Exiting Mortuary - Hemorrhagic Fevers

JSON | Metal Archives


Release Type Full-length
Release Date March 17th, 2024
Label Independent
Media Format Digital
Reviews None yet


No. Title Length
1 Somatic Hallucination 41 secs
2 The Weeds and the Swamp-Lands 3 mins, 1 secs
3 Spinal Cord Toothpick 1 mins, 45 secs
4 Four Thighs and Six Legs 2 mins, 53 secs
5 Hemorrhagic Fevers 2 mins, 31 secs
6 The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers 2 mins, 15 secs
7 Heading Out like a Fetus 2 mins, 27 secs
8 Turkey Baster Abortion 2 mins, 11 secs
9 Intestinal Vomit 2 mins, 15 secs
10 Bright Red Skind and Yellow Large Eyes 2 mins, 47 secs
11 Get Me to Hell 2 mins, 44 secs