Adirondack Black Mass

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Troy, New York
Country United States
Status active
Founding Date February 2nd, 2021
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Anarazel Australia black Current
Isataii United States black Current
Katrinaz Mexico death, thrash Current
Nimetön Hauta Finland atmospheric, black Current
Sacrodeath Chile death, thrash Current
Skullpture Chile thrash, death Current
Swamp Fiend International black, stoner Current
Temple of Gorgon United States black Current
Thymata International black Current
Abysmal Whore Canada death Past
Æreløs United States black Past
Archurahl Türkiye black Past
Asgrauw Netherlands black Past
Azzaya Portugal black Past
Betelgeuse Chile black Past
Bonehammer Argentina black, crust, heavy, punk Past
Brood in Black United States black, thrash Past
Calvana Italy black Past
Cathartic Mexico death Past
Chaos Luciferi Italy black Past
Cunabula Lithuania atmospheric, post-metal, progressive Past
Esus in Tenebris United States black Past
Exhumation Spain death, doom, funeral Past
Garhelenth Iran black Past
Grimtone Sweden black Past
Herculean Death United States black Past
Kolkhetian Georgia black, depressive Past
Kvlt of Odium United States black Past
Last One on Earth United States black, doom Past
Lykten Italy black Past
Malauriu Italy black, darkwave, experimental, rock Past
Opposite Devotion Mexico black Past
Phantom Mexico speed, thrash Past
Resilient Chile death Past
Retrofaith Spain thrash Past
Sinistrum United States death, thrash Past
Soulrot Chile death Past
Starer United States black, symphonic Past
Thaumaturgy United States black, death Past
Tundra Italy black Past
Undertomb Mexico death Past
Vaultwraith United States black, heavy Past
Vile Haint United States atmospheric, black, experimental Past
Vilú Chile death, thrash Past
Withermoon United States black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abysmal Whore Sadistic Urge Demo Cassette 2024
Æreløs .​.​.​of Deep Caves and Dark Spirits Full-length Cassette 2021
Anarazel Iconoclastic Rebirth EP CD 2022
Anarazel Our Dark Lord & Saviour Full-length CD 2023
Archurahl Albtraum EP CD 2022
Asgrauw Schijngestalten Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Azzaya Thy Satanick Ascension Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Betelgeuse Bajo el amparo de la putrefacta cruz Full-length CD 2024
Bonehammer Warriors of the Black Storm Full-length CD 2024
Brood in Black Black Unholy Mass EP 12" vinyl 2022
Calvana III┼ Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Calvana III┼ Full-length Cassette 2023
Cathartic Ceremonial Resurrection EP 12" vinyl 2022
Chaos Luciferi Carne mutilata alla deriva Full-length CD 2024
Cunabula The Weight of Sleep Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Esus in Tenebris Chamber of Shadows Full-length Cassette 2021
Esus in Tenebris Chamber of Shadows Full-length CD 2021
Exhumation Twilight of the Funebre Night EP CD 2022
Garhelenth Union of Cursed Blood Split CD 2022
Isataii Union of Cursed Blood Split CD 2022
Grimtone Hymner till döden Full-length Cassette 2023
Herculean Death Lost Hierarchy of Dark Twisted Arts EP 12" vinyl 2023
Herculean Death Lost Hierarchy of Dark Twisted Arts EP CD 2023
Isataii Man of Sin Full-length Cassette 2021
Isataii Man of Sin Full-length CD 2021
Isataii In Vein of the Ancestors Full-length CD 2023
Katrinaz Hateful Reflections EP Cassette 2023
Kolkhetian No Life Expectancy Full-length CD 2024
Kvlt of Odium End of Light Full-length CD 2024
Last One on Earth She's a Witch Single 7" vinyl 2021
Malauriu Malauriu / Lykten Split 12" vinyl 2024
Lykten Malauriu / Lykten Split 12" vinyl 2024
Nimetön Hauta Huntu j​ä​rvien yllä EP CD 2023
Nimetön Hauta Pimeyteen laskee joki Full-length CD 2024
Opposite Devotion Hesperus Phosphorus Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Phantom Handed to Execution Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Resilient The Art of Resilience EP 12" vinyl 2022
Retrofaith The Horror Has Risen from the Tomb Full-length CD 2022
Sacrodeath Engendro del caos Full-length CD 2023
Sacrodeath Engendro del caos Full-length Digital 2023
Sinistrum Infernal Dawn Full-length CD 2024
Skullpture A Horrifying Death EP CD 2023
Soulrot Victims of Spiritual Warfare Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Starer 18° Below the Horizon Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Starer The What It Is to Be Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Starer Wind, Breeze, or Breath Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Swamp Fiend Smoke Weed, Hail Satan Full-length CD 2023
Swamp Fiend Smoke Weed, Hail Satan Full-length Digital 2023
Temple of Gorgon Leviathan EP CD 2023
Thaumaturgy Charnel Gnosis EP CD 2021
Thaumaturgy Tenebrous Oblations Full-length CD 2023
Thymata Embraced by Death Full-length CD 2023
Tundra The Burning Fanatism Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Undertomb The Returns of Fallen EP 12" vinyl 2022
Vaultwraith Decomposing Spells Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vile Haint Ol' Hatchie Haint Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Vilú Üden Vilú Full-length CD 2023
Withermoon A Testament to Our Will Full-length CD 2022
Withermoon A Testament to Our Will Full-length Cassette 2022
Withermoon A Testament to Our Will Full-length 12" vinyl 2023