Genophobic Perversion - Amassed Putrefied Remains

JSON | Metal Archives


Release Type Full-length
Release Date March 29th, 2024
Label Independent
Media Format Digital
Version Desc Bandcamp
Reviews None yet


No. Title Length
1 Ran Over by a Garbage Truck (On Purpose) 39 secs
2 Sickened by the Familiar Stench 41 secs
3 Amassed Putrefied Remains 50 secs
4 Bubbling Pool of Pulp-Like Human Remains Soaking in Acid and Drain Declogger 1 mins
5 Fingers Down the Throat in Order to Extract Vomit 1 mins, 33 secs
6 Endless Inescapable Realm of Sewage 1 mins, 37 secs
7 Degloved Apendages (Fried Up and Force-Fed) 44 secs
8 Sliced Open with a Soda Can 45 secs
9 Your Head Would Look Great On My Wall (The Most Dangerous Game) 1 mins
10 Organs Inevitably Removed 41 secs
11 Beaten Within an Inch of Your Life (And Then Some) 1 mins, 9 secs
12 The Entirety of a Human Life Condensed Into One Minute and Twenty-Three Seconds 1 mins, 23 secs
13 Aerobics Accident (Snapped in Two) 1 mins, 11 secs
14 Skull Grater Applied as I Dig for Brains 1 mins, 39 secs
15 Preemtively Issued Death Certificate 1 mins, 17 secs
16 Climbing into a Jet Engine Just To Feel The Rush of Air (And Recieving Much More Than I Bargained For) 1 mins, 9 secs
17 Paint Found in the Stomach of the Corpse 2 mins, 56 secs
18 Surrounded by Endless Screens of Gore (Part One: Pleasures of the Sadistic Variety) 47 secs
19 Stuck in a Meat Locker and Frozen for One Thousand Years 21 secs
20 Brain Implosion Induced Via Rapid Vibrations 1 mins, 21 secs
21 Your Body Ground Into Powder and Placed in Tea Bags 1 mins, 9 secs
22 Cannibal Cravings Satiated in a Four Course Meal 1 mins, 17 secs
23 The Full Extent of the Mutilation Was Unexplainable 1 mins, 11 secs
24 Surrounded by Endless Screens of Gore (Part Two: Pleasures of the Masochistic Variety) 1 mins, 32 secs
25 Carved Up and Left in the Desert for Vultures to Feast on Your Corpse 58 secs
26 Covered with Faeces as Decoration (Last Days of Humanity) 40 secs