Blood Harvest

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Box 2014, 22002 Lund, Sweden
Country Sweden
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal
Founding Date 2004
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Putrid Filth, Temple of Abomination, Zombie Ritual Tapes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Anarchos Netherlands death Current
Astral Tomb United States death Current
Blood Spore United States death, doom Current
Caecus United Kingdom black, death Current
Caedes Cruenta Greece black Current
Ceremonial Chile black, thrash Current
Charnel Altar Australia black, death, doom Current
Clairvoyance Poland death Current
Codex Daemonicum Germany black, death Current
Contaminated Australia death Current
Denial Mexico death Current
Desekryptor United States death Current
Ensepulcher United States death Current
Evoker Australia death Current
Gloam United States black, doom Current
Goddefied Sweden death Current
Gutvoid Canada death Current
Henosis Chile black Current
Hibernus Mortis United States death Current
Infesticide Mexico death Current
Inisans Sweden death Current
Istengoat Chile death Current
Jærtecken Sweden black Current
Maligner Sweden death, thrash Current
Mental Devastation Chile thrash Current
Mycelium United Kingdom death Current
Necrovation Sweden death Current
Nex Carnis Iran death Current
Phenocryst Portugal death Current
Sacrilega United States death Current
Taphos Denmark death Current
Tehom Sweden death Current
Thorns of Hate Malaysia black, death Current
Transcendence United States black, death, thrash Current
Universally Estranged United States death Current
Valdrin United States black, melodic Current
Vomination Sweden black, death Current
Witch King United States black, death Current
Xantam United States black, death Current
Zealot Cult Ireland death Current
Ziggurat Israel black, death Current
Abythic Germany death Past
Adversarial Canada black, death Past
Ævangelist United States black, death Past
Aihos Finland black Past
Altars Australia death Past
Anthropophagous United States death Past
Archaic Tomb Portugal death Past
Ascended Dead United States death Past
Atavisma France death, doom Past
Atrament United States black, crust, punk Past
Backyard Mortuary Australia death Past
Bastard Priest Sweden death Past
Black Blood Invocation Greece black, death Past
Black Mass Pervertor Finland black, punk Past
Black Vul Destruktor Argentina black Past
Blaspherian United States death Past
Blaze of Perdition Poland black Past
Blood Chalice Finland black, death Past
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Costa Rica death, doom Past
Bloodstone Sweden death Past
Bloody Sign France black, death, technical Past
Bombs of Hades Sweden crust, death Past
Bones Belgium death Past
Burialkult Canada black Past
Cadaveric Fumes France death Past
Carcinoid Australia death, doom Past
Cauldron Black Ram Australia black, death Past
Cauterizer Sweden death Past
Cavurn United States death, doom Past
Cenotafio Chile black, death Past
Cerekloth Denmark death Past
Ceremonial Execution Sweden death Past
Coagulate United States death Past
Coffin Rot United States death Past
Coffin Texts United States death Past
Corrupt Sweden thrash Past
Cosmic Void Ritual United States death Past
Crematory Stench United States death Past
Crucifyre Sweden death Past
Cryptic Fog United States black, death, melodic Past
Cryptic Shift United Kingdom death, technical, thrash Past
Cryptivore Australia death, grind, hardcore Past
Cryptworm United Kingdom death Past
Daethorn France black Past
Decomposed Sweden death Past
Degial Sweden death Past
Dehiscence United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Diabolical Messiah Chile death Past
Disciples of Power Canada death, thrash Past
Draghkar United States death Past
Eaten Alive Chile death Past
Ectovoid United States death Past
Eliminator United States experimental, speed, thrash Past
Encoffination United States death, doom Past
Energumen Switzerland black, death Past
Engulfed Türkiye death Past
Entrench Sweden black, speed, thrash Past
Erebus Enthroned Australia black Past
Et Verbi Sathanus Chile black Past
Faceless Burial Australia black, death Past
False Prophet United States death, thrash Past
Father Befouled United States death Past
Fistula United States doom, sludge Past
Funeratus Brazil death Past
Gastric Phantasm United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Ghoulgotha United States death, doom Past
Goat Disciple United States black, death Past
God Macabre Sweden death Past
Godless Chile death Past
Gravecrusher Hungary death Past
Hacavitz Mexico death, black Past
Hades Archer Chile black Past
Har Israel black, death Past
Hellish Chile black, thrash Past
Horrifying Chile death Past
Impetuous Ritual Australia death Past
Impiety Singapore black, death, thrash Past
Impure Consecration United States death Past
In Aeternum Sweden black, death Past
In Obscurity Revealed Mexico death Past
Infernal Conjuration Mexico death Past
Infinitum Obscure Mexico death Past
Inoculation United States death Past
Insineratehymn United States death Past
Karnarium Sweden death Past
Kratherion Chile black Past
Kryptamok Finland black Past
Kurnugia United States death Past
Kutabare Australia death, grind, hardcore Past
Lago United States death Past
Lethal Sweden thrash Past
Lucifericon Netherlands death Past
Lvcifyre United Kingdom black, death Past
Magnanimus Chile death Past
Magnus Poland death, thrash Past
Maleficence Belgium black, thrash Past
Malignant Asceticism Chile black Past
Malleus United States black, speed Past
Masada United States death Past
Master of Cruelty Paraguay black, death, thrash Past
Maveth Finland black, death Past
Morbid Gods United States death Past
Morbid Stench International death, doom Past
Morbosatan Peru black, death, thrash Past
Mortiferum United States death, doom Past
Necroccultus Mexico death Past
Necrosadist Cyprus black, raw Past
Necrosemen Switzerland black, death Past
Necrosodomy Hungary death Past
Necroven Spain death Past
Necrovorous Greece death Past
Nekus Germany black, doom, death Past
Noctambulist United States black, death Past
Nominon Sweden death Past
Obscene United States death Past
Obscure Evil Peru black, thrash Past
Oculus International black, death Past
Ordeals United States black, death, doom Past
Ossuarium United States death Past
Ossuary Insane United States death Past
Oxalate United States death Past
Perilaxe Occlusion Canada death Past
Perpetuated United States death Past
Pestilent Death United States death Past
Phobophilic United States death Past
Poisonous Brazil death Past
Polyptych United States black, death, technical Past
Porta Daemonium Chile death Past
Praise the Flame Chile death Past
Pręgierz Poland black, death Past
Pukewraith Canada death Past
Putrisect United States death Past
Pyre Russia death Past
Replicant United States avant-garde, death, technical Past
Retaliation Sweden death, grind, hardcore Past
Ribspreader Sweden death Past
Ritual Torture United States death Past
Ritualization France black, death Past
Ruin United States death Past
Sadistic Drive Finland death Past
Sadokist Finland black, thrash Past
Sartegos Spain black, death Past
Satanic Ripper Chile black, death, thrash Past
Scythian United Kingdom death, thrash Past
Serpent Ascending Finland death Past
Serpent Ritual Italy black, death Past
Serpentrance Russia black, death, doom Past
Shambles Thailand brutal, death, grind, hardcore, black, doom Past
Shroud of the Heretic United States death Past
Sněť Czechia death Past
Sorcery Sweden death Past
Soul Devourment United States death Past
Stenched Mexico death Past
Suffering Hour United States avant-garde, black, death Past
Supremative Spain black, death Past
Taphos Nomos United States death, doom Past
Teitanfyre Russia black Past
Temple Below International black, death Past
Tomb Mold Canada death Past
Tomhet Sweden black Past
Totten Korps Chile death Past
Tribulation Sweden death, gothic Past
Triumvir Foul United States death Past
Tyrant Goatgaldrakona Hungary death Past
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Chile death Past
Undead Creep Italy death Past
Under the Church International death Past
Unholy Lust United States black, death, thrash Past
Urðun Iceland death Past
Vacuous Depths United States death Past
Vahrzaw Australia black, death Past
Vasaeleth United States death Past
Vehementer Serbia black, thrash Past
Verminous Sweden death Past
Vile Apparition Australia death Past
Violent Scum Chile death Past
Vivisect United States death Past
VoidCeremony United States black, death, progressive Past
Voids of Vomit Italy death Past
Voimaton United States death, doom Past
Witchaven United States black, thrash Past
Writhing Australia death Past
Xenomorph United States death Past
Αίμα Greece black, death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abythic Beneath Ancient Portals Full-length CD 2018
Abythic Beneath Ancient Portals Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Abythic Beneath Ancient Portals Full-length Cassette 2018
Abythic Beneath Ancient Portals Full-length Digital 2018
Adversarial All Idols Fall Before the Hammer Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Ævangelist De Masticatione Mortuorum in Tumulis Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
Aihos Ikuisuuden suojaan EP Digital 2018
Aihos Ikuisuuden suojaan EP 12" vinyl 2018
Altars Paramnesia Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Altars Paramnesia Full-length Digital 2013
Anarchos Invocation of Moribund Spirits Full-length Digital 2017
Anarchos Invocation of Moribund Spirits Full-length CD 2017
Anarchos Invocation of Moribund Spirits Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Anarchos Ghospels of Necromancy Split 7" vinyl 2020
Morbid Stench Ghospels of Necromancy Split 7" vinyl 2020
Anarchos Ghospels of Necromancy Split Digital 2020
Morbid Stench Ghospels of Necromancy Split Digital 2020
Anthropophagous Spoiled Marrow Demo 7" vinyl 2020
Anthropophagous Spoiled Marrow Demo Digital 2020
Ascended Dead Arcane Malevolence EP 7" vinyl 2014
Ascended Dead The Advent Compilation Cassette 2015
Ascended Dead The Advent Compilation Digital 2015
Ascended Dead Demo I (Ascended Dead) Demo Digital 2022
Ascended Dead Arcane Malevolence EP Cassette 2022
Ascended Dead Demo I (Ascended Dead) Demo Cassette 2022
Ascended Dead Demo I / Arcane Malevolence / The Advent Boxed set Cassette 2022
Ascended Dead The Advent Compilation Cassette 2022
Ascended Dead Arcane Malevolence EP 12" vinyl 2023
Astral Tomb Degradation of Human Consciousness EP Cassette 2021
Astral Tomb Degradation of Human Consciousness EP Digital 2021
Astral Tomb Soulgazer Full-length Digital 2022
Astral Tomb Soulgazer Full-length CD 2022
Astral Tomb Soulgazer Full-length Cassette 2022
Astral Tomb Soulgazer Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Astral Tomb Soulgazer Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Atavisma On the Ruins of a Fallen Empire EP 7" vinyl 2017
Atavisma On the Ruins of a Fallen Empire EP Digital 2017
Atrament Scum Sect Full-length CD 2018
Atrament Scum Sect Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Backyard Mortuary Lure of the Occult Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Backyard Mortuary Lure of the Occult Full-length Digital 2013
Bastard Priest Under the Hammer of Destruction Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Bastard Priest Ghouls of the Endless Night Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Bastard Priest Ghouls of the Endless Night Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Bastard Priest Under the Hammer of Destruction Full-length Digital 2016
Bastard Priest Under the Hammer of Destruction Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Bastard Priest Ghouls of the Endless Night Full-length Digital 2016
Bastard Priest Under the Hammer of Destruction Full-length Cassette 2022
Bastard Priest Under the Hammer of Destruction Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Bastard Priest Under the Hammer of Destruction Full-length CD 2022
Bastard Priest Ghouls of the Endless Night Full-length CD 2022
Bastard Priest Ghouls of the Endless Night Full-length Cassette 2022
Bastard Priest Ghouls of the Endless Night Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Black Blood Invocation Black Blood Invocation Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Black Blood Invocation Black Blood Invocation Demo Digital 2018
Black Mass Pervertor Life Beyond the Walls of Flesh EP 12" vinyl 2018
Black Mass Pervertor Life Beyond the Walls of Flesh EP CD 2018
Black Mass Pervertor Life Beyond the Walls of Flesh EP Cassette 2018
Black Mass Pervertor Life Beyond the Walls of Flesh EP Digital 2018
Black Vul Destruktor Beyond Time and Portals of Death Compilation 12" vinyl 2013
Black Vul Destruktor Beyond Time and Portals of Death Compilation Digital 2013
Blaspherian Allegiance to the Will of Damnation EP 12" vinyl 2007
Blaspherian Allegiance to the Will of Damnation EP 12" vinyl 2021
Blaze of Perdition Towards the Blaze of Perdition Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Blood Chalice Blood Chalice Demo Digital 2018
Blood Spore Fungal Warfare upon All Life EP 12" vinyl 2020
Blood Spore Fungal Warfare upon All Life EP CD 2020
Blood Spore Fungal Warfare upon All Life EP Cassette 2020
Blood Spore Four Dimensions of Auditory Terror Split Digital 2021
Gutvoid Four Dimensions of Auditory Terror Split Digital 2021
Coagulate Four Dimensions of Auditory Terror Split Digital 2021
Soul Devourment Four Dimensions of Auditory Terror Split Digital 2021
Blood Spore Proleptical Mycelliogenesis EP Cassette 2022
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Demo 1 Demo Cassette 2020
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Demo 2 Demo Cassette 2020
Bloodstone Hour of the Gate Compilation Vinyl 2008
Bloody Sign The Third Escape EP 7" vinyl 2008
Bloody Sign Chaos Echoes Full-length CD 2010
Bloody Sign Explosion of Elements Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Bloody Sign Chaos Echoes Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Bloody Sign Chaos Echoes Full-length Digital 2010
Bombs of Hades Carnivores EP 7" vinyl 2008
Bombs of Hades Chambers of Abominations Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Bombs of Hades Carnivores EP 7" vinyl 2013
Bombs of Hades Chambers of Abominations Full-length CD 2012
Bombs of Hades The Serpent's Redemption Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Bombs of Hades The Serpent's Redemption Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Bombs of Hades Carnivores EP Digital 2013
Bombs of Hades The Serpent's Redemption Full-length Digital 2012
Bones Awaiting Rebirth EP 10" vinyl 2014
Bones Awaiting Rebirth EP Digital 2014
Bones Gate of Night EP 12" vinyl 2020
Bones Gate of Night EP Digital 2020
Burialkult Evil Antichrist Hordes EP 7" vinyl 2012
Burialkult A Call from Beyond the Grave Full-length CD 2013
Burialkult A Call from Beyond the Grave Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Burialkult A Call from Beyond the Grave Full-length Digital 2016
Burialkult Evil Antichrist Hordes EP Digital 2012
Cadaveric Fumes Macabre Exaltation Demo 12" vinyl 2013
Cadaveric Fumes Dimensions Obscure EP 12" vinyl 2016
Cadaveric Fumes The Forsaken Triptych 2012-2016 Compilation CD 2016
Cadaveric Fumes Dimensions Obscure EP 12" vinyl 2017
Cadaveric Fumes Dimensions Obscure EP Digital 2017
Cadaveric Fumes Macabre Exaltation Demo Digital 2013
Cadaveric Fumes Echoing Chambers of Soul Full-length Digital 2021
Cadaveric Fumes Echoing Chambers of Soul Full-length CD 2021
Cadaveric Fumes Echoing Chambers of Soul Full-length Cassette 2021
Cadaveric Fumes Echoing Chambers of Soul Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Cadaveric Fumes Echoing Chambers of Soul Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Caecus Affliction EP 7" vinyl 2015
Caecus Affliction EP Digital 2015
Carcinoid Metastatic Declination Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Carcinoid Metastatic Declination Full-length Digital 2019
Cauldron Black Ram Slubberdegullion Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Cauterizer Then the Snow Fell... EP 7" vinyl 2007
Cavurn Rehearsal Demo Cassette 2018
Cavurn Rehearsal Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Cavurn Rehearsal Demo Digital 2018
Cenotafio Larvae Tedeum Teratos Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Cerekloth Pandemonium Prayers EP 7" vinyl 2008
Ceremonial Ars Magicka EP 7" vinyl 2014
Ceremonial Execution Black God Rising EP 7" vinyl 2006
Charnel Altar Abatement of the Sun Full-length Digital 2021
Charnel Altar Abatement of the Sun Full-length CD 2021
Charnel Altar Abatement of the Sun Full-length Cassette 2021
Charnel Altar Abatement of the Sun Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Clairvoyance Threshold of Nothingness EP Digital 2022
Clairvoyance Threshold of Nothingness EP Cassette 2022
Clairvoyance Threshold of Nothingness EP CD 2022
Clairvoyance Threshold of Nothingness EP 12" vinyl 2022
Codex Daemonicum Doctrines of the Fallen EP Cassette 2018
Coffin Rot A Monument to the Dead Full-length Digital 2019
Coffin Rot A Monument to the Dead Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Coffin Texts The Tomb of Infinite Ritual Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Coffin Texts The Tomb of Infinite Ritual Full-length Digital 2012
Contaminated Final Man Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Contaminated Final Man Full-length CD 2017
Contaminated Promo 2015 Demo Digital 2016
Contaminated Final Man Full-length Digital 2017
Contaminated Final Man Full-length Cassette 2017
Contaminated Celebratory Beheading Full-length Digital 2024
Contaminated Celebratory Beheading Full-length CD 2024
Contaminated Celebratory Beheading Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Contaminated Celebratory Beheading Full-length Cassette 2024
Corrupt Silence Equals Death EP 7" vinyl 2006
Corrupt Slavestate Serenades Full-length CD 2012
Corrupt Slavestate Serenades Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Cosmic Void Ritual The Excreted Remains of the Sabatier System Compilation Digital 2017
Cosmic Void Ritual The Excreted Remains of the Sabatier System Compilation Cassette 2017
Crematory Stench Grotesque Deformities EP Digital 2019
Crematory Stench Grotesque Deformities EP 12" vinyl 2019
Crematory Stench Grotesque Deformities EP Cassette 2019
Crucifyre Infernal Earthly Divine Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Cryptic Fog Staring Through the Veil Full-length CD 2017
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus Full-length Digital 2020
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus Full-length Cassette 2020
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus Full-length CD 2020
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus Full-length Cassette 2021
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Cryptic Shift Return to Realms EP 12" vinyl 2023
Cryptic Shift Return to Realms EP CD 2023
Cryptic Shift Return to Realms EP Digital 2023
Cryptic Shift Return to Realms EP Cassette 2023
Cryptic Shift Visitations from Enceladus Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Cryptivore Unseen Divinity EP Digital 2018
Cryptivore Unseen Divinity EP Cassette 2018
Cryptworm Archaic Tomb / Cryptworm Split 7" vinyl 2019
Archaic Tomb Archaic Tomb / Cryptworm Split 7" vinyl 2019
Cryptworm Archaic Tomb / Cryptworm Split Cassette 2019
Archaic Tomb Archaic Tomb / Cryptworm Split Cassette 2019
Cryptworm Archaic Tomb / Cryptworm Split Digital 2019
Archaic Tomb Archaic Tomb / Cryptworm Split Digital 2019
Daethorn Ordeals / Daethorn Split Cassette 2018
Ordeals Ordeals / Daethorn Split Cassette 2018
Daethorn Ordeals / Daethorn Split Cassette 2018
Ordeals Ordeals / Daethorn Split Cassette 2018
Decomposed Decomposed Full-length CD 2012
Decomposed Decomposed Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Degial Death and Darkness Buries All.... EP 7" vinyl 2010
Dehiscence Colony EP 12" vinyl 2023
Denial Immense Carnage Vortex EP CD 2007
Denial Immense Carnage Vortex EP 7" vinyl 2007
Denial Catacombs of the Grotesque Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Denial 11°22​.​4'N 142°35​.​5'E EP 7" vinyl 2015
Denial 11°22​.​4'N 142°35​.​5'E EP Digital 2015
Denial Immense Carnage Vortex EP Digital 2018
Desekryptor Chasm of Rot Demo Cassette 2017
Desekryptor Chasm of Rot Demo Digital 2017
Desekryptor Desekryptor / Draghkar Split Cassette 2018
Draghkar Desekryptor / Draghkar Split Cassette 2018
Desekryptor Desekryptor / Draghkar Split 7" vinyl 2018
Draghkar Desekryptor / Draghkar Split 7" vinyl 2018
Desekryptor Desekryptor / Draghkar Split Digital 2018
Draghkar Desekryptor / Draghkar Split Digital 2018
Desekryptor Chasm of Rot Compilation Cassette 2017
Desekryptor Vortex Oblivion Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Desekryptor Vortex Oblivion Full-length CD 2023
Desekryptor Vortex Oblivion Full-length Cassette 2023
Desekryptor Vortex Oblivion Full-length Digital 2023
Diabolical Messiah Satan Tottendemon Victory!!! Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Diabolical Messiah Satan Tottendemon Victory!!! Full-length Digital 2014
Disciples of Power Ominous Prophecy Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Disciples of Power Power Trap Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Draghkar World Unraveled Demo Digital 2017
Draghkar World Unraveled Demo Cassette 2017
Draghkar Ossuarium / Draghkar Split Digital 2018
Ossuarium Ossuarium / Draghkar Split Digital 2018
Draghkar Ossuarium / Draghkar Split 12" vinyl 2018
Ossuarium Ossuarium / Draghkar Split 12" vinyl 2018
Eaten Alive Demo I Demo Cassette 2013
Ectovoid Fractured in the Timeless Abyss Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Ectovoid Dark Abstraction Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Ectovoid Dark Abstraction Full-length Digital 2016
Ectovoid Fractured in the Timeless Abyss Full-length Digital 2012
Ectovoid Inner Death EP Digital 2019
Ectovoid Inner Death EP 7" vinyl 2019
Ectovoid Inner Death EP Cassette 2019
Eliminator Breaking the Wheel Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Encoffination Seventh Temple of Laodicean Scripture EP 7" vinyl 2010
Energumen Void Spiritualism Demo 7" vinyl 2014
Energumen Void Spiritualism Demo Digital 2014
Engulfed Engulfed in Obscurity Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Engulfed Engulfed in Obscurity Full-length Digital 2017
Ensepulcher No Sanctity in Death Demo Cassette 2017
Entrench Inevitable Decay Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Erebus Enthroned Night's Black Angel Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Et Verbi Sathanus Apocalypse Towards Apocalypse Split 2 7" vinyls 2014
Black Vul Destruktor Apocalypse Towards Apocalypse Split 2 7" vinyls 2014
Et Verbi Sathanus Apocalypse Towards Apocalypse Split Digital 2014
Black Vul Destruktor Apocalypse Towards Apocalypse Split Digital 2014
Evoker Evil Torment EP 12" vinyl 2020
Evoker Evil Torment EP Cassette 2020
Evoker Evil Torment EP CD 2020
Evoker Evil Torment EP Digital 2020
Faceless Burial Grotesque Miscreation Full-length CD 2017
Faceless Burial Multiversal Abattoir EP CD 2018
Faceless Burial Multiversal Abattoir EP Cassette 2018
False Prophet Second Death Demo 2 12" vinyls 2014
Father Befouled Morbid Destitution of Covenant Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Fistula Apex C.H.U.D. / Nigromancer Split Digital 2023
Contaminated Apex C.H.U.D. / Nigromancer Split Digital 2023
Fistula Apex C.H.U.D. / Nigromancer Split 7" vinyl 2023
Contaminated Apex C.H.U.D. / Nigromancer Split 7" vinyl 2023
Fistula Apex C.H.U.D. / Nigromancer Split 7" vinyl 2023
Contaminated Apex C.H.U.D. / Nigromancer Split 7" vinyl 2023
Funeratus Vision from Hell EP 7" vinyl 2009
Gastric Phantasm Gastric Phantasm Demo Digital 2021
Gastric Phantasm Gastric Phantasm Demo Cassette 2021
Ghoulgotha Prophetic Oration of Self EP 7" vinyl 2014
Ghoulgotha Churning in Vertebraes / Becoming Disease Split 7" vinyl 2016
Ruin Churning in Vertebraes / Becoming Disease Split 7" vinyl 2016
Ghoulgotha Prophetic Oration of Self EP Digital 2014
Ghoulgotha Churning in Vertebraes / Becoming Disease Split Digital 2016
Ruin Churning in Vertebraes / Becoming Disease Split Digital 2016
Gloam Death Is the Beginning EP CD 2017
Gloam Death Is the Beginning EP 12" vinyl 2017
Gloam Death Is the Beginning EP Digital 2017
Gloam Gloam / Obscure Evil Split Digital 2018
Obscure Evil Gloam / Obscure Evil Split Digital 2018
Gloam Gloam / Obscure Evil Split Cassette 2018
Obscure Evil Gloam / Obscure Evil Split Cassette 2018
Gloam Gloam / Obscure Evil Split 10" vinyl 2018
Obscure Evil Gloam / Obscure Evil Split 10" vinyl 2018
Goat Disciple Wolfcult Domination EP CD 2018
Goat Disciple Wolfcult Domination EP Cassette 2018
Goat Disciple Wolfcult Domination EP 12" vinyl 2018
Goat Disciple Wolfcult Domination EP Digital 2018
God Macabre The Winterlong Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
God Macabre The Winterlong... Full-length Vinyl 2012
Goddefied Remnants of the Art EP 7" vinyl 2009
Goddefied Abysmal Grief EP 10" vinyl 2008
Godless Ecce Homo: Post Lux Tenebras, Pulsio XIII Ultima Ratio Full-length CD 2010
Godless Ecce Homo: Post Lux Tenebras, Pulsio XIII Ultima Ratio Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Godless Irreligiosus Nemine Discrepante EP 2 7" vinyls 2008
Gravecrusher Mutilation Ritual Demo 7" vinyl 2013
Gravecrusher Mutilation Ritual Demo Digital 2013
Gutvoid Astral Bestiary EP Digital 2020
Gutvoid Astral Bestiary EP Cassette 2020
Gutvoid Astral Bestiary EP CD 2020
Gutvoid Forbidden City Beneath the Crypt Single Digital 2020
Gutvoid Durance of Lightless Horizons Full-length CD 2022
Gutvoid Durance of Lightless Horizons Full-length Cassette 2022
Gutvoid Durance of Lightless Horizons Full-length Digital 2022
Gutvoid Astral Bestiary EP Vinyl 2023
Gutvoid Durance of Lightless Horizons Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Hacavitz Metztli Obscura Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Hacavitz Nex Nihil Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Hacavitz Nex Nihil Full-length Digital 2018
Hades Archer The Curse over Mankind Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Har Visitation EP 12" vinyl 2018
Har Visitation EP CD 2018
Har Visitation EP Digital 2018
Har Anti-Shechinah Demo Cassette 2020
Har Anti-Shechinah Demo Digital 2020
Hellish Theurgist's Spell EP 7" vinyl 2015
Hellish Theurgist's Spell EP Digital 2015
Henosis Apotheosis Pulsio CLVI EP 10" vinyl 2015
Henosis Apotheosis Pulsio CLVI EP Digital 2015
Hibernus Mortis The Monoliths of Cursed Slumber Full-length Digital 2022
Hibernus Mortis The Monoliths of Cursed Slumber Full-length CD 2022
Hibernus Mortis The Monoliths of Cursed Slumber Full-length Cassette 2022
Hibernus Mortis The Monoliths of Cursed Slumber Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Horrifying Euphoric Existence EP 7" vinyl 2013
Horrifying Euphoric Existence EP Digital 2013
Impetuous Ritual Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Excrescence Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Impetuous Ritual Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Excrescence Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Impetuous Ritual Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Excrescence Full-length Digital 2017
Impiety Ravage & Conquer Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Impure Consecration Succumb to Impurity Fire EP 7" vinyl 2016
Impure Consecration Succumb to Impurity Fire EP Digital 2016
In Aeternum Curse of Devastation EP 7" vinyl 2007
In Obscurity Revealed Grim Fumes of Revelation EP 7" vinyl 2016
In Obscurity Revealed Grim Fumes of Revelation EP 7" vinyl 2016
In Obscurity Revealed Grim Fumes of Revelation EP 7" vinyl 2016
In Obscurity Revealed Grim Fumes of Revelation EP 7" vinyl 2016
In Obscurity Revealed Grim Fumes of Revelation EP Digital 2016
In Obscurity Revealed Glorious Impurity Full-length CD 2019
In Obscurity Revealed Glorious Impurity Full-length Vinyl 2019
In Obscurity Revealed Glorious Impurity Full-length Cassette 2019
Infernal Conjuration Avto de Fe EP 7" vinyl 2010
Infesticide Envenoming Wounds Full-length Digital 2020
Infesticide Envenoming Wounds Full-length CD 2020
Infesticide Envenoming Wounds Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Infesticide Envenoming Wounds Full-length Cassette 2020
Infesticide Infesticide / In Obscurity Revealed Split CD 2021
In Obscurity Revealed Infesticide / In Obscurity Revealed Split CD 2021
Infesticide Infesticide / In Obscurity Revealed Split Cassette 2021
In Obscurity Revealed Infesticide / In Obscurity Revealed Split Cassette 2021
Infesticide Infesticide / In Obscurity Revealed Split Digital 2021
In Obscurity Revealed Infesticide / In Obscurity Revealed Split Digital 2021
Infinitum Obscure Obscuridad Eterna EP 7" vinyl 2009
Infinitum Obscure Sub Atris Caelis Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Infinitum Obscure Ipsus Universum EP 10" vinyl 2009
Infinitum Obscure Sub Atris Caelis Full-length Digital 2010
Inisans Transition Full-length Digital 2018
Inisans Transition Full-length Cassette 2018
Inisans Transition Full-length CD 2018
Inisans Transition Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Inoculation Chasm of Aeons Split Digital 2020
Cryptic Shift Chasm of Aeons Split Digital 2020
Replicant Chasm of Aeons Split Digital 2020
Astral Tomb Chasm of Aeons Split Digital 2020
Inoculation Chasm of Aeons Split CD 2020
Cryptic Shift Chasm of Aeons Split CD 2020
Replicant Chasm of Aeons Split CD 2020
Astral Tomb Chasm of Aeons Split CD 2020
Inoculation Chasm of Aeons Split 12" vinyl 2020
Cryptic Shift Chasm of Aeons Split 12" vinyl 2020
Replicant Chasm of Aeons Split 12" vinyl 2020
Astral Tomb Chasm of Aeons Split 12" vinyl 2020
Insineratehymn Disembodied Full-length Digital 2022
Insineratehymn Disembodied Full-length CD 2022
Insineratehymn Disembodied Full-length Cassette 2022
Insineratehymn Disembodied Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Istengoat MMXII EP 7" vinyl 2013
Istengoat Atlas Shrugged Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Istengoat Atlas Shrugged Full-length Digital 2015
Istengoat MMXII EP Digital 2013
Karnarium Deity of Opposites EP 7" vinyl 2006
Karnarium Karnarium Full-length CD 2008
Karnarium Karnarium Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Karnarium Karnarium Full-length Digital 2008
Kratherion Necrouroboros XXXIII Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Kryptamok Profaani Demo CD 2018
Kryptamok Profaani Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Kurnugia Tribulations of the Abyss EP 7" vinyl 2014
Kurnugia Tribulations of the Abyss EP Digital 2014
Kutabare Death Sick / Funeral Erection Split 7" vinyl 2019
Contaminated Death Sick / Funeral Erection Split 7" vinyl 2019
Kutabare Death Sick / Funeral Erection Split Digital 2019
Contaminated Death Sick / Funeral Erection Split Digital 2019
Lago Tyranny Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Lago Tyranny Full-length Digital 2015
Lethal Deliverance EP 7" vinyl 2006
Lethal Annihilation Agenda Full-length Vinyl 2007
Lucifericon The Occult Waters EP 12" vinyl 2013
Lucifericon Brimstone Altar EP 12" vinyl 2016
Lucifericon The Occult Waters EP Digital 2013
Lucifericon Brimstone Altar EP Digital 2016
Lvcifyre Dying Light ov God EP 7" vinyl 2009
Lvcifyre The Calling Depths Full-length Digital 2011
Lvcifyre The Calling Depths Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Magnanimus Unchaining the Fever and the Plagues Demo 7" vinyl 2008
Magnanimus Storms of Chaotic Revelations Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Magnus Scarlet Slaughterer Full-length 12" vinyl 2007
Maleficence Journey to the Depths Demo Cassette 2015
Maleficence Realms of Mortification EP 7" vinyl 2016
Maleficence Realms of Mortification EP Digital 2016
Maleficence Journey to the Depths Demo Digital 2015
Malignant Asceticism Ascensum Serpens EP 7" vinyl 2013
Malignant Asceticism Ascensum Serpens EP Digital 2013
Maligner Demon EP Cassette 2016
Maligner Demon EP Digital 2016
Maligner Attraction to Annihilation Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Maligner Attraction to Annihilation Full-length CD 2018
Maligner Attraction to Annihilation Full-length Digital 2018
Malleus Storm of Witchcraft Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Malleus Storm of Witchcraft Full-length CD 2017
Masada Hideous Rot EP 12" vinyl 2013
Masada Hideous Rot EP Digital 2013
Master of Cruelty Spit on the Holy Grail Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Master of Cruelty Archaic Visions of the Underworld Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Master of Cruelty Archaic Visions of the Underworld Full-length Digital 2016
Master of Cruelty Spit on the Holy Grail Full-length Digital 2012
Maveth Of Serpent and Shadow EP 12" vinyl 2010
Mental Devastation The Delusional Mystery of the Self Part I Full-length Digital 2021
Mental Devastation The Delusional Mystery of the Self Part I Full-length CD 2021
Mental Devastation The Delusional Mystery of the Self Part I Full-length Cassette 2021
Morbid Gods Festering Corpse EP 7" vinyl 2011
Morbosatan The Last Sacrifice EP 7" vinyl 2016
Morbosatan The Last Sacrifice EP Digital 2016
Mortiferum Altar of Decay Demo CD 2018
Mortiferum Altar of Decay Demo Digital 2017
Mycelium Mycoticism: Disseminating the Propagules Full-length Digital 2022
Mycelium Mycoticism: Disseminating the Propagules Full-length CD 2022
Mycelium Mycoticism: Disseminating the Propagules Full-length Cassette 2022
Mycelium Mycoticism: Disseminating the Propagules Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Necroccultus Supreme Occult One... The Underworld Abhorrence EP 7" vinyl 2006
Necroccultus Solemnelohim, Bringer of Death EP 12" vinyl 2013
Necroccultus Solemnelohim, Bringer of Death EP Digital 2013
Necrosadist Abstract Satan Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Necrosadist Abstract Satan Full-length Digital 2012
Necrosemen And All Shall Be Smitten by Fyre EP 12" vinyl 2013
Necrosemen Vglns EP Cassette 2015
Necrosemen Vglns EP Digital 2015
Necrosemen And All Shall Be Smitten by Fyre EP Digital 2013
Necrosodomy Eternal Darkness Demo 7" vinyl 2013
Necrosodomy Eternal Darkness Demo Digital 2013
Necrovation Chants of Grim Death EP 7" vinyl 2004
Necrovation Curse of the Subconscious Split 7" vinyl 2005
Corrupt Curse of the Subconscious Split 7" vinyl 2005
Necrovation Breed Deadness Blood Full-length CD 2008
Necrovation Gloria Mortus EP 7" vinyl 2010
Necrovation Breed Deadness Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Necrovation Gloria Mortus EP Digital 2010
Necrovation Breed Deadness Blood Full-length Digital 2008
Necrovation Storm the Void / Starving Grave EP Digital 2023
Necrovation Storm the Void / Starving Grave EP 7" vinyl 2023
Necroven Descent into the Cryptic Chasm EP 7" vinyl 2014
Necroven Descent into the Cryptic Chasm EP Digital 2014
Necrovorous Crypt of the Unembalmed Cadavers EP 7" vinyl 2009
Necrovorous Funeral for the Sane Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Necrovorous Funeral for the Sane Full-length Digital 2011
Nekus Death Nova upon the Barren Harvest EP Digital 2020
Nekus Death Nova upon the Barren Harvest EP Cassette 2020
Nekus Death Nova upon the Barren Harvest EP CD 2020
Nekus Death Nova upon the Barren Harvest EP 12" vinyl 2020
Nex Carnis Black Eternity EP 7" vinyl 2019
Nex Carnis Black Eternity EP Digital 2019
Noctambulist Atmospheres of Desolation Full-length CD 2019
Noctambulist Atmospheres of Desolation Full-length Vinyl 2019
Noctambulist Atmospheres of Desolation Full-length Cassette 2019
Noctambulist Atmospheres of Desolation Full-length Digital 2019
Nominon Terra Necrosis Full-length 12" vinyl 2007
Nominon Recremation Full-length 12" vinyl 2005
Nominon Monumentomb Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Nominon Diabolical Bloodshed Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Nominon Diabolical Bloodshed Full-length Digital 2016
Obscene Sermon to the Snake EP Digital 2018
Obscene The Inhabitable Dark Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Obscene The Inhabitable Dark Full-length Cassette 2020
Obscene The Inhabitable Dark Full-length CD 2020
Obscene The Inhabitable Dark Full-length Digital 2020
Obscene Sermon to the Snake EP Cassette 2018
Obscene ...from Dead Horizon to Dead Horizon Full-length Digital 2022
Obscene ...from Dead Horizon to Dead Horizon Full-length Cassette 2022
Obscene ...from Dead Horizon to Dead Horizon Full-length CD 2022
Obscene ...from Dead Horizon to Dead Horizon Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Oculus The Apostate of Light Full-length CD 2017
Oculus The Apostate of Light Full-length Cassette 2017
Oculus The Apostate of Light Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Ossuarium Calcified Trophies of Violence Demo Cassette 2018
Ossuarium Calcified Trophies of Violence Demo CD 2018
Ossuary Insane Possession of the Flesh Compilation Digital 2016
Ossuary Insane Possession of the Flesh Compilation 12" vinyl 2016
Ossuary Insane Demonize the Flesh Full-length Digital 2017
Ossuary Insane Demonize the Flesh Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Ossuary Insane Demonize the Flesh Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Ossuary Insane Decimation of the Flesh Compilation 12" vinyl 2018
Ossuary Insane Decimation of the Flesh Compilation Digital 2018
Perilaxe Occlusion Exponential Decay Demo Digital 2021
Perilaxe Occlusion Exponential Decay Demo 12" vinyl 2021
Perilaxe Occlusion Raytraces of Death Demo 12" vinyl 2021
Perilaxe Occlusion Raytraces of Death Demo 12" vinyl 2021
Perilaxe Occlusion Raytraces of Death Demo Digital 2021
Perpetuated Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split Digital 2020
Blood Spore Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split Digital 2020
Oxalate Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split Digital 2020
Vivisect Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split Digital 2020
Perpetuated Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split CD 2020
Blood Spore Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split CD 2020
Oxalate Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split CD 2020
Vivisect Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split CD 2020
Perpetuated Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split Cassette 2020
Blood Spore Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split Cassette 2020
Oxalate Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split Cassette 2020
Vivisect Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect Split Cassette 2020
Pestilent Death Chapters of Depravity Full-length Digital 2019
Pestilent Death Chapters of Depravity Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Phenocryst Explosions EP CD 2021
Phenocryst Explosions EP Cassette 2021
Phenocryst Explosions EP Digital 2021
Phenocryst Explosions EP 12" vinyl 2022
Phobophilic Undimensioned Identities EP Cassette 2019
Phobophilic Undimensioned Identities EP Digital 2019
Phobophilic Undimensioned Identities EP 12" vinyl 2020
Phobophilic Undimensioned Identities EP CD 2020
Poisonous Perdition's Den Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Poisonous Demo Demo 7" vinyl 2017
Polyptych Defying the Metastasis Full-length CD 2016
Polyptych Defying the Metastasis Full-length Digital 2016
Porta Daemonium Serpent of Chaos Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Porta Daemonium Serpent of Chaos Full-length Digital 2017
Praise the Flame Profane Cult EP 12" vinyl 2013
Pręgierz Blood Sanctions Demo 2 7" vinyls 2015
Pręgierz Blood Sanctions Demo Digital 2015
Pukewraith Banquet of Scum Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Putrisect Cascading Inferno EP 12" vinyl 2018
Putrisect Cascading Inferno EP CD 2018
Putrisect Cascading Inferno EP Cassette 2018
Putrisect Cascading Inferno EP Digital 2018
Pyre Ravenous Decease EP 12" vinyl 2012
Retaliation Boredom and Frustration EP 7" vinyl 2001
Ribspreader The Monolith EP 7" vinyl 2007
Ritual Torture Void of Chaos EP 7" vinyl 2012
Ritualization Beyond the Shrine of Shattered Bones EP 7" vinyl 2013
Ritualization Beyond the Shrine of Shattered Bones EP Digital 2013
Ruin Drown in Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Ruin Plague Transmissions: Vol. I Compilation Digital 2017
Ruin Plague Transmissions: Vol. I Compilation CD 2018
Ruin Human Annihilation Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Ruin Human Annihilation Full-length Digital 2019
Ruin Plague Transmissions: Vol. 2 Compilation Digital 2020
Ruin Plague Transmissions: Vol. 2 Compilation CD 2020
Sacrilega The Arcana Spear Full-length Digital 2022
Sacrilega The Arcana Spear Full-length CD 2022
Sacrilega The Arcana Spear Full-length Cassette 2022
Sacrilega The Arcana Spear Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Sacrilega The Arcana Spear Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Sadistic Drive Anthropophagy Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Sadokist Thy Saviour's Halo, Held by Horns Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Sadokist Thy Saviour's Halo, Held by Horns Full-length Digital 2016
Sartegos O Sangue da Noite Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Sartegos O Sangue da Noite Full-length Cassette 2019
Satanic Ripper Southern Black Spells Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Satanic Ripper Southern Black Spells Full-length Digital 2015
Scythian To Those Who Stand Against Us... Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Serpent Ascending The Enigma Unsettled Compilation 12" vinyl 2012
Serpent Ritual Nexvs Diaboli Demo Digital 2018
Serpent Ritual Nexvs Diaboli Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Serpentrance The Besieged Sanctum EP CD 2017
Serpentrance The Besieged Sanctum EP Digital 2017
Shambles Primitive Death Trance EP CD 2017
Shambles Primitive Death Trance EP Digital 2017
Shambles Primitive Death Trance EP 12" vinyl 2018
Shroud of the Heretic Revelations in Alchemy Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Shroud of the Heretic Boiled to Death EP 12" vinyl 2013
Shroud of the Heretic Revelations in Alchemy Full-length Digital 2014
Shroud of the Heretic Boiled to Death EP Digital 2013
Sněť Mokvání v okovech Full-length CD 2021
Sněť Mokvání v okovech Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Sněť Mokvání v okovech Full-length Digital 2021
Sněť Mokvání v okovech Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sorcery Legacy of Blood Full-length Digital 2016
Stenched Gorging on Mephitic Rot Demo 12" vinyl 2023
Stenched Gorging on Mephitic Rot Demo Digital 2023
Suffering Hour In Passing Ascension Full-length CD 2017
Suffering Hour In Passing Ascension Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Suffering Hour In Passing Ascension Full-length Digital 2017
Suffering Hour Dwell EP Digital 2019
Suffering Hour Dwell EP 12" vinyl 2019
Suffering Hour Dwell EP CD 2019
Suffering Hour Dwell EP Cassette 2019
Suffering Hour In Passing Ascension Full-length Cassette 2019
Suffering Hour In Passing Ascension Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Supremative Servitude of the Impurity Demo 7" vinyl 2016
Supremative Servitude of the Impurity Demo Digital 2016
Taphos Demo MMXVI & 7" EP MMXVII Compilation CD 2018
Taphos Demo MMXVI Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Taphos Come Ethereal Somberness Full-length CD 2018
Taphos Come Ethereal Somberness Full-length Cassette 2018
Taphos Come Ethereal Somberness Full-length Digital 2018
Taphos Come Ethereal Somberness Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Taphos Come Ethereal Somberness Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Taphos Demo MMXVI & 7" EP MMXVII Compilation Digital 2018
Taphos Come Ethereal Somberness Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Taphos Nomos R.I.P. Split CD 2017
Urðun R.I.P. Split CD 2017
Taphos Nomos R.I.P. Split Digital 2017
Urðun R.I.P. Split Digital 2017
Tehom The Merciless Light Full-length CD 2017
Tehom The Merciless Light Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Teitanfyre Hymn to Death EP 7" vinyl 2013
Teitanfyre Morbid Death's Sceptre Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Temple Below Dies Irae EP 12" vinyl 2012
Temple Below The Dark Goddess EP CD 2016
Thorns of Hate Heretical Dawn of Apocalypse EP 7" vinyl 2011
Tomb Mold The Bottomless Perdition Demo Cassette 2016
Tomb Mold Primordial Malignity Full-length CD 2017
Tomb Mold Primordial Malignity Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Tomb Mold Primordial Malignity Full-length Digital 2017
Tomb Mold The Bottomless Perdition Demo Digital 2016
Tomb Mold Primordial Malignity Full-length Cassette 2017
Tomb Mold The Bottomless Perdition / The Moulting Compilation CD 2017
Tomb Mold The Bottomless Perdition / The Moulting Compilation Digital 2017
Tomb Mold The Bottomless Perdition / The Moulting Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Tomhet Fulländad sfäraförintning i en onaturliger skepneskrud av pestilenta djwr EP Digital 2018
Tomhet Fulländad sfäraförintning i en onaturliger skepneskrud av pestilenta djwr EP 12" vinyl 2018
Tomhet Fulländad sfäraförintning i en onaturliger skepneskrud av pestilenta djwr EP CD 2018
Tomhet Fulländad sfäraförintning i en onaturliger skepneskrud av pestilenta djwr EP Cassette 2018
Totten Korps Supreme Commanders of Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Transcendence Hour of the Summoning EP Cassette 2018
Transcendence Towards Obscurities Beyond Full-length Digital 2020
Transcendence Towards Obscurities Beyond Full-length CD 2020
Transcendence Towards Obscurities Beyond Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Transcendence Towards Obscurities Beyond Full-length Cassette 2020
Tribulation Putrid Rebirth EP 7" vinyl 2006
Tribulation The Horror Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Triumvir Foul Triumvir Foul Full-length CD 2015
Triumvir Foul Triumvir Foul Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Triumvir Foul Triumvir Foul Full-length Digital 2015
Tyrant Goatgaldrakona Sign of Moloch EP 12" vinyl 2012
Tyrant Goatgaldrakona Horns in the Dark Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Tyrant Goatgaldrakona Horns in the Dark Full-length Digital 2015
Tyrant Goatgaldrakona Sign of Moloch EP Digital 2012
Tyrant Goatgaldrakona Marquis of Evil EP 7" vinyl 2019
Tyrant Goatgaldrakona Marquis of Evil EP Digital 2019
Unaussprechlichen Kulten People of the Monolith Full-length Vinyl 2010
Undead Creep Enchantments from the Haunted Hills EP 7" vinyl 2012
Undead Creep Enchantments from the Haunted Hills EP Digital 2012
Under the Church Under the Church EP 10" vinyl 2015
Under the Church Under the Church EP 10" vinyl 2015
Under the Church Under the Church EP Digital 2015
Unholy Lust Taste the Sin Through the Fire Full-length CD 2010
Unholy Lust Taste the Sin Through the Fire Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Unholy Lust Taste the Sin Through the Fire Full-length Digital 2011
Universally Estranged Reared Up in Spectral Predation Full-length Digital 2021
Universally Estranged Reared Up in Spectral Predation Full-length CD 2021
Universally Estranged Reared Up in Spectral Predation Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Universally Estranged Reared Up in Spectral Predation Full-length Cassette 2021
Universally Estranged Dimension of Deviant Clusters Full-length CD 2022
Universally Estranged Dimension of Deviant Clusters Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Universally Estranged Dimension of Deviant Clusters Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Universally Estranged Dimension of Deviant Clusters Full-length Cassette 2022
Universally Estranged Dimension of Deviant Clusters Full-length Digital 2022
Universally Estranged Reared Up in Spectral Predation Full-length Cassette 2022
Vacuous Depths Corporal Humiliation Full-length Cassette 2022
Vacuous Depths Corporal Humiliation Full-length Digital 2022
Vacuous Depths Corporal Humiliation Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vahrzaw Twin Suns & Wolves' Tongues Full-length CD 2016
Vahrzaw Twin Suns & Wolves' Tongues Full-length Digital 2016
Vahrzaw Husk Full-length CD 2018
Vahrzaw Husk Full-length Digital 2018
Valdrin Two Carrion Talismans Full-length CD 2018
Valdrin Two Carrion Talismans Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Valdrin Two Carrion Talismans Full-length Cassette 2018
Valdrin Two Carrion Talismans Full-length Digital 2018
Valdrin Effigy of Nightmares Full-length Digital 2020
Valdrin Effigy of Nightmares Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Valdrin Effigy of Nightmares Full-length CD 2020
Valdrin Effigy of Nightmares Full-length Cassette 2020
Valdrin Throne of the Lunar Soul Full-length CD 2023
Valdrin Throne of the Lunar Soul Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Valdrin Throne of the Lunar Soul Full-length Cassette 2023
Valdrin Throne of the Lunar Soul Full-length Digital 2023
Valdrin Throne of the Lunar Soul Full-length Cassette 2024
Vasaeleth Crypt Born & Tethered to Ruin Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Vehementer Replenishment Circle (The Black Spectrumfest) EP 7" vinyl 2017
Vehementer Replenishment Circle (The Black Spectrumfest) EP Digital 2017
Verminous The Curse of the Antichrist EP 7" vinyl 2013
Verminous Impious Sacrilege Full-length Vinyl 2004
Verminous The Curse of the Antichrist EP Digital 2013
Vile Apparition Depravity Ordained Full-length Digital 2019
Vile Apparition Depravity Ordained Full-length Vinyl 2019
Violent Scum Festering in Endless Decay Demo Cassette 2016
Violent Scum Festering in Endless Decay Demo Digital 2016
VoidCeremony Dystheism EP 7" vinyl 2015
VoidCeremony Cyclical Descent of Causality EP Cassette 2015
VoidCeremony Cyclical Descent of Causality EP Digital 2015
VoidCeremony Dystheism EP Digital 2015
VoidCeremony Foul Origins of Humanity EP Digital 2017
VoidCeremony Foul Origins of Humanity EP CD 2018
VoidCeremony Foul Origins of Humanity EP 12" vinyl 2018
Voids of Vomit Veritas Ultima Vitae EP 12" vinyl 2011
Voimaton Demo 2019 Demo Cassette 2019
Vomination Yog-Sothoth Demo 7" vinyl 2006
Witch King Voice of the Ossuary Full-length Digital 2018
Witch King Voice of the Ossuary Full-length CD 2018
Witch King Voice of the Ossuary Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Witch King Voice of the Ossuary Full-length Cassette 2018
Witchaven Terrorstorm Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Writhing Eternalised in Rot EP 7" vinyl 2020
Writhing Eternalised in Rot EP Digital 2020
Xantam LifeDeathBeyond Demo Cassette 2016
Xantam LifeDeathBeyond Demo Digital 2015
Xantam Altered State EP Digital 2019
Xantam Altered State EP Cassette 2019
Xantam Altered State EP CD 2019
Xantam Altered State EP 12" vinyl 2020
Xenomorph Empyreal Regimes Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Zealot Cult Karmenian Crypt EP Digital 2016
Zealot Cult Karmenian Crypt EP 12" vinyl 2016
Zealot Cult Karmenian Crypt EP 12" vinyl 2016
Zealot Cult Spiritual Sickness Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Zealot Cult Spiritual Sickness Full-length CD 2018
Zealot Cult Spiritual Sickness Full-length Cassette 2018
Zealot Cult Spiritual Sickness Full-length Digital 2018
Ziggurat Ritual Miasma EP CD 2018
Ziggurat Ritual Miasma EP 12" vinyl 2018
Ziggurat Ritual Miasma EP Digital 2018
Αίμα Blood Chalices from the Impure Split 7" vinyl 2017
Supremative Blood Chalices from the Impure Split 7" vinyl 2017