Gangrene Discharge - Carvin' 'em Up!

JSON | Metal Archives


Release Type EP
Release Date April 12th, 2024
Label Independent
Media Format Digital
Reviews None yet


No. Title Length
1 All of My Best Friends are Bodies 53 secs
2 Unfit for Consumption 1 mins, 8 secs
3 Mingling with the Bloody Bits 46 secs
4 Compersive Emesis 45 secs
5 Legions of Voracity 51 secs
6 Rapid Decline of Mental Instability 29 secs
7 Gaseous Extirpation of Pelvic Suppuration 1 mins, 12 secs
8 Morose Genital Leprosy 54 secs
9 Suspended by Muscle 48 secs
10 Inhumane Dismemberment of a Haemophiliac 1 mins, 7 secs