Remparts Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Avignon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azu
Country France
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal
Founding Date 2022
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Aforgomon Kazakhstan atmospheric, black, depressive Current
Bovary France black, depressive Current
Indre Mørke International black, raw Current
Lutto Italy black, gothic Current
Moulderyawn United States ambient, black Current
Silicose France black Current
Urluk Italy black, doom Current
Vægtløs Denmark atmsopheric, black, post-metal, shoegaze Current
Atra Mors Italy black Past
Atrium Colombia atmospheric, black Past
Autumn Laments Germany atmospheric, black Past
Azgarath France black Past
Ecr.Linf France black Past
Eltun Chile black Past
Funeral Chile black Past
Malauriu Italy black, darkwave, experimental, rock Past
Na Zarot Germany black Past
Soupir France atmospheric, black, depressive Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Aforgomon Desperate Echo of Timelessness Full-length CD 2024
Aforgomon Desperate Echo of Timelessness Full-length Digital 2024
Atra Mors Morbid Killers - And Other Deaths in Music Full-length CD 2022
Atrium Spectral Oneiric Lands Full-length CD 2023
Autumn Laments Gone Full-length CD 2023
Azgarath Old EP CD 2023
Bovary Par amour du vide Full-length CD 2023
Ecr.Linf Belluaires Full-length Cassette 2024
Ecr.Linf Belluaires Full-length Cassette 2024
Eltun A la sombra del Pill​á​n Full-length CD 2023
Funeral Llamada fúnebre Full-length CD 2024
Indre Mørke Mort, solitude, isolation Full-length CD 2022
Lutto Coscienze infelici Full-length CD 2024
Malauriu De Natura Obscuritatis EP CD 2022
Moulderyawn Wiltress, Queen of Flowers EP CD 2023
Na Zarot On Death and Dying EP Cassette 2023
Na Zarot On Death and Dying EP Cassette 2023
Silicose Au fond de la mine Full-length CD 2023
Soupir Il est d’étranges soirs... EP CD 2022
Urluk More Full-length CD 2023
Vægtløs Aftryk Full-length Digital 2024
Vægtløs Aftryk Full-length CD 2024