Infected Blood Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia
Country China
Status active
Styles And Specialties Chinese Heavy, Thrash, Black, Power, Death, Folk Metal, Metalcore
Founding Date May 2014
Sublabels Kill the Light Productions, Lifeless Memories Records

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Anduril China power Current
Armor Force China folk Current
Coiviealda China folk Current
Eternal Power China melodic, power Current
Ghost Flowers China death, gothic, melodic Current
Lemuria China groove Current
Retribution China death, melodic Current
Sacrifice Soul China thrash Current
Soulrest China death, melodic Current
The Devil Inside China heavy, thrash Current
Tiger Trigger China groove, heavy Current
Winter Dynasty China ambient, black, folk Current
人傀 China black, folk, melodic Current
噬湖 China folk Current
斩尽杀绝 China thrash Current
断戟 China thrash Current
源代码 China thrash Current
無相 China folk, industrial Current
雪沉 China folk Current
Barque of Dante China power Past
Chasing Predator China progressive, thrash Past
Crack China thrash Past
Crusado Orchestra China symphonic Past
Dark Flower China heavy, death, gothic, hardcore, melodic Past
Dawn in Night China symphonic Past
Ephemerality China death, hardcore, melodic Past
Holy Power China black, symphonic Past
Holyarrow China black, epic Past
Libris Mortis China power, progressive Past
Nower China hardcore Past
Raging Rob Germany thrash Past
Tassi China black, post-metal, shoegaze Past
夜莺 China heavy, melodic Past
春秋 China folk, progressive Past
梦灵 China folk, heavy Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Anduril Soul Alchemist EP 2CD 2017
Anduril Soul Alchemist EP CD 2017
Armor Force 放逐 EP CD 2015
Armor Force 放逐 EP 2CD 2015
Armor Force Promo 2017 Single CD 2017
Armor Force 法卡比恩守望者 / Watchman of Facabion Full-length CD 2017
Armor Force 法卡比恩守望者 / Watchman of Facabion Full-length Digital 2017
Armor Force 法卡比恩守望者 / Watchman of Facabion Full-length 2CD 2017
Armor Force 法卡比恩守望者 / Watchman of Facabion Full-length 2CD 2017
Armor Force 法卡比恩守望者 / Watchman of Facabion Full-length 2CD 2017
Armor Force 法卡比恩守望者 / Watchman of Facabion Full-length 2CD 2017
Armor Force 法卡比恩守望者 / Watchman of Facabion Full-length 3CD 2017
Armor Force 法卡比恩守望者 / Watchman of Facabion (Armor Force 10th Anniversary) Full-length CD 2023
Armor Force 法卡比恩守望者 / Watchman of Facabion (Armor Force 10th Anniversary) Full-length Digital 2023
Barque of Dante Legend of the Great Wall (长城) EP CD 2021
Barque of Dante Paean for Hero Demo CD 2021
Chasing Predator To the Barricade EP CD 2023
Coiviealda 万物 · 缘 EP CD 2020
Crack 战地日记 / Battlefield Diary EP CD 2017
Crusado Orchestra Sjunde Full-length CD 2017
Crusado Orchestra Sjunde Full-length 2CD 2017
Crusado Orchestra Sjunde Full-length 2CD 2017
Dark Flower Tear Stains / 泪痕 Full-length CD 2022
Dawn in Night Resurgence Full-length CD 2023
Ephemerality Ephemerality EP CD 2017
Eternal Power The End of Darkness EP CD 2016
Eternal Power The End of Darkness EP 2CD 2016
Eternal Power The End of Darkness EP Digital 2016
Ghost Flowers Weird Flowers EP CD 2019
Holy Power 九夜 EP CD 2020
Holyarrow 三株同根​ / The Burning of the Three Weeds EP CD 2016
Holyarrow 三株同根​ / The Burning of the Three Weeds EP Digital 2016
Lemuria Doomsday Theory Full-length CD 2019
Libris Mortis Vengeance Is Ours Full-length CD 2022
Libris Mortis Flight of Fancy Full-length CD 2024
Nower Now We Are EP CD 2018
Raging Rob Always the True Assassin Full-length CD 2018
Retribution 故国有明 EP CD 2019
Sacrifice Soul Sacrifice Soul Full-length CD 2017
Soulrest The Land of Promise EP CD 2018
Tassi 行·北之国 Boxed set Cassette 2023
Tassi 行·北之国 Boxed set Cassette 2023
The Devil Inside 刍狗之乱 EP CD 2017
Tiger Trigger Violent Rule Full-length CD 2016
Tiger Trigger Violent Rule Full-length 2CD 2016
Tiger Trigger Violent Rule Full-length Digital 2016
人傀 九界怪谈 Full-length CD 2022
人傀 九界怪谈 限量版 Boxed set 2CD 2022
噬湖 茫茫集 Full-length CD 2023
夜莺 楼兰 EP CD 2019
斩尽杀绝 狭路中的毁灭者 EP CD 2019
断戟 乱世狂思 EP CD 2018
断戟 乱世狂思 EP 2CD 2018
春秋 最后壹页 Live album CD + DVD 2016
春秋 最后壹页 Live album DVD 2016
春秋 最后壹页 Live album Digital 2016
梦灵 破晓 Live album CD 2016
梦灵 破晓 Live album CD + DVD 2016
梦灵 Live in Ragnarock Open Air 2015 Live album DVD 2016
梦灵 逐途 Compilation CD 2016
梦灵 破晓 Live album Digital 2016
梦灵 逐途 Compilation Digital 2016
源代码 钢轨余生 / Forced Life EP CD 2016
源代码 钢轨余生 / Forced Life EP 2CD 2016
源代码 钢轨余生 / Forced Life EP Digital 2016
無相 Alaksana Full-length CD 2018
雪沉 乌木集 (Anthology of Ebony) Full-length CD 2017
雪沉 乌木集 (Anthology of Ebony) Full-length Digital 2018
雪沉 乌木集 (Anthology of Ebony) Full-length 2CD 2017
雪沉 乌木集 (Anthology of Ebony) Full-length 2CD 2017
雪沉 朝闻夕死 (Dawning on Me) Full-length 2CD 2018