I, Voidhanger Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Palermo
Country Italy
Status active
Styles And Specialties Experimental, Black, Death
Founding Date 2008
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Voidhanger-Records/178326288885897
YouTube (new) https://www.youtube.com/@ivoidhangerrecords
Bandcamp http://i-voidhangerrecords.bandcamp.com/
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/i-voidhanger-records
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/i_voidhanger_records
Myspace http://myspace.com/ivoidhangerrecords
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/lVoidhangerRecords
Store https://metalodyssey.8merch.com/
Nightshift Merch https://www.nightshiftmerch.com/collections/I-Voidhanger-Records


Name Country Genre Status
Absconditus France black Current
Acausal Intrusion United States death, technical Current
Alkuharmonian Kantaja Finland black, post-metal Current
Antagoniste France avant-garde, black, sludge Current
Arkæon Denmark black Current
Arkheth Australia melodic, symphonic, experimental, black Current
Ars Magna Umbrae Poland atmospheric, black Current
Asystole United States death, progressive Current
At the Altar of the Horned God Spain ambient, atmospheric, black, ritual Current
Atemporal Canada black, death Current
Aus der Transzendenz Austria black Current
Baring Teeth United States death, progressive, technical Current
Bekor Qilish Italy avant-garde, extreme Current
Creatvre France avant-garde, black, progressive Current
Dionysiaque France doom Current
Divine Element International black, death, melodic Current
Ecferus United States black Current
Esoctrilihum France black Current
Feral Light United States black, black'n'roll Current
Fleshvessel United States death, experimental Current
Forlesen United States ambient, black, doom Current
Hadit Italy black, death Current
Hand of the Horsewitch Canada black, death, doom Current
Hasard France avant-garde, black Current
Herxheim United States black, death Current
Hex Arcana International avant-garde, black Current
In Human Form United States black, progressive Current
Incantvm Italy black, experimental Current
Incipient Chaos France black Current
Inconcessus Lux Lucis United Kingdom black Current
John Gallow United States doom Current
Kevel Greece post-metal, progressive, sludge Current
Khanus Finland death Current
Kosmovorous International black Current
Lo-Ruhamah United States black, death, post-rock Current
Locust Leaves Greece experimental, progressive Current
Lorn Italy black Current
Malasangre Italy doom, drone, funeral, sludge Current
Merihem International black, death, experimental Current
Midnight Odyssey Australia ambient, black Current
Moss upon the Skull Belgium death, progressive Current
Mystras Greece black Current
Nephilim's Howl Finland black, doom Current
Noise Trail Immersion Italy death, math, black, post-metal, hardcore Current
Obscuring Veil International avant-garde, black Current
Onirik Portugal black Current
Ornæmental Shine Mexico black Current
Ôros Kaù Belgium black Current
Panegyrist United States avant-garde, black Current
Phantom Denmark black, doom Current
Prometheus Greece black, death Current
Sartegos Spain black, death Current
Serpent Ascending Finland death Current
Sheidim Spain black, death Current
SkyThala United States avant-garde, black Current
Smohalla France avant-garde, black, post-metal Current
Spectral Lore Greece ambient, atmospheric, black Current
Summit Italy post-metal, progressive Current
Swords of Dis United Kingdom black, doom Current
Thanatotherion United States black Current
The Clearing Path Italy black, progressive Current
The Oldest House Spain doom, sludge Current
The Wakedead Gathering United States death Current
Thecodontion Italy black, atmospheric, death Current
Thos Ælla United States black, death Current
Tongues Denmark black, death, doom Current
Umbah United Kingdom avant-garde, cybergrind, death, electronic, industrial Current
Unsouling United States black, death, experimental Current
Verge Finland black Current
Verikyyneleet Finland black Current
Vertebra Atlantis Italy black, death, experimental Current
Weeping Sores United States death, doom Current
Wreche United States avant-garde, black Current
Wyrgher Switzerland black Current
Yaaroth United States doom, progressive, rock Current
Ysengrin France black, death, doom Current
ZOS Poland doom, drone Current
Aarni Finland avant-garde, doom Past
Abstracter United States black, crust, doom, sludge Past
Ævangelist Finland black, death, experimental Past
An Isolated Mind United States avant-garde, black, death, post-rock, progressive Past
Benighted in Sodom United States doom, experimental, rock, black Past
Blizaro United States doom, progressive, rock Past
Bloodway Romania black, progressive Past
Caput LVIIIm Italy doom, drone, funeral Past
Ceremented United States death, doom Past
Cerulean United States black, death Past
Chaos Moon United States doom, funeral, black Past
Chowder United States doom, progressive Past
Cosmic Putrefaction Italy death Past
Deathspiral of Inherited Suffering United States black, death Past
Defacement Netherlands black, death Past
Deitus United Kingdom black Past
Devil Worshipper International black Past
Dominus Ira Russia black Past
Eigenlicht United States black Past
Entheogen United States black Past
Epectase France black, progressive Past
Feed Them Death Italy death, grind, hardcore Past
Fell Ruin United States black, doom Past
God's Bastard United States black Past
Haunter United States screamo, black, death Past
Howls of Ebb United States black, death, experimental Past
Hussar Canada death, doom Past
Inner Sanctvm Uruguay death Past
Jute Gyte United States ambient, black, experimental, noise Past
Khthoniik Cerviiks Germany black, death Past
Krukh United States black Past
Lustre Sweden ambient, atmospheric, black Past
Malhkebre France black Past
Mare Cognitum United States atmospheric, black Past
Nachtlieder Sweden black Past
Nar Mattaru Chile death Past
Ploughshare Australia black, death Past
Precaria Mexico black Past
Proton Burst France industrial, thrash Past
Sermon of Flames Ireland black, death, noise, sludge Past
Skáphe United States black Past
Skrying Mirror International death, industrial Past
Sol Denmark death, ambient, avant-garde, dark, experimental, doom Past
Suspiral Spain black, death Past
Tchornobog United States black, death, doom Past
Tempestuous Fall Australia death, doom, funeral Past
The Crevices Below Australia black Past
Todesstoß Germany black Past
Tome of the Unreplenished Cyprus atmospheric, black, electronics, noise, power Past
Umbra Nihil Finland doom, progressive Past
Undulation United States black Past
Urna Italy black, doom, funeral Past
Venomous Echoes United States black, death Past
Vessel of Iniquity United Kingdom black, death, noise Past
Voak Greece black Past
Voidcraeft Germany black Past
Woebegone Obscured Denmark black, death, doom, funeral Past
Yhdarl Belgium black, doom, drone Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Aarni Yogsothery - Gate 1: Chaosmogonic Rituals of Fear Split CD 2010
Umbra Nihil Yogsothery - Gate 1: Chaosmogonic Rituals of Fear Split CD 2010
Caput LVIIIm Yogsothery - Gate 1: Chaosmogonic Rituals of Fear Split CD 2010
Aarni Yogsothery - Gate 1: Chaosmogonic Rituals of Fear Split Digital None
Umbra Nihil Yogsothery - Gate 1: Chaosmogonic Rituals of Fear Split Digital None
Caput LVIIIm Yogsothery - Gate 1: Chaosmogonic Rituals of Fear Split Digital None
Absconditus Kατάβασις Full-length Digital 2015
Absconditus Kατάβασις Full-length CD 2015
Abstracter Cinereous Incarnate Full-length CD 2018
Acausal Intrusion Nulitas Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Acausal Intrusion Nulitas Full-length CD 2021
Acausal Intrusion Nulitas Full-length Digital 2021
Acausal Intrusion Seeping Evocation Full-length Digital 2022
Acausal Intrusion Seeping Evocation Full-length CD 2022
Acausal Intrusion Seeping Evocation Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Acausal Intrusion Panpsychism Full-length Digital 2023
Acausal Intrusion Panpsychism Full-length CD 2023
Acausal Intrusion Panpsychism Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ævangelist De Masticatione Mortuorum in Tumulis Full-length CD 2012
Ævangelist Nightmare Flesh Offering EP 7" vinyl 2013
Ævangelist Matricide in the Temple of Omega Full-length CD 2018
Ævangelist Nightmare Flesh Offering EP Digital 2013
Ævangelist De Masticatione Mortuorum in Tumulis Full-length Digital 2012
Ævangelist Matricide in the Temple of Omega Full-length Digital 2018
Ævangelist Simulacra Retrospectræ Live album CD 2023
Ævangelist Simulacra Retrospectræ Live album Digital 2023
Alkuharmonian Kantaja Shadowy Peripherals Full-length CD 2021
Alkuharmonian Kantaja Shadowy Peripherals Full-length Digital 2021
An Isolated Mind I'm Losing Myself Full-length CD 2019
Antagoniste The Myth of Mankind Full-length CD 2015
Antagoniste The Myth of Mankind Full-length Digital 2015
Arkæon Parasit Full-length CD 2022
Arkæon Parasit Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Arkæon Parasit Full-length Digital 2022
Arkheth Clarity Came with a Cool Summer's Breeze Full-length CD 2022
Arkheth Clarity Came with a Cool Summer's Breeze Full-length Digital 2022
Arkheth Clarity Came with a Cool Summer's Breeze Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ars Magna Umbrae Lunar Ascension Full-length CD 2019
Ars Magna Umbrae Apotheosis Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Ars Magna Umbrae Apotheosis Full-length CD 2020
Ars Magna Umbrae Apotheosis Full-length Digital 2020
Ars Magna Umbrae Throne Between Worlds Full-length CD 2021
Ars Magna Umbrae Throne Between Worlds Full-length Digital 2021
Ars Magna Umbrae Throne Between Worlds Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Asystole Siren to Blight Full-length Digital 2023
Asystole Siren to Blight Full-length CD 2023
Asystole Siren to Blight Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
At the Altar of the Horned God Through Doors of Moonlight Full-length Digital 2020
At the Altar of the Horned God Through Doors of Moonlight Full-length CD 2020
At the Altar of the Horned God Through Doors of Moonlight Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
At the Altar of the Horned God Heart of Silence Full-length CD 2023
At the Altar of the Horned God Heart of Silence Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
At the Altar of the Horned God Heart of Silence Full-length Digital 2023
Atemporal Thorn Genesis Full-length CD 2023
Atemporal Thorn Genesis Full-length Digital 2023
Atemporal Thorn Genesis Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Aus der Transzendenz Breed of a Dying Sun Full-length CD 2012
Aus der Transzendenz Breed of a Dying Sun Full-length Digital 2012
Baring Teeth The Path Narrows Full-length Digital 2023
Baring Teeth The Path Narrows Full-length CD 2023
Baring Teeth The Path Narrows Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Bekor Qilish Throes of Death from the Dreamed Nihilism Full-length Digital 2022
Bekor Qilish Throes of Death from the Dreamed Nihilism Full-length CD 2022
Bekor Qilish Throes of Death from the Dreamed Nihilism Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Bekor Qilish The Flesh of a New God Full-length CD 2023
Bekor Qilish The Flesh of a New God Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Bekor Qilish The Flesh of a New God Full-length Digital 2023
Benighted in Sodom Carrier of Poison Apples Full-length CD 2019
Benighted in Sodom Carrier of Poison Apples Full-length Digital 2019
Blizaro Strange Doorways Compilation 2CD 2013
Blizaro Strange Doorways Compilation Digital 2013
Blizaro Cornucopia della morte Full-length CD 2016
Blizaro Cornucopia della morte Full-length Digital 2016
Bloodway Sunstone Voyager and the Clandestine Horizon EP CD 2014
Bloodway Mapping the Moment with the Logic of Dreams Full-length CD 2015
Bloodway Mapping the Moment with the Logic of Dreams Full-length Digital 2015
Bloodway Sunstone Voyager and the Clandestine Horizon EP Digital 2014
Bloodway A Fragile Riddle Crypting Clues Full-length CD 2017
Bloodway A Fragile Riddle Crypting Clues Full-length Digital 2017
Ceremented Thecodontion / Ceremented Split CD 2023
Thecodontion Thecodontion / Ceremented Split CD 2023
Ceremented Thecodontion / Ceremented Split Digital 2023
Thecodontion Thecodontion / Ceremented Split Digital 2023
Cerulean Carrion Angel EP CD 2024
Chaos Moon Resurrection Extract Full-length CD 2014
Chaos Moon Resurrection Extract Full-length Digital 2014
Chowder Passion Rift Full-length CD 2012
Chowder Passion Rift Full-length Digital 2012
Cosmic Putrefaction At the Threshold of the Greatest Chasm Full-length CD 2019
Cosmic Putrefaction At the Threshold of the Greatest Chasm Full-length Digital 2019
Cosmic Putrefaction The Horizons Towards Which Splendour Withers Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Cosmic Putrefaction The Horizons Towards Which Splendour Withers Full-length CD 2020
Cosmic Putrefaction The Horizons Towards Which Splendour Withers Full-length Digital 2020
Creatvre Ex Cathedra Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Creatvre Ex Cathedra Full-length CD 2020
Creatvre Ex Cathedra Full-length Digital 2020
Creatvre Eloge de l'ombre Full-length CD 2021
Creatvre Eloge de l'ombre Full-length Digital 2021
Creatvre Eloge de l'ombre Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Defacement Defacement Full-length Digital 2021
Defacement Defacement Full-length CD 2021
Defacement Defacement Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Deitus Via Dolorosa Full-length CD 2018
Devil Worshipper Music for the Endtimes Full-length CD 2018
Devil Worshipper Music for the Endtimes Full-length Digital 2018
Dionysiaque Diogonos Full-length CD 2024
Dionysiaque Diogonos Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Dionysiaque Diogonos Full-length Digital 2024
Divine Element Thaurachs of Borsu Full-length CD 2017
Divine Element Thaurachs of Borsu Full-length Digital 2017
Dominus Ira Metamorphosphoros Split CD 2018
Precaria Metamorphosphoros Split CD 2018
Deathspiral of Inherited Suffering Metamorphosphoros Split CD 2018
Dominus Ira Metamorphosphoros Split Digital 2018
Precaria Metamorphosphoros Split Digital 2018
Deathspiral of Inherited Suffering Metamorphosphoros Split Digital 2018
Ecferus Pangaea Full-length CD 2016
Ecferus Pangaea Full-length Digital 2016
Eigenlicht Self-Annihilating Consciousness Full-length CD 2018
Entheogen Without Veil, nor Self Full-length CD 2019
Epectase Astres Full-length CD 2019
Epectase Astres Full-length Digital 2019
Epectase Astres Full-length Digital 2019
Esoctrilihum Mystic Echo from a Funeral Dimension Full-length Digital 2017
Esoctrilihum Mystic Echo from a Funeral Dimension Full-length CD 2017
Esoctrilihum Pandaemorthium (Forbidden Formulas to Awaken the Blind Sovereigns of Nothingness) Full-length CD 2018
Esoctrilihum Pandaemorthium (Forbidden Formulas to Awaken the Blind Sovereigns of Nothingness) Full-length Digital 2018
Esoctrilihum Inhüma Full-length CD 2018
Esoctrilihum Inhüma Full-length Digital 2018
Esoctrilihum The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods Full-length CD 2019
Esoctrilihum The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Esoctrilihum The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods Full-length Digital 2019
Esoctrilihum Eternity of Shaog Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Esoctrilihum Eternity of Shaog Full-length CD 2020
Esoctrilihum Eternity of Shaog Full-length Digital 2020
Esoctrilihum Dy'th Requiem for the Serpent Telepath Full-length CD 2021
Esoctrilihum Dy'th Requiem for the Serpent Telepath Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Esoctrilihum Dy'th Requiem for the Serpent Telepath Full-length Digital 2021
Esoctrilihum Inhüma Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Esoctrilihum Consecration of the Spiritüs Flesh Full-length CD 2022
Esoctrilihum Consecration of the Spiritüs Flesh Full-length Digital 2022
Esoctrilihum Consecration of the Spiritüs Flesh Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Esoctrilihum Astraal Constellations of the Majickal Zodiac Full-length Digital 2023
Esoctrilihum Astraal Constellations of the Majickal Zodiac Full-length 3 12" vinyls 2023
Esoctrilihum Astraal Constellations of the Majickal Zodiac Full-length 3CD 2023
Esoctrilihum Dy'th Requiem for the Serpent Telepath Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Esoctrilihum The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods Full-length CD 2023
Feed Them Death Panopticism: Belong / ​Be Lost Full-length CD 2020
Feed Them Death Panopticism: Belong / ​Be Lost Full-length Digital 2020
Fell Ruin To the Concrete Drifts Full-length CD 2017
Feral Light Psychic Contortions Full-length CD 2022
Feral Light Psychic Contortions Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Fleshvessel Bile of Man Reborn EP CD 2020
Fleshvessel Yearning: Promethean Fates Sealed Full-length CD 2023
Fleshvessel Yearning: Promethean Fates Sealed Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Fleshvessel Yearning: Promethean Fates Sealed Full-length Digital 2023
Forlesen Black Terrain Full-length Digital 2022
Forlesen Black Terrain Full-length CD 2022
Forlesen Black Terrain Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Forlesen Lotus Thief - Forlesen Split Digital 2024
Forlesen Lotus Thief - Forlesen Split CD 2024
God's Bastard Last Standing Village EP CD 2020
Hadit Metaphysical Engines Approaching the Event Horizon Full-length CD 2024
Hadit Metaphysical Engines Approaching the Event Horizon Full-length Digital 2024
Hadit Metaphysical Engines Approaching the Event Horizon Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Hasard Malivore Full-length Digital 2023
Hasard Malivore Full-length CD 2023
Hasard Malivore Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Haunter Sacramental Death Qualia Full-length CD 2019
Haunter Sacramental Death Qualia Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Haunter Sacramental Death Qualia Full-length Digital 2019
Haunter Sacramental Death Qualia Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Herxheim Incised Arrival Full-length CD 2020
Herxheim Contrapasso EP Digital 2024
Herxheim Contrapasso EP CD 2024
Howls of Ebb Vigils of the 3rd Eye Full-length CD 2014
Howls of Ebb The Marrow Veil EP 12" vinyl 2015
Howls of Ebb Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows Full-length CD 2016
Howls of Ebb Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows Full-length Digital 2016
Howls of Ebb The Marrow Veil EP Digital 2015
Howls of Ebb Vigils of the 3rd Eye Full-length Digital 2014
Howls of Ebb The Marrow Veil EP CD 2016
Hussar All​-​Consuming Hunger Full-length Digital 2022
Hussar All​-​Consuming Hunger Full-length CD 2022
Hussar All​-​Consuming Hunger Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
In Human Form Opening of the Eye by the Death of the I Full-length CD 2017
In Human Form Opening of the Eye by the Death of the I Full-length Digital 2017
In Human Form III Full-length CD 2019
In Human Form III Full-length Digital 2019
Incantvm Strigae Full-length CD 2022
Incantvm Strigae Full-length Digital 2022
Incipient Chaos Incipient Chaos Full-length Digital 2024
Incipient Chaos Incipient Chaos Full-length CD 2024
Incipient Chaos Incipient Chaos Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Inconcessus Lux Lucis Crux Lupus Corona EP CD 2014
Inconcessus Lux Lucis Crux Lupus Corona EP Digital 2014
Inconcessus Lux Lucis Crux Lupus Corona EP CD 2014
Inconcessus Lux Lucis The Crowning Quietus Full-length CD 2017
Inconcessus Lux Lucis The Crowning Quietus Full-length Digital 2017
Inconcessus Lux Lucis Temples Colliding in Fire Full-length Digital 2024
Inconcessus Lux Lucis Temples Colliding in Fire Full-length CD 2024
Inconcessus Lux Lucis Temples Colliding in Fire Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Inner Sanctvm Christi Testamenta Full-length CD 2012
John Gallow Violet Dreams Full-length Digital 2014
John Gallow Violet Dreams Full-length CD 2014
Kevel Mutatis Mutandis Full-length CD 2020
Kevel Mutatis Mutandis Full-length Digital 2020
Kevel Mutatis Mutandis Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Khanus Rites of Fire EP CD 2016
Khanus Flammarion Full-length CD 2018
Khanus Flammarion Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Khanus Flammarion Full-length Digital 2018
Khthoniik Cerviiks With Gangrene Edges ​/​ Voiidwarp Split CD 2017
Howls of Ebb With Gangrene Edges ​/​ Voiidwarp Split CD 2017
Kosmovorous Glorification Sermons EP CD 2020
Kosmovorous Glorification Sermons EP Digital 2020
Krukh Безглуздість! Full-length CD 2019
Lo-Ruhamah Anointing Full-length CD 2017
Lo-Ruhamah Anointing Full-length Digital 2017
Locust Leaves A Subtler Kind of Light Full-length Digital 2017
Locust Leaves A Subtler Kind of Light Full-length CD 2017
Locust Leaves A Subtler Kind of Light Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Lorn Subconscious Metamorphosis Full-length CD 2013
Lorn Arrayed Claws Full-length Digital 2017
Lorn Arrayed Claws Full-length CD 2017
Lorn Subconscious Metamorphosis Full-length Digital 2013
Lustre Vixerunt Split 7" vinyl 2013
Aus der Transzendenz Vixerunt Split 7" vinyl 2013
Lustre Vixerunt Split Digital 2013
Aus der Transzendenz Vixerunt Split Digital 2013
Malasangre Lux Deerit Soli Full-length CD 2012
Malasangre Lux Deerit Soli Full-length Digital 2012
Malhkebre Revelation Full-length CD 2014
Malhkebre Revelation Full-length Digital 2014
Mare Cognitum Phobos Monolith Full-length CD 2014
Mare Cognitum Phobos Monolith Full-length Digital 2014
Mare Cognitum Phobos Monolith Full-length CD 2015
Mare Cognitum An Extraconscious Lucidity Full-length CD 2015
Mare Cognitum Luminiferous Aether Full-length CD 2016
Mare Cognitum Luminiferous Aether Full-length Digital 2016
Mare Cognitum The Sea Which Has Become Known Full-length CD 2018
Mare Cognitum The Sea Which Has Become Known Full-length Digital 2018
Mare Cognitum Solar Paroxysm Full-length CD 2021
Mare Cognitum Solar Paroxysm Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2024
Merihem Incendiary Darkness Full-length Digital 2022
Merihem Incendiary Darkness Full-length CD 2022
Merihem Incendiary Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Midnight Odyssey Funerals from the Astral Sphere Full-length 2CD 2011
Midnight Odyssey Converge, Rivers of Hell Split CD 2013
The Crevices Below Converge, Rivers of Hell Split CD 2013
Tempestuous Fall Converge, Rivers of Hell Split CD 2013
Midnight Odyssey Firmament Full-length CD 2010
Midnight Odyssey Shards of Silver Fade Full-length 2CD 2015
Midnight Odyssey Shards of Silver Fade Full-length Digital 2015
Midnight Odyssey Funerals from the Astral Sphere Full-length 2CD 2013
Midnight Odyssey Silhouettes of Stars Compilation 2CD 2017
Midnight Odyssey Silhouettes of Stars Compilation Digital 2017
Midnight Odyssey Firmament Demo Digital 2010
Midnight Odyssey Funerals from the Astral Sphere Full-length Digital 2011
Midnight Odyssey Converge, Rivers of Hell Split Digital 2013
The Crevices Below Converge, Rivers of Hell Split Digital 2013
Tempestuous Fall Converge, Rivers of Hell Split Digital 2013
Midnight Odyssey Biolume Part 1 - In Tartarean Chains Full-length CD 2019
Midnight Odyssey Biolume Part 1 - In Tartarean Chains Full-length Digital 2019
Midnight Odyssey Biolume Part 1 - In Tartarean Chains Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Midnight Odyssey Biolume Part 2 - The Golden Orb Full-length 3 vinyls 2021
Midnight Odyssey Biolume Part 2 - The Golden Orb Full-length 2CD 2021
Midnight Odyssey Echoes of a Celestial Ruin Compilation Digital 2022
Midnight Odyssey Echoes of a Celestial Ruin Compilation 3CD 2022
Midnight Odyssey Shards of Silver Fade Full-length 4 12" vinyls 2023
Midnight Odyssey Biolume Part 3 - A Fullmoon Madness Full-length Digital 2023
Midnight Odyssey Biolume Part 3 - A Fullmoon Madness Full-length 2CD 2023
Midnight Odyssey Biolume Part 3 - A Fullmoon Madness Full-length 3 12" vinyls 2024
Midnight Odyssey Shards of Silver Fade Full-length 4 12" vinyls 2023
Midnight Odyssey Closer to the Sky EP Digital 2024
Midnight Odyssey Closer to the Sky EP CD 2024
Moss upon the Skull In Vengeful Reverence Full-length Digital 2018
Moss upon the Skull In Vengeful Reverence Full-length CD 2018
Mystras Castles Conquered and Reclaimed Full-length CD 2020
Mystras Castles Conquered and Reclaimed Full-length Digital 2020
Mystras Castles Conquered and Reclaimed Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Mystras Empires Vanquished and Dismantled Full-length Digital 2021
Mystras Empires Vanquished and Dismantled Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Nachtlieder The Female of the Species Full-length CD 2015
Nachtlieder The Female of the Species Full-length Digital 2015
Nar Mattaru Enûma Elish Full-length CD 2012
Nar Mattaru Ancient Atomic Warfare Full-length CD 2015
Nar Mattaru Ancient Atomic Warfare Full-length Digital 2015
Nephilim's Howl Through the Marrow of Human Suffering Full-length Digital 2017
Nephilim's Howl Through the Marrow of Human Suffering Full-length CD 2017
Noise Trail Immersion Curia Full-length CD 2021
Noise Trail Immersion Curia Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Obscuring Veil Fleshvoid to Naught Full-length CD 2019
Obscuring Veil Fleshvoid to Naught Full-length Digital 2019
Onirik The Fire Cult Beyond Eternity Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Onirik The Fire Cult Beyond Eternity Full-length Digital 2020
Onirik The Fire Cult Beyond Eternity Full-length CD 2020
Ornæmental Shine Deima Panikon Full-length CD 2022
Ôros Kaù Imperii Templum Aries Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Ôros Kaù Thanatos Full-length CD 2023
Ôros Kaù Thanatos Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ôros Kaù Thanatos Full-length Digital 2023
Panegyrist Hierurgy Full-length CD 2018
Panegyrist Hierurgy Full-length Digital 2018
Phantom Incendiary Serum Full-length CD 2013
Phantom Death Epic Full-length CD 2018
Phantom Death Epic Full-length Digital 2018
Phantom Incendiary Serum Full-length Digital 2013
Ploughshare Tellurian Insurgency EP CD 2019
Precaria Theosulphuros Split CD 2020
Ôros Kaù Theosulphuros Split CD 2020
Precaria Theosulphuros Split Digital 2020
Ôros Kaù Theosulphuros Split Digital 2020
Precaria Nigraluminiscencia Compilation 12" vinyl 2020
Prometheus Resonant Echoes from Cosmos of Old Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Prometheus Resonant Echoes from Cosmos of Old Full-length CD 2020
Prometheus Resonant Echoes from Cosmos of Old Full-length Digital 2020
Prometheus Aornos Full-length CD 2022
Prometheus Aornos Full-length Digital 2022
Proton Burst La nuit Full-length CD 2024
Proton Burst La nuit Full-length Digital 2024
Proton Burst La nuit Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Sartegos As Fontes do Negrume EP 12" vinyl 2013
Sartegos As Fontes do Negrume EP Digital 2013
Sartegos O Sangue da Noite Full-length CD 2019
Sartegos Portais Compilation Digital 2023
Sartegos Portais Compilation CD 2023
Sermon of Flames I Have Seen the Light, and It Was Repulsive Full-length Digital 2021
Sermon of Flames I Have Seen the Light, and It Was Repulsive Full-length CD 2021
Sermon of Flames I Have Seen the Light, and It Was Repulsive Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Sermon of Flames I Have Seen the Light, and It Was Repulsive Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Serpent Ascending The Enigma Unsettled Compilation CD 2011
Serpent Ascending Aṇaṅku Full-length Digital 2016
Serpent Ascending The Enigma Unsettled Compilation Digital 2011
Serpent Ascending Aṇaṅku Full-length CD 2016
Serpent Ascending Hyperborean Folklore Full-length CD 2022
Serpent Ascending Hyperborean Folklore Full-length Digital 2022
Serpent Ascending Hyperborean Folklore Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Sheidim Infamata EP CD 2017
Sheidim Infamata EP Digital 2017
Skáphe Skáphe² Full-length CD 2016
Skrying Mirror Omnimalevolence Full-length Digital 2023
Skrying Mirror Omnimalevolence Full-length CD 2023
SkyThala Boreal Despair Full-length Digital 2022
SkyThala Boreal Despair Full-length CD 2022
SkyThala Boreal Despair Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Sol Promethean Sessions Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sol Promethean Sessions Full-length CD 2023
Sol Promethean Sessions Full-length Digital 2023
Spectral Lore Sol Split CD 2013
Mare Cognitum Sol Split CD 2013
Spectral Lore III Full-length 2CD 2014
Spectral Lore III Full-length Digital 2014
Spectral Lore Gnosis EP CD 2015
Spectral Lore III Full-length 2CD 2015
Spectral Lore Helian Split CD 2018
Jute Gyte Helian Split CD 2018
Spectral Lore Sol Split CD 2018
Mare Cognitum Sol Split CD 2018
Spectral Lore Helian Split Digital 2018
Jute Gyte Helian Split Digital 2018
Spectral Lore Gnosis EP Digital 2015
Spectral Lore Sol Split Digital 2013
Mare Cognitum Sol Split Digital 2013
Spectral Lore Ετερόφωτος Full-length Digital 2021
Spectral Lore Ετερόφωτος Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Spectral Lore Ετερόφωτος Full-length CD 2021
Spectral Lore 11 Days EP CD 2023
Summit The Winds That Forestall Thy Return Full-length Digital 2016
Summit The Winds That Forestall Thy Return Full-length CD 2016
Suspiral Delve into the Mysteries of Transcendence Full-length CD 2016
Suspiral Delve into the Mysteries of Transcendence Full-length Digital 2016
Swords of Dis Melencolia Full-length Digital 2023
Swords of Dis Melencolia Full-length CD 2023
Swords of Dis Melencolia Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Tchornobog Tchornobog Full-length CD 2017
Tempestuous Fall The Stars Would Not Awake You Full-length CD 2012
Tempestuous Fall The Stars Would Not Awake You Full-length Digital 2012
Tempestuous Fall The Stars Would Not Awake You Full-length Digital 2012
Thanatotherion Alienation Manifesto Full-length CD 2024
Thanatotherion Alienation Manifesto Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
The Clearing Path Watershed Between Firmament and the Realm of Hyperborea Full-length CD 2017
The Clearing Path Watershed Between Firmament and the Realm of Hyperborea Full-length Digital 2017
The Oldest House A Worm Through Time EP CD 2024
The Oldest House A Worm Through Time EP Digital 2024
The Wakedead Gathering Dark Circles EP CD 2012
The Wakedead Gathering The Gate and the Key Full-length CD 2013
The Wakedead Gathering Fuscus: Strings of the Black Lyre Full-length CD 2016
The Wakedead Gathering Fuscus: Strings of the Black Lyre Full-length Digital 2016
The Wakedead Gathering The Wakedead Gathering / Ecferus Split CD 2017
Ecferus The Wakedead Gathering / Ecferus Split CD 2017
The Wakedead Gathering The Gate and the Key Full-length Digital 2013
The Wakedead Gathering Parallaxiom Full-length Digital 2022
The Wakedead Gathering Parallaxiom Full-length CD 2022
Thecodontion Supercontinent Full-length Digital 2020
Thecodontion Supercontinent Full-length CD 2020
Thos Ælla Sempiternal Mobocracies Full-length CD 2022
Thos Ælla Sempiternal Mobocracies Full-length Digital 2022
Todesstoß Hirngemeer Full-length CD 2015
Todesstoß Ebne Graun Full-length CD 2017
Todesstoß Ebne Graun Full-length Digital 2017
Todesstoß Hirngemeer Full-length Digital 2015
Todesstoß Das Liebweh​-​Dekret Full-length Digital 2024
Todesstoß Das Liebweh​-​Dekret Full-length CD 2024
Todesstoß Antirobotid Single Digital 2024
Tome of the Unreplenished Innerstanding Full-length CD 2015
Tome of the Unreplenished Innerstanding Full-length Digital 2015
Tome of the Unreplenished Cosmoprism: The Theurgy - Act I EP CD 2017
Tongues Thelésis Ignis EP Digital 2014
Tongues Thelésis Ignis EP CD 2014
Tongues Hreilia Full-length CD 2017
Tongues Hreilia Full-length Digital 2017
Tongues Hreilia Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Tongues Formløse stjerner Full-length CD 2023
Tongues Formløse stjerner Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Tongues Formløse stjerner Full-length Digital 2023
Umbah Enter the Dagobah Core Full-length CD 2012
Umbah Trilobeth Full-length CD 2010
Umbah Enter the Dagobah Core Full-length Digital 2012
Undulation An Unhealthy Interest in Suffering EP CD 2023
Unsouling Vampiric Spiritual Drain Full-length CD 2024
Urna Iter ad Lucem Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Venomous Echoes Split Formations and Infinite Mania Full-length Digital 2024
Venomous Echoes Split Formations and Infinite Mania Full-length CD 2024
Venomous Echoes Split Formations and Infinite Mania Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Venomous Echoes Writhing Tomb Amongst the Stars Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Verge The Process of Self-Becoming Full-length CD 2017
Verge The Process of Self-Becoming Full-length Digital 2017
Verikyyneleet Ilman kuolemaa Full-length CD 2020
Verikyyneleet Ilman kuolemaa Full-length Digital 2020
Vertebra Atlantis Lustral Purge in Cerulean Bliss Full-length CD 2021
Vertebra Atlantis Lustral Purge in Cerulean Bliss Full-length Digital 2021
Vertebra Atlantis Lustral Purge in Cerulean Bliss Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Vertebra Atlantis A Dialogue with the Eeriest Sublime Full-length Digital 2023
Vertebra Atlantis A Dialogue with the Eeriest Sublime Full-length CD 2023
Vertebra Atlantis A Dialogue with the Eeriest Sublime Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vessel of Iniquity The Permian-Triassic Extinction Event Split CD 2021
Thecodontion The Permian-Triassic Extinction Event Split CD 2021
Voak Verdrängung Full-length Digital 2022
Voak Verdrängung Full-length CD 2022
Voak Verdrängung Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Voidcraeft Ἕβελ Full-length Digital 2016
Voidcraeft Ἕβελ Full-length CD 2016
Weeping Sores False Confession Full-length CD 2019
Woebegone Obscured Marrow of Dreams Full-length CD 2013
Woebegone Obscured Deathstination Full-length CD 2011
Woebegone Obscured Marrow of Dreams Full-length Digital 2013
Woebegone Obscured Deathstination Full-length Digital 2011
Wreche All My Dreams Came True Full-length CD 2021
Wyrgher Panspermic Warlords Full-length CD 2023
Wyrgher Panspermic Warlords Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Wyrgher Panspermic Warlords Full-length Digital 2023
Yaaroth The Man in the Wood Full-length CD 2023
Yaaroth The Man in the Wood Full-length Digital 2023
Yhdarl Loss Full-length CD 2018
Yhdarl Loss Full-length Digital 2018
Ysengrin To Endotaton Full-length CD 2012
Ysengrin To Endotaton Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Ysengrin Resvrrezionespiritval Split 12" vinyl 2016
Sartegos Resvrrezionespiritval Split 12" vinyl 2016
Ysengrin To Endotaton Full-length Digital 2012
Ysengrin Resvrrezionespiritval Split Digital 2016
Sartegos Resvrrezionespiritval Split Digital 2016
Ysengrin Réincrudation Compilation CD 2019
Ysengrin Initiatio Full-length CD 2020
Ysengrin Initiatio Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Ysengrin Initiatio Full-length Digital 2020
ZOS The Whole of the Body I Call ZOS Full-length Digital 2022
ZOS The Whole of the Body I Call ZOS Full-length CD 2022