Nuclear Winter Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Athens
Country Greece
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal
Founding Date 1998
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Martyrdoom Productions

Online Presence

Official site @


Name Country Genre Status
Blasphematory United States death Current
Chapel of Samhain Portugal black, death Current
Cruz Spain death, thrash Current
Draghkar United States death Current
Embrace of Thorns Greece black, death Current
Encryptment Sweden crust, death, grind, hardcore Current
Endless Loss Australia black, crust, death Current
Excarnated Entity United States death, doom Current
Kvadrat Greece black, death Current
Mortual Costa Rica death Current
Sarcophagum Australia death Current
Acrimonious Greece black Past
Altars Australia death Past
Anhedonist United States death, doom Past
Antediluvian Canada black, death Past
Anticreation Greece black, death Past
Aphotic Italy atmospheric, death, doom Past
Beyond Mortal Dreams Australia death Past
Castleumbra Mexico death Past
Centinex Sweden death Past
Ceremonial Execution Sweden death Past
Coffin Texts United States death Past
Corpus Mortale Denmark brutal, death Past
Cruciamentum United Kingdom death Past
Crucifixion United States death Past
Daeva United States black, thrash Past
Dead Congregation Greece death Past
Defiler Sweden death Past
Delve Sweden death Past
Desekryptor United States death Past
Deviant Sweden death Past
Devilry Finland black, death Past
Drawn and Quartered United States death Past
Drowned Germany death Past
Encabulos Australia brutal, death Past
Ensnared Sweden death Past
Eskhaton Australia death Past
Flauros Finland black Past
Fossilized United States death Past
Funeral Sweden death, doom Past
Gates of Tyrant Chile black Past
Golgothan Remains Australia death Past
Grave Miasma United Kingdom black, death Past
Half Visible Presence Netherlands black, doom, funeral Past
Hatespawn Germany death Past
Impure Worship Greece black Past
Impurity United States death Past
Infester United States death Past
Insision Sweden brutal, death Past
Inveracity Greece brutal, death, technical Past
Kaal Akuma Bangladesh death Past
Kaamos Sweden death Past
Karnarium Sweden death Past
Kawir Greece black, pagan Past
Laceration Mantra Australia death Past
Lie in Ruins Finland death Past
Maveth Finland black, death Past
Morbid Stench International death, doom Past
Mythos Finland black, death Past
Necroracle Spain black, death Past
Necrovorous Greece death Past
Nominon Sweden death Past
Noose Rot United States death, doom Past
Nuclear Winter Greece death Past
Pestilength Spain black, doom Past
Phrenelith Denmark death Past
Plague Greece death Past
Plague Bearer United States black, death Past
Pyre Russia death Past
Rotten Tomb Chile death Past
Rotting Christ Greece black, gothic, melodic Past
Ruin Lust United States black, death Past
Sacrilegion United States death Past
Saturnalia Temple Sweden doom, stoner Past
Scythian United Kingdom death, thrash Past
Sort Sind Denmark black, death Past
Sun's Blood Netherlands death Past
Sworn Sweden death Past
Teitanblood Spain black, death Past
Temple Nightside Australia black, death Past
Tormented Sweden death Past
Trial (Swe) Sweden heavy Past
Usipian Denmark death Past
Verminous Sweden death Past
Witch Vomit United States death Past
Witchrist New Zealand black, death, doom Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Acrimonious Perdition Gospel EP Cassette 2006
Acrimonious Broken Bonds of Balance EP 7" vinyl 2007
Altars Paramnesia Full-length CD 2013
Anhedonist Netherwards Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Antediluvian Cogitating Vacuous Split 7" vinyl 2012
Temple Nightside Cogitating Vacuous Split 7" vinyl 2012
Antediluvian Cogitating Vacuous Split 7" vinyl 2012
Temple Nightside Cogitating Vacuous Split 7" vinyl 2012
Antediluvian Communion with the Void Single Digital 2012
Anticreation From the Dust of Embers Full-length Digital 2022
Aphotic Abyssgazer Full-length Digital 2023
Beyond Mortal Dreams From Hell Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Blasphematory Depths of the Obscurity Full-length CD 2020
Blasphematory Depths of the Obscurity Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Blasphematory The Lower Catacombs Full-length CD 2022
Blasphematory The Lower Catacombs Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Blasphematory The Lower Catacombs Full-length Digital 2022
Castleumbra Cthulu Wgah Nagl Fntagn EP CD 2013
Castleumbra Cthulu Wgah'nagl Fntagn EP 12" vinyl 2013
Centinex Malleus Maleficarum Full-length Cassette 2013
Ceremonial Execution Death Shall Set Us Free Full-length CD 2010
Chapel of Samhain Black Onyx Cave Full-length CD 2024
Coffin Texts Gods of Creation, Death & Afterlife Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Coffin Texts Gods of Creation, Death & Afterlife Full-length CD 2008
Corpus Mortale Seize the Moment of Murder EP 7" vinyl 2006
Cruciamentum Engulfed in Desolation EP CD 2011
Cruciamentum Engulfed in Desolation EP 12" vinyl 2011
Cruciamentum Convocation of Crawling Chaos Demo 10" vinyl 2011
Cruciamentum Convocation of Crawling Chaos Demo CD 2011
Cruciamentum Engulfed in Desolation EP CD 2019
Cruciamentum Convocation of Crawling Chaos Demo CD 2019
Cruciamentum Convocation of Crawling Chaos Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Cruciamentum Convocation of Crawling Chaos Demo Cassette 2021
Cruciamentum Convocation of Crawling Chaos Demo Cassette 2022
Cruciamentum Engulfed in Desolation EP Cassette 2022
Crucifixion Desert of Shattered Hopes Full-length Digital 2022
Crucifixion Desert of Shattered Hopes Full-length Vinyl 2022
Cruz Confines de la cordura Full-length Digital 2022
Cruz Confines de la cordura Full-length CD 2022
Cruz Confines de la cordura Full-length Cassette 2022
Cruz Confines de la cordura Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Daeva Pulsing Dark Absorptions EP CD 2019
Dead Congregation Dead Congregation / Hatespawn Split 7" vinyl 2008
Hatespawn Dead Congregation / Hatespawn Split 7" vinyl 2008
Dead Congregation Dead Congregation / Hatespawn Split CD 2009
Hatespawn Dead Congregation / Hatespawn Split CD 2009
Dead Congregation Purifying Consecrated Ground EP Cassette 2005
Dead Congregation Purifying Consecrated Ground EP CD 2012
Dead Congregation Graves of the Archangels Full-length Cassette 2011
Dead Congregation Graves of the Archangels Full-length Cassette 2013
Dead Congregation Graves of the Archangels Full-length Cassette 2015
Dead Congregation Graves of the Archangels Full-length Cassette 2022
Dead Congregation Rehearsal June 2005 EP 7" vinyl 2024
Delve Sentenced by the Unknown Demo Cassette 2001
Delve The Dead Amongst EP CD 2002
Desekryptor Curse of the Execrated EP CD 2024
Desekryptor Curse of the Execrated EP 7" vinyl 2024
Deviant Tools of Termination Demo Cassette 2004
Deviant Apathyphus EP CD 2007
Devilry Satanasphere EP 7" vinyl 2000
Devilry Devilry / Flauros Split Cassette 2001
Flauros Devilry / Flauros Split Cassette 2001
Draghkar At the Crossroads of Infinity Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Drawn and Quartered Conquerors of Sodom EP 7" vinyl 2011
Drawn and Quartered Feeding Hell's Furnace Full-length CD 2012
Drawn and Quartered Feeding Hell's Furnace Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Drawn and Quartered Feeding Hell's Furnace Full-length CD 2017
Drowned Viscera Terræ Demo 12" vinyl 2007
Drowned Viscera Terræ Demo 12" vinyl 2010
Drowned Viscera Terræ Demo CD 2012
Embrace of Thorns Atonement Ritual Full-length Cassette 2009
Embrace of Thorns Entropy Dynamics Full-length CD 2022
Embrace of Thorns Entropy Dynamics Full-length Digital 2022
Embrace of Thorns Entropy Dynamics Full-length Cassette 2022
Embrace of Thorns Entropy Dynamics Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Embrace of Thorns The Pantheon I EP CD 2022
Embrace of Thorns Atonement Ritual Full-length Cassette 2023
Encabulos Exhumed Abominations Compilation CD 2022
Encabulos Exhumed Abominations Compilation Digital 2022
Encryptment Dödens födsel Full-length CD 2022
Encryptment Dödens födsel Full-length Cassette 2022
Encryptment Dödens födsel Full-length Digital 2022
Encryptment Dödens födsel Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Endless Loss Traversing the Mephitic Artery Full-length CD 2024
Endless Loss Traversing the Mephitic Artery Full-length Digital 2024
Ensnared Ravenous Damnation's Dawn EP CD 2013
Ensnared Ensnared Demo Cassette 2011
Ensnared Ravenous Damnation's Dawn EP 12" vinyl 2013
Eskhaton Nihilgoety Full-length CD 2011
Eskhaton Devilment EP 7" vinyl 2018
Eskhaton Nihilgoety Full-length CD 2017
Excarnated Entity Stillborn in Ash Demo CD 2020
Excarnated Entity Stillborn in Ash Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Excarnated Entity Mass Grave Horizon Full-length CD 2023
Excarnated Entity Mass Grave Horizon Full-length Digital 2023
Excarnated Entity Mass Grave Horizon Full-length Vinyl 2023
Fossilized Remnants of Decimation EP Cassette 2022
Fossilized Remnants of Decimation EP Digital 2022
Funeral Forgotten Abominations EP 12" vinyl 2011
Funeral Forgotten Abominations EP CD 2011
Funeral Forgotten Abominations Demo Digital 2021
Gates of Tyrant Vortex Towards Death Full-length Vinyl 2022
Golgothan Remains Perverse Offerings to the Void Full-length CD 2022
Grave Miasma Realm of Evoked Doom EP CD 2010
Grave Miasma Realm of Evoked Doom EP CD 2021
Half Visible Presence Three​-​Faced Scapular of Death EP 12" vinyl 2022
Impure Worship Impure Worship EP 7" vinyl 2012
Impurity Unearthly Affinity EP CD 2003
Infester Darkness Unveiled Demo Digital 2022
Infester Darkness Unveiled Demo CD 2022
Infester Darkness Unveiled Demo Vinyl 2022
Insision Revelation of the SadoGod / Deceased... Abandoned... Disgraced Split 10" vinyl 2002
Inveracity Revelation of the SadoGod / Deceased... Abandoned... Disgraced Split 10" vinyl 2002
Kaal Akuma Turiya EP Digital 2023
Kaal Akuma Turiya EP CD 2023
Kaal Akuma Turiya EP Cassette 2023
Kaamos Scales of Leviathan EP CD 2007
Kaamos Curse of Aeons Demo 10" vinyl 2005
Karnarium Karnarium / Defiler Split 7" vinyl 2009
Defiler Karnarium / Defiler Split 7" vinyl 2009
Karnarium Otapamo Pralaja Full-length CD 2012
Karnarium Otapamo Pralaja Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Kawir Grunwald / Τιτανομαχία Split 7" vinyl 2011
Scythian Grunwald / Τιτανομαχία Split 7" vinyl 2011
Kvadrat The Horrible Dissonance of Oblivion Full-length CD 2024
Kvadrat The Horrible Dissonance of Oblivion Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Laceration Mantra Infested Full-length CD 2021
Lie in Ruins Swallowed by the Void Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Maveth Breath of an Abomination Compilation CD 2011
Morbid Stench The Rotting Ways of Doom Full-length Digital 2023
Morbid Stench The Rotting Ways of Doom Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Mortual Evil Incarnation EP Digital 2023
Mortual Evil Incarnation EP CD 2023
Mortual Evil Incarnation EP Cassette 2023
Mortual Evil Incarnation EP 12" vinyl 2024
Mythos Pain Amplifier Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Mythos Moulded in Clay Demo 10" vinyl 2009
Mythos Moulded in Clay Demo CD 2022
Mythos Moulded in Clay Demo Cassette 2022
Mythos Moulded in Clay Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Necroracle Arcane Impious Sorceries Full-length CD 2024
Necrovorous Promo 2013 Demo Cassette 2013
Nominon The True Face of Death EP CD 2004
Nominon Blaspheming the Dead EP Cassette 2003
Nominon Blaspheming the Dead EP 7" vinyl 2004
Noose Rot The Creeping Unknown EP CD 2019
Nuclear Winter Πυρηνικός χειμώνας Demo CD 1997
Pestilength Basom Gryphos Full-length CD 2022
Pestilength Basom Gryphos Full-length Cassette 2022
Pestilength Solar Clorex Full-length Cassette 2024
Phrenelith Chimaera Full-length CD 2021
Phrenelith Chimaera Full-length Digital 2021
Phrenelith Chimaera Full-length Cassette 2021
Phrenelith Chimaera Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Phrenelith Chimaera Full-length Cassette 2022
Plague Portraits of Mind Full-length Cassette 2021
Plague Bearer Rise of the Goat EP 7" vinyl 2006
Pyre Human Hecatomb Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Pyre Human Hecatomb Full-length Digital 2022
Rotten Tomb Visions of a Dismal Fate Full-length CD 2022
Rotten Tomb Visions of a Dismal Fate Full-length Cassette 2022
Rotting Christ Early Days - Tape Series Boxed set 3 cassettes 2012
Rotting Christ Satanas Tedeum Demo Cassette 2012
Rotting Christ Passage to Arcturo EP Cassette 2012
Rotting Christ Ade's Winds... Demo Cassette 2012
Rotting Christ Ade's Winds... Demo Cassette 2013
Rotting Christ Passage to Arcturo EP Cassette 2013
Ruin Lust Sacrifice Full-length CD 2019
Sacrilegion From Which Nightmares Crawl Full-length Cassette 2022
Sarcophagum Conduits to the Underworld EP Digital 2022
Sarcophagum Conduits to the Underworld EP CD 2022
Sarcophagum Conduits to the Underworld EP Cassette 2022
Saturnalia Temple Saturnalia Temple EP 7" vinyl 2009
Saturnalia Temple Aion of Drakon Full-length CD 2011
Saturnalia Temple Aion of Drakon Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Sort Sind I skyggen af livet Full-length Digital 2023
Sort Sind I skyggen af livet Full-length CD 2023
Sort Sind I skyggen af livet Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sun's Blood Obscurations to Zos Demo Cassette 2012
Sworn Impious Beast Within EP CD 2007
Teitanblood Black Putrescence of Evil Compilation CD 2009
Teitanblood Black Putrescence of Evil Compilation CD 2021
Temple Nightside Condemnation Full-length CD 2013
Temple Nightside Prophecies of Malevolence Demo 12" vinyl 2011
Temple Nightside Condemnation Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Temple Nightside Prophecies of Malevolence Demo CD 2021
Tormented Rotten Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Trial (Swe) Malicious Arts EP 7" vinyl 2013
Usipian In Skinless Form EP CD 2009
Verminous Smell the Birth of Death EP 7" vinyl 2003
Verminous Smell the Birth of Death EP CD 2009
Witch Vomit Poisoned Blood EP CD 2018
Witch Vomit The Webs of Horror EP CD 2023
Witch Vomit The Webs of Horror EP 12" vinyl 2023
Witchrist Curses of Annihilation Compilation 12" vinyl 2011