Vendetta Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Marchlewskistrasse 107, Friedrichshain, Berlin, 10243
Country Germany
Status active
Styles And Specialties Hardcore, Grindcore, Sludge Metal, Black Metal, Doom Metal
Founding Date 2001
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Abkehr Germany black Current
Anagnorisis United States death, post-metal, black Current
Andracca United Kingdom black Current
Anicon United States black Current
Ante-Inferno United Kingdom black Current
Antihælix United States black Current
Aristarchos United Kingdom black Current
Barrowlands United States black, progressive Current
Beenkerver Netherlands black Current
Belus United States black, doom Current
Bestialis Germany black Current
Burial Oath United States black Current
Crowskin Germany doom, sludge Current
Dïatrïbe France atmospheric, black, death Current
Ernte Switzerland black Current
Excommunicatio Germany black Current
Friisk Germany atmospheric, black Current
Glemsel Denmark black Current
Heaven's Damnation Denmark black Current
Helge Denmark atmospheric, black, death Current
Iffernet France black Current
Ild Norway black Current
Ildskær Denmark black Current
Illumine Germany atmospheric, black Current
Insanity Cult Greece black Current
Ius Talionis Germany black Current
Kold Denmark black Current
Ligfaerd Denmark black Current
Liosber Denmark black Current
Loather Austria post-metal, progressive, sludge, various Current
Mystagogue Netherlands black Current
Naxen Germany black Current
Nimbifer Germany black Current
Ninkharsag United Kingdom black, melodic Current
Scáth na Déithe Ireland black, death Current
Scitalis Sweden black Current
Sinistral King International black Current
Sjæleangst Denmark atmospheric, black Current
Sovereign United States black Current
Suel Germany black Current
Sun Worship Germany black Current
Sunken Denmark atmospheric, black Current
Tempel Wolf Switzerland atmospheric, black Current
The Negative Bias Austria ambient, atmospheric, black Current
Udånde Slovakia atmospheric, black Current
Ultha Germany black Current
Verheerer Germany black Current
Vukari United States black Current
Whitehorse Australia doom, drone, sludge Current
Widertod Germany black, melodic Current
Wild Hunt United States black, doom, post-metal, progressive Current
Wilt Canada atmospheric, black Current
Witchcult Denmark black Current
Woe United States black Current
Yith United States black, doom Current
A Diadem of Dead Stars Greece atmospheric, black Past
Abstracter United States black, crust, doom, sludge Past
Abyssal Vacuum France black Past
Addaura United States atmospheric, black Past
Afsind Denmark black Past
Afsky Denmark black Past
Amarok United States doom, sludge Past
Ancst Germany ambient, black, crust, dark, drone, hardcore Past
Anti Ritual Denmark black, crust, post-metal Past
Antlers Germany atmospheric, black Past
Asarhaddon Germany black Past
Ash Borer United States atmospheric, black Past
Ashbringer United States atmospheric, black Past
Ast Germany black Past
Ayyur Tunisia black Past
Batillus United States doom, industrial, sludge Past
Białywilk United States ambient, atmospheric, black Past
Black Freighter Germany doom, sludge Past
Black Shape of Nexus Germany doom, drone, sludge Past
Bréag Naofa United States post-metal, sludge Past
Cower United States doom, hardcore, powerviolence Past
Cult of Occult France doom, sludge Past
Deus Vermin United Kingdom black, death Past
Dødsdrift Germany black Past
Downfall of Nur Argentina atmospheric, black, folk Past
Drainland Ireland crust, doom, sludge Past
Enisum Italy ambient, black Past
Enth Poland doom, funeral, sludge Past
Fell Voices United States ambient, black, drone Past
Fórn United States doom, sludge Past
Frelser Denmark black Past
Funerary United States doom, funeral, sludge Past
Gespenst Denmark black Past
Grim Van Doom Germany sludge Past
Hallig Germany black Past
Hallowed Butchery United States grind, hardcore, doom, experimental, folk, black Past
Haunter United States screamo, black, death Past
Heretical Sect United States black Past
Hexer Germany doom, sludge Past
Highgate United States black, doom, sludge Past
Hot Graves United States black, crust, death, thrash Past
Í Myrkri Denmark black Past
Il'Ithil United States black Past
Imha Tarikat Germany black Past
Insuiciety Germany sludge Past
Karloff Germany black, punk Past
Khnvm International death Past
Kvelgeyst Switzerland black Past
Leech United States doom, folk, black Past
Leechfeast Slovenia doom, sludge Past
Loth France atmospheric, black Past
Lurid United States black Past
Marid Unknown black Past
Men in Search of the Perfect Weapon Germany doom, sludge Past
Minion Germany death, thrash Past
Moloch United Kingdom doom, sludge Past
Morast Germany black, death, doom Past
Mörser Germany death, grind, hardcore, powerviolence Past
Mourning Cloak United States doom, sludge Past
Mýrdal Germany black Past
Nadja Canada ambient, doom, drone Past
Negative Standards United States black, crust, doom, sludge Past
Nightmarer International avant-garde, death, technical Past
Numenorean Canada black, post-metal Past
Old Graves Canada atmospheric, black, folk, post-metal Past
Omega Massif Germany sludge Past
Ov Shadows Sweden black Past
Paramnesia France black Past
Procession of Spectres Ireland black Past
Protestant United States black, crust, punk Past
Pyramido Sweden doom, sludge Past
Salome United States doom, sludge Past
Seher Germany black Past
Selvans Italy atmospheric, black, folk Past
Serpesta Sweden black Past
Solbrud Denmark black Past
Soothsayer Ireland atmospheric, doom, sludge Past
Spectral Wound Canada black Past
Sutekh Hexen United States black, noise, raw Past
Svartmálm Faroe Islands atmospheric, black, doom Past
Svrm Ukraine atmospheric, black Past
The Austrasian Goat France black, doom, funeral Past
Thebes Canada atmospheric, black Past
Thou United States doom, drone, sludge Past
Tongue Germany black Past
Trees United States doom, drone Past
Upyr Bulgaria black, doom Past
Vital Spirit Canada black Past
Void Omnia United States black Past
Vorga Germany black Past
Wandar Germany black Past
Wode United Kingdom death, black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
A Diadem of Dead Stars Kingdoms Bathed in Golden Light Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Abkehr In Blut Full-length CD 2021
Abkehr In Feuer Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Abkehr In Feuer Full-length CD 2021
Abkehr In Blut Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Abkehr In Blut Full-length Digital 2021
Abkehr In Blut Full-length Cassette 2021
Abkehr In Blut Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Abstracter Wound Empire Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Abyssal Vacuum MMXVII - MMXVIII Compilation 12" vinyl 2019
Addaura ...and the Lamps Expire EP 12" vinyl 2015
Addaura Addaura Full-length Digital 2016
Addaura Addaura Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Addaura Burning for the Ancient Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Addaura Burning for the Ancient Full-length Digital 2018
Afsind Afsind Full-length CD 2022
Afsind Afsind Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Afsind Afsind Full-length Digital 2022
Afsky Sorg Full-length CD 2018
Afsky Sorg Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Afsky Sorg Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Afsky Sorg Full-length Digital 2018
Afsky Sorg Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Afsky Sorg Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Afsky Afsky EP 12" vinyl 2019
Afsky Ofte jeg drømmer mig død Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Afsky Ofte jeg drømmer mig død Full-length Digital 2020
Afsky Ofte jeg drømmer mig død Full-length CD 2020
Afsky Afsky EP 12" vinyl 2020
Afsky I stilhed EP Digital 2022
Afsky I stilhed EP CD 2022
Afsky I stilhed EP 12" vinyl 2022
Afsky I stilhed EP Cassette 2022
Afsky Ofte jeg drømmer mig død Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Afsky Om hundrede år Full-length Digital 2023
Afsky Om hundrede år Full-length CD 2023
Afsky Om hundrede år Full-length Cassette 2023
Afsky Sorg Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Afsky Om hundrede år Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Amarok Enth / Amarok Split 12" vinyl 2012
Enth Enth / Amarok Split 12" vinyl 2012
Amarok Enth / Amarok Split Digital 2015
Enth Enth / Amarok Split Digital 2015
Anagnorisis Peripeteia Full-length CD 2016
Anagnorisis Peripeteia Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Ancst In Turmoil Compilation 12" vinyl 2014
Ancst Ancst / Ast Split 12" vinyl 2015
Ast Ancst / Ast Split 12" vinyl 2015
Ancst Moloch Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Ancst Furnace EP CD 2017
Ancst Furnace EP 12" vinyl 2017
Ancst Furnace EP 12" vinyl 2017
Ancst Furnace EP 12" vinyl 2018
Ancst In Turmoil Compilation Digital 2014
Ancst Ancst / Ast Split Digital 2015
Ast Ancst / Ast Split Digital 2015
Andracca To Bare the Weight of Death Full-length Digital 2024
Andracca To Bare the Weight of Death Full-length CD 2024
Andracca To Bare the Weight of Death Full-length Cassette 2024
Andracca To Bare the Weight of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Anicon Entropy Mantra Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Anicon Entropy Mantra Full-length CD 2018
Anicon Entropy Mantra Full-length Cassette 2018
Ante-Inferno Fane Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Ante-Inferno Fane Full-length CD 2020
Ante-Inferno Antediluvian Dreamscapes Full-length CD 2022
Ante-Inferno Antediluvian Dreamscapes Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ante-Inferno Antediluvian Dreamscapes Full-length Cassette 2022
Anti Ritual Anti Ritual EP 12" vinyl 2014
Antlers A Gaze into the Abyss Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Antlers A Gaze into the Abyss Full-length CD 2015
Aristarchos Aristarchos Full-length Digital 2021
Aristarchos Aristarchos Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Aristarchos Aristarchos Full-length Cassette 2021
Aristarchos Aristarchos Full-length CD 2022
Aristarchos Martyr of Star and Fire Full-length CD 2024
Aristarchos Martyr of Star and Fire Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Aristarchos Martyr of Star and Fire Full-length Cassette 2024
Aristarchos Martyr of Star and Fire Full-length Digital 2024
Asarhaddon Reysa Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Asarhaddon Thurofreminga EP 12" vinyl 2022
Asarhaddon Thurofreminga EP CD 2022
Asarhaddon Thurofreminga EP Digital 2022
Asarhaddon Besenken EP Vinyl 2024
Asarhaddon Besenken EP Digital 2024
Ash Borer 2009 Demo Demo Digital 2014
Ash Borer 2009 Demo Demo 12" vinyl 2012
Ashbringer Vacant Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Ashbringer Yūgen Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Ashbringer Vacant Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Ast Fraktale Full-length Digital 2016
Ast Fraktale Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Ayyur The Lunatic Creature EP CD 2018
Barrowlands Tyndir Full-length CD 2017
Barrowlands Tyndir Full-length Cassette 2017
Barrowlands Tyndir Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Barrowlands Tyndir Full-length Digital 2017
Batillus Furnace Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Batillus Concrete Sustain Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Batillus Concrete Sustain Full-length Digital 2014
Batillus Furnace Full-length Digital 2014
Beenkerver Ontaard Full-length Cassette 2022
Beenkerver Ontaard Full-length CD 2022
Beenkerver Ontaard Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Beenkerver Twee wolven EP Digital 2023
Beenkerver Twee wolven EP Cassette 2023
Beenkerver De rode weduwe Full-length CD 2024
Beenkerver De rode weduwe Full-length Cassette 2024
Beenkerver De rode weduwe Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Belus Apophenia Full-length Digital 2017
Belus Apophenia Full-length CD 2017
Belus Apophenia Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Belus Apophenia Full-length Cassette 2017
Bestialis Ritus EP 12" vinyl 2020
Białywilk Próżnia Full-length CD 2021
Białywilk Próżnia Full-length Cassette 2021
Białywilk Próżnia Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Białywilk Zmora Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Białywilk Zmora Full-length CD 2023
Białywilk Zmora Full-length Digital 2023
Black Freighter Graves and Monuments Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Black Freighter Graves and Monuments Full-length Digital 2016
Black Shape of Nexus Black Shape of Nexus Full-length CD 2007
Black Shape of Nexus Black Shape of Nexus / Crowskin Split 12" vinyl 2008
Crowskin Black Shape of Nexus / Crowskin Split 12" vinyl 2008
Black Shape of Nexus Microbarome Meetings Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Black Shape of Nexus Black Shape of Nexus Full-length 12" vinyl 2007
Black Shape of Nexus Black Shape of Nexus / Crowskin Split Digital 2014
Crowskin Black Shape of Nexus / Crowskin Split Digital 2014
Black Shape of Nexus Black Shape of Nexus Full-length Digital 2014
Bréag Naofa Breag Naofa / Children of God Split Digital 2015
Burial Oath Beyond the Vale of Shadowlands Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Burial Oath Beyond the Vale of Shadowlands Full-length Digital 2017
Crowskin Crowskin / Black Freighter Split 12" vinyl 2009
Black Freighter Crowskin / Black Freighter Split 12" vinyl 2009
Crowskin Black Lava Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Crowskin Black Lava Full-length Digital 2016
Cult of Occult Cult of Occult / Grim Van Doom Split Digital 2017
Grim Van Doom Cult of Occult / Grim Van Doom Split Digital 2017
Cult of Occult Cult of Occult / Grim Van Doom Split 12" vinyl 2017
Grim Van Doom Cult of Occult / Grim Van Doom Split 12" vinyl 2017
Cult of Occult Five Degrees of Insanity Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Deus Vermin Monument to Decay EP CD 2018
Dïatrïbe Odite Sermonis EP Digital 2021
Dïatrïbe Odite Sermonis EP 12" vinyl 2021
Dødsdrift Weltenszission Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Dødsdrift Ødnis Full-length CD 2021
Dødsdrift Ødnis Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Dødsdrift Ødnis Full-length Digital 2021
Downfall of Nur Umbras e forestas EP 12" vinyl 2016
Drainland Drainland / Trenches Split 12" vinyl 2011
Drainland Drainland / Trenches Split Digital 2016
Enisum Samoht Nara Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Ernte Geist und Hexerei Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ernte Killing Phantasmagoria Single Digital 2021
Ernte Geist und Hexerei Full-length CD 2021
Ernte Geist und Hexerei Full-length Cassette 2021
Ernte Geist und Hexerei Full-length Digital 2021
Ernte Geist und Hexerei Full-length CD 2021
Ernte A Fen Fire / Saturnine EP 7" vinyl 2022
Ernte Albsegen Full-length CD 2023
Ernte Albsegen Full-length Cassette 2023
Ernte Albsegen Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ernte Albsegen Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ernte Weltenzerstörer Full-length Digital 2024
Ernte Weltenzerstörer Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Ernte Weltenzerstörer Full-length CD 2024
Ernte Weltenzerstörer Full-length Cassette 2024
Excommunicatio Kodex Luzifer Full-length Digital 2023
Excommunicatio Kodex Luzifer Full-length CD 2023
Excommunicatio Kodex Luzifer Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Fell Voices Regnum Saturni Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2013
Fórn The Departure of Consciousness Full-length Digital 2014
Fórn Weltschmerz EP 12" vinyl 2015
Fórn The Departure of Consciousness Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Fórn The Departure of Consciousness Full-length 2 vinyls 2020
Frelser Demo MMXXIV Demo Cassette 2024
Friisk De Doden van't Waterkant EP 12" vinyl 2019
Friisk De Doden van't Waterkant EP CD 2020
Friisk ...un torügg bleev blot Sand Full-length CD 2021
Friisk ...un torügg bleev blot Sand Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Friisk ...un torügg bleev blot Sand Full-length Cassette 2021
Friisk ...un torügg bleev blot Sand Full-length Digital 2021
Funerary Starless Aeon Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Gespenst Den sidste færd EP Digital 2021
Gespenst Den sidste færd EP 12" vinyl 2021
Gespenst Den sidste færd EP CD 2021
Glemsel Unavngivet EP CD 2020
Glemsel Unavngivet EP 12" vinyl 2020
Glemsel Unavngivet EP 12" vinyl 2020
Glemsel Forfader Full-length CD 2022
Glemsel Forfader Full-length Cassette 2022
Glemsel Forfader Full-length Digital 2022
Glemsel Forfader Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Hallig Hallig / Friisk Split Digital 2023
Friisk Hallig / Friisk Split Digital 2023
Hallig Hallig / Friisk Split 12" vinyl 2023
Friisk Hallig / Friisk Split 12" vinyl 2023
Hallig Hallig / Friisk Split Cassette 2023
Friisk Hallig / Friisk Split Cassette 2023
Hallowed Butchery Funeral Rites for the Living Full-length CD 2009
Hallowed Butchery Canticle of the Beast: A Collection of Unreleased Demos Demo Cassette 2010
Hallowed Butchery Batillus / Hallowed Butchery Split 12" vinyl 2010
Batillus Batillus / Hallowed Butchery Split 12" vinyl 2010
Hallowed Butchery Funeral Rites for the Living Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Hallowed Butchery Hymns of the Apostate Compilation Cassette 2012
Hallowed Butchery Canticle of the Beast: A Collection of Unreleased Demos Demo Digital 2016
Hallowed Butchery Hymns of the Apostate Compilation Digital 2014
Hallowed Butchery Funeral Rites for the Living Full-length Digital 2014
Haunter Thrinodίa Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Heaven's Damnation Heaven's Damnation Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Heaven's Damnation Heaven's Damnation Full-length CD 2023
Heaven's Damnation Heaven's Damnation Full-length Cassette 2023
Heaven's Damnation Heaven's Damnation Full-length Digital 2023
Helge Neuroplasticity Full-length CD 2022
Helge Neuroplasticity Full-length Cassette 2022
Helge Neuroplasticity Full-length Digital 2022
Helge Neuroplasticity Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Heretical Sect Rotting Cosmic Grief EP 12" vinyl 2019
Hexer Cosmic Doom Ritual Full-length CD 2017
Hexer Cosmic Doom Ritual Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Hexer Cosmic Doom Ritual Full-length Cassette 2017
Highgate Highgate Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Highgate Shrines to the Warhead Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Í Myrkri Black Fortress of Solitude Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Í Myrkri Black Fortress of Solitude Full-length Digital 2020
Iffernet Silences Full-length CD 2022
Iffernet Silences Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Il'Ithil On This Day We Were Reborn in a Shroud of Light and Shadow Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Il'Ithil On This Day We Were Reborn in a Shroud of Light and Shadow Full-length Digital 2019
Ild Kvern Full-length CD 2023
Ild Kvern Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ild Kvern Full-length Cassette 2023
Ild Kvern Full-length Digital 2023
Ildskær Blod & jern Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ildskær Blod & jern Full-length CD 2023
Ildskær Blod & jern Full-length Cassette 2023
Ildskær Blod & jern Full-length Digital 2023
Illumine In Shifting Light EP Digital 2022
Illumine In Shifting Light EP Cassette 2022
Imha Tarikat Kara Ihlas Full-length CD 2019
Imha Tarikat Kara Ihlas Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Imha Tarikat Kara Ihlas Full-length Cassette 2019
Insuiciety The Cure for the Truth Full-length CD 2009
Insuiciety The Cure for the Truth Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Insuiciety The Cure for the Truth Full-length Digital 2014
Ius Talionis Theomorphose EP 7" vinyl 2021
Khnvm Visions of a Plague Ridden Sky Full-length Vinyl 2024
Kold Kold EP Cassette 2021
Kold Kold EP Digital 2021
Kold Kold EP 12" vinyl 2022
Kold Intet mere er Full-length CD 2023
Kold Intet mere er Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Kold Intet mere er Full-length Cassette 2023
Kvelgeyst Alkahest Full-length CD 2019
Kvelgeyst Alkahest Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Kvelgeyst Alkahest Full-length Digital 2019
Leech We Pass like Night, from Land to Land Split 12" vinyl 2009
Thou We Pass like Night, from Land to Land Split 12" vinyl 2009
Leech We Pass like Night, from Land to Land Split Digital 2015
Thou We Pass like Night, from Land to Land Split Digital 2015
Leechfeast Village Creep EP 12" vinyl 2019
Leechfeast Village Creep EP 12" vinyl 2019
Leechfeast Village Creep EP Digital 2019
Ligfaerd Den ildrøde konge Full-length CD 2019
Ligfaerd Den ildrøde konge Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Ligfaerd Den ildrøde konge Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Ligfaerd Den ildrøde konge Full-length Digital 2019
Ligfaerd Dagen for os - natten for eder Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Ligfaerd Salvator Mundi Full-length CD 2022
Ligfaerd Salvator Mundi Full-length Cassette 2022
Ligfaerd Salvator Mundi Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Liosber Constrictor:Redeemer EP 12" vinyl 2019
Liosber Constrictor:Redeemer EP Digital 2019
Loather Eis Full-length CD 2023
Loather Eis Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Loather Eis Full-length Cassette 2023
Loather Eis Full-length Digital 2023
Loth Loth Full-length Digital 2017
Loth Loth Full-length Cassette 2017
Loth Apocryphe Full-length CD 2017
Loth Apocryphe Full-length Digital 2017
Loth Apocryphe Full-length Cassette 2017
Loth Kien Kummweer / Warndt Split Digital 2020
Friisk Kien Kummweer / Warndt Split Digital 2020
Loth Kien Kummweer / Warndt Split 12" vinyl 2020
Friisk Kien Kummweer / Warndt Split 12" vinyl 2020
Loth Kien Kummweer / Warndt Split 12" vinyl 2020
Friisk Kien Kummweer / Warndt Split 12" vinyl 2020
Loth 616 Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Loth 616 Full-length CD 2023
Loth 616 Full-length Cassette 2023
Lurid Lurid Demo Cassette 2021
Lurid Fire Spell EP CD 2022
Lurid Fire Spell EP 12" vinyl 2022
Marid ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ EP CD 2018
Marid ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ EP 12" vinyl 2018
Marid ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ ٧ EP Digital 2018
Men in Search of the Perfect Weapon Men in Search of the Perfect Weapon Full-length 12" vinyl 2005
Men in Search of the Perfect Weapon Men in Search of the Perfect Weapon Full-length CD 2005
Men in Search of the Perfect Weapon Men in Search of the Perfect Weapon Full-length Digital 2014
Minion Out of the Carnage... Let Me Back In Full-length 12" vinyl 2007
Minion Out of the Carnage... Let Me Back In Full-length Digital 2014
Moloch Possession Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Moloch Moloch​ / ​Lich Split 12" vinyl 2016
Mörser Pure Scum Compilation Digital 2015
Mörser Pure Scum Compilation 12" vinyl 2006
Mourning Cloak No Visible Light Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Mourning Cloak No Visible Light Full-length Digital 2015
Mýrdal Helvíti Full-length CD 2024
Mýrdal Helvíti Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Mýrdal Helvíti Full-length Digital 2024
Mystagogue And the Darkness Was Cast Out into the Wilderness Full-length Digital 2019
Mystagogue And the Darkness Was Cast Out into the Wilderness Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Mystagogue And the Darkness Was Cast Out into the Wilderness Full-length CD 2019
Nadja Clinging to the Edge of the Sky EP 12" vinyl 2009
Nadja The Life and Death of a Wasp Collaboration Digital 2014
Naxen To Abide in Ancient Abysses EP 12" vinyl 2019
Naxen Towards the Tomb of Times Full-length CD 2020
Naxen Towards the Tomb of Times Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Naxen Towards the Tomb of Times Full-length Cassette 2020
Naxen Towards the Tomb of Times Full-length Digital 2020
Naxen To Abide in Ancient Abysses EP CD 2019
Naxen Of Fainting Faith in Futile Flesh EP Cassette 2021
Naxen The Perilous Path of Pain EP 7" vinyl 2021
Naxen The Perilous Path of Pain EP 7" vinyl 2021
Naxen The Perilous Path of Pain EP Digital 2021
Naxen The Perilous Path of Pain Compilation CD 2022
Naxen The Perilous Path of Pain Compilation Digital 2022
Naxen Descending into a Deeper Darkness Full-length Digital 2024
Naxen Descending into a Deeper Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Naxen Descending into a Deeper Darkness Full-length Cassette 2024
Naxen Descending into a Deeper Darkness Full-length CD 2024
Negative Standards VI.VII.VIII.IX.X.XI Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Negative Standards Fetters Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Negative Standards VI.VII.VIII.IX.X.XI Full-length Digital 2014
Negative Standards Fetters Full-length Digital 2016
Nightmarer Deformity Adrift Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Nightmarer Deformity Adrift Full-length CD 2023
Nightmarer Deformity Adrift Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Nimbifer Demo I & II Compilation 12" vinyl 2020
Nimbifer Demo I & II Compilation 12" vinyl 2020
Nimbifer Demo I & II Compilation 12" vinyl 2021
Nimbifer Der b​ö​se Geist Full-length Digital 2024
Nimbifer Der b​ö​se Geist Full-length CD 2024
Nimbifer Der b​ö​se Geist Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Nimbifer Der b​ö​se Geist Full-length Cassette 2024
Ninkharsag Discipline Through Black Sorcery Single 7" vinyl 2020
Ninkharsag Discipline Through Black Sorcery Single Digital 2020
Ninkharsag The Dread March of Solemn Gods Full-length CD 2021
Ninkharsag The Dread March of Solemn Gods Full-length CD 2021
Ninkharsag The Dread March of Solemn Gods Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Ninkharsag The Dread March of Solemn Gods Full-length Cassette 2021
Ninkharsag The Dread March of Solemn Gods Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ninkharsag The Dread March of Solemn Gods Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Numenorean Demo 2014 Demo 12" vinyl 2017
Old Graves Long Shadows Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Old Graves This Ruin Beneath Snowfall EP 12" vinyl 2017
Old Graves Long Shadows Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Old Graves This Ruin Beneath Snowfall EP 12" vinyl 2016
Old Graves Long Shadows Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Omega Massif Omega Massif / Mount Logan Split CD 2009
Omega Massif Omega Massif / Mount Logan Split Digital 2014
Ov Shadows The Darkness Between Stars Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Ov Shadows I djävulens avbild Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Paramnesia Ultha / Paramnesia Split 12" vinyl 2017
Ultha Ultha / Paramnesia Split 12" vinyl 2017
Procession of Spectres A Vast Tomb EP Cassette 2022
Protestant Judgements Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Protestant Judgements Full-length Digital 2014
Pyramido Amarok / Pyramido Split Digital 2015
Amarok Amarok / Pyramido Split Digital 2015
Salome Salome Full-length CD 2008
Salome Salome Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Salome Salome Full-length Digital 2014
Scáth na Déithe Pledge Nothing but Flesh Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Scáth na Déithe The Dirge of Endless Mourning Full-length Digital 2020
Scáth na Déithe The Dirge of Endless Mourning Full-length CD 2020
Scáth na Déithe The Dirge of Endless Mourning Full-length Cassette 2020
Scáth na Déithe The Dirge of Endless Mourning Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Scáth na Déithe Virulent Providence Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Scáth na Déithe Virulent Providence Full-length CD 2023
Scáth na Déithe Virulent Providence Full-length Cassette 2023
Scáth na Déithe Virulent Providence Full-length Digital 2023
Scáth na Déithe The Horrors of Old EP Cassette 2023
Scitalis Awakening EP Digital 2021
Scitalis Awakening EP 12" vinyl 2021
Scitalis Awakening EP Cassette 2021
Scitalis Awakening EP 12" vinyl 2022
Scitalis Awakening EP CD 2021
Scitalis Doomed Before Time Full-length CD 2022
Scitalis Doomed Before Time Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Scitalis Doomed Before Time Full-length Cassette 2022
Scitalis Doomed Before Time Full-length Digital 2022
Seher Nachzehrer Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Selvans Clangores Plenilunio EP Digital 2017
Selvans Clangores Plenilunio EP 12" vinyl 2017
Serpesta Inevitable Demise Full-length CD 2021
Serpesta Inevitable Demise Full-length Cassette 2021
Serpesta Inevitable Demise Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Sinistral King Serpent Uncoiling Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Sinistral King Serpent Uncoiling Full-length CD 2020
Sinistral King Serpent Uncoiling Full-length Digital 2020
Sjæleangst Sjæleangst Full-length Digital 2024
Sjæleangst Sjæleangst Full-length Cassette 2024
Sjæleangst Sjæleangst Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Solbrud Solbrud Full-length Digital 2018
Solbrud Solbrud Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Solbrud IIII Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2024
Solbrud IIII Full-length 2CD 2024
Solbrud IIII Full-length 2 cassettes 2024
Solbrud Tåge Single Digital 2023
Solbrud Sjæleskrig Single Digital 2023
Solbrud Aske Single Digital 2023
Solbrud Forevigt, for altid, forandret Single Digital 2024
Solbrud IIII Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2024
Soothsayer Echoes of the Earth Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Sovereign Haunter / Sovereign Split Digital 2017
Haunter Haunter / Sovereign Split Digital 2017
Sovereign Haunter / Sovereign Split Cassette 2017
Haunter Haunter / Sovereign Split Cassette 2017
Sovereign Haunter / Sovereign Split 12" vinyl 2018
Haunter Haunter / Sovereign Split 12" vinyl 2018
Spectral Wound Infernal Decadence Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Spectral Wound Infernal Decadence Full-length CD 2018
Spectral Wound Infernal Decadence Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Suel Venomous Curse Full-length Digital 2023
Suel Venomous Curse Full-length CD 2023
Suel Venomous Curse Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Suel Venomous Curse Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Suel Venomous Curse Full-length Cassette 2023
Sun Worship Elder Giants Full-length CD 2019
Sun Worship Emanations of Desolation Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Sun Worship Emanations of Desolation Full-length CD 2019
Sun Worship Emanations of Desolation Full-length Digital 2019
Sunken The Crackling of Embers Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Sunken Livslede Full-length Digital 2020
Sunken Livslede Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Sunken Livslede Full-length CD 2020
Sunken Departure Full-length CD 2021
Sunken Departure Full-length Cassette 2021
Sunken Livslede Full-length CD 2021
Sutekh Hexen Empyräisch Compilation 12" vinyl 2012
Sutekh Hexen Empyräisch Compilation Digital 2014
Svartmálm Svartmálm Full-length CD 2018
Svartmálm Svartmálm Full-length Cassette 2018
Svartmálm Svartmálm Full-length Digital 2018
Svrm Розпад & Червів майбутня здобич Full-length Digital 2022
Svrm Розпад & Червів майбутня здобич Full-length CD 2022
Svrm Розпад & Червів майбутня здобич Full-length Cassette 2022
Svrm Р​о​з​п​а​д & ​Ч​е​р​в​і​в м​а​й​б​у​т​н​я з​д​о​б​и​ч​ Compilation 12" vinyl 2022
Svrm .​.​. а с​м​е​р​т​ь в​в​і​й​ш​л​а у т​е​б​е в​ж​е д​а​в​н​о EP 7" vinyl 2023
Tempel Wolf Hirschgeweihmaskeraden EP 12" vinyl 2023
Tempel Wolf Hirschgeweihmaskeraden EP Digital 2023
Tempel Wolf Hirschgeweihmaskeraden EP Cassette 2023
The Austrasian Goat Songs of Self Reliance and Solitude Split 10" vinyl 2011
Hallowed Butchery Songs of Self Reliance and Solitude Split 10" vinyl 2011
The Austrasian Goat Paved Intentions Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
The Austrasian Goat Hollow Sunshine / The Austrasian Goat Split 12" vinyl 2011
The Negative Bias Tapeworm Pyramids EP Digital 2021
The Negative Bias Tapeworm Pyramids EP 12" vinyl 2021
The Negative Bias Lamentation of the Chaos Omega Full-length Vinyl 2022
The Negative Bias The Seven Seals of Saligia Full-length CD 2023
The Negative Bias The Seven Seals of Saligia Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
The Negative Bias The Seven Seals of Saligia Full-length 12" vinyl + CD 2023
Thebes Ziggurat Beyond the Unseen Shroud EP 12" vinyl 2022
Thebes Ziggurat Beyond the Unseen Shroud EP Cassette 2022
Thou Through the Empires of Eternal Void EP 12" vinyl 2009
Thou Our Enemy Civilization Split 12" vinyl 2009
Salome Our Enemy Civilization Split 12" vinyl 2009
Thou To the Chaos Wizard Youth EP 12" vinyl 2011
Thou War Is the Force That Gives Us Meaning: A Two Part Analysis of Personal and Inter-Personal Conflict Split 12" vinyl 2011
Cower War Is the Force That Gives Us Meaning: A Two Part Analysis of Personal and Inter-Personal Conflict Split 12" vinyl 2011
Thou Heathen Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
Thou Our Enemy Civilization Split Digital 2014
Salome Our Enemy Civilization Split Digital 2014
Thou To the Chaos Wizard Youth EP Digital 2014
Tongue Tongue Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Trees Sickness In EP 12" vinyl 2022
Trees Sickness In EP Digital 2022
Udånde Life of a Purist Full-length CD 2021
Udånde Life of a Purist Full-length Digital 2021
Udånde Life of a Purist Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Udånde Life of a Purist Full-length Cassette 2021
Udånde Life of a Purist Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Udånde Slow Death - A Celebration of Self-Hatred Full-length CD 2022
Udånde Slow Death - A Celebration of Self-Hatred Full-length Digital 2022
Udånde Slow Death - A Celebration of Self-Hatred Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Udånde Slow Death - A Celebration of Self-Hatred Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Udånde Slow Death - A Celebration of Self-Hatred Full-length Cassette 2022
Ultha Pain Cleanses Every Doubt Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Ultha Dismal Ruins EP 12" vinyl 2016
Ultha In Memorian of Quorthon Split 7" vinyl 2016
Morast In Memorian of Quorthon Split 7" vinyl 2016
Ultha In Memorian of Quorthon Split Digital 2016
Morast In Memorian of Quorthon Split Digital 2016
Ultha Converging Sins Full-length CD 2016
Ultha Converging Sins Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Ultha Dismal Ruins EP 12" vinyl 2017
Ultha Dismal Ruins Pt. II EP 10" vinyl 2018
Ultha Dismal Ruins Pt. II EP Digital 2018
Ultha Belong EP Cassette 2019
Ultha Belong EP CD 2019
Ultha Belong EP 12" vinyl 2019
Ultha Ultha / Morast Split 7" vinyl 2019
Morast Ultha / Morast Split 7" vinyl 2019
Ultha Ultha / Morast Split 7" vinyl 2019
Morast Ultha / Morast Split 7" vinyl 2019
Ultha Floors of Heaven EP 7" vinyl 2020
Ultha Floors of Heaven EP Digital 2020
Ultha Ultha / Morast Split Digital 2019
Morast Ultha / Morast Split Digital 2019
Ultha All That Has Never Been True Full-length Digital 2022
Ultha All That Has Never Been True Full-length CD 2022
Ultha All That Has Never Been True Full-length Cassette 2022
Ultha All That Has Never Been True Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Ultha Forget Everything and Remember (The Lost and Obscure) Compilation 2CD 2022
Ultha Karloff / Ultha Split 7" vinyl 2023
Karloff Karloff / Ultha Split 7" vinyl 2023
Ultha Karloff / Ultha Split 7" vinyl 2023
Karloff Karloff / Ultha Split 7" vinyl 2023
Ultha Karloff / Ultha Split Digital 2023
Karloff Karloff / Ultha Split Digital 2023
Ultha The Inextricable Wandering Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Verheerer Archar EP Digital 2017
Verheerer Archar EP 12" vinyl 2017
Verheerer Maltrér Full-length Digital 2018
Verheerer Maltrér Full-length CD 2018
Verheerer Maltrér Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Verheerer Monolith Full-length CD 2019
Verheerer Monolith Full-length Digital 2019
Verheerer Monolith Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Verheerer Archar EP CD 2018
Vital Spirit In the Faith That Looks Through Death EP 12" vinyl 2020
Vital Spirit Still as the Night, Cold as the Wind Full-length CD 2022
Vital Spirit Still as the Night, Cold as the Wind Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Void Omnia Dying Light Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Void Omnia Dying Light Full-length CD 2016
Void Omnia Void Omnia Demo Digital 2017
Void Omnia Void Omnia Demo 12" vinyl 2017
Void Omnia Contemplation in Discordance Split 12" vinyl 2019
Insanity Cult Contemplation in Discordance Split 12" vinyl 2019
Void Omnia Contemplation in Discordance Split Cassette 2019
Insanity Cult Contemplation in Discordance Split Cassette 2019
Void Omnia Contemplation in Discordance Split Digital 2019
Insanity Cult Contemplation in Discordance Split Digital 2019
Void Omnia Dying Light Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Vorga Radiant Gloom EP 12" vinyl 2019
Vukari Divination Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Vukari Matriarch Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Vukari Aevum Full-length Digital 2019
Vukari Aevum Full-length CD 2019
Vukari Aevum Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Vukari Divination Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Vukari Divination Full-length Digital 2017
Vukari Matriarch Full-length Digital 2016
Vukari Matriarch Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Vukari Aevum Full-length Digital 2019
Vukari Omnes Nihil EP CD 2022
Vukari Omnes Nihil EP 12" vinyl 2022
Wandar Zyklus Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Wandar Zyklus Full-length CD 2019
Wandar Landlose Ufer Full-length Digital 2021
Wandar Landlose Ufer Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Wandar Landlose Ufer Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Whitehorse Batillus / Whitehorse Split 12" vinyl 2012
Batillus Batillus / Whitehorse Split 12" vinyl 2012
Whitehorse Whitehorse / Hot Graves Split 7" vinyl 2012
Hot Graves Whitehorse / Hot Graves Split 7" vinyl 2012
Whitehorse Negative Standards / Whitehorse Split 12" vinyl 2013
Negative Standards Negative Standards / Whitehorse Split 12" vinyl 2013
Whitehorse Raised into Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Whitehorse Whitehorse / Upyr Split 12" vinyl 2017
Upyr Whitehorse / Upyr Split 12" vinyl 2017
Whitehorse Fire to Light the Way / Everything Ablaze EP 12" vinyl 2014
Whitehorse Batillus / Whitehorse Split Digital 2015
Batillus Batillus / Whitehorse Split Digital 2015
Whitehorse Whitehorse / Upyr Split Digital 2017
Upyr Whitehorse / Upyr Split Digital 2017
Widertod Anemoia Full-length CD 2024
Widertod Anemoia Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Widertod Anemoia Full-length Digital 2024
Wild Hunt Afterdream of the Reveller Full-length CD 2018
Wild Hunt Afterdream of the Reveller Full-length Cassette 2018
Wild Hunt Afterdream of the Reveller Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2018
Wilt Moving Monoliths Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Wilt Ruin Full-length CD 2018
Wilt Ruin Full-length Digital 2018
Wilt Ruin Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Wilt Moving Monoliths Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Wilt Huginn EP 12" vinyl 2023
Wilt Huginn EP CD 2023
Wilt Huginn EP Digital 2023
Witchcult Cantate of the Black Mass Full-length Digital 2019
Witchcult Cantate of the Black Mass Full-length CD 2019
Witchcult Cantate of the Black Mass Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Wode Wode Full-length CD 2016
Wode Wode Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Woe A Spell for the Death of Man Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Woe Hope Attrition Full-length CD 2017
Woe Hope Attrition Full-length Cassette 2017
Woe Hope Attrition Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Woe A Violent Dread EP Digital 2019
Woe A Violent Dread EP 12" vinyl 2019
Woe Legacies of Frailty Full-length CD 2023
Woe Legacies of Frailty Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Woe Legacies of Frailty Full-length Cassette 2023
Woe Legacies of Frailty Full-length Digital 2023
Yith Dread Full-length CD 2017
Yith Dread Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Yith Immemorial Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Yith Immemorial Full-length CD 2018
Yith Immemorial Full-length Digital 2018
Yith Passage Full-length 12" vinyl 2021