Sick to the Back Teeth - Arched Light

JSON | Metal Archives


Release Type Full-length
Release Date April 25th, 2024
Label Independent
Media Format Digital
Reviews None yet


No. Title Length
1 White Glinting Water Welling in, Mouthing the Stones of the Sea-Wall 17 mins, 8 secs
2 Moored Boats Pecking at the Water 4 mins, 8 secs
3 Dark Red Glasswort Shining like Drowning Blood 15 mins, 21 secs
4 Revolve the Long Estuary Through Turning Eyes 5 mins, 3 secs
5 Let the Water Smooth Out Its Healing Line 18 mins, 10 secs
6 Like Touch of Dock on Nettled Finger 20 mins, 8 secs
7 Leave the Wader-Teeming Skies, Soft Over Still Water, Arched Light (Part One) 20 mins, 3 secs
8 Leave the Wader-Teeming SKies, Soft Over Still Water, Arched Light (Part Two) 20 mins, 9 secs