death, speed, thrash Past
Insineratehymn United States death Past
Iron God Sweden sludge Past
Irreparable Australia black, darkwave, industrial Past
Isolert Greece black Past
Jakem Costa Rica heavy, thrash Past
Kade Storm United Kingdom black, doom Past
Kafka Rex United States doom, stoner Past
Kalibas United States brutal, black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Katastah Italy doom, sludge, stoner Past
Kav Germany black, death Past
Kiss the Goat Belgium post-metal, sludge Past
Kostas Panagiotou United Kingdom ambient, atmospheric, doom, funeral, neoclassical, progressive Past
Krigsgrav United States melodic, post-metal, shoegaze, death, doom, black Past
Krvsade United States death, thrash Past
Krypta Italy death Past
L.O.R.E. United States black, raw Past
Legacy Mexico power, death, melodic, thrash Past
Legions of War Sweden black, thrash Past
Leticia Soma Argentina groove, progressive, rock, southern Past
Lichborne United States black Past
Life Expectancy United Kingdom black, thrash Past
Lûs Austria black, post-metal, punk Past
Mad God South Africa doom, stoner Past
Malakía Argentina speed, thrash Past
Malauriu Italy black, darkwave, experimental, rock Past
Maleficia Nicaragua death Past
Mallediction Greece death Past
Malvento Italy thrash, industrial, black Past
Månen Skygge Australia atmospheric, black, depressive Past
Mass Mortality Russia death, melodic Past
Mastermind Paraguay speed, thrash Past
Matianak United States black Past
Megalodont Ukraine death Past
Mephobia Austria death, groove, thrash Past
Metaltouch Colombia thrash Past
Methrasheros Argentina heavy, punk, thrash Past
Mhnunrrn Czechia black, noise Past
Mind Enforcer Poland black, thrash Past
Minervium Italy black Past
Mofsed United States death Past
Morbid Prophecy Brazil black, death, melodic Past
Morbid Reich Chile black, death Past
Morhörr Slovakia thrash Past
Morrigan Czechia death, thrash Past
Mors Verum International death Past
Mortem Colombia death Past
Mount Depression Argentina black, depressive Past
Mr. Mephisto Italy heavy, punk Past
Mulla Unknown black, raw Past
Murder District Russia thrash Past
MX Brazil groove, thrash Past
Myrkvedr Sweden folk, viking Past
Nàire Austria atmospheric, crust, sludge Past
Napalm Ted Finland death, grind, hardcore, punk Past
Nargathrond Germany experimental, extreme Past
Navalm Russia death Past
Nebula Disrupt South Africa black, death, progressive Past
Necro Forest Croatia black Past
Necrocannibal Russia death Past
Necropozitive Russia death, grind, hardcore Past
Necrotombs Italy death Past
Nekrokult Brazil black, thrash Past
Nemesis Italy death, thrash Past
Niflungar Serbia black Past
Nihilum United States black Past
Nimertzeth Russia black Past
Niwmonia Germany black, heavy Past
No Raza Colombia death Past
Nocturnal Art Kazakhstan black, death Past
Noen hater oss Norway black Past
Nokturnal Frost United States black Past
Northrough Italy death, melodic Past
Norvern Italy folk Past
Obšar Slovakia black, folk, melodic Past
Obsidian Throne Germany atmospheric, black Past
Occultarum Italy black Past
Off Silence Ukraine death, hardcore Past
Omnes Flammus United States black Past
Orgasmic Victim Russia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Orphan Kazakhstan death Past
Paerdition Finland black Past
Pagan Rites Sweden black, thrash Past
Pandemus Sweden black Past
Phantom Gorgo Italy doom, stoner Past
Pile of Death Sweden death, thrash Past
Prader Spain thrash Past
Primordial Serpent Canada black Past
Project VIII Russia black, depressive Past
Pronoia Argentina progressive, djent Past
Proudhon France death Past
Psychic Dose United States doom, psychedelic, stoner Past
Psycho Mantis United States death, death'n'roll Past
Psychopathologist Russia death, thrash Past
Q-Fonia Chile death, melodic Past
R.O.L.F. Spain death, death'n'roll, doom, sludge Past
Rabhas Italy death Past
Radien Finland sludge Past
Rage of Kali Russia death, technical Past
Rancour Russia black, raw Past
Ravenant Russia black Past
Rebirth of Pain Mexico grind, hardcore Past
Regress Canada doom, sludge Past
Regression of Style Croatia death, melodic Past
Repugnancia Chile death Past
Repugnatory Chile black, thrash Past
Retournelle Russia gothic Past
Revogar Brazil black, death Past
Rotten Coffin Portugal death Past
Rubicon Russia heavy, power Past
Sachem United States doom, stoner Past
Sangue Nero Italy black, experimental Past
Savagism Colombia black, death, thrash Past
Scarecrow Russia doom, hard-rock, heavy Past
Sentence Death Russia black Past
Serotonin Netherlands black, death Past
Silence Thereafter Italy atmospheric, black, post-metal Past
Silent No More United States thrash Past
Skuld Italy black, doom Past
Skullpture Chile thrash, death Past
Skyblazer Sweden melodic, power Past
Slaves of Our Mind Canada death, melodic Past
Slund Slovenia doom, grind, hardcore, sludge Past
Staota Finland black Past
Starlit Melancholy United States atmospheric, black Past
Steel Snake Mexico heavy Past
Stratorus United States black, pagan Past
Supplication United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Tar Hag United States doom, stoner Past
Tar Pit United States doom, stoner Past
Task Force Beer Germany death, grind, groove, hardcore Past
Temple of Nihil Russia black Past
Tenebrosidad Chile black, thrash Past
Terrorist United States black, thrash Past
The Last Oblation Spain death Past
The Nefarious Integration Netherlands black, death Past
The Resin Witch Canada noise, rock, doom, psychedelic, sludge Past
The Sceptic Brazil death Past
Through Ukraine black Past
Till the End Poland death, groove Past
Timeless Necrotears Spain black, avant-garde, experimental, doom, gothic Past
Toast Machine Switzerland sludge Past
Torn from Earth Hungary sludge Past
Transcendence United States black, death, thrash Past
Trespass United States black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Triglaw Slovakia black Past
Trypanon Finland black, sludge Past
Tyrant Wrath Sweden black Past
Tzantza Russia thrash, death, black Past
Under Italy black, raw Past
Unholy Slough Russia death, sludge Past
Unholy Tenebris International black Past
Urkraft Norway black Past
Vaina Finland black Past
Val Tvoar Estonia rock, stoner Past
Valle Crucis United States black Past
Vârcolac Romania black Past
Vast Souls Canada atmospheric, black Past
Vedmak Russia black, death Past
Velocidad 22 Argentina heavy Past
Vér Canada ambient, atmospheric, black, dark Past
Vergeblichkeit Austria black, gothic Past
Verjagen Finland death, melodic Past
Vintlechkeit Russia ambient, black Past
Viölence Australia black, speed Past
Viölent Hëx Mexico black, punk, thrash Past
Vocífera Brazil death, thrash Past
Vomit Division Germany black, thrash Past
Von Mollestein Netherlands black, electronic, industrial Past
Vonnegut Russia death Past
Vulcan Tyrant Netherlands black, speed, thrash Past
WarHymn Romania black Past
When Hearts Wither Australia atmospheric, death, doom Past
Winterhearth Canada black, thrash Past
Witches Hollow Finland black, death Past
Wolf's Hunger Serbia black, thrash Past
Wolfcross Sweden black Past
World Serpent United States black, death Past
Wrathnoise Spain death, thrash Past
Y'ha-Nthlei Russia black, experimental, raw Past
Yezdin Slovenia black, folk, psychedelic, rock Past
Zerber Russia death, industrial, progressive, thrash Past
Выворотень Russia black Past
Гробовая Доска Russia thrash Past
Людота Коваль Russia black Past
Суицид Kazakhstan death, thrash Past
Схоластика Russia thrash Past
Терем Kazakhstan black Past
Черностоп Russia black, melodic Past
冥無幻妖、「忌み双児」 Japan folk, power Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abigail Malvento / Abigail / Malauriu Split CD 2021
Malvento Malvento / Abigail / Malauriu Split CD 2021
Malauriu Malvento / Abigail / Malauriu Split CD 2021
Abstract Dream A Vision Among the Stars Full-length CD 2021
Ad Omega Golden Age in Blasphemy EP CD 2020
Ad Omega Tenebris Templum Full-length Digital 2021
Ad Omega Tenebris Templum Full-length CD 2021
Aegrum De Arrival EP CD 2015
Agon Hollowed Lake Full-length CD 2019
Agonia Black Vomit The Burning Noise of Satanic Annihilation Full-length CD 2024
Alcotopia It Hits the Spot Full-length CD 2019
Alone in the Mist Useless Full-length CD 2018
Alone in the Mist Useless Full-length Digital 2018
Alone in the Mist See Them Dying Full-length Digital 2018
Altars of Rebellion The Dominant Material Origin Full-length Cassette 2015
Amer Unverheilt EP CD 2020
Anapilin Dezintegracija Full-length CD 2021
Anarcoterror Hate the Living, Pray the Dead EP CD 2019
Ancient Funeral Cult When Everything Was Gone Split Cassette 2014
Allumn When Everything Was Gone Split Cassette 2014
Angra Ahriman Infernal Intoxication Full-length Cassette 2017
Announce the Apocalypse Ruins Full-length CD 2017
Announce the Apocalypse Ruins Full-length Digital 2017
Announce the Apocalypse Nefarious Means Full-length Digital 2021
Announce the Apocalypse Nefarious Means Full-length CD 2021
Apex Terror Amber EP Digital 2023
Apocalyptic Fierystorm and Time of Apocalypse Full-length Cassette 2015
Apokalyptik Warrior Straight to Hell Full-length CD 2018
Aporya Dead Men Do Not Suffer Full-length Cassette 2017
Aporya Dead Men Do Not Suffer Full-length CD 2017
Aratic Secret Laws of Hell Full-length Cassette 2017
Archaic Earth Wisdom in Burning Boughs Full-length CD 2021
Arrant Reflection of Death Split Cassette 2015
Sentence Death Reflection of Death Split Cassette 2015
Ars Nocturna Epsilon Full-length CD 2019
Aseptic Murderous Obsessions Full-length CD 2018
Aseptic Murderous Obsessions Full-length Digital 2018
Ashes for the Mute Celestial Revelations Full-length CD 2021
Åskog Varg Demo Digital 2021
Astarium Chthonian Miasma Single 12" vinyl 2015
Astarium Chthonian Miasma Single Digital 2015
Astarium Gnosis of Death Split CD 2016
Scolopendra Cingulata Gnosis of Death Split CD 2016
Burnt Gnosis of Death Split CD 2016
aTeofania Declino interiore Full-length CD 2019
Athanor Athanor / Winterhearth Split Digital 2015
Winterhearth Athanor / Winterhearth Split Digital 2015
Athanor Athanor / Winterhearth Split CD 2015
Winterhearth Athanor / Winterhearth Split CD 2015
Atlantean Sorrow 2020 Full-length CD 2020
Atomization Noitazimota Full-length CD 2022
Aurotanic Ethereal Gate EP Digital 2021
Aurotanic Ethereal Gate EP CD 2021
Autoagresija Postojanje EP CD 2021
Aveth Wisdom of Bogumn EP CD 2019
Aveth Echoes of a Mournful Dawn Full-length CD 2020
Aveth Der Untergang Full-length CD 2022
Bál Full-length CD 2020
Bál Krampusz Full-length CD 2021
Barbarity Crush of Hypocritical Morality Full-length Cassette 2015
Barbarity The Wish to Bleed Full-length Cassette 2017
Bärglar Suicide Cocktail EP CD 2018
Bed of Razors Bed of Razors Full-length CD 2021
Beholder Ancien monde EP CD 2020
Beholder's Cult Cult of Solitude EP CD 2018
Benighted Illusion Corrupt and Destroy Full-length 2CD 2020
Berlial Enfants de putains Full-length CD 2022
Bernard Alcohol Disaster EP CD 2015
Besatt Dyst EP CD 2022
Besatt Hjemkomst Full-length CD 2023
Bestia Harvest's End Full-length CD 2018
Bestializer Bestial Cosmicraid of the Demonic Chaospawn Full-length CD 2018
Black Ivy Trapped in Delirium EP CD 2019
Blackhorned The Rise of Naamah Full-length CD 2020
Blackmoon Blackmoon Full-length CD 2019
Blacksoul Seraphim Profane Devotions EP CD 2019
Bloodshot Time Will Come Full-length CD 2018
Bloodshot Time Will Come Full-length Digital 2018
Boris Randall The Blood and the Flesh Full-length CD 2018
Boris Randall All That Is Black Full-length CD 2018
Boris Randall Ebon Full-length Digital 2021
Boris Randall Ebon Full-length CD 2021
Brainteasers 15.01.1773 Full-length Cassette 2015
Brutal Order Homo Homini Lupus EP CD 2019
Burial Ruthless Human's Death Pathology EP CD 2020
Burnt Offering Беснование Demo Cassette 2015
Burnt Offering Беснование Demo Digital 2015
Burst Bowel Repelled Gift Full-length Cassette 2015
C.I.A Hippie Mind Control Special Purpose Full-length CD 2020
Capricornus Tenebrarum Sathanas in Gloriam Full-length CD 2020
Carnassial A Beast So Fierce Full-length CD 2022
Carneross Mass violencia Full-length CD 2019
Carneross Religión es muerte Full-length CD 2019
Catechon Legacy of Cain EP CD 2019
Catharsis Fatalis Disappointment & Disgust EP CD 2021
Cathedral of Light Slaughter the Heretics Full-length Cassette 2017
Cenobite Lament Configuration EP Cassette 2017
Cenobite Soul Torn Apart Demo Digital 2020
Chaos over Cosmos The Ultimate Multiverse Compilation CD 2020
Chevauchée Whisper of Ural Mountains Demo Cassette 2017
Chevauchée Phrenolepsia Full-length CD 2017
Christless Diabolical Crew EP CD 2020
Cobentrice Switch Dementia Full-length Digital 2015
Constant Nausea Niech będzie chwała Full-length CD 2020
Constant Nausea Bezwzględność Full-length Digital 2021
Constant Nausea Bezwzględność Full-length CD 2021
Constant Nausea Trupy w rzece Full-length Digital 2022
Constant Nausea Trupy w rzece Full-length CD 2022
Corpse Thrower Nazi Slaughter Demo Digital 2020
Coveted Annihilation of Mankind EP Digital 2021
Coveted Annihilation of Mankind EP CD 2021
Cryptic Shift Bestial Invasion / Cryptic Shift Split Cassette 2015
Bestial Invasion Bestial Invasion / Cryptic Shift Split Cassette 2015
Cuero Chancho Cromosomas de un demente Full-length CD 2019
Daemon Forest Daemon Forest Full-length CD 2018
Dagor Bragollach Niflheimr EP Digital 2018
Dagor Bragollach Niflheimr EP Cassette 2018
Dark Elder Way Full-length Cassette 2017
Darker Sun Adumbrated Full-length CD 2021
Darker Sun Adumbrated Full-length Digital 2021
Darkestrah Sary Oy Full-length Cassette 2015
Darkestrah Embrace of Memory Full-length Cassette 2015
Darkestrah Epos Full-length Cassette 2015
Darkestrah Khagan EP Cassette 2015
Darkestrah The Great Silk Road Full-length Cassette 2016
Darkestrah Манас Full-length Cassette 2016
Dawhn Dawhn EP Cassette 2017
Dawn of Apocalypse Follow the Black Path Full-length Digital 2015
Dead Mind Primitive Instinct Full-length CD 2019
Deadshot Critical Inner Voices Full-length CD 2022
Deaf Aid Precursors of Extermination EP CD 2020
Death Plague Panoramic Bloodscape EP CD 2021
DeathSlaüghter Resurrection of an Antediluvian Demon EP Cassette 2018
Decaying Remains Surreal Visions of Horror EP CD 2020
Declared Dead Blood Bender Full-length CD 2018
Decompositorum The Void Full-length CD 2020
Dedth I Am Communist Full-length CD 2018
Defiance of Decease Suicide Full-length Cassette 2015
Defiance of Decease Suicide Full-length CD 2015
Deformation Guaranteed Pagan Girl Full-length CD 2020
Dekadens Crossroads EP CD 2017
Dekadens Crossroads EP CD 2017
Demise Matanza, C.A. Full-length Cassette 2017
Demoniah Demoniahlizer Full-length CD 2018
Demonification Obey the Antichrist Full-length CD 2017
Demonification Hell Metal Full-length CD 2018
Demonification Speak for the Dead EP Digital 2021
Derogatory Cemetery Perverse Love Demo Cassette 2017
Device Godless EP CD 2018
Device Godless EP Cassette 2018
Devilgroth Landschaft Full-length Cassette 2015
Devilgroth Landschaft Full-length Digital 2015
Devilgroth Morena Full-length Digital 2016
Devilgroth Morena Full-length CD 2016
Devilgroth Landschaft Full-length CD 2017
Devilgroth Ivan Grozny Full-length CD 2017
Devilgroth Songs of the Polar Night Compilation CD 2018
Diatriba Despeño de realidad Full-length Digital 2015
Dionysian Directive Secure the Shadow... Full-length CD 2024
Disentomb In Gore We Grind Split CD 2015
Orgasmic Victim In Gore We Grind Split CD 2015
Brud In Gore We Grind Split CD 2015
Disentomb In Gore We Grind Split Digital 2015
Orgasmic Victim In Gore We Grind Split Digital 2015
Brud In Gore We Grind Split Digital 2015
Dittohead Playing with Death Full-length CD 2018
Dominio Dominio Demo CD 2020
Dominio Dominio Demo Digital 2020
Doom Architect Sententia Prima Full-length CD 2016
Doomcult Life Must End Full-length CD 2019
Doomsday Inc. Beautiful Destruction Full-length CD 2021
Drakenborg Darkness of Light Full-length CD 2021
Dropthehammer Ultima Bellum Full-length CD 2020
Dustborn MMXVIII EP CD 2019
Ecpatia It's Alright to Be Angry Full-length CD 2023
Edgeflame Wrathbringer Single Digital 2017
Edgeflame Beyond the Pale Carcass Full-length CD 2018
Edgeflame Beyond the Pale Carcass Full-length Cassette 2018
Egggore A Journey into the Mind of a Psychopath EP Digital 2021
Electric Tomb Riddle of Steel EP CD 2022
Elegiac Spiritual Turmoil Full-length CD 2017
Elegiac Edge of Reason Full-length CD 2018
Emesis Cryogenic Deformities Full-length CD 2018
Endless Sabaudia's Witches / All Good Things Have an E​.​N​.​D Compilation CD 2021
Eremitrist Eremit Full-length CD 2020
Escapist The Nihilistic Doctrine (Chapter I) Full-length CD 2019
Eternal Forsaken Memories EP CD 2022
Eternal Forest The Majesty of Human Suffering EP CD 2018
Ethereal Moon Ethereal Moon EP CD 2022
Ethnocide No Escape EP CD 2019
Eunoë Nican Pecua Yaocuicatl Full-length CD 2018
Excreta Spontaneous Death EP Digital 2018
Excreta Spontaneous Death EP CD 2018
Exegutor Embassy of Hell Full-length Cassette 2015
Exmortal Precursor EP CD 2023
Exorcismo Exorcise and Steal Full-length CD 2018
Exterior Palnet Dorsia Full-length CD 2018
Ezov Cerca trova Full-length CD 2018
F-60 Bolzenschussgerät Full-length CD 2019
F-60 Gefangen im Wahnsinn Full-length CD 2020
Fable Wisdom Full-length Digital 2018
Fable Wisdom Full-length CD 2018
Faces of the Bog Ego Death Full-length Cassette 2017
Falce Falce Full-length CD 2019
Falce Codex Chaos Full-length CD 2020
Fallen Reign Oblivion Full-length CD 2019
Fatelancer Clash of Ideologies Full-length CD 2021
Fathomage Necrohermitage of the Emotionally Starved Full-length CD 2020
Fathomless Misery Sacrificing the Essence of Life Full-length CD 2021
Faust Sen / Król moru i perła Compilation CD 2020
Fetus in Fetu Mongolian Meatfarm Full-length CD 2018
Fionn Legacy Knights of the Sky and Wind Full-length CD 2019
First Dawn Final Epoch Full-length Cassette 2017
Flesh Warfare Shadows of Time EP CD 2019
For Aeons The Fall of the Damned EP CD 2020
For Aeons The Fall of the Damned EP Digital 2020
Forest of Frost Forest of Frost Full-length CD 2021
Forest of Frost Forest of Frost Full-length Digital 2021
Forsaken Dreams Shadows of the Past Full-length CD 2018
Froststarr Gottgesicht EP CD 2019
Fulgurum Człowiekskrywazło Full-length CD 2016
Gaarm Gaarm / Nimertzeth Split CD 2015
Nimertzeth Gaarm / Nimertzeth Split CD 2015
Goddess of Fate Spiral Orchard Pt.1 Full-length CD 2018
Gomorraa Negro Culto de Rais EP CD 2018
Gore Thrower Vatican Deathfest / Judgement Day Split CD 2021
Krvsade Vatican Deathfest / Judgement Day Split CD 2021
Gorezia Vaginal Mutilation EP CD 2018
Gorezia Vaginal Mutilation EP Cassette 2017
GoreМыка Wrong Honey EP Digital 2015
Gravkväde Köld|sorg Compilation CD 2019
Gravkväde Köld|sorg Compilation Digital 2019
Hajotos Sisäpiiri Full-length CD 2022
Hajotos Empiria Full-length CD 2022
Hajotos III - Tuho Full-length CD 2023
Handaxe Vice EP Digital 2021
Handaxe Vice EP CD 2021
Hate Beyond Strangled Existence Full-length CD 2022
Heimdallr Молния Demo CD 2015
Heldraugr Antichristus EP Digital 2023
Helgast Tentacled Divinity Full-length Digital 2021
Helgast Tentacled Divinity Full-length CD 2021
Heruka Turning to Dust EP CD 2019
Heuristica Paramount Symmetry EP CD 2022
Higurd Egozentrik Full-length CD 2018
Holk Di äldres underjordiska klanger Full-length CD 2022
Horror Necros The Bite of a Hornet Full-length CD 2015
Horror Necros The Bite of a Hornet Full-length Digital 2015
Horroraiser Impatenaris Full-length CD 2018
Horroraiser Impatenaris Full-length Digital 2018
Human Obliteration Definition of Insanity Full-length CD 2020
Human Obliteration Definition of Insanity Full-length Digital 2020
Igni The Pale Full-length CD 2018
Igni This Must Be Hell Full-length CD 2019
Im Tode The Unfound Graves EP CD 2019
Im Tode Under Portents Black EP CD 2020
Im Tode Under Portents Black EP Digital 2020
Im Tode In Diabolic Darkness Full-length CD 2022
Imperador Belial Morbid Rites Full-length Cassette 2017
Imperador Belial Curse of Belial Full-length CD 2018
Imperador Belial Curse of Belial Full-length Digital 2018
In Corpore Mortis Eons of Attrition EP CD 2020
Inceptor Youniverse Full-length CD 2021
Infernal Antarctica From the Depths of the Earth Full-length CD 2018
Infernal Souls La llama del infierno EP Cassette 2015
Innominatus In Nomine​.​.​. Demo Cassette 2014
Insidious One Хочу, чтобы все умерли Full-length CD 2017
Insineratehymn A Moment in a Vision Full-length CD 2018
Into the Cave Sex and Lust Full-length Cassette 2017
Into the Cave Insulters of Jesus Christ Full-length CD 2018
Iron God No Hope No Dreams Full-length Digital 2021
Iron God No Hope No Dreams Full-length CD 2021
Irreparable Transfixion EP CD 2020
Isolert Towards the Great Dissolution Split CD 2017
Insanity Cult Towards the Great Dissolution Split CD 2017
Jakem Declive humano Full-length CD 2020
Kade Storm Ascension Full-length CD 2021
Kafka Rex Kafka Rex Full-length CD 2019
Kafka Rex Kafka Rex Full-length Digital 2019
Kalanthes Grim Grey God Full-length CD 2019
Kalanthes Soul Chamber Full-length CD 2019
Kalibas Rumors of Our Demise Have Been Barely Exaggerated Full-length Cassette 2017
Katastah 2 Full-length CD 2020
Kav Kav Demo Cassette 2015
Kav Kav Demo Digital 2015
Kiss the Goat Insalubrious EP Digital 2020
Kiss the Goat Insalubrious EP CD 2020
Kostas Panagiotou Chapters EP Cassette 2017
Krigsgrav Leave No Path to Follow Full-length CD 2018
Krushya .Dogma. Full-length CD 2021
Krypta In Torment EP Cassette 2017
L.O.R.E. Gateways: Between the Scales of Destitution and Ascension Full-length CD 2019
Leda Spiridon An Erratic Crusade Full-length CD 2018
Legacy Oblivion Full-length CD 2018
Legions of War Dark Dimensions Full-length Digital 2021
Legions of War Dark Dimensions Full-length CD 2021
Leticia Soma Nido de serpientes Full-length CD 2018
Lichborne In Brightness Shadows Loom Full-length CD 2019
Life Expectancy Divergence EP CD 2020
Ligature Bloody Harvest Full-length Digital 2022
Lûs Müde heim (zu den Sternen) Full-length CD 2020
Mad God Grotesque and Inexorable Full-length CD 2019
Malakía Fiel a la velocidad EP CD 2018
Malakía Fiel a la velocidad EP Digital 2018
Maleficia XVI Full-length Cassette 2017
Maleficia Sadistic Christian Ritual Single Digital 2017
Mallediction Impaled of the Slammering Full-length Digital 2017
Mallediction Impaled of the Slammering Full-length Cassette 2017
Månen Skygge Drowning in Silent Echoes Full-length CD 2022
Mary Cries Red Baptized in Blood Full-length CD 2022
Mass Mortality Планида Full-length CD 2018
Mastermind Conceiver of Doom Full-length CD 2018
Masturbation with the Bible Drowned in Holy Vaginal Fluids Full-length CD 2018
Matianak Non Compos Mentis Full-length CD 2018
Mayd My Angels Your Demons Full-length CD 2018
Megakill Paranoise Total Fucking Shame Full-length CD 2019
Megakill Paranoise NATO Single Digital 2020
Megakill Paranoise Total Fucking Shame Full-length Digital 2019
Megalodont Treasure Island EP Cassette 2017
Mehenet Dii Inferi Full-length CD 2018
Mephobia Reign of the Degenerates Full-length Digital 2021
Mephobia Reign of the Degenerates Full-length CD 2021
Metaltouch Zero Radicalism Full-length CD 2022
Methrasheros Enemigos Full-length CD 2019
Methrasheros Enemigos Full-length Digital 2019
Mhnunrrn Y'ha-Nthlei / Mhnunrrn Split Cassette 2015
Y'ha-Nthlei Y'ha-Nthlei / Mhnunrrn Split Cassette 2015
Mind Enforcer Brainwashed Full-length CD 2020
Minervium Eterno e Omega EP CD 2019
Mofsed Rattenkrieg! Full-length CD 2019
Morbid Prophecy Thou Shalt Die EP CD 2018
Morbid Reich An Endless Heretic Advocacy EP CD 2018
Morhörr Pach krvi EP CD 2020
Morhörr Danse Macabre Full-length CD 2023
Morrigan Zvrácené umění EP CD 2018
Mors Verum Deranged Full-length CD 2019
Mortem Infernux Mortem Full-length Cassette 2017
Mount Depression Suffering in Peace Full-length Digital 2015
Mr. Mephisto Abducted​.​.​. They Come from Uranus Full-length Digital 2021
Mr. Mephisto Abducted​.​.​. They Come from Uranus Full-length CD 2021
Mulla مَوْلَى Full-length CD 2020
Mulla هل تحتاج إلى EP CD 2020
Murder District Андеграунд Full-length CD 2018
MX A Circus Called Brazil Full-length CD 2018
Myrkvedr Gengångare Full-length Digital 2021
Myrkvedr Gengångare Full-length CD 2021
Nàire Epoch EP CD 2021
Napalm Ted Complete Success (2015-2017) Compilation CD 2019
Nargathrond A Free Spirit EP CD 2020
Navalm Mental Phantom Full-length CD 2019
Nebula Disrupt Libations of Omnipotence EP Cassette 2017
Necro Forest Zov predaka Compilation Digital 2015
Necrocannibal Somnambuliformic Possession Full-length CD 2021
Necropozitive Psychopathologist / The Gaz / Necropozitive Split CD 2015
Psychopathologist Psychopathologist / The Gaz / Necropozitive Split CD 2015
The Gaz Psychopathologist / The Gaz / Necropozitive Split CD 2015
Necrotombs Corpse Feeding Worms Full-length CD 2020
Nekrokult Desecration of Blood Full-length Cassette 2017
Nemesis Eternal Recurrence EP CD 2018
Never Kenezzard The Long and Grinding Road Full-length CD 2022
Niflungar Rebirth of Salem Full-length CD 2022
Nigra Mors Cineri Gloria Sera Venit Full-length CD 2022
Nihilum Cascading Darkness Full-length CD 2022
Niwmonia .20​-​06 EP CD 2020
No Raza Misantropía Full-length Cassette 2017
Nocturnal Art Под покровом ночи Demo CD 2015
Nocturnal Art Ночь ликана Full-length CD 2016
Nocturnal Art Postmortem Full-length Digital 2018
Nocturnal Art Postmortem Full-length CD 2018
Noen hater oss Noen hater oss Full-length CD 2018
Nokturnal Frost Night Terrors Full-length CD 2019
Northrough The Last Warrior Full-length CD 2018
Norvern Under the Aurora Full-length CD 2019
Obšar R.U.N.E. Full-length Digital 2018
Obšar R.U.N.E. Full-length CD 2018
Obsidian Throne Obsidian Throne EP CD 2022
Occultarum Successio in Abruptum Full-length Digital 2021
Occultarum Successio in Abruptum Full-length CD 2021
Omnes Flammus Refined by Fire Full-length CD 2024
Omnism Forced Perspective Full-length CD 2021
Orgasmic Victim Shit and Vomit Full-length CD 2014
Orphan Remake Full-length Cassette 2017
Orphan Remake Full-length CD 2018
Ortro Scisma EP CD 2020
Ortro Scisma EP Digital 2020
Paerdition Kirottu olkoon nimesi! Full-length CD 2020
Paerdition Kirottu olkoon nimesi! Full-length Digital 2020
Pagan Rites Survival of the Antichrist Nation Full-length Digital 2020
Pagan Rites Pagan Rites / Vulcan Tyrant Split Digital 2021
Vulcan Tyrant Pagan Rites / Vulcan Tyrant Split Digital 2021
Pandemus Raze Their Places of Worship EP Digital 2021
Pandemus Raze Their Places of Worship EP CD 2021
Phantom Gorgo The Gray Entity Full-length CD 2022
Pile of Death Obliteration MMXIX Full-length CD 2020
Pitchblack All or Nothing Full-length CD 2018
Prader The Ways of Violence Full-length CD 2018
Prickrott Dust of Obscure Devastation Full-length CD 2018
Prickrott A Journey into the Depths of Nihilism Split Digital 2021
Von Mollestein A Journey into the Depths of Nihilism Split Digital 2021
Prickrott A Journey into the Depths of Nihilism Split CD 2021
Von Mollestein A Journey into the Depths of Nihilism Split CD 2021
Primordial Serpent Ancient Myths and Legends Full-length CD 2021
Project VIII Чистилище Full-length CD 2015
Pronoia Mimesis Full-length CD 2019
Proudhon The Damaged Bodies EP CD 2021
Psicomortis The Balance of the Opposites Full-length CD 2018
Psychic Dose Gateway to Annwn Full-length CD 2019
Psycho Mantis The Decadence of Decay EP CD 2021
Psychopathologist Clumsy Remains Demo CD 2014
Psychopathologist Drug Store Sessions EP Cassette 2015
Psychopathologist Single Single Digital 2016
Q-Fonia Outro Full-length Digital 2021
Q-Fonia Outro Full-length CD 2021
R.O.L.F. Es un hermoso lugar para morir Full-length Cassette 2017
Rabhas Maelstrom Full-length CD 2018
Radien Maa EP Digital 2017
Radien Maa EP Cassette 2017
Rage of Kali Nuclear Mahasamadhi Full-length CD 2018
Rancour Black Metal Union Split Cassette 2015
Through Black Metal Union Split Cassette 2015
Rancour The Soul of the Raven Demo Cassette 2017
Rancour The Soul of the Raven Full-length CD 2018
Rancour The Soul of the Raven Full-length Digital 2016
Ravenant Seven | Paths to Insanity Full-length Cassette 2015
Rebirth of Pain Evolution to Extinction Full-length CD 2019
Regress Void Dreamer EP CD 2019
Regression of Style Fonology EP CD 2019
Repugnancia Decadente mundo de divina tiranía EP CD 2022
Repugnatory Alma impura EP CD 2022
Repugnatory Eterna abominación Full-length CD 2022
Retournelle Эхо времени Full-length CD 2019
Revetreth Funeral Darkness ov Bottomless Swamps EP CD 2015
Revetreth Funeral Darkness ov Bottomless Swamps EP Digital 2014
Revogar Vale dos Suicidas Full-length CD 2015
Revogar Vale dos Suicidas Full-length Digital 2015
Ritual Epic Sagas Full-length CD 2018
Rotten Coffin Suffering, Chaos and Death Demo Digital 2021
Rubicon Welcome to Wasteland Full-length CD 2018
Rubicon Welcome to Wasteland Full-length Digital 2018
Sachem Reclaim EP CD 2019
Sachem Reclaim EP Cassette 2019
Sangue Nero Skuld / Sangue Nero Split CD 2022
Skuld Skuld / Sangue Nero Split CD 2022
Savagism Spreading the Evilness Full-length Cassette 2015
Scarecrow Scarecrow Full-length CD 2019
Scarecrow Scarecrow II Full-length CD 2021
Serotonin Duality Compilation CD 2018
Serotonin Duality Compilation Digital 2018
Serotonin Fracture Full-length Digital 2021
Serotonin Fracture Full-length CD 2021
Shrine ov Absurd The Undeniable Possibility of Loss Full-length Digital 2018
Shrine ov Absurd The Undeniable Possibility of Loss Full-length CD 2018
Signist Of Worlds, Endtimely Enshadowed Demo Digital 2016
Signist Of Worlds, Endtimely Enshadowed Demo CD 2016
Silence Thereafter Hollow EP CD 2019
Silent No More Based Full-length CD 2022
Skuld The Witching Party Full-length Digital 2022
Skuld The Witching Party Full-length CD 2022
Skullpture Reborn in Decay Full-length CD 2020
Skvara Isolation Full-length CD 2018
Skvara Isolation Full-length Digital 2018
Skyblazer Time for Deliverance EP CD 2022
Slaves of Our Mind We Are All Slaves Full-length CD 2023
Slund The Call of Agony Full-length CD 2017
Slund Brain Dysfunction EP 7" vinyl 2017
Solar Demise Archaic War Full-length Digital 2018
Solar Demise Archaic War Full-length CD 2018
Solar Demise Born of Chaos Full-length Digital 2021
Solar Demise Born of Chaos Full-length CD 2021
Staota Kuoleman kastama EP CD 2021
Starboard Abaia Full-length CD 2022
Starlit Melancholy Astral Tears Full-length CD 2022
Steel Snake First Contact EP CD 2019
Stratorus Prometheus Rising Full-length CD 2023
Stucker Lethal Device EP CD 2018
Suicide Forest 昼中夢 EP CD 2022
Supplication Forced Decomposition Full-length Digital 2021
Supplication Forced Decomposition Full-length CD 2021
Tar Hag Bestial Full-length CD 2021
Tar Pit Tomb of Doom Full-length CD 2019
Tar Pit Tomb of Doom Full-length Digital 2019
Task Force Beer Meaning of Life Full-length Cassette 2017
Temple of Nihil Soul Extremist EP Digital 2016
Tenebrosidad La última palabra será de Satanás EP Digital 2021
Tenebrosidad La última palabra será de Satanás EP CD 2021
Terrorist Left in Desolation Full-length CD 2019
The Gaz Napalm EP Cassette 2017
The Gaz Napalm EP Digital 2017
The Last Oblation Ante Ruinam Full-length CD 2018
The Nefarious Integration Path to the Circle of Execution Compilation Digital 2021
The Resin Witch Spiders and Flies Full-length CD 2019
The Sceptic Chaotic Full-length Digital 2017
The Sceptic Chaotic Full-length Cassette 2017
The Seathmaw Project Inexistence Full-length CD 2018
Till the End Radiant Blast Full-length CD 2020
Till the End The Aftermath Full-length CD 2021
Timeless Necrotears Bahlas Saddala Full-length CD 2019
Toast Machine Too Heavy to Die EP CD 2020
Torn from Earth Self Full-length CD 2021
Torn from the Womb Purgal Abnomitary Full-length CD 2022
Torn from the Womb Apocryphtic Preludes & Lugubrious Epoch EP CD 2023
Torn from the Womb Apocryphtic Preludes & Lugubrious Epoch EP Digital 2023
Transcendence Hour of the Summoning EP CD 2018
Trespass Pathetic World Collapse Full-length CD 2024
Triglaw Mountain of the Unspoken Truth Full-length CD 2024
Trypanon Amentia Full-length CD 2022
Tyrant Wrath 1979 Full-length Cassette 2017
Tzantza Come and See Full-length Cassette 2017
Under Panzer Commando Full-length Digital 2021
Under Panzer Commando Full-length CD 2021
Unholy Slough Unholy Slough Demo Digital 2017
Unholy Slough Unholy Slough Demo Cassette 2018
Unholy Tenebris Blodörn Full-length CD 2019
Urkraft Urkraft Full-length CD 2020
Vaginal Jack Vaginal Jack EP CD 2015
Vaina Viisikärki EP Cassette 2017
Vaina Viisikärki EP CD 2017
Val Tvoar Today Is Tomorrow's Yesterday Full-length CD 2020
Valle Crucis Valle Crucis EP Cassette 2017
Valle Crucis Valle Crucis EP Digital 2017
Valle Crucis Iron & Blood Full-length CD 2019
Valle Crucis Iron & Blood Full-length Digital 2019
Vârcolac Vârcolac Full-length CD 2022
Vast Souls Voice of the Burned Full-length CD 2020
Vedmak Род изгоев Full-length CD 2017
Vedmak Род изгоев Full-length Digital 2017
Velocidad 22 Culto al acero Full-length CD 2018
Velocidad 22 Culto al acero Full-length Digital 2018
Vér Vér Full-length CD 2021
Vér Giants of Mirk Full-length CD 2024
Vér Apparitions of the Past Full-length CD 2024
Vergeblichkeit Corpus Eklipsis Full-length CD 2019
Vergeblichkeit Schicksal und Gemüt sind Namen eines Begriffs Full-length CD 2019
Vergeblichkeit Raum und Zeit, ein Irrtum in dir Full-length CD 2020
Vergeblichkeit Die Almosen der Wunde Full-length CD 2021
Vergeblichkeit Unnahbar Dein Full-length CD 2022
Verjagen Under a Dread Captain's Order EP CD 2018
Vicery Vicery EP Cassette 2017
Vicery Vicery EP Digital 2017
Vicery Devolution... Full-length CD 2018
Vicery Rapture Single Digital 2018
Vicery TSAR #1 Single Digital 2018
Vintlechkeit Kald og dod... Demo Digital 2021
Vintlechkeit Andas in iden dodliga forkylningen​.​.​. Demo CD 2021
Viölence MotörDemon EP Cassette 2018
Viölent Hëx Midnight Guest EP Digital 2021
Vocífera Evil Thoughts Full-length CD 2016
Vomit Division Rites of Vomit EP CD 2020
Vonnegut Incanceration EP CD 2017
Vonnegut Incanceration EP Digital 2017
Vulcan Tyrant Vulcanic Collection Compilation CD 2021
WarHymn Gnosis Full-length CD 2020
Warshipper Black Sun Full-length CD 2018
When Hearts Wither Caliginous Full-length CD 2019
Witches Hollow The Coven Is Alive Full-length CD 2019
Wolf's Hunger Vedmak / Wolf's Hunger Split CD 2019
Vedmak Vedmak / Wolf's Hunger Split CD 2019
Wolfcross Storm of Black Salvation Compilation CD 2019
Wolfcross Storm of Black Salvation Compilation Digital 2020
World Serpent World Serpent EP CD 2022
Wrathnoise The Sound of Rage Full-length CD 2019
Wurmloch The Gloaming Tide EP CD 2022
Yezdin Modra veda Full-length CD 2022
Zerber Hart-Fest! Full-length CD 2018
Выворотень Заберег Full-length Digital 2022
Выворотень Заберег Full-length 2CD 2022
Гробовая Доска Порча Full-length CD 2017
Измена Измена Full-length Digital 2021
Измена Измена Full-length CD 2021
Измена Чёрный похмелоид Full-length Digital 2024
Измена Чёрный похмелоид Full-length CD 2024
Людота Коваль Это наша земля! Full-length CD 2017
Мрамор 9 дней Full-length CD 2017
Пожар в Морге Screaming Decaying Crowd Split Digital 2015
Off Silence Screaming Decaying Crowd Split Digital 2015
Пожар в Морге Screaming Decaying Crowd Split CD 2015
Off Silence Screaming Decaying Crowd Split CD 2015
Суицид Философия жизни Full-length CD 2019
Схоластика На абордаж Full-length CD 2018
Терем Secrets of the Dark Nature Full-length Cassette 2017
Черностоп В небесах Full-length CD 2020
冥無幻妖、「忌み双児」 羽狭 (Hazama) Demo CD 2018
冥無幻妖、「忌み双児」 鬼業 ~Kigou~ EP CD 2019